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検索結果: 457 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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New insight on the thermal impact on cementitious materials due to high-temperature with water supply; Continuous expansive spalling in water

三浦 泰人*; 宮本 慎太郎*; 丸山 一平*; Aili, A.*; 佐藤 拓未; 永江 勇二; 五十嵐 豪*

Case Studies in Construction Materials, 21, p.e03571_1 - e03571_14, 2024/12

In this study, the expansion behavior of cement materials after high-temperature heating and water immersion was observed experimentally. Two experiments were conducted using mortar specimens with different sand-to-cement ratios subjected to different high-temperature histories up to 1000$$^{circ}$$C. In Case 1, the specimens were immersed in water after high-temperature heating and then cooled naturally; in Case 2, the specimens were immersed in water at high temperatures without the cooling process. Based on the results, it was confirmed that lime expansion due to the rehydration of CaO by heating occurred in Case 1. In contrast, dynamic continuous explosive spalling occurred in Case 2 because of water penetration into the specimen at a high temperature. The explosive spalling in water observed in Case 2 is a phenomenon that has not been reported to date. Possible failure mechanisms for lime expansion and continuous expansive spalling in water are suggested.



木名瀨 暁理; 後藤 勝則*; 青野 竜士; 今田 未来; 佐藤 義行; 原賀 智子; 石森 健一郎; 亀尾 裕

JAEA-Data/Code 2024-004, 60 Pages, 2024/07




Single-shot laser-driven neutron resonance spectroscopy for temperature profiling

Lan, Z.*; 有川 安信*; Mirfayzi, S. R.*; Morace, A.*; 早川 岳人*; 佐藤 博隆*; 加美山 隆*; Wei, T.*; 巽 湧太*; 小泉 光生; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 15, p.5365_1 - 5365_7, 2024/07

The temperature measurement of material inside of an object is one of the key technologies for control of dynamical processes. For this purpose, various techniques such as laser-based thermography and phase-contrast imaging thermography have been studied. However, it is, in principle, impossible to measure the temperature of an element inside of an object using these techniques. One of the possible solutions is measurements of Doppler brooding effect in neutron resonance absorption (NRA). Here we present a method to measure the temperature of an element or an isotope inside of an object using NRA with a single neutron pulse of approximately 100 ns width provided from a high-power laser. We demonstrate temperature measurements of a tantalum (Ta) metallic foil heated from the room temperature up to 617 K. Although the neutron energy resolution is fluctuated from shot to shot, we obtain the temperature dependence of resonance Doppler broadening using a reference of a silver (Ag) foil kept to the room temperature. A free gas model well reproduces the results. This method enables element(isotope)-sensitive thermometry to detect the instantaneous temperature rise in dynamical processes.


Determination of $$^{90}$$Sr in highly radioactive aqueous samples via conversion to a kinetically stable 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid complex followed by concentration-separation-fractionation based on capillary electrophoresis-liquid scintillation

大内 和希; 原賀 智子; 廣瀬 和生*; 黒澤 結香*; 佐藤 義行; 渋川 雅美*; 齋藤 伸吾*

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1298, p.342399_1 - 342399_7, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01



Existence of local polar domains in perovskite oxyfluoride, BaFeO$$_2$$F

勝又 哲裕*; 鈴木 涼*; 佐藤 直人*; 小田 良哉*; 本山 慎吾*; 鈴木 俊平*; 中島 護*; 稲熊 宜之*; 森 大輔*; 相見 晃久*; et al.

Chemistry of Materials, 36(8), p.3697 - 3704, 2024/04



Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of $$^{185}$$Re in the keV energy region

片渕 竜也*; 佐藤 八起*; 武部 花凛*; 井頭 政之*; 梅澤 征悟*; 藤岡 諒*; 齋藤 辰宏*; 岩本 信之

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(2), p.224 - 229, 2024/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.05(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Measurements of the neutron capture cross section of $$^{185}$$Re have been limited in the keV energy region. In addition, existing measured data have discrepancies. In this study, the neutron time-of-flight method was employed to measure the capture cross section of $$^{185}$$Re at Tokyo Institute of Technology. The capture $$gamma$$-rays were detected with a large volume NaI(Tl) detector. The pulse-height weighting technique was applied to obtain the capture yield. The present results were corrected for neutron scattered effects and impurities in the sample. The measured cross sections were determined with the standard capture cross section of gold in the energy range from 15 to 90 keV, and compared with measured and evaluated data. The results of the measurement provided improved accuracy relative to previous studies in the keV energy range.


