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Journal Articles

Effect of neutron beam properties on dose distributions in a water phantom for boron neutron capture therapy

Ishikawa, Akihisa; Tanaka, Hiroki*; Nakamura, Satoshi*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Sakurai, Yoshinori*; Watanabe, Kenichi*; Yoshihashi, Sachiko*; Tanagami, Yuki*; Uritani, Akira*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*

Journal of Radiation Research (Internet), 11 Pages, 2024/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Biology)

Journal Articles

High-temperature test for BGaN semiconductor neutron detectors

Okita, Shoichiro; Sakurai, Tatsuhiro*; Kudo, Ryohei*; Takagi, Katsuyuki*; Nakano, Takayuki*; Hino, Masahiro*

KURNS Progress Report 2023, P. 97, 2024/07

Journal Articles

Production rates of long-lived radionuclides $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al under direct muon-induced spallation in granite quartz and its implications for past high-energy cosmic ray fluxes

Sakurai, Hirohisa*; Kurebayashi, Yutaka*; Suzuki, Soichiro*; Horiuchi, Kazuho*; Takahashi, Yui*; Doshita, Norihiro*; Kikuchi, Satoshi*; Tokanai, Fuyuki*; Iwata, Naoyoshi*; Tajima, Yasushi*; et al.

Physical Review D, 109(10), p.102005_1 - 102005_18, 2024/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Secular variations of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are inseparably associated with the galactic activities and should reflect the environments of the local galactic magnetic field, interstellar clouds, and nearby supernova remnants. The high-energy muons produced in the atmosphere by high-energy GCRs can penetrate deep underground and generate radioisotopes in the rock. As long lived radionuclides such as $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al have been accumulating in these rocks, concentrations of $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al can be used to estimate the long-term variations in high-energy muon yields, corresponding to those in the high-energy GCRs over a few million years. This study measured the production cross sections for muon induced $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al by irradiating positive muons with the momentum of 160 GeV/c on the synthetic silica plates and the granite core at the COMPASS experiment line in CERN SPS. In addition, it the contributions of the direct muon spallation reaction and the nuclear reactions by muon-induced particles on the production of long lived radionuclides in the rocks were clarified.

Journal Articles

Onset of collectivity for argon isotopes close to $$N=32$$

Linh, B. D.*; Corsi, A.*; Gillibert, A.*; Obertelli, A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Barbieri, C.*; Duguet, T.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; Holt, J. D.*; Hu, B. S.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 109(3), p.034312_1 - 034312_15, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:74.53(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Level structures of $$^{56,58}$$Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic $$^{60}$$Ca

Chen, S.*; Browne, F.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lee, J.*; Obertelli, A.*; Tsunoda, Yusuke*; Otsuka, Takaharu*; Chazono, Yoshiki*; Hagen, G.*; Holt, J. D.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 843, p.138025_1 - 138025_7, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:88.80(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Gamma decays were observed in $$^{56}$$Ca and $$^{58}$$Ca following quasi-free one-proton knockout reactions from $$^{57,59}$$Sc. For $$^{56}$$Ca, a $$gamma$$ ray transition was measured to be 1456(12) keV, while for $$^{58}$$Ca an indication for a transition was observed at 1115(34) keV. Both transitions were tentatively assigned as the $$2^{+}_{1} rightarrow 0^{+}_{gs}$$ decays. A shell-model calculation in a wide model space with a marginally modified effective nucleon-nucleon interaction depicts excellent agreement with experiment for $$2^{+}_{1}$$ level energies, two-neutron separation energies, and reaction cross sections, corroborating the formation of a new nuclear shell above the N = 34 shell. Its constituents, the $$0_{f5/2}$$ and $$0_{g9/2}$$ orbitals, are almost degenerate. This degeneracy precludes the possibility for a doubly magic $$^{60}$$Ca and potentially drives the dripline of Ca isotopes to $$^{70}$$Ca or even beyond.

