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Sasaki, Yuto*; Sano, Aaru; Sasaki, Shinji; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Ouchi, Kazuki; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro; Takaki, Naoyuki*; Maeda, Shigetaka
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(4), p.509 - 520, 2024/04
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:82.11(Nuclear Science & Technology)Ac is attracting attention as an alpha-emitting medical radioisotope. Since its demand is expected to increase, domestic production of
Ac is required from the viewpoint of Japan's medical research and economic security. To establish the technical bases for the
Ac production, JAEA has evaluated the radioactivity that can be produced in the experimental fast reactor Joyo and designed the concept that upgrades the existing facilities for transporting the irradiated target from Joyo to a neighboring PIE facility rapidly. Efficient
Ac Separation from
Ra irradiated in a fast reactor was studied. Ba and La were used as alternatives to Ra and Ac, respectively. By using DGA resin as an adsorbent, it can be expected that Ra and impurities generated by irradiation will be removed and Ac will be isolated. This study has revealed that Joyo can sufficiently produce
Ac as a raw material for pharmaceuticals.
Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Sasaki, Shinji; Onishi, Takashi; Nakayoshi, Akira; Arai, Yoichi; Sato, Takumi; Ohgi, Hiroshi; Sekio, Yoshihiro; Yamaguchi, Yukako; Morishita, Kazuki; et al.
JAEA-Data/Code 2023-005, 418 Pages, 2023/12
For safe and steady decommissioning of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings' Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), information concerning composition and physical/chemical properties of fuel debris generated in the reactors should be estimated and provided to other projects conducting the decommissioning work including the retrieval of fuel debris and the subsequent storage. For this purpose, in FY2021, samples of contaminants (the wiped smear samples and the deposits) obtained through the internal investigation of the 1F Unit 2 were analyzed to clarify the components and to characterize the micro-particles containing uranium originated from fuel (U-bearing particles) in detail. This report summarized the results of analyses performed in FY2021, including the microscopic analysis by SEM and TEM, radiation analysis, and elemental analysis by ICP-MS, as a database for evaluating the main features of each sample and the probable formation mechanism of the U-bearing particles.
Koyama, Shinichi; Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Mitsugi, Takeshi; Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; Onishi, Takashi; Tsai, T.-H.; Takano, Masahide; Fukaya, Hiroyuki; Nakamura, Satoshi; et al.
Hairo, Osensui, Shorisui Taisaku Jigyo Jimukyoku Homu Peji (Internet), 216 Pages, 2023/11
In FY 2021 and 2022, JAEA perfomed the subsidy program for "the Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies for Enhanced Analysis Accuracy, Thermal Bahavior Estimation, and Simplified Analysis of Fuel Debris)" started in FY 2021. This presentation material summarized the results of the project, which will be available shortly on the website of Management Office for the Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management.
Tsai, T.-H.; Sasaki, Shinji; Maeda, Koji
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(6), p.715 - 723, 2023/06
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:17.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Koyama, Shinichi; Osaka, Masahiko; Takano, Masahide; Nakamura, Satoshi; Onozawa, Atsushi; Sasaki, Shinji; Onishi, Takashi; Maeda, Koji; Kirishima, Akira*; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2022-021, 224 Pages, 2022/10
A set of technology, including acid dissolving, has to be established for the analysis of content of elements/nuclides in the fuel debris samples. In this project, a blind test was performed for the purpose of clarifying the current level of analytical accuracy and establishing the alternative methods in case that the insoluble residue remains. Overall composition of the simulated fuel debris (homogenized powder having a specific composition) were quantitatively determined in the four analytical institutions in Japan by using their own dissolving and analytical techniques. The merit and drawback for each technique were then evaluated, based on which a tentative flow of the analyses of fuel debris was constructed.
Kato, Masato; Machida, Masahiko; Hirooka, Shun; Nakamichi, Shinya; Ikusawa, Yoshihisa; Nakamura, Hiroki; Kobayashi, Keita; Ozawa, Takayuki; Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; et al.
Materials Science and Fuel Technologies of Uranium and Plutonium mixed Oxide, 171 Pages, 2022/10
Innovative and advanced nuclear reactors using plutonium fuel has been developed in each country. In order to develop a new nuclear fuel, irradiation tests are indispensable, and it is necessary to demonstrate the performance and safety of nuclear fuels. If we can develop a technology that accurately simulates irradiation behavior as a technology that complements the irradiation test, the cost, time, and labor involved in nuclear fuel research and development will be greatly reduced. And safety and reliability can be significantly improved through simulation of nuclear fuel irradiation behavior. In order to evaluate the performance of nuclear fuel, it is necessary to know the physical and chemical properties of the fuel at high temperatures. And it is indispensable to develop a behavior model that describes various phenomena that occur during irradiation. In previous research and development, empirical methods with fitting parameters have been used in many parts of model development. However, empirical techniques can give very different results in areas where there is no data. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to construct a scientific descriptive model that can extrapolate the basic characteristics of fuel to the composition and temperature, and to develop an irradiation behavior analysis code to which the model is applied.
Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Morishita, Masaki*; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ando, Masanori; Ashida, Takashi; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Doda, Norihiro; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Ezure, Toshiki; Fukano, Yoshitaka; et al.
Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07
This book is a collection of the past experience of design, construction, and operation of two reactors, the latest knowledge and technology for SFR designs, and the future prospects of SFR development in Japan. It is intended to provide the perspective and the relevant knowledge to enable readers to become more familiar with SFR technology.
Nakayoshi, Akira; Mitsugi, Takeshi; Sasaki, Shinji; Maeda, Koji
JAEA-Data/Code 2021-011, 279 Pages, 2022/03
At the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), an investigation inside the reactors has been carried out, and R&D has been made on methods of fuel debris retrieval and storage after retrieval. In order to carry out the decommissioning work safely and steadily, understanding characteristics of fuel debris in the reactors is required. Therefore, in the development of technologies for grasping and analyzing properties of fuel debris project, the characteristics of simulated fuel debris, such as hardness, drying behavior, etc., of fuel debris for design of removal and storage, have been investigated and estimated, and provided to other projects conducting the decommissioning work. As part of this project, U-containing particles in samples (e.g., deposit on the investigation equipment, sediment in the reactors, etc.) obtained during the internal investigation of the reactors of 1F units 1 to 3 were analyzed. This report summarized the results of FE-SEM/WDX, FE-SEM/EDS, STEM/EDS, and TEM analysis, which were extracted from all analysis results obtained, as a database for the evaluation of the generation mechanism of U-containing particles. The analyses were performed at the JAEA Oarai Research and Development Institute and Nippon Nuclear Fuel Development Co., LTD.
Koyama, Shinichi; Nakagiri, Toshio; Osaka, Masahiko; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Kurata, Masaki; Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; Onishi, Takashi; Takano, Masahide; et al.
Hairo, Osensui Taisaku jigyo jimukyoku Homu Peji (Internet), 144 Pages, 2021/08
JAEA performed the subsidy program for the "Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies for Enhanced Analysis Accuracy and Thermal Behavior Estimation of Fuel Debris))" in 2020JFY. This presentation summarized briefly the results of the project, which will be available shortly on the website of Management Office for the Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management.
Nugraha, E. D.*; Hosoda, Masahiro*; Kusdiana*; Untara*; Mellawati, J.*; Nurokhim*; Tamakuma, Yuki*; Ikram, A.*; Syaifudin, M.*; Yamada, Ryohei; et al.
Scientific Reports (Internet), 11(1), p.14578_1 - 14578_16, 2021/07
Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:80.26(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Mamuju is one of the regions in Indonesia which retains natural conditions but has relatively high exposure to natural radiation. The goals of the present study were to characterize exposure of the entire Mamuju region as a high natural background radiation area (HNBRA) and to assess the existing exposure as a means for radiation protection of the public and the environment. A cross-sectional study method was used with cluster sampling areas by measuring all parameters that contribute to external and internal radiation exposures. It was determined that Mamuju was a unique HNBRA with the annual effective dose between 17 and 115 mSv, with an average of 32 mSv. The lifetime cumulative dose calculation suggested that Mamuju residents could receive as much as 2.2 Sv on average which is much higher than the average dose of atomic bomb survivors for which risks of cancer and non-cancer diseases are demonstrated. The study results are new scientific data allowing better understanding of health effects related to chronic low-dose-rate radiation exposure and they can be used as the main input in a future epidemiology study.
Takeda, Tetsuaki*; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Aihara, Jun; Aoki, Takeshi; Fujiwara, Yusuke; Fukaya, Yuji; Goto, Minoru; Ho, H. Q.; Iigaki, Kazuhiko; Imai, Yoshiyuki; et al.
