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Journal Articles

Radiation damage calculation in PHITS and benchmarking experiment for cryogenic-sample high-energy proton irradiation

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Matsuda, Hiroki; Meigo, Shinichiro; Satoh, Daiki; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*; Yoshida, Makoto*; Ishi, Yoshihiro*; Kuriyama, Yasutoshi*; Uesugi, Tomonori*; Yashima, Hiroshi*; et al.

Proceedings of 61st ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (HB 2018) (Internet), p.116 - 121, 2018/07

The radiation damage model in the radiation transport code PHITS has been developed to calculate the basic data of the radiation damage including the energy of the target Primary Knock on Atom (PKA). For the high-energy proton incident reactions, a target PKA created by the secondary particles was more dominant than a target PKA created by the projectile. To validate the radiation damage model in metals irradiated by $$>$$100 MeV protons, we developed a proton irradiation device with a Gifford-McMahon cryocooler to cryogenically cool wire samples. By using this device, the defect-induced electrical resistivity changes related to the DPA cross section of copper and aluminum were measured under irradiation with 125 and 200 MeV protons at cryogenic temperature. A comparison of the experimental data with the calculated results indicates that the DPA cross section with defect production efficiencies provide better quantitative descriptions.

Journal Articles

Development of displacement damage model in PHITS and comparison with other codes in a high-energy region

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Niita, Koji*; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Ronningen, R. M.*; Baumann, T.*

Proceedings of 11th Meeting of the Task Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-11), p.91 - 98, 2013/10

We have developed the displacement damage model in PHITS using the screened Coulomb scattering and the nuclear reaction model to evaluate the energy of the target PKA created by the projectile and the "secondary particles" which include all particles created from the sequential nuclear reactions. For the high-energy proton and neutron incident reactions, it was found that a target PKA created by the "secondary particles" is more dominant than a target PKA created by the projectile in DPA calculations. Recently, radiation damage models in other codes such as FLUKA, MARS, MCNP have also been developed. As there is few experimental data in a high energy region, an intercomparison of Monte Carlo codes used in the radiation damage calculation is very important for the improvement of models. In the meeting, we will also discuss the comparison between PHITS and FLUKA for the high-energy proton and neutron irradiation.

Journal Articles

Displacement damage calculations in PHITS for copper irradiated with charged particles and neutrons

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Niita, Koji*; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Ronningen, R. M.*; Baumann, T.*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 303, p.120 - 124, 2013/05

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:62.41(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Recently, the radiation damage model in PHITS has been developed using the screened Coulomb scattering to evaluate the energy of the target PKA (Primary Knock on Atom) created by the projectile and the "secondary particles" which include all particles created from the sequential nuclear reactions. For the high-energy proton and $$^{3}$$He incident reactions, a target PKA created by the "secondary particles" was more dominant than a target PKA created by the projectile in DPA calculations. Thus improved PHITS is applicable to evaluate the displacement cross sections for the various particles and over a wide energy range and to calculate DPA values determined by different particles and fluxes in an irradiation environment. In the meeting, we will also present DPA values and energy spectra for secondary particles created by neutrons in the energy ranges from thermal to around 1 GeV.

Journal Articles

Improvement of radiation damage calculation in PHITS and tests for copper and tungsten irradiated with protons and heavy-ions over a wide energy range

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Niita, Koji*; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Ronningen, R. M.*; Baumann, T.*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 274, p.57 - 64, 2012/03

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:85.61(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The radiation damage model in the PHITS has been improved using the screened Coulomb scattering to evaluate the energy of the target PKA (Primary Knock on Atom) created by the projectile and the secondary particles from the nuclear reactions. For the high-energy proton and $$^{3}$$He incident reactions, a target PKA created by the secondary particles was more dominant than a target PKA created by the projectile in DPA calculations. Therefore, the improved PHITS can calculate DPA values at high energies and TRIM leads to severe underestimation where projectile energy is high enough to create nuclear reactions. Thus improved PHITS is applicable to evaluate the displacement cross sections for the various particles and over a wide energy range and to calculate DPA values determined by different particles and fluxes in an irradiation environment.

Journal Articles

DPA calculations for heavy-ion and proton incident reactions in high-energy region using the PHITS code

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Niita, Koji*; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Ronningen, R. M.*; Baumann, T.*

JAEA-Conf 2011-002, p.157 - 162, 2011/09

Radiation damage measured as a function of DPA is one of the critical issues for high-intensity beams, especially heavy-ions. The DPA model in PHITS has recently been extended to include contributions from Coulomb elastic scattering of transported charged particles. For the Coulomb elastic scattering, a universal one-parameter differential scattering cross section equation introduced by J. Lindhard et al. is employed instead of the differential Rutherford cross section which is a function of six parameters; charge and mass number of incident and produced particles, kinetic energy of incident particle and scattered angle. In this work, we compare PHITS results for the 130 MeV/u $$^{76}$$6Ge+$$^{184}$$W reaction with calculated results of TRIM which is two-dimensional damage calculation code. Then we calculate DPA for different ions, targets and energies in the energy region from 100 MeV/u to 1 GeV/u and evaluate the systematics of DPA.