Journal Articles

Visual analysis of air dose rate maps

Takahashi, Shigeo*; Sakurai, Daisuke*; Nagao, Fumiya; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Sanada, Yukihisa

Shimyureshon, 42(2), p.68 - 75, 2023/06

This paper introduces a case in which scientific knowledge on understanding the deposition process of radionuclides and evaluating the dose rate reduction due to decontamination work was obtained through visual analysis based on data on the spatio-temporal distribution of air dose rates accumulated through radiation monitoring after the accident. We will discuss the prospects for future efforts to effectively obtain important knowledge that will assist in the planning of policies for reconstruction from the nuclear power plant accident in the future.

Journal Articles

Purposeful adaptive sampling of integrated air dose rate maps for visual analysis

Takahashi, Shigeo*; Kurikami, Hiroshi; Sanada, Yukihisa; Sakurai, Daisuke*

ERAN FY2022 Annual Report (Internet), 1 Pages, 2023/04

This study aims to establish a highly accurate evaluation technique for decontamination effects through multilateral and quantitative evaluation of decontamination effects. The applicability of the visual analysis technique was confirmed through a trial analysis.

Journal Articles

Multiple mechanisms in proton-induced nucleon removal at $$sim$$100 MeV/nucleon

Pohl, T.*; Sun, Y. L.*; Obertelli, A.*; Lee, J.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Cai, B. S.*; Yuan, C. X.*; Brown, B. A.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 130(17), p.172501_1 - 172501_8, 2023/04

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:89.13(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We report on the first proton-induced single proton- and neutron-removal reactions from the neutron deficient $$^{14}$$O nucleus with large Fermi-surface asymmetry at $$sim$$100 MeV/nucleon. Our results provide the first quantitative contributions of multiple reaction mechanisms including the quasifree knockout, inelastic scattering, and nucleon transfer processes. It is shown that the inelastic scattering and nucleon transfer, usually neglected at such energy regime, contribute about 50% and 30% to the loosely bound proton and deeply bound neutron removal, respectively.

Journal Articles

sparse-ir; Optimal compression and sparse sampling of many-body propagators

Wallerberger, M.*; Badr, S.*; Hoshino, Shintaro*; Huber, S.*; Kakizawa, Fumiya*; Koretsune, Takashi*; Nagai, Yuki; Nogaki, Kosuke*; Nomoto, Takuya*; Mori, Hitoshi*; et al.

Software X (Internet), 21, p.101266_1 - 101266_7, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:91.56(Computer Science, Software Engineering)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

"Southwestern" boundary of the $$N = 40$$ island of inversion; First study of low-lying bound excited states in $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V

Elekes, Z.*; Juh$'a$sz, M. M.*; Sohler, D.*; Sieja, K.*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Achouri, N. L.*; Baba, Hidetada*; et al.

Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064321_1 - 064321_10, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:37.57(Physics, Nuclear)

The low-lying level structure of $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V was investigated for the first time. The neutron knockout reaction and inelastic proton scattering were applied for $$^{61}$$V while the neutron knock-out reaction provided the data for $$^{59}$$V. Four and five new transitions were determined for $$^{59}$$V and $$^{61}$$V, respectively. Based on the comparison to our shell-model calculations using the Lenzi-Nowacki-Poves-Sieja (LNPS) interaction, three of the observed $$gamma$$ rays for each isotope could be placed in the level scheme and assigned to the decay of the first 11/2$$^{-}$$ and 9/2$$^{-}$$ levels. The ($$p$$,$$p'$$) excitation cross sections for $$^{61}$$V were analyzed by the coupled-channels formalism assuming quadrupole plus hexadecapole deformations. Due to the role of the hexadecapole deformation, $$^{61}$$V could not be unambiguously placed on the island of inversion.

Journal Articles

Extended $$p_{3/2}$$ neutron orbital and the $$N = 32$$ shell closure in $$^{52}$$Ca

Enciu, M.*; Liu, H. N.*; Obertelli, A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Nowacki, F.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Poves, A.*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Achouri, N. L.*; Baba, Hidetada*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 129(26), p.262501_1 - 262501_7, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:82.53(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The one-neutron knockout from $$^{52}$$Ca was performed at $$sim$$230 MeV/nucleon combined with prompt $$gamma$$ spectroscopy. The momentum distributions corresponding to the removal of $$1f_{7/2}$$ and $$2p_{3/2}$$ neutrons were measured. The cross sections are consistent with a shell closure at the neutron number $$N = 32$$, found as strong as at $$N = 28$$ and $$N = 34$$ in Ca isotopes from the same observables. The analysis of the momentum distributions leads to a difference of the root-mean-square radii of the neutron $$1_{f7/2}$$ and $$2p_{3/2}$$ orbitals of 0.61(23) fm, in agreement with the modified-shell-model prediction of 0.7 fm suggesting that the large root-mean-square radius of the $$2p_{3/2}$$ orbital in neutron-rich Ca isotopes is responsible for the unexpected linear increase of the charge radius with the neutron number.

