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Lifetime measurements of excited states in $$^{55}$$Cr

Kleis, H.*; Seidlitz, M.*; Blazhev, A.*; Kaya, L.*; Reiter, P.*; Arnswald, K.*; Dewald, A.*; Droste, M.*; Fransen, C.*; M$"o$ller, O.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 104(3), p.034310_1 - 034310_9, 2021/09


 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:32.77(Physics, Nuclear)

ケルン大学のタンデム加速器にて、$$^{48}$$Ca($$^{11}$$B, $$p3n$$)$$^{55}$$Cr反応によって$$^{55}$$Crの励起状態を生成し、そこから脱励起する励起状態の寿命をドップラーシフト反跳距離法を用いて測定した。$$9/2^-_1$$状態から$$5/2^-_1$$状態へ脱励起する$$E2$$遷移の寿命が6.33(46)ps, $$5/2^-_1$$状態から$$3/2^-_1$$状態へ脱励起する$$M1$$励起の寿命が5.61(28)psであることが決定された。その値から$$B(E2)$$, $$B(M1)$$値を引き出し、これらが殻模型計算の値とよく一致することがわかった。小さな$$B(M1)$$値は、$$5/2^-_1$$状態と$$3/2^-_1$$状態が異なる回転バンドに属しているためであると解釈された。


Isomer spectroscopy in $$^{133}$$Ba and high-spin structure of $$^{134}$$Ba

Kaya, L.*; Vogt, A.*; Reiter, P.*; Siciliano, M.*; 清水 則孝*; 宇都野 穣; Wang, H.-K.*; Gargano, A.*; Coraggio, L.*; Itaco, N.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 100(2), p.024323_1 - 024323_18, 2019/08


 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:76.08(Physics, Nuclear)



Cross-shell excitations from the $$fp$$ shell; Lifetime measurements in $$^{61}$$Zn

Queiser, M.*; Vogt, A.*; Seidlitz, M.*; Reiter, P.*; 富樫 智章*; 清水 則孝*; 宇都野 穣; 大塚 孝治*; 本間 道雄*; Petkov, P.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 96(4), p.044313_1 - 044313_13, 2017/10

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:40.69(Physics, Nuclear)



Spectroscopy of $$^{46}$$Ar by the ($$t,p$$) two-neutron transfer reaction

Nowak, K.*; Wimmer, K.*; Hellgartner, S.*; M$"u$cher, D.*; Bildstein, V.*; Diriken, J.*; Elseviers, J.*; Gaffney, L. P.*; Gernh$"a$user, R.*; Iwanicki, J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 93(4), p.044335_1 - 044335_10, 2016/04

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:76.95(Physics, Nuclear)

The $$^{44}$$Ar($$t,p$$)$$^{46}$$Ar two-neutron transfer reaction at 2.16 MeV/u was studied at CERN using a $$^{44}$$Ar radioactive beam and a tritium loaded radioactive target. Angular distributions for three final states were measured and based on the shape of the differential cross section an excited state at 3695 keV was identified as the first excited 0$$+$$ state. The differential cross-sections for the 0$$^+$$-ground state, and first excited 2$$^+$$ and 0$$^+$$ states are compared to DWBA calculations including two-step reactions through the intermediate nucleus $$^{45}$$Ar. By comparison large scale shell model calculations using state-of-the-art effective interactions, with and without the tensor components of the interactions, it was observed that the cross-shell proton-neutron tensor interaction has measurable effects on the observables at low excitation energy in $$^{46}$$Ar.


Cluster-transfer reactions with radioactive beams; A Spectroscopic tool for neutron-rich nuclei

Bottoni, S.*; Leoni, S.*; Fornal, B.*; Raabe, R.*; Rusek, K.*; Benzoni, G.*; Bracco, A.*; Crespi, F. C. L.*; Morales, A. I.*; Bednarczyk, P.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 92(2), p.024322_1 - 024322_8, 2015/08

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:79.00(Physics, Nuclear)

An exploratory experiment was performed at REX-ISOLDE CERN to test the potential of cluster-transfer reactions at the Coulomb barrier as a mechanism to explore the structure of exotic neutron-rich nuclei. The transfer of triton and alpha particles in a reaction of a beam of $$^{98}$$Rb onto a $$^7$$Li target were studied through particle-$$gamma$$ coincidence measurements. The results indicate that such cluster transfer reactions can be an efficient method to investigate the structure of neutron-rich nuclei at medium-high excitation energies and spins.