ICRU Report 98, Stochastic nature of radiation interactions; Microdosimetry

Braby, L. A.*; Conte, V.*; Dingfelder, M.*; Goodhead, D. T.*; Pinsky, L. S.*; Rosenfeld, A. B.*; 佐藤 達彦; Waker, A. J.*; Guatelli, S.*; Magrin, G.*; et al.

Journal of ICRU, 23(1), p.1 - 168, 2023/12




青谷 樹里; 森 天海; 佐藤 日向; 河野 壮馬; 諸角 詩央里; 堀籠 和志; 後藤 雄一; 山本 昌彦; 田口 茂郎

JAEA-Technology 2023-008, 34 Pages, 2023/06




Gyromagnetic bifurcation in a levitated ferromagnetic particle

佐藤 哲也*; 加藤 岳生*; 大上 能悟*; 松尾 衛

Physical Review B, 107(18), p.L180406_1 - L180406_6, 2023/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:44.21(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We examine the mechanical rotation of a levitated magnetic particle that is induced by ferromagnetic resonance under microwave irradiation. We show that two stable solutions appear in a certain range of parameters by bifurcation when the rotation frequency is comparable to the microwave frequency. This phenomenon originates from the coexistence of the Barnett and the Einstein-de Haas effects. We also reveal that this measurement is sensitive to the strength of the spin-rotation coupling. Our work provides a platform for accessing a microscopic relaxation process from spin to macroscopic rotation.


Americium(III)/curium(III) complete separation and sensitive fluorescence detection by capillary and gel electrophoresis using emissive hexadentate/octadentate polyaminocarboxylate ligands

齋藤 伸吾*; 原賀 智子; 丸茂 和樹*; 佐藤 義行; 中野 裕太*; 半田 友衣子*; 渋川 雅美*

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 96(3), p.223 - 225, 2023/03



Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library version 5; JENDL-5

岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 国枝 賢; 湊 太志; 中山 梓介; 安部 豊*; 椿原 康介*; 奥村 森*; 石塚 知香子*; 吉田 正*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(1), p.1 - 60, 2023/01

 被引用回数:75 パーセンタイル:99.99(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The fifth version of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, JENDL-5, was developed. JENDL-5 aimed to meet a variety of needs not only from nuclear reactors but also from other applications such as accelerators. Most of the JENDL special purpose files published so far were integrated into JENDL-5 with revisions. JENDL-5 consists of 11 sublibraries: (1) Neutron, (2) Thermal scattering law, (3) Fission product yield, (4) Decay data, (5) Proton, (6) Deuteron, (7) Alpha-particle, (8) Photonuclear, (9) Photo-atomic, (10) Electro-atomic, and (11) Atomic relaxation. The neutron reaction data for a large number of nuclei in JENDL-4.0 were updated ranging from light to heavy ones, including major and minor actinides which affect nuclear reactor calculations. In addition, the number of nuclei of neutron reaction data stored in JENDL-5 was largely increased; the neutron data covered not only all of naturally existing nuclei but also their neighbor ones with half-lives longer than 1 day. JENDL-5 included the originally evaluated data of thermal scattering law and fission product yield for the first time. Light charged-particle and photon induced reaction data were also included for the first time as the JENDL general purpose file.


Strangeness physics programs by S-2S at J-PARC

後神 利志*; 江端 健悟; 藤田 真奈美; 原田 健志; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; Kim, S.; 七村 拓野; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.11002_1 - 11002_7, 2022/11

In the K1.8 beam-line at Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC, a new magnetic spectrometer S-2S is being installed. S-2S was designed to achieve a high momentum resolution of $$Delta p/p = 6 times 10^{-4}$$ in FWHM. Several strangeness-physics programs which require the high resolution will be realized by S-2S. The present article introduces J-PARC E70 (missing-mass spectroscopy of $$_{Xi}^{12}$$Be) and E94 (missing-mass spectroscopy of $$_{Lambda}^7$$Li, $$_{Lambda}^{10}$$B, and $$_{Lambda}^{12}$$C) experiments.


Partial breakdown of translation symmetry at a structural quantum critical point associated with a ferroelectric soft mode

石井 悠衣*; 山本 有梨沙*; 佐藤 直大*; 南部 雄亮*; 河村 聖子; 村井 直樹; 尾原 幸治*; 河口 彰吾*; 森 孝雄*; 森 茂生*

Physical Review B, 106(13), p.134111_1 - 134111_7, 2022/10

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We report that complete suppression of a phonon-driven structural phase transition causes partial breakdown of a three-dimensional translation symmetry in a well-defined sublattice. This state is revealed for a dielectric compound, Ba$$_{1-x}$$Sr$$_x$$Al$$_2$$O$$_4$$, that comprises an AlO$$_4$$ network incorporated into a hexagonal Ba(Sr) sublattice. Pair distribution function analyses and inelastic neutron scattering experiments provide clear-cut evidence of the AlO$$_4$$ network forming a continuum of Al-O short-range correlations similar to glasses, whereas the Ba(Sr) sublattice preserves the original translational symmetry. This glassy network significantly dampens the phonon spectrum and transforms it into the broad one resembling those typically observed in glass materials.


