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Journal Articles

Improvement of poly(vinyl alcohol) properties by the addition of magnesium nitrate

Kubo, Junichi*; Rahman, N.*; Takahashi, Nobuaki; Kawai, Takahiko*; Matsuba, Go*; Nishida, Koji*; Kanaya, Toshiji*; Yamamoto, Masahide*

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112(3), p.1647 - 1652, 2009/05

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:63.26(Polymer Science)

Aiming at improvement of mechanical and dielectric properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) we prepared composites of PVA and magnesium nitrate. It was found that the composites were very soft and rubber-like, and the glass transition temperature decreased with increasing the salt concentration. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering revealed that the crystallites of PVA were destroyed by the additive and it was a cause of the softening.

Journal Articles

A New digital autoradiographical method for identification of Pu particles using an imaging plate

Koarashi, Jun; Saito, Fumihiro; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Rahman, N. M.*; Iida, Takao*

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 65(4), p.413 - 418, 2007/04

 Times Cited Count:35 Percentile:89.50(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Evaluation of aerosol sizing characteristic of an impactor using imaging plate technique

Rahman, N. M.*; Iida, Takao*; Saito, Fumihiro; Koarashi, Jun; Yamasaki, Keizo*; Yamazawa, Hiromi*; Moriizumi, Jun*

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 123(2), p.171 - 181, 2007/02

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:62.97(Environmental Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of a new digital autoradiographical method for identification of Pu particles

Koarashi, Jun; Saito, Fumihiro; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Rahman, N. M.*; Iida, Takao*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Detection of alpha-emitting radionuclides using an imaging plate and its applications

Koarashi, Jun; Saito, Fumihiro; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Iida, Takao*; Rahman, N. M.*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Ultra fine particle generation and induced radioactivity in electron linear accelerator

Yamasaki, Keizo*; Oki, Yuichi*; Osada, Naoyuki*; Yokoyama, Sumi; Yamada, Yuji*; Tokonami, Shinji*; Fukutsu, Kumiko*; Iida, Takao*; Rahman, N. M.*; Shimo, Michikuni*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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