Journal Articles

Attenuation of ambient dose equivalent from neutrons by thick concrete, cast iron and composite shields for high energy proton, $$^{3}$$He, $$^{48}$$Ca and $$^{238}$$U ions on Cu targets for shielding design

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Ronningen, R. M.*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 269(3), p.353 - 363, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:47.45(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Data on neutron dose attenuation by thick concrete, cast iron, and cast iron plus concrete composite shields for heavy ions and protons having high energies (200 - 1000 MeV/u) are necessary for shielding designs of high-powered heavy ion accelerator facilities. Neutron production source terms, shield material attenuation lengths, and neutron dose rate reduction effectiveness of the bulk shielding in the angular range from 0$$^{circ}$$ to 125$$^{circ}$$ were determined by the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport Code (PHITS) for beams of 300 and 550 MeV/u $$^{48}$$Ca ions, 200 and 400 MeV/u $$^{238}$$U ions, 800 MeV/u $$^{3}$$He and 1 GeV protons. Calculated results of interaction lengths of concrete and cast iron were also compared with similar work performed by Agosteo et al., and to experimental and other calculated data on interaction lengths. The agreement can be regarded as acceptable.

Journal Articles

Estimating neutron dose equivalent rates from heavy ion reactions around 10 MeV amu$$^{-1}$$ using the PHITS code

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Ronningen, R. M.*; Niita, Koji*

Health Physics, 98(4), p.591 - 596, 2010/04

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:29.68(Environmental Sciences)

The influence of the "switching time" in PHITS calculations of low-energy heavy ion reactions, defined as the time when the JAERI Quantum Molecular Dynamics model calculation stops and the Generalized Evaporation Model calculation begins, was studied using neutron energy spectra from around 10 MeV/u heavy ion incident on a copper target. Using a value of 100 fm/c for the switching time, calculated neutron energy spectra obtained agree well with the experimental data. PHITS was then used with the switching time of 100 fm/c to simulate an experimental study by calculating neutron dose equivalent rates produced by 3 MeV/u to 16 MeV/u heavy ion beams incident on iron, nickel and copper targets. The calculated neutron dose equivalent rates agree very well with the data and follow a general pattern which appears to be insensitive to the heavy ion species but is sensitive to the target material.

Journal Articles

Neutron energy spectra and dose equivalent rates from heavy-ion reactions below 20 MeV/u using the PHITS code

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Ronningen, R. M.*; Niita, Koji*

Proceedings of 2009 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC '09) (DVD-ROM), p.1683 - 1685, 2009/05

The reliability of PHITS at low energies has not been investigated. In this work, neutron energy spectra from 10 MeV/u $$^{12}$$C and $$^{16}$$O ions incidence have been calculated using the QMD model coupled to the GEM model in PHITS. In particular, the influence of the "switching time", defined as the time when the QMD calculation is stopped and the calculation switches to the GEM model, was studied. The calculated neutron energy spectra obtained using a value of 100 fm/c for the switching time agree well with the experimental data. We have also used PHITS to simulate an experimental study by Ohnesorge et al., by calculating neutron dose equivalent rates, for 3-16 MeV/u $$^{12}$$C, $$^{16}$$O and $$^{20}$$Ne beams incident on Fe, Ni and Cu targets. The calculated neutron dose equivalent rates agree well with the data.

Oral presentation

Development of displacement damage calculation method in PHITS

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Niita, Koji*; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Harada, Masahide; Ronningen, R. M.*; Baumann, T.*

no journal, , 

Recently, we have developed a calculation method of the displacement cross-sections in the energy range from 10$$^{-10}$$ MeV to 3 GeV, including event generator and Coulomb scattering in the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). Including the defect production efficiencies as a function of the damage energy, calculated results for low-energy neutron and proton irradiation on copper and 1.1 and 1.94 GeV protons on copper gave good agreements with experimental data. As a results of application of J-PARC ADS target test facility (TEF-T) at a beam window and a irradiation specimen, the contribution of protons to DPA values is higher than that of neutrons by a factor of about three.

Oral presentation

DPA calculations for proton and heavy ion incident reactions in wide-energy region using the PHITS code

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Niita, Koji*; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Ronningen, R. M.*; Baumann, T.*

no journal, , 

The DPA (Displacement per Atom) model in the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) has recently been developed using Coulomb scattering to evaluate the energy of target PKA's created by the projectile and the secondary from nuclear reactions. We compared PHITS results for the 130 MeV/u $$^{76}$$Ge and proton into W reactions with calculated results of TRIM, which is widely used but does not include nuclear reactions. PHITS gives good agreements with TRIM results for DPA values by PKA's created directly by the projectile such as $$^{76}$$Ge and proton. On the other hands, for the proton incident reaction, PKA's created by the secondary particles is more dominant than PKA's by the projectile itself in DPA calculations. Therefore, TRIM leads to sever underestimation where projectile energy is high enough to create nuclear reactions. PHITS is more reliable code than TRIM for DPA calculations, especially in the high-energy region and proton incidence.

10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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