High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.5, 464 Pages, 2021/02
As a general overview of the research and development of a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) in JAEA, this book describes the achievements by the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) on the designs, key component technologies such as fuel, reactor internals, high temperature components, etc., and operational experience such as rise-to-power tests, high temperature operation at 950C, safety demonstration tests, etc. In addition, based on the knowledge of the HTTR, the development of designs and component technologies such as high performance fuel, helium gas turbine and hydrogen production by IS process for commercial HTGRs are described. These results are very useful for the future development of HTGRs. This book is published as one of a series of technical books on fossil fuel and nuclear energy systems by the Power Energy Systems Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Hosoda, Masahiro*; Nugraha, E. D.*; Akata, Naofumi*; Yamada, Ryohei; Tamakuma, Yuki*; Sasaki, Michiya*; Kelleher, K.*; Yoshinaga, Shinji*; Suzuki, Takahito*; Rattanapongs, C. P.*; et al.
Science of the Total Environment, 750, p.142346_1 - 142346_11, 2021/01
Times Cited Count:30 Percentile:82.40(Environmental Sciences)The biological effects of low dose-rate radiation exposures on humans remains unknown. In fact, the Japanese nation still struggles with this issue after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Recently, we have found a unique area in Indonesia where naturally high radiation levels are present, resulting in chronic low dose-rate radiation exposures. We aimed to estimate the comprehensive dose due to internal and external exposures at the particularly high natural radiation area, and to discuss the enhancement mechanism of radon. A car-borne survey was conducted to estimate the external doses from terrestrial radiation. Indoor radon measurements were made in 47 dwellings over three to five months, covering the two typical seasons, to estimate the internal doses. Atmospheric radon gases were simultaneously collected at several heights to evaluate the vertical distribution. The absorbed dose rates in air in the study area vary widely between 50 nGy h and 1109 nGy h
. Indoor radon concentrations ranged from 124 Bq m
to 1015 Bq m
. That is, the indoor radon concentrations measured exceed the reference levels of 100 Bq m
recommended by the World Health Organization. Furthermore, the outdoor radon concentrations measured were comparable to the high indoor radon concentrations. The annual effective dose due to external and internal exposures in the study area was estimated to be 27 mSv using the median values. It was found that many residents are receiving radiation exposure from natural radionuclides over the dose limit for occupational exposure to radiation workers. This enhanced outdoor radon concentration might be as a result of the stable atmospheric conditions generated at an exceptionally low altitude. Our findings suggest that this area provides a unique opportunity to conduct an epidemiological study related to health effects due to chronic low dose-rate radiation exposure.
Hirahara, Toru*; Otrokov, M. M.*; Sasaki, Taisuke*; Sumida, Kazuki*; Tomohiro, Yuta*; Kusaka, Shotaro*; Okuyama, Yuma*; Ichinokura, Satoru*; Kobayashi, Masaki*; Takeda, Yukiharu; et al.
Nature Communications (Internet), 11, p.4821_1 - 4821_8, 2020/09
Times Cited Count:47 Percentile:92.16(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Tamakuma, Yuki*; Yamada, Ryohei; Suzuki, Takahito*; Kuroki, Tomohiro*; Saga, Rikiya*; Mizuno, Hiroyuki*; Sasaki, Hiroyuki*; Iwaoka, Kazuki*; Hosoda, Masahiro*; Tokonami, Shinji*
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184(3-4), p.307 - 310, 2019/10
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.36(Environmental Sciences)After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, the radiation dose for first responders was not evaluated accurately due to lack of the monitoring data. It has been important to evaluate a radiation dose for workers in emergency response at a nuclear accident. In this study, a new device which can evaluate both of external and internal exposure doses was developed and the performance of various environmental radiation monitors including commercially available monitors were tested and compared from the viewpoint of an environmental monitoring at emergency situation. Background counts of the monitors and the ambient dose equivalent rate were measured in Fukushima Prefecture. The detection limit for beta particles was evaluated by the method of ISO11929. The sensitivity for gamma-rays of the dust monitor using a ZnS(Ag) and a plastic scintillator was high, but that of the external exposure monitor using a silicon photodiode with CsI(Tl) crystal was relatively low. The detection limit ranged 190-280 Bq m at 100
Sv h
, exceeding the detection limit of 100 Bq m
in the minimum requirement by the National Regulation Authority in Japan. Use of the shielding with lead is necessary to achieve the minimum requirement. These results indicate that the dust monitor using a ZnS(Ag) scintillator and a plastic scintillator is suitable for the external exposure monitor and the developed internal exposure monitor is for the internal exposure monitor at emergency situation among the evaluated monitors. In the future study, the counting efficiency, the relative uncertainty and the performance of the detection for alpha particles will be evaluated, and it will be considered which type of a monitor is suitable after taking the portability into account.
