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Journal Articles

Benchmark analysis on pipe support structures for establishing inelastic seismic design

Nakamura, Izumi*; Takito, Kiyotaka; Shimazu, Ryuya*; Okuda, Yukihiko; Sakai, Michiya*; Otani, Akihito*; Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Okuda, Takahiro; Shibutani, Tadahiro*; Shiratori, Masaki*

Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2024/07

Journal Articles

Upgrade of seismic design procedure for piping systems based on elastic-plastic response analysis

Nakamura, Izumi*; Otani, Akihito*; Okuda, Yukihiko; Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Takito, Kiyotaka; Okuda, Takahiro; Shimazu, Ryuya*; Sakai, Michiya*; Shibutani, Tadahiro*; Shiratori, Masaki*

Dai-10-Kai Kozobutsu No Anzensei, Shinraisei Ni Kansuru Kokunai Shimpojiumu (JCOSSAR2023) Koen Rombunshu (Internet), p.143 - 149, 2023/10

In 2019, the JSME Code Case for seismic design of nuclear power plant piping systems was published. The Code Case provides the strain-based fatigue criteria and detailed inelastic response analysis procedure as an alternative design rule to the current seismic design, which is based on the stress evaluation by elastic response analysis. In 2022, it was approved to revise the Code Case with improving the cycle counting method for fatigue evaluation to the Rain flow method. In addition, the discussion to incorporate the elastic-plastic behavior of support structures is now in progress for the next revision of the Code Case. This paper discusses the contents and background of the 2022 revision, the progress of the next revision, and future tasks.

Journal Articles

Hybrid dynamic response test focusing on the support structure of piping systems

Okuda, Yukihiko; Nishida, Akemi; Sakai, Michiya*; Shiogama, Yuzo*; Li, Y.

Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 28) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2021/08

To develop a more realistic seismic evaluation method of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to evaluate the seismic behavior considering the joints of each component that are treated as independent models during design evaluation, such as buildings, equipment, and piping systems. Particularly, the piping support structure, which is the joint between the building and piping, is important in the seismic evaluation of the piping system. While the current seismic evaluation of piping support structures is performed within the elastic range, it is important to consider the realistic elastic-plastic response of piping support structures for fragility assessment in seismic probabilistic risk assessment. However, the seismic evaluation method that considers the elastic-plastic response of piping support structures has not yet been established, and there is a need to improve seismic evaluation methods. In this study, a hybrid dynamic response test for simulating the seismic behavior of the piping support structure, including the elastic-plastic response, has been conducted. Specifically, static cyclic loading tests and hybrid dynamic response tests were conducted using four types of piping support structures to understand the basic mechanical behavior. This report presents the details of the tests and test results.

Journal Articles

Elastic-plastic connection model describing dynamic interactions of component connections

Nishida, Akemi; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki; Kondo, Makoto; Sakai, Michiya*; Shiogama, Yuzo*

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.576 - 581, 2011/10

Design evaluation of nuclear facilities would be facilitated by a numerical evaluation system that can evaluate both global and local behaviors under severe seismic loading. A critical part of such a system is the numerical model describing the dynamic physical interactions among component connections, called the elastic-plastic connection model. Here we propose such a model and use it to simulate dynamic interactions using real earthquake and plant data from the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) of the JAEA. We focus on joints connecting the component supports and the building walls, which generally involve fixed/pinned boundary conditions. The results confirmed a reduction in the vibration response and a change in the natural frequencies of individual components under large virtual earthquake loading, which are considered to have resulted from dynamic interactions between the joints connecting the component supports and the building walls.

Journal Articles

Elastic-plastic connection model describing dynamic interactions of component connections

Nishida, Akemi; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki; Kondo, Makoto; Sakai, Michiya*; Shiogama, Yuzo*

Proceedings of Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2010/10

The objective of this research is to contribute to the seismic design evaluation of nuclear facilities through the construction of a numerical evaluation system which is able to evaluate both global and local behaviors of facilities under severe seismic events. As one of the technology components to realize this objective, we are developing a physical model describing the dynamic interaction characteristics of component connections, called as the elastic-plastic connection model. We focused on the joints of the support structures of the component and the building in nuclear plants which generally designed as fixed/pinned boundaries, and tried to consider their dynamic interaction effects. In this paper, we show the proposal of the elastic-plastic connection model and the application of the model to a numerical simulation using a real plant data. The precision of the model was optimized by adjusting its parameters using the data obtained in the experiment.

