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Journal Articles

Proposal on how to proceed with Verification and Validation of radiation shielding analyses

Okumura, Keisuke; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Tsukiyama, Toshihisa*

Shahei Kaiseki No V&V Gaidorain Sakutei Ni Mukete, p.4 - 8, 2023/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Roles of excess minority carrier recombination and chemisorbed O$$_{2}$$ species at SiO$$_{2}$$/Si interfaces in Si dry oxidation; Comparison between p-Si(001) and n-Si(001) surfaces

Tsuda, Yasutaka; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Ogawa, Shuichi*; Sakamoto, Tetsuya*; Yamamoto, Yoshiki*; Yamamoto, Yukio*; Takakuwa, Yuji*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(23), p.234705_1 - 234705_21, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:8.11(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Diffusion and sorption behavior of HTO, Cs, I and U in mortar

Akagi, Yosuke*; Kato, Hiroyasu*; Tachi, Yukio; Sakamoto, Hiroyuki*

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 5, p.233 - 236, 2018/11

A large amount of radioactive contaminated concrete will be generated from the decommissioning in the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). For developing the plans of decommissioning and waste management including decontamination and disposal, it is important to estimate radionuclides inventory and concentration distribution in the concrete materials. In this study, effective diffusivities (De) and distribution coefficients (Kd) of HTO, Cs, I and U in OPC mortar were measured by through-diffusion and batch sorption experiments. De values derived were in the sequence of HTO, I, Cs, U, implying that cation exclusion effects may be important mechanisms in OPC mortar. Kd values derived by batch tests were higher by more than one order of magnitude than the diffusion-derived Kd values, indicating that crushing of samples had a strong influence on sorption. Diffusion and sorption mechanisms in OPC mortar were evaluated to predict the penetration behavior of these radionuclides.

Journal Articles

Review of $$gamma$$-ray exposure buildup factors

Matsuda, Norihiro; Onishi, Seiki*; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Nobuhara, Fumiyoshi*

Heisei 29-Nendo Kani Shahei Kaiseki Kodo Rebyu Wakingu Gurupu Katsudo Hokokusho (Internet), p.20 - 28, 2018/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Decontamination of radioactive concrete waste and reuse of aggregate using pulsed power technology

Sakamoto, Hiroyuki*; Akagi, Yosuke*; Yamada, Kazuo*; Tachi, Yukio; Fukuda, Daisuke*; Ishimatsu, Koichi*; Matsuda, Mikiya*; Saito, Nozomi*; Uemura, Jitsuya*; Namihira, Takao*; et al.

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 17(2), p.57 - 66, 2018/05

Concrete debris contaminated with radioactive cesium and other nuclides have been generated from the accident in the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant and there will be generated due to the decommissioning of nuclear power plants in the future. Although conventional decontamination techniques are effective for flat concrete surfaces such as floors and walls, it is not clear what techniques to apply for decontaminating radioactive concrete debris. In this study, focusing on a pulsed power discharge technique, fundamental experimental works were carried out. Decontamination of concrete by applying the aggregate recycling technique using the pulsed power discharge technique was evaluated by measuring radioactivity of aggregate and sludge separated from the contaminated concrete. The results suggest that the separation into aggregate and sludge of the contaminated concrete debris could achieve decontamination and volume reduction of the radioactive concrete debris.

Journal Articles

Characterization of the PTW 34031 ionization chamber (PMI) at RCNP with high energy neutrons ranging from 100 - 392 MeV

Theis, C.*; Carbonez, P.*; Feldbaumer, E.*; Forkel-Wirth, D.*; Jaegerhofer, L.*; Pangallo, M.*; Perrin, D.*; Urscheler, C.*; Roesler, S.*; Vincke, H.*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 153, p.08018_1 - 08018_5, 2017/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

At CERN, gas-filled ionization chambers PTW-34031 (PMI) are commonly used in radiation fields including neutrons, protons and $$gamma$$-rays. A response function for each particle is calculated by the radiation transport code FLUKA. To validate a response function to high energy neutrons, benchmark experiments with quasi mono-energetic neutrons have been carried out at RCNP, Osaka University. For neutron irradiation with energies below 200 MeV, very good agreement was found comparing the FLUKA simulations and the measurements. In addition it was found that at proton energies of 250 and 392 MeV, results calculated with neutron sources underestimate the experimental data due to a non-negligible gamma component originating from the target $$^{7}$$Li(p,n)Be reaction.