Sasaki, Shinji; Maeda, Koji; Furuya, Hirotaka*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 55(3), p.276 - 282, 2018/03
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.77(Nuclear Science & Technology)Sasaki, Shinji; Tanno, Takashi; Maeda, Koji
Proceedings of 54th Annual Meeting of Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling (HOTLAB 2017) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2017/00
During irradiation in a fast reactor, the microstructure change of the mixed oxide fuels and the changes of element distributions occur because of a radial temperature gradient. Therefore, it is important to study the irradiation behavior of MA-MOX for advancement of fast reactor fuels. In order to make detailed observations of microstructure and elemental analyses of MA-MOX, irradiated MA-MOX specimens were carried out PIE by using a FE-SEM equipped with WDX. Because fuel samples have high radio activities and emit alpha-particles, the instrument was modified. the instrument was installed in a lead shield box and the control unit was separately located outside the box. The microstructure changes were observed in irradiated MA-MOX specimen. The characteristic X-rays peaks were detected successfully. By measuring the intensities of characteristic X-rays, it was tried quantitative analysis of U, Pu, Am along radial direction of irradiated specimen.
Isozaki, Misaki; Sasaki, Shinji; Maeda, Koji; Katsuyama, Kozo
JAEA-Technology 2015-058, 28 Pages, 2016/03
During irradiation in the fast reactor "JOYO", the changes of fuel structures with the formation of central void occur in the uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuels (MOX fuels) because of radial temperature gradient. The changes of element (U, Pu, and so on) distributions along radial direction proceed from these changes. Therefore, it is important to study the changes of fuel structures of the minute area in fuel pellet and the changes of element distribution behavior for development of fast reactor fuels. In order to make detailed observations of microstructure and elemental analyses of fuel samples, a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) equipped with a wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (WDS) and an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) were installed in Fuel Monitoring Facility (FMF). The samples of this FE-SEM are very high radioactivity because the samples contain the nuclear fuel elements (U, Pu, etc.), the fission products (Cs, Rh, etc.) and activation product (Co, Mn etc.). Owing to this, it is necessary to prevent leakage of radioactive materials (particularly, U, Pu is need tight accountancy in law) and to protect operators from radiation. In this installation of FE-SEM, it is selected JSM-7001F (made by JEOL) for base model. The notable modified points were as follows. (1) To protect operators from radiation, lead shields was installed around FE-SEM. (2) To prevent leakage of radioactive materials, the instrument was attached to a remote control air-tight sample transfer unit between a shielded hot cell and the FE-SEM and the instrument was fixing rigid structure without vibration damper. (3) The design and manufacture the lead shields with consideration of instrument maintainability. This paper was described the summary of FE-SEM, the notable modified points, the ways of FE-SEM installation, the result of performance test.
Tanaka, Kosuke; Sasaki, Shinji; Katsuyama, Kozo; Koyama, Shinichi
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 113(1), p.619 - 621, 2015/10
In order to evaluate the microstructural change behavior of Am-MOX fuels at the initial stage of irradiation, detailed investigations using image analysis were performed on X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) images and on ceramographs from fuels irradiated in both B11 and B14.
Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; Kumai, Misaki; Sato, Isamu; Suto, Mitsuo; Osaka, Masahiko; Goto, Tetsuo*; Sakai, Hitoshi*; Chigira, Takayuki*; Murata, Hirotoshi*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(7-8), p.1006 - 1023, 2014/07
Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:70.22(Nuclear Science & Technology)Since the start of the severe accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011, concrete surfaces within the reactor buildings have been exposed to radioactive contaminants. Released radiation sources still remain too high to permit entry into some areas of the RBs to allow the damage to be assessed and to allow carrying out the restoration of lost safety functions, decommissioning activities, etc. In order to clarify the situation of this contamination in the RBs, 18 samples were subjected to analyses to determine the surface radionuclide concentrations and to characterize the radionuclide distributions in the samples. Decontamination tests on the sample of Unit 2 were conducted to reduce the levels of radioactivity present near the sample surface. As a result of the tests, the level of radioactivity of the sample was reduced with the removal of 97% of the contamination present near the sample surface.
Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; Kumai, Misaki; Sato, Isamu; Suto, Mitsuo; Osaka, Masahiko
JAEA-Research 2013-025, 123 Pages, 2014/01
In order to clarify the situation of the contamination in the Fukushima Daiichi reactor buildings of Units 1, 2 and 3, selected samples were transported to the Oarai Engineering Center of JAEA where they were subjected to analyses to determine the surface radionuclide concentrations and to characterize the radionuclide distributions in the samples. The analysis results indicate that the situation of contamination in the building of Unit 2 was different from others, and the protective surface coatings on the concrete floors provided significant protection against radionuclide penetration. contaminants.