Oral presentation

Current status and issues of low dose and low dose rate radiation risk estimation method; Current status and issues of dose assessment

Sakai, Kazuo*; Yamada, Yu*; Yoshida, Kazuo*; Yoshinaga, Shinji*; Sato, Kaoru; Ogata, Hiromitsu*; Iwasaki, Toshiharu*; Kudo, Shinichi*; Asada, Kyosei*; Kawaguchi, Isao*; et al.

no journal, , 

Task Group of Low dose and Low Dose Rate Radiation Risk Estimation Method in the Japan Health Physics Society presented the task group activity from April, 2016 to March, 2018. The presenter introduce the current status and issues of dose assessment (e.g. effects of anatomical characteristics of subjects, monitoring data, distribution of dose and dose rate in body on uncertainty of dose assessment).

Oral presentation

Development of a simple elastic-plastic connection model describing the dynamic interaction characteristics of component connections

Nishida, Akemi; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki; Kondo, Makoto; Sakai, Michiya*; Shiogama, Yuzo*

no journal, , 

In this study, we propose a physical model that can describe dynamic characteristics of the joints between different components in a nuclear plant, with a view to understanding the entire and local behaviors of the nuclear plant simultaneously. The physical model, called as the elastic-plastic connection model, is presented in this paper, which considers the dynamic interaction between the joints of the support structures of the component and the building itself. By using this model, it becomes possible to introduce a partial elastic-plastic (non-linear) model into a large-scale three-dimensional elastic (linear) model. The precision of the elastic-plastic connection model was optimized by adjusting its parameters using the data obtained in the experiment. In addition, we showed that the elastic-plastic connection model can be used for numerical simulation with three-dimensional real plant data.

Oral presentation

Seismic evaluation of support structures for components and piping systems

Sakai, Michiya*; Shiogama, Yuzo*; Nishida, Akemi; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki; Kondo, Makoto

no journal, , 

We focused on the joints of support structures in nuclear plants which generally designed as fixed/pinned boundaries and evaluated their earthquake-resistant properties through finite element analyses. A piping support structure and a component support structure were modeled and elastic-plastic analyses were performed on them. The analytical results were compared with the experimental results, and it was confirmed that the load-displacement relations, the concentration of the local deformations or strains, and the strain accumulation behavior obtained by analytical results had proper precision.

Oral presentation

Hybrid seismic testing of support structure for components and piping systems

Sakai, Michiya*; Shiogama, Yuzo*; Nishida, Akemi; Araya, Fumimasa; Kushida, Noriyuki

no journal, , 

For the purpose of an advancement of the evaluation technology for earthquake resistance of the nuclear plants, we paid attention to the support structures of component system of the nuclear plants generally designed as fixed/pinned boundaries. The specimens were prepared and static cyclic load experiments and hybrid earthquake response experiments were carried out for them. From the experimental results, we got some knowledge about the basic load resistant characteristics and the damage modes of those support structures.

Oral presentation

Overview of the benchmark analysis for piping support structures in the task force phase 2-2

Takito, Kiyotaka; Nakamura, Izumi*; Okuda, Yukihiko; Sakai, Michiya*; Shimazu, Ryuya*; Otani, Akihito*; Watakabe, Tomoyoshi; Okuda, Takahiro; Shibutani, Tadahiro*; Shiratori, Masaki*

no journal, , 

The Piping systems in the nuclear power plants are known to exhibit significant elastic plastic behavior before failure caused by the response displacement under serve seismic load. Current Code Case considers the elastic-plastic behavior of piping system itself, but assumes the elastic behavior for the support structure. Thus, it is desirable to incorporate the inelastic behavior of piping support structure as the future upgrading of the Code Case. In order to develop an evaluation method for inelastic behavior of support structures, the authors as the JSME task group carried out benchmark analyses of piping support structures. Then, the purpose of the benchmark analysis is in order to evaluate the influence of the analysis parameters in the elastic plastic analysis of piping support structures and to obtain knowledge on the variability of the analysis results. This paper reports on the outline and progress of the benchmark analyses.

10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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