Journal Articles

Room-temperature local ferromagnetism and its nanoscale expansion in the ferromagnetic semiconductor Ge$$_{1-x}$$Fe$$_{x}$$

Wakabayashi, Yuki*; Sakamoto, Shoya*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Ishigami, Keisuke*; Takahashi, Yukio*; Saito, Yuji; Yamagami, Hiroshi; Fujimori, Atsushi*; Tanaka, Masaaki*; Oya, Shinobu*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 6, p.23295_1 - 23295_9, 2016/03


 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:63.84(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Magnetization process of the $$n$$-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)As:Be studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Sakamoto, Shoya*; Anh, L. D.*; Hai, P. N.*; Shibata, Goro*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Kobayashi, Masaki*; Takahashi, Yukio*; Koide, Tsuneharu*; Tanaka, Masaaki*; Fujimori, Atsushi*

Physical Review B, 93(3), p.035203_1 - 035203_6, 2016/01


 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:62.29(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Measurements and parameterization of neutron energy spectra from targets bombarded with 120 GeV protons

Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Lee, H. S.*; Soha, A.*; Ramberg, E.*; Coleman, R.*; Jensen, D.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 337, p.68 - 77, 2014/10

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:36.87(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The energy spectra of neutrons were measured by a time-of-flight method for 120 GeV protons on thick graphite, aluminum, copper, and tungsten targets with an NE213 scintillator at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. Neutron energy spectra were obtained between 25 and 3000 MeV at emission angles of 30, 45, 120, and 150$$^{circ}$$. The spectra were parameterized as neutron emissions from three moving sources and then compared with theoretical spectra calculated by PHITS and FLUKA codes. The yields of the theoretical spectra were substantially underestimated compared with the yields of measured spectra. The integrated neutron yields from 25 to 3000 MeV calculated with PHITS code were 16-36% of the experimental yields and those calculated with FLUKA code were 26-57% of the experimental yields for all targets and emission angles.

Journal Articles

Reduction of contaminated concrete waste by recycling aggregate with the aid of pulsed power discharge

Arifi, E.*; Ishimatsu, Koichi*; Iizasa, Shinya*; Namihira, Takao*; Sakamoto, Hiroyuki*; Tachi, Yukio; Kato, Hiroyasu*; Shigeishi, Mitsuhiro*

Construction and Building Materials, 67(Part B), p.192 - 196, 2014/09

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:24.79(Construction & Building Technology)

The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant accident has resulted in a large amount of radioactively contaminated concrete. The possible application of the pulsed power discharge to reduce the amount of contaminated concrete as radioactive waste was investigated. The contaminated concrete was decontaminated by separating contaminated matrix from uncontaminated coarse aggregate under pulsed power discharge process. In this study, a stable Cs isotope was used to simulate radioactively contaminated concrete. As a result, while the volume of reclaimed aggregate from contaminated concrete could be reproduced was up to 60%, nevertheless Cs detected in the reclaimed aggregate was only approximately 3%. Thus most of the Cs were dissolved in water during the discharge process. It is expected that the pulsed power could reduce the contaminated concrete waste by reusing aggregate. Further investigations are requested to test the applicability of this method under the realistic conditions close to the actual waste.

Journal Articles

Development of a calculation system for the estimation of decontamination effect

Satoh, Daiki; Kojima, Kensuke; Oizumi, Akito; Matsuda, Norihiro; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Kugo, Teruhiko; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Endo, Akira; Okajima, Shigeaki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(5), p.656 - 670, 2014/05

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:46.03(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A calculation system for the estimation of decontamination effect (CDE) has been developed to support planning a rational and effective decontamination. The method calculates the dose-rate distribution before and after decontamination, according to the distribution of radioactivity and the decontamination factor (DF), and uses a dose rate reduction factor (DRRF) to estimate the decontamination effect. The results that were calculated by using the CDE were compared with the results of measurements as well as with the results of calculations that were performed using a Monte Carlo particle transport code PHITS. It was found that the CDE successfully reproduced the measured as well as the calculated dose-rate distributions, requiring less than several seconds of calculation time.