Journal Articles

A First glimpse at the shell structure beyond $$^{54}$$Ca; Spectroscopy of $$^{55}$$K, $$^{55}$$Ca, and $$^{57}$$Ca

Koiwai, Takuma*; Wimmer, K.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Barbieri, C.*; Duguet, T.*; Holt, J. D.*; Miyagi, Takayuki*; Navr$'a$til, P.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 827, p.136953_1 - 136953_7, 2022/04

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:68.39(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

PSTEP: Project for solar-terrestrial environment prediction

Kusano, Kanya*; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi*; Ishii, Mamoru*; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi*; Yoden, Shigeo*; Akiyoshi, Hideharu*; Asai, Ayumi*; Ebihara, Yusuke*; Fujiwara, Hitoshi*; Goto, Tadanori*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 73(1), p.159_1 - 159_29, 2021/12

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:44.49(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

The PSTEP is a nationwide research collaboration in Japan and was conducted from April 2015 to March 2020, supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. It has made a significant progress in space weather research and operational forecasts, publishing over 500 refereed journal papers and organizing four international symposiums, various workshops and seminars, and summer school for graduate students at Rikubetsu in 2017. This paper is a summary report of the PSTEP and describes the major research achievements it produced.

Journal Articles

Visual analysis of geospatial multivariate data for investigating radioactive deposition processes

Takahashi, Shigeo*; Sakurai, Daisuke*; Sasaki, Miyuki; Miyamura, Hiroko; Sanada, Yukihisa

Visual Computer, 37(12), p.3039 - 3050, 2021/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Computer Science, Software Engineering)

The Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 raised awareness on the importance of radioactive deposition processes, especially for proposing aerosol measures against possible air pollution. However, identifying these types of processes is often difficult due to complicated terrains. This paper presents an application study for identifying radioactive deposition processes by taking advantage of visual interaction with topographic data. The idea is to visually investigate the correspondence of the spatial positions to the air dose rate along with relevant attributes. This is accomplished by composing scatterplots of pairwise attributes, onto which we project terrain areas to interactively find specific patterns of such attributes. We applied our approach to the analysis of air dose rate distribution data around the Fukushima nuclear plant after the accident. Our visualization technique clearly distinguished contamination areas derived from different deposition processes, and thus is useful for elucidation of the deposition process.

Journal Articles

Investigation of the ground-state spin inversion in the neutron-rich $$^{47,49}$$Cl isotopes

Linh, B. D.*; Corsi, A.*; Gillibert, A.*; Obertelli, A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Barbieri, C.*; Chen, S.*; Chung, L. X.*; Duguet, T.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 104(4), p.044331_1 - 044331_16, 2021/10


 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:75.73(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Pairing forces govern population of doubly magic $$^{54}$$Ca from direct reactions

Browne, F.*; Chen, S.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Utsuno, Yutaka; Yoshida, Kazuki; Achouri, N. L.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Calvet, D.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 126(25), p.252501_1 - 252501_7, 2021/06

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:70.28(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Direct proton-knockout reactions of $$^{55}$$Sc were studied at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. Populated states of $$^{54}$$Ca were investigated through $$gamma$$-ray and invariant-mass spectroscopy. Level energies were calculated from the nuclear shell model employing a phenomenological inter-nucleon interaction. Theoretical cross sections to states were calculated from distorted-wave impulse approximation estimates multiplied by the shell model spectroscopic factors. Despite the calculations showing a significant amplitude of excited neutron configurations in the ground-state of $$^{55}$$Sc, valence proton removals populated predominantly the ground-state of $$^{54}$$Ca. This counter-intuitive result is attributed to pairing effects leading to a dominance of the ground-state spectroscopic factor. Owing to the ubiquity of the pairing interaction, this argument should be generally applicable to direct knockout reactions from odd-even to even-even nuclei.

