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Journal Articles

JT-60SA assembly and metrology

Suzuki, Sadaaki; Yagyu, Junichi; Masaki, Kei; Nishiyama, Tomokazu; Nakamura, Shigetoshi; Saeki, Hisashi; Hoshi, Ryo; Sawai, Hiroaki; Hasegawa, Koichi; Arai, Takashi; et al.

NIFS-MEMO-67, p.266 - 271, 2014/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Assembly study for JT-60SA tokamak

Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Arai, Takashi; Hasegawa, Koichi; Hoshi, Ryo; Kamiya, Koji; Kawashima, Hisato; Kubo, Hirotaka; Masaki, Kei; Saeki, Hisashi; Sakurai, Shinji; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(6-8), p.705 - 710, 2013/10

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:59.74(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Basic concept of JT-60SA tokamak assembly

Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Arai, Takashi; Kawashima, Hisato; Hoshino, Katsumichi; Hoshi, Ryo; Kobayashi, Kaoru; Sawai, Hiroaki; Masaki, Kei; Sakurai, Shinji; Shibama, Yusuke; et al.

Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.9, p.276 - 281, 2010/08

The JT-60 SA project is a combined project of JA-EU satellite tokamak program under the Broader Approach (BA) agreement and JA domestic program. Major components of JT-60SA for assembly are vacuum vessel (VV), superconducting coils (TF coils, EF coils and CS coil), in-vessel components such as divertor, thermal shield and cryostat. An assembly frame (with the dedicated cranes), which is located around the tokamak, is adopted to carry out effectively the assembly of tokamak components in the tokamak hall, independently of the facility cranes in the building. The assembly frame also provides assembly tools and jigs with jacks to support temporarily the components as well as to adjust the components at right positions. In this paper, the assembly scenario and scequence of the major components such as VV and TFC and the concept of the assembly frame including special jigs and fixtures are discussed.

Oral presentation

Study of assembly metrology for JT-60SA

Yagyu, Junichi; Masaki, Kei; Suzuki, Sadaaki; Nishiyama, Tomokazu; Nakamura, Shigetoshi; Saeki, Hisashi; Hoshi, Ryo; Sawai, Hiroaki; Hasegawa, Koichi; Arai, Takashi; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study of assembly procedure in the JT-60SA

Hasegawa, Koichi; Arai, Takashi; Hoshi, Ryo; Masaki, Kei; Saeki, Hisashi; Sakata, Shinya; Sawai, Hiroaki; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Suzuki, Sadaaki; Tsukao, Naohiro; et al.

no journal, , 

JAEA pushes forward construction of superconduction tokamak (JT-60SA) as part of Broader Approach activity in cooperation with EU. JT-60SA is concentrated and highly precise with a large structure in the limited space, and it is necessary to assemble it. Therefore, from 2007, assembling examination using the 3D CAD has been performed. By this lecture introduce the examination situation of the assembling procedures such as TF coil, a vacuum vessel, cryostat, EF coil of JT-60SA.

Oral presentation

Study of JT-60SA assembly procedure

Arai, Takashi; Hasegawa, Koichi; Hoshi, Ryo; Kawashima, Hisato; Kubo, Hirotaka; Masaki, Kei; Sawai, Hiroaki; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Tsukao, Naohiro; Yagyu, Junichi; et al.

no journal, , 

In a JT-60SA project, JT-60U is repaired to superconductivity tokamak JT-60 SA as a satellite tokamak plan by "broad approach (BA) activities towards realization of the early stage of nuclear fusion energy" who carries out by Japan-Europe cooperation. JT-60SA is built in the torus hall of a JT-60 experiment building main part after demolition of JT-60U equipment. In JT-60 SA, arrangement examination and an interference check are performed about the apparatus of the structure which becomes intricate intricately using a 3D-CAD model. A plan for the three-dimensional measuring instrument (laser tracker) which is leading-edge technology to perform position measurement is carried out. The laser tracker is highly precise as compared with the usual measuring instrument, and can make a fabrication error small as much as possible. A lecture describes position measurement together with an assembly procedure.

Oral presentation

Study of JT-60SA tokamak assembly

Kubo, Hirotaka; Arai, Takashi; Hasegawa, Koichi; Hoshi, Ryo*; Kawashima, Hisato; Maesaki, Yoshitaka; Masaki, Kei; Sawai, Hiroaki; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Tabe, Masato; et al.

no journal, , 

The JT-60SA tokamak, which is a large superconducting tokamak, needs to be assembled consistently with high precision; assembly of the JT-60SA tokamak has been studied. The absolute coordinate system for the assembly is defined on the basis of the coordinate system of the JT-60 torus hall. The origin ((x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)) of the absolute coordinate system is defined to be the center of the VV in the plasma operation. A consistent global scenario of the assembly is studied. Assembly procedures and tools for major components such as the TFCs are studies.

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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