Journal Articles

Response measurement of various neutron dose equivalent monitors in 134-387 MeV neutron fields

Nakane, Yoshihiro; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Satoh, Daiki; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Yashima, Hiroshi*; Matsumoto, Tetsuro*; Masuda, Akihiko*; Nunomiya, Tomoya*; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 4, p.704 - 708, 2014/04

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Shielding benchmark experiment using hundreds of MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron source by a large organic scintillator

Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Satoh, Daiki; Matsumoto, Tetsuro*; Masuda, Akihiko*; Yashima, Hiroshi*; Nakane, Yoshihiro; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Sakamoto, Yukio; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 4, p.327 - 331, 2014/04

We have developed several hundreds of MeV p-$$^{7}$$Li quasi-monoenergetic neutron fields in the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University, Japan. In this study, we extended the measurements to higher energy with a p-$$^{7}$$Li quasi-monoenergetic neutron source, which was produced from a 1.0-cm-thick lithium target bombarded with 246 and 389 MeV protons, using a larger NE213 scintillator of 25.4-cm in diameter and 25.4-cm in thickness. The large NE213 have good energy resolution for high energy neutrons, because it can stop recoil protons up to 180 MeV. The measured data are compared with the Monte-Carlo codes (PHITS with JENDL-HE data library) in the energy spectra, time spectra and the attenuation length of the peak neutrons. This comparison shows good agreement between experiments and calculations. The attenuation length estimated from the well-fitted curves with single exponential form will be useful for the practical shielding design of high energy accelerator facilities.

Journal Articles

Activation detector measurements at the hadron absorber of the NuMI neutrino beamline at Fermilab

Matsuda, Norihiro; Kasugai, Yoshimi; Matsumura, Hiroshi*; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Toyoda, Akihiro*; Yashima, Hiroshi*; Sekimoto, Shun*; Oishi, Koji*; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Nakashima, Hiroshi; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 4, p.337 - 340, 2014/04

The Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) at Fermilab produces intense neutrino beam to investigate the phenomena of the neutrino mixing and oscillation. The Hadron Absorber, consists of thick blocks of aluminum, iron and concrete, is placed at the end of decay volume as a dump for primary proton and secondary particles generated in NuMI. In order to estimate the shielding effect, the reaction rate measurements with activation detector were carried out on the back surface of the absorber. The induced activities in the detectors were measured by analyzing their $$gamma$$-ray spectra using HPGe detectors. Two kind of peak was showed on two-dimensional distributions of obtained reaction rates at right angle to the beam direction. One was strong peaks at the both horizontal side. And, another smaller was at the top. It was concluded that these peaks were the results of particles streaming through the gaps in the Hadron Absorber shielding.

Journal Articles

Measurement of neutron energy spectra behind shields for quasi-monoenergetic neutrons generated by 246-MeV and 389-MeV protons using a Bonner sphere spectrometer

Matsumoto, Tetsuro*; Masuda, Akihiko*; Nishiyama, Jun*; Harano, Hideki*; Iwase, Hiroshi*; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Satoh, Daiki; Yashima, Hiroshi*; Nakane, Yoshihiro; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 4, p.332 - 336, 2014/04

Recently, many high-energy accelerators are used for various fields. Shielding data for high-energy neutrons are therefore very important from the point of view of radiation protection in high energy accelerator facilities. However, the shielding experimental data for high energy neutrons above 100 MeV are very poor both in quality and in quantity. In this study, neutron penetration spectral fluence and ambient dose through iron and concrete shields were measured with a Bonner sphere spectrometer (BSS). Quasi-monoenergetic neutrons were produced by the $$^{7}$$Li(p,xn) reaction by bombarding a 1-cm thick Li target with 246-MeV and 389-MeV protons in the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP) of the Osaka University. Shielding materials are iron blocks with a thickness from 10 cm to 100 cm and concrete blocks with a thickness from 25 cm to 300 cm.

