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Avramov, P. V.*; Kuzubov, A. A.*; 境 誠司; 大伴 真名歩*; 圓谷 志郎; 松本 吉弘*; Eleseeva, N. S.*; Pomogaev, V. A.*; 楢本 洋*
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 18(7), p.552 - 568, 2014/07
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:5.02(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)A wide variety of planar and curved fused porphyrin/metalloporphyrin nanoclusters have been studied at the LC-GGA DFT level. It was found that curved and hollow-caged 0D and 1D nanoclusters are metastable and bear unique atomic and electronic structure and mechanical properties. Under different types of mechanical loads the nanoclusters display ultrastrong and superelastic properties. The curvature of the hollow cage nanoclusters leads to the redistribution of the metal d states near the Fermi level. The extremely high spin states allow one to use Fe-porphyrin nanoclusters as molecular supermagnets and logic quantum gates for holonomic quantum computations.
Pomogaev, V.*; Pomogaeva, A.*; Avramov, P.; Jalkanen, K. J.*; Kachin, S.*
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 130(4-6), p.609 - 632, 2011/12
被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:20.68(Chemistry, Physical)Three polycyclic organic molecules in various solvents under thermo-dynamical influence were theoretically investigated using the recently developed statistical quantum mechanical/classical molecular dynamics (SQMMD) method for simulating electronic-vibrational spectra. The absorption bands of estradiol, benzene, and cyanoanthracene have been simulated, and most notably, the increase in the spectral intensity for the lowest excited state transition as the temperature is increased observed experimentally is well reproduced. In addition, this method has been extended to also treat luminescent processes, and it is seen that the experimental emission spectrum of cyanoanthracene is also well described. The method still needs further refinement, but results to date, including those presented in this work, document clearly that our model is one which is able to treat the many complex effects that the environment have on electronic absorption and emission spectra.