Journal Articles

First spectroscopic study of $$^{51}$$Ar by the ($$p$$,2$$p$$) reaction

Juh$'a$sz, M. M.*; Elekes, Z.*; Sohler, D.*; Utsuno, Yutaka; Yoshida, Kazuki; Otsuka, Takaharu*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Baba, Hidetada*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 814, p.136108_1 - 136108_8, 2021/03


 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:56.17(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The nuclear structure of $$^{51}$$Ar was studied by the ($$p$$,2$$p$$) reaction using $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy for the bound and unbound states. Comparing the results to our shell-model calculations, two bound and six unbound states were established. The low cross sections populating the two bound states of $$^{51}$$Ar could be interpreted as a clear signature for the presence of significant sub-shell closures at neutron numbers 32 and 34 in argon isotopes.

Journal Articles

$$N$$ = 32 shell closure below calcium; Low-lying structure of $$^{50}$$Ar

Cort$'e$s, M. L.*; Rodriguez, W.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Holt, J. D.*; Men$'e$ndez, J.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Schwenk, A.*; Shimizu, Noritaka*; Simonis, J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 102(6), p.064320_1 - 064320_9, 2020/12


 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:76.63(Physics, Nuclear)

Low-lying excited states in the $$N$$ = 32 isotope $$^{50}$$Ar were investigated by in-beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy following proton- and neutron-knockout, multinucleon removal, and proton inelastic scattering at the RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. The energies of the two previously reported transitions have been confirmed, and five additional states are presented for the first time, including a candidate for a 3$$^{-}$$ state. The level scheme built using $$gamma$$ $$gamma$$ coincidences was compared to shell-model calculations in the $$sd-pf$$ model space and to ${it ab initio}$ predictions based on chiral two- and three-nucleon interactions. Theoretical proton- and neutron-knockout cross sections suggest that two of the new transitions correspond to 2$$^{+}$$ states, while the previously proposed 4$$^{+}_{1}$$ state could also correspond to a 2$$^{+}$$ state.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of RBE-weighted doses for various radiotherapy beams based on a microdosimetric function implemented in PHITS

Takada, Kenta*; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Sakurai, Hideyuki*; Sakae, Takeji*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1662, p.012004_1 - 012004_6, 2020/10

The University of Tsukuba has developed a treatment planning system (TPS) for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) that uses a Monte Carlo algorithm as a dose calculation engine. In the system, RBE-weighted dose can be also estimated using the microdosimetric function implemented in PHITS. In this study, we calculated the RBE-weighted doses for various radiation therapy beams. Comparison between the calculated results for different radiation therapy beams as well as verification of the calculated data will be presented at the meeting.

JAEA Reports

Long-term monitoring of the stability of the gallery in Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory

Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Sakurai, Akitaka; Miyara, Nobukatsu; Sugita, Yutaka

JAEA-Research 2020-004, 68 Pages, 2020/06


In construction and operational phase of a high-level radioactive waste disposal project, it is necessary to monitor on mechanical stability of underground facility for long term. In this research, we measured the displacement of the rock around the gallery and the stress acting on support materials. Furthermore, we investigated the durability of measurement sensor installed in the rock mass and the support material such as concreate lining and steel support. As a result, optical fiber sensor is appropriate for measurement of the displacement of rock mass around the gallery, while it is enough to apply the conventional electric sensor for the measurement of stress acting on the support material in the geological environment (soft rock and low inflow). The result of the measurement in the fault zone in 350 m gallery, show that the stresses acting on both shotcrete and steel arch lib exceeded the value which will cause the instability of the gallery. However, as, we found no crack on the surface of the shotcrete. By observation on the surface of shotcrete, thus, it was concluded that careful observation of shotcrete around that section in addition to the monitoring the measured stress was necessary to continue. In other measurement sections, there was no risk for the instability of the gallery as a result of the investigation of the measurement result.

386 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)