Design and actual performance of J-PARC 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron for high-intensity operation

山本 風海; 金正 倫計; 林 直樹; Saha, P. K.; 田村 文彦; 山本 昌亘; 谷 教夫; 高柳 智弘; 神谷 潤一郎; 菖蒲田 義博; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(9), p.1174 - 1205, 2022/09

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:81.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)

J-PARC 3GeVシンクロトロン(RCS)は、最大1MWの大強度ビームを25Hzという早い繰り返しで中性子実験及び下流の主リングシンクロトロンに供給することを目的に設計された。2007年の加速器調整運転開始以降、RCSではビーム試験を通じて加速器の設計性能が満たされているかの確認を進め、必要に応じてより安定に運転するための改善を行ってきた。その結果として、近年RCSは1MWのビーム出力で連続運転を行うことが可能となり、共用運転に向けた最後の課題の抽出と対策の検討が進められている。本論文ではRCSの設計方針と実際の性能、および改善点について議論する。


On the adsorption and reactivity of element 114, flerovium

Yakushev, A.*; Lens, L.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; Khuyagbaatar, J.*; J$"a$ger, E.*; Krier, J.*; Runke, J.*; Albers, H. M.*; 浅井 雅人; Block, M.*; et al.

Frontiers in Chemistry (Internet), 10, p.976635_1 - 976635_11, 2022/08

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:81.01(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Novel $$^{90}$$Sr analysis of environmental samples by ion-laser interaction mass spectrometry

本多 真紀; Martschini, M.*; Marchhart, O.*; Priller, A.*; Steier, P.*; Golser, R.*; 佐藤 哲也; 塚田 和明; 坂口 綾*

Analytical Methods, 14(28), p.2732 - 2738, 2022/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:41.58(Chemistry, Analytical)




深谷 裕司; 大橋 弘史; 佐藤 博之; 後藤 実; 國富 一彦

日本原子力学会和文論文誌(インターネット), 21(2), p.116 - 126, 2022/06



Abrupt change in electronic states under pressure in new compound EuPt$$_3$$Al$$_5$$

小泉 尭嗣*; 本多 史憲*; 佐藤 芳樹*; Li, D.*; 青木 大*; 芳賀 芳範; 郷地 順*; 長崎 尚子*; 上床 美也*; 金子 良夫*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(4), p.043704_1 - 043704_5, 2022/04

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:42.15(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A new ternary europium compound EuPt$$_3$$Al$$_5$$ is reported. It orders antiferromagnetically at 12.4 K. Application of hydrostatic pressure varies the transition temperature and the compound becomes non-magnetic above the critical pressure 9 GPa. The pressure-temperature phase diagram is indicative of a possible valence crossover at the critical pressure.


$$^{rm 206,207,208,nat}$$Pb(p,x)$$^{194}$$Hg and $$^{209}$$Bi(p,x)$$^{194}$$Hg excitation functions in the energy range 0.04 - 2.6 GeV

Titarenko, Yu. E.*; Batyaev, V. F.*; Pavlov, K. V.*; Titarenko, A. Yu.*; Malinovskiy, S. V.*; Rogov, V. I.*; Zhivun, V. M.*; Kulevoy, T. V.*; Chauzova, M. V.*; Khalikov, R. S.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1026, p.166151_1 - 166151_9, 2022/03

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:28.09(Instruments & Instrumentation)

0.04から2.6GeVの陽子入射による$$^{rm 206,207,208,nat}$$Pb及び天然Biからの$$^{194}$$Hg生成断面積を直接$$gamma$$線スペクトロメトリの手法を用いて測定した。測定した結果は、モンテカルロ計算コードMCNP6.1, PHITS, Geant4及び核反応コードTALYSと比較した。



普天間 章; 眞田 幸尚; 石崎 梓; 川崎 義晴*; 岩井 毅行*; 平賀 祥吾*; 佐藤 一彦*; 萩野谷 仁*; 松永 祐樹*; 菊池 陽*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2021-029, 132 Pages, 2022/02



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