Collectivity in the light radon nuclei measured directly via Coulomb excitation

Gaffney, L. P.*; Robinson, A. P.*; Jenkins, D. G.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Bender, M.*; Blazhev, A.*; Bree, N.*; Bruyneel, B.*; Butler, P.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 91(6), p.064313_1 - 064313_11, 2015/06

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:50.32(Physics, Nuclear)

Radioactive ion beams of $$^{202,204}$$Rn were studied by means of low-energy Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE, CERN. The electric-quadrupole (E2) matrix elements connecting the first excited 2$$^+$$ to the ground state of these nuclei was extracted, which permits to determine the collectivity of these isotopes, which in both cases is deduced to be weak, as expected from the low-lying level-energy scheme. Comparisons were also made with beyond-mean-field model calculations and the magnitude of the transitional quadrupole moments are well reproduced.


Experimental study of the $$^{66}$$Ni($$d$$,$$p$$)$$^{67}$$Ni one-neutron transfer reaction

Diriken, J.*; Patronis, N.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Antalic, S.*; Bildstein, V.*; Blazhev, A.*; Darby, I. G.*; De Witte, H.*; Eberth, J.*; Elseviers, J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 91(5), p.054321_1 - 054321_15, 2015/05

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:54.48(Physics, Nuclear)

Excited states up to an excitation energy of 5.8 MeV were populated in the neutron-rich isotope $$^{67}$$Ni via the $$^{66}$$Ni(d,p) transfer reaction at REX-Isolde, CERN. In particular, single-neutron states above the N=40 sub-shell gap were populated, and the relative spectroscopic factors were extracted using distorted-wave Born approximation analysis. The positive parity g$$_{9/2}$$, d$$_{5/2}$$ and s$$_{1/2}$$ neutron orbits above the shell closure are assumed to induce strong quadrupole collectivity in neutron-rich Fe and Cr isotopes. The extracted relative spectroscopic factors show that the strength of the d$$_{5/2}$$ orbit is mostly split over two states, hinting to substantial mixing of the neutron d$$_{5/2}$$ configuration with collective modes of the core. The size of the N=50 shell gap was also estimated, and found to be 2.6 MeV near $$^{68}$$Ni, as also determined in lighter Ni isotopes.


Single-neutron orbits near $$^{78}$$Ni; Spectroscopy of the N=49 isotope $$^{79}$$Zn

Orlandi, R.; M$"u$cher, D.*; Raabe, R.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Pain, S. D.*; Bildstein, V.*; Chapman, R.*; De Angelis, G.*; Johansen, J. G.*; Van Duppen, P.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 740, p.298 - 302, 2015/01

 被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:85.85(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Single-neutron states in $$^{79}$$Zn have been populated using the reaction $$^{78}$$Zn(d,p) at REX-Isolde, CERN. The analysis reveals that the lowest excited states in $$^{79}$$Zn lie at approximately 1 MeV, and involve neutron orbits above the N=50 shell gap. A 5/2$$^{+}$$ configuration was assigned to the 983-keV state. Comparison with large-scale shell model calculations supports a robust neutron N=50 shell closure for $$^{78}$$Ni. These data constitute an important step towards the understanding the magicity of $$^{78}$$Ni and the structure of nuclei in the region.