Journal Articles

Calculation system for the estimation of decontamination effect

Satoh, Daiki; Kojima, Kensuke; Oizumi, Akito; Matsuda, Norihiro; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Kugo, Teruhiko; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Endo, Akira; Okajima, Shigeaki

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109(1), p.1261 - 1263, 2013/11

A computer software, named CDE (Calculation system for Decontamination Effect), has been developed to support planning the decontamination. CDE is programed with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and runs on Microsoft Excel with a user friendly graphical interface. It calculates dose rate distributions in a target area before and after the decontamination from a radioactivity distribution and DF (Decontamination Factor), which is a ratio of original radioactivity to remaining one after the decontamination. DRRF (Dose Rate Reduction Factor) is also derived to express the decontamination effect. All the calculation results are visualized on an image of the target area with color map. Owing to its quick calculation speed, CDE is able to investigate the decontamination effect in various cases for a short period. This is very useful to establish a rational decontamination plan before an action.

Journal Articles

Role of magnetic chirality in polarization flip upon a commensurate-incommensurate magnetic phase transition in YMn$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$

Wakimoto, Shuichi; Kimura, Hiroyuki*; Sakamoto, Yuma*; Fukunaga, Mamoru*; Noda, Yukio*; Takeda, Masayasu; Kakurai, Kazuhisa

Physical Review B, 88(14), p.140403_1 - 140403_5, 2013/10

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:63.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Measurement of thick target neutron energy spectra at 15$$^{circ}$$ and 90$$^{circ}$$ bombarded with 120-GeV protons

Iwamoto, Yosuke; Sanami, Toshiya*; Kajimoto, Tsuyoshi*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Lee, H. S.*; Soha, A.*; Ramberg, E.*; Coleman, R.*; Jensen, D.*; et al.

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 3, p.65 - 68, 2012/10

Neutron energy spectra at 15$$^{circ}$$ and 90$$^{circ}$$ produced from carbon, aluminum, copper and tungsten targets bombarded with 120-GeV protons were measured at Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF) for the validation of simulation codes. The target thicknesses were 60 cm for graphite, 50 cm for aluminum, 20, 40, and 60 cm for copper and 10 cm for tungsten, respectively. The neutron time-of-flight measurements were performed using an NE213 organic liquid scintillator at 5.2 m for 90$$^{circ}$$ and 8.0 m for 15$$^{circ}$$ measuring from the center of the target to the surface of the detector. The raw signals (waveforms) obtained from photomultiplier tubes were recorded using the 10 bit digitizer (Agilent-acqiris DC282) with 0.5 ns sampling and 500 ns duration. To compare the experimental results, Monte Carlo calculations with the PHITS, MARS and FLUKA codes were performed. It was found that these calculated results underestimate the experimental results in the whole energy range.

Journal Articles

Decontamination planning based on computer simulation code CDE

Satoh, Daiki; Oizumi, Akito; Matsuda, Norihiro; Kojima, Kensuke; Kugo, Teruhiko; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Endo, Akira; Okajima, Shigeaki

RIST News, (53), p.12 - 23, 2012/09

Decontamination planning based on a computer simulation code CDE is discussed in this paper. Large amount of radionuclides had been discharged to environment in the accident of the Tokyo Electronic Power Corporation Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. CDE has been developed to support planning the decontamination. From the present study, it is validated that the computer simulation is very useful to predict the effect of the scenario before actions, and to plan the decontamination.

JAEA Reports

Development of calculation system for decontamination effect, CDE

Satoh, Daiki; Kojima, Kensuke; Oizumi, Akito; Matsuda, Norihiro; Kugo, Teruhiko; Sakamoto, Yukio*; Endo, Akira; Okajima, Shigeaki

JAEA-Research 2012-020, 97 Pages, 2012/08


A computer software, named CDE (Calculation system for Decontamination Effect), has been developed to support planning the decontamination. CDE calculates the dose rates before the decontamination by using a database of dose contributions by radioactive cesium. The decontamination factor is utilized in the prediction of the dose rates after the decontamination, and dose rate reduction factor is evaluated to express the decontamination effect. The results are visualized on the image of a target zone with color map. In this paper, the overview of the software and the dose calculation method are reported. The comparison with the calculation results by a three-dimensional radiation transport code PHITS is also presented. In addition, the source code of the dose calculation program and user's manual of CDE are attached as appendices.

186 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)