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Journal Articles

Fabrication of enzyme-degradable and size-controlled protein nanowires using single particle nano-fabrication technique

Omichi, Masaaki*; Asano, Atsushi*; Tsukuda, Satoshi*; Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Sugimoto, Masaki; Saeki, Akinori*; Sakamaki, Daisuke*; Onoda, Akira*; Hayashi, Takashi*; Seki, Shu*

Nature Communications (Internet), 5, p.3718_1 - 3718_8, 2014/04

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:77.24(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Protein nanowires exhibiting specific biological activities hold promise for interacting with living cells and controlling and predicting biological responses such as apoptosis, endocytosis and cell adhesion. Here we report the result of the interaction of a single high-energy charged particle with protein molecules. Degradation of the human serum albumin nanowires was examined using trypsin. The biotinylated human serum albumin nanowires bound avidin, demonstrating the high affinity of the nanowires. Human serum albumin-avidin hybrid nanowires were also fabricated from a solid state mixture and exhibited good mechanical strength. The biotinylated human serum albumin nanowires can be transformed into nanowires exhibiting a biological function such as avidin-biotinyl interactions and peroxidase activity. The present technique is a versatile platform for functionalizing the surface of any protein molecule with an extremely large surface area.

Journal Articles

Visualization of a single cluster particle track in polystyrene films

Asano, Atsushi*; Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Chiba, Atsuya; Saito, Yuichi; Marui, Hiromi*; Omichi, Masaaki*; Maeyoshi, Yuta*; Honsho, Yoshito*; Saeki, Akinori*; Yamada, Keisuke; et al.

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 163, 2013/01

Journal Articles

Fullerene nanowires as a versatile platform for organic electronics

Maeyoshi, Yuta*; Saeki, Akinori*; Suwa, Shotaro*; Omichi, Masaaki*; Marui, Hiromi*; Asano, Atsushi*; Tsukuda, Satoshi*; Sugimoto, Masaki; Kishimura, Akihiro*; Kataoka, Kazunori*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 2, p.600_1 - 600_6, 2012/08

 Times Cited Count:46 Percentile:71.36(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

The development of organic semiconducting nanowires that act as charge carrier transport pathways in flexible and lightweight nano-electronics is a major scientific challenge. We report on the fabrication of fullerene nanowires that is universally applicable to its derivatives (pristine C$$_{60}$$, methanofullerenes of C$$_{61}$$ and C$$_{71}$$, and indene C$$_{60}$$ bis-adduct). Nanowires with radii of 8$$sim$$11 nm were formed via a chain polymerization reaction induced by a high-energy ion beam. Fabrication of a poly(3-hexylthiophene): [6,6]-phenyl C$$_{61}$$ butyric acid methyl ester (PC$$_{61}$$BM) bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic cell including PC$$_{61}$$BM nanowires with precisely-controlled length and density demonstrates how application of this methodology can improve the power conversion efficiency of these inverted cells.

Journal Articles

Microprocessing of arched bridge structures with epoxy resin by proton beam writing

Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Asano, Atsushi*; Maeyoshi, Yuta*; Marui, Hiromi*; Omichi, Masaaki*; Saeki, Akinori*; Seki, Shu*; Sato, Takahiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Kamiya, Tomihiro; et al.

Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 25(1), p.43 - 46, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:9.37(Polymer Science)

Journal Articles

Fabrication of concave and convex structure array consisted of epoxy long-nanowires by light and heavy ion beams lithography

Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Sugimoto, Masaki; Asano, Atsushi*; Maeyoshi, Yuta*; Marui, Hiromi*; Omichi, Masaaki*; Saeki, Akinori*; Seki, Shu*; Sato, Takahiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; et al.

Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 37(2), p.237 - 240, 2012/06

Journal Articles

Fabrication of poly(9,9'-dioctylfluorene)-based nano- and microstructures by proton beam writing

Maeyoshi, Yuta*; Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Asano, Atsushi*; Marui, Hiromi*; Omichi, Masaaki*; Sato, Takahiro; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Okubo, Takeru; Koka, Masashi; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(4R), p.045201_1 - 045201_4, 2012/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:4.25(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Ultrafast pulse radiolysis methods

Belloni, J.*; Crowell, R. A.*; Katsumura, Yosuke; Lin, M.; Marignier, J. L.*; Mostafavi, M.*; Muroya, Yusa*; Saeki, Akinori*; Tagawa, Seiichi*; Yoshida, Yoichi*; et al.

Recent Trends in Radiation Chemistry, p.121 - 160, 2010/05

In this review, we summarized development and application of highly time resolved spectroscopy system in order to measure radiation induced fast phenomena together with current status of the systems in the world.

Journal Articles

Primary process of radiation chemistry studied by ion pulse radiolysis

Yoshida, Yoichi*; Yang, J.*; Saeki, Akinori*; Tagawa, Seiichi*; Shibata, Hiromi*; Namba, Hideki; Kojima, Takuji; Taguchi, Mitsumasa

JAERI-Review 2004-025, TIARA Annual Report 2003, p.143 - 144, 2004/11

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Primary process of radiation chemistry studied by ion pulse radiolisys

Yoshida, Yoichi*; Yang, J.*; Seki, Shuhei*; Saeki, Akinori*; Tagawa, Seiichi*; Shibata, Hiromi*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Kojima, Takuji; Namba, Hideki

JAERI-Review 2003-033, TIARA Annual Report 2002, p.145 - 146, 2003/11

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Three dimensional nano-micro processing for polymer films by MeV ion beam lithography

Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Asano, Atsushi*; Maeyoshi, Yuta*; Marui, Hiromi*; Omichi, Masaaki*; Saeki, Akinori*; Seki, Shu*; Sato, Takahiro; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Three dimensional microprocessing for polymer films by mev ion beam lithography

Takano, Katsuyoshi*; Asano, Atsushi*; Maeyoshi, Yuta*; Marui, Hiromi*; Omichi, Masaaki*; Saeki, Akinori*; Seki, Shuhei*; Sato, Takahiro; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Kamiya, Tomihiro; et al.

no journal, , 

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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