Study of the deformation-driving $$nu$$d$$_{5/2}$$ orbital in $$_{28}^{67}$$Ni$$_{39}$$ using one-neutron transfer reactions

Diriken, J.*; Patronis, N.*; Andreyev, A. N.*; Antalic, S.*; Bildstein, V.*; Blazhev, A.*; Darby, I. G.*; De Witte, H.*; Eberth, J.*; Elseviers, J.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 736, p.533 - 538, 2014/09

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:74.32(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The neutron orbits $$g_{9/2}$$, d$$_{5/2}$$ and s$$_{1/2}$$ are assumed to be responsible for the swift onset of collectivity observed in the region below $$^{68}$$Ni. In order to gather information on the single-particle energies and spectroscopic factors of these orbitals, single-particle states in the nucleus $$^{67}$$Ni were populated using the reaction $$^{66}$$Ni(d,p), in inverse kinematics, at REX-ISOLDE, CERN. The new isotope was studied using combined particle-$$gamma$$ spectroscopy. Comparison with DWBA calculations, permitted the identification of positive parity states with a substantial amount of $$nu$$d$$_{9/2}$$ (1007 keV) and $$nu$$d$$_{5/2}$$ (2207 and 3277 keV) single-particle strength. Comparisons with extended Shell-Model calculations was also performed to confirm the single-particle nature of these states, and to deduce general properties around $$^{68}$$Ni.


Low-velocity transient-field technique with radioactive ion beams; $$g$$ factor of the first excited $$2^+$$ state in $$^{72}$$Zn

Illana, A.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Orlandi, R.; Perea, A.*; Bauer, C.*; Briz, J. A.*; Egido, J. L.*; Gernh$"a$user, R.*; Leske, J.*; M$"u$cher, D.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 89(5), p.054316_1 - 054316_11, 2014/05

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:60.02(Physics, Nuclear)

The $$g$$ factor of the first excited state in $$^{72}$$Zn was measured using the transient-field technique in combination with Coulomb excitation. The experiment was ran at REX-ISOLDE, CERN, and the $$gamma$$-ray perturbed angular correlations were measured using 4 triple Germanium clusters of the Miniball array. The experimental result $$g$$(2$$_1^{+}$$) = +0.47(14) is significant to establish the structure of the Zn isotopes near N=40. Comparison with shell-model calculations reveal that to reproduce the measured energies and B(E2) of the Zn isotopes around N=40, both the proton excitations from the $$f_{7/2}$$ orbit and neutron excitations into the $$g_{9/2}$$ and $$d_{5/2}$$ orbits are essential. Furthermore, beyond-mean-field calculations reveal the need to include the triaxial degree of freedom.


The $$T=2$$ mirrors $$^{36}$$Ca and $$^{36}$$S; A Test for isospin symmetry of shell gaps at the driplines

Doornenbal, P.*; Reiter, P.*; Grawe, H.*; 大塚 孝治*; Al-Khatib, A.*; Banu, A.*; Beck, T.*; Becker, F.*; Bednarczyk, P.*; Benzoni, G.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 647(4), p.237 - 242, 2007/04

 被引用回数:34 パーセンタイル:86.88(Astronomy & Astrophysics)



Low-energy states in $$^{79}$$Zn and the structure of $$^{78}$$Ni

Orlandi, R.; M$"u$cher, D.*; Raabe, R.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Pain, S. D.*; Bildstein, V.*; Chapman, R.*; De Angelis, G.*; Johansen, J. G.*; Van Duppen, P.*; et al.

no journal, , 

Single-neutron states in the $$N$$ = 49 isotope $$^{79}$$Zn were populated in the $$^{78}$$Zn(d,p)$$^{79}$$Zn transfer reaction at REX-ISOLDE, CERN. The combined detection of protons ejected in the reaction and of $$gamma$$ rays emitted by $$^{79}$$Zn permitted the identification of the lowest-lying 5/2$$^+$$ and 1/2$$^+$$ excited states. The analysis of proton angular distributions links these states to a significant amount of single-particle strength around 1 MeV, and specifically to the $$nu$$d$$_{5/2}$$ and $$nu$$s$$_{1/2}$$ neutron orbits, which lie above the $$N$$ = 50 neutron shell gap. Comparison with large-scale-shell-model calculations supports a robust $$N$$ = 50 shell-closure for $$^{78}$$Ni. These data constitute a considerable step towards the understanding of the magicity of $$^{78}$$Ni and of the structure of isotopes in the region.

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