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Journal Articles

Development of in-service inspection rules for liquid-metal cooled reactors using the system based code concept

Takaya, Shigeru; Asayama, Tai; Yada, Hiroki; Roberts, A. T.*; Schaaf, F.*

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 142(2), p.021601_1 - 021601_5, 2020/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.41(Engineering, Mechanical)

Inservice inspection rules for liquid-metal cooled plants were historically provided by Section XI, Division 3 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. However, some parts of the Code remained as being in the course of preparation. Although no major revisions were made to Division 3 since the first issue in 1980, a newly developed and published Code Case N-875, now provides alternative examinations to the methods previously contained in Division 3. The Code Case was developed using the System Based Code concept pursuing rationalization of codes and standards based on reliability targets throughout a plant's service life. In this paper, an overview of the Code Case is presented. The technical foundation to establish the applicability of these alternative examinations as delineated in the Code Case, consists of Stage I and II evaluations with compensating individual considerations. Stage I is a structural integrity evaluation without the contribution of inservice inspections, while Stage II is evaluation of the detectability of a postulated flaw. Not only conventional direct detection methods, but also indirect detection methods are permitted to be employed through the Stage II evaluation. Furthermore, the detailed evaluation procedures are illustrated through the application of the Code Case's evaluation criteria to the primary heat transport piping system of a prototype sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor in Japan, specifically Monju.

Journal Articles

Elaboration of the system based code concept; Activities in JSME and ASME, 4; Joint efforts of JSME and ASME

Asayama, Tai; Takaya, Shigeru; Morishita, Masaki; Schaaf, F.*

Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-22) (DVD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2014/07

This paper describes the ongoing activities at the Joint Task Group for System Based Code established in 2012 by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Committee. The Joint Task Group aims at developing alternative rules for ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Division 3, inservice inspection requirements for liquid metal reactors. The alternative rules will be developed based on the System Based Code concept which was originally proposed in Japan and is being elaborated both in JSME and ASME.

Journal Articles

Observation of the isovector giant monopole resonances in the ($$^{3}$$He, t) reaction

Zegers, R. G. T.*; Van den Berg, A. M.*; Brandenburg. S.*; Fleurot, F. R. R.*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Guillot, J.*; Hannen, V. M.*; Harakeh, M. N.*; Laurent, H.*; Van der Schaaf, K.*; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 687(3-4), p.262c - 269c, 2001/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Search for isovector giant monopole resonances via the Pb($$^{3}$$He,tp) reaction

Zegers, R. G. T.; Van den Berg, A. M.*; Brandenburg. S.*; Fleurot, F. R. R.*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Guillot, J.*; Hannen, V. M.*; Harakeh, M. N.*; Laurent, H.*; Van der Schaaf, K.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 84(17), p.3779 - 3782, 2000/04

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:65.24(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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