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Journal Articles

Structure and magnetic properties of Fe nanoparticles in amorphous silica implanted with Fe ions and effect of subsequent energetic heavy ion irradiation

Iwase, Akihiro*; Fukuda, Kengo*; Saito, Yuichi*; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Amekura, Hiroshi*; Matsui, Toshiyuki*

Journal of Applied Physics, 132(16), p.163902_1 - 163902_10, 2022/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Applied)

Amorphous SiO$$_{2}$$ samples were implanted with 380 keV Fe ions at room temperature. After implantation, some of the samples were irradiated with 16 MeV Au ions. magnetic properties were investigated using a SQUID magnetometer, and the morphology of the Fe-implanted SiO$$_{2}$$ samples was examined using transmission electron microscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANES), which showed that the size of Fe nanoparticles was increasing The size of Fe nanoparticles increased with increasing Fe implantation amount; some of the Fe nanoparticles consisted of Fe oxides, and the valence and structure of Fe atoms became closer to that of metallic $$alpha$$-Fe with increasing Fe injection amount. The magnetization-field curve of the sample implanted with a small amount of Fe was reproduced by Langevin's equation, suggesting that the Fe nanoparticles behave in a superparamagnetic manner. In addition, when a large amount of Fe was implanted, the magnetization-magnetic field curve shows a ferromagnetic state. These magnetic property results are consistent with the X-ray absorption results. Subsequent 16 MeV Au irradiation crushed the Fe nanoparticles, resulting in a decrease in magnetization.

Journal Articles

Strong flux pinning by columnar defects with directionally dependent morphologies in GdBCO-coated conductors irradiated with 80 MeV Xe ions

Sueyoshi, Tetsuro*; Kotaki, Tetsuya*; Furuki, Yuichi*; Fujiyoshi, Takanori*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Ozaki, Toshinori*; Sakane, Hitoshi*; Kudo, Masaki*; Yasuda, Kazuhiro*; Ishikawa, Norito

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59(2), p.023001_1 - 023001_7, 2020/02

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:37.32(Physics, Applied)

We show that Xe ion irradiation with 80 MeV to GdBa$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{3}$$Oy-coated conductors creates different morphologies of columnar defects (CDs) depending on the irradiation angles relative to the c-axis: continuous CDs with a larger diameter are formed for oblique irradiation at $$theta_{rm i}$$ = 45$$^{circ}$$, whereas the same ion beam at a different angle ($$theta_{rm i}$$ = 0$$^{circ}$$) induces the formation of discontinuous CDs. The direction-dependent morphologies of CDs significantly affect the angular behavior of the critical current density $$J_{rm c}$$.

Journal Articles

Ion species/energy dependence of irradiation-induced lattice structure transformation and surface hardness of Ni$$_{3}$$Nb and Ni$$_{3}$$Ta intermetallic compounds

Kojima, Hiroshi*; Kaneno, Yasuyuki*; Ochi, Masaaki*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Hori, Fuminobu*; Saito, Yuichi*; Ishikawa, Norito; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Iwase, Akihiro*

Materials Transactions, 58(5), p.739 - 748, 2017/05

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:23.81(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Bulk samples of Ni$$_{3}$$Nb and Ni$$_{3}$$Ta intermetallic compounds were irradiated with 16 MeV Au, 4.5 MeV Ni, 4.5 MeV Al, 200 MeV Xe and 1.0 MeV He ions, and the change in near-surface lattice structure was investigated by means of the grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD)and EXAFS. The Ni$$_{3}$$Nb and Ni$$_{3}$$Ta lattice structures transform from the ordered structures (orthorhombic and monoclinic structures for Ni$$_{3}$$Nb and Ni$$_{3}$$Ta, respectively) to the amorphous state by the Au, Ni, Al and Xe ion irradiations. Irrespective of such heavy ion species or energies, the lattice structure transformation to the amorphous state almost correlate with the density of energy deposited through elastic collisions.

Journal Articles

Radiation enhanced precipitation of solute atoms in AlCu binary alloys; Energetic ion irradiation experiment and computer simulation

Mayumi, Ren*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Saito, Yuichi*; Yoshiie, Toshimasa*; Iwase, Akihiro*

Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 42(1), p.9 - 14, 2017/02

AlCu binary alloys were irradiated with 16 MeV Au, 4.5 MeV Ni or 4.5 MeV Al ions at room temperature. Changes in surface hardness and the local atomic structure around Cu atoms were examined by using the Vickers hardness measurement and the EXAFS measurements, respectively. Some specimens were aged at 453 K and Vickers hardness was measured. The computer simulation was also performed by using the rate equation method. The hardness of irradiated specimens increased much faster than that of the aged specimens and it became larger than the maximum value of the hardness for the aged specimens. The comparison of the experimental EXAFS result with that of FEFF simulation suggests that the ion irradiation produced small Cu precipitates in the specimens. The computer simulation visualized the growth process of Cu precipitates during the irradiation, and the result qualitatively corresponds to the experimental result.

Journal Articles

Lattice structure transformation and change in surface hardness of Ni$$_3$$Nb and Ni$$_3$$Ta intermetallic compounds induced by energetic ion beam irradiation

Kojima, Hiroshi*; Yoshizaki, Hiroaki*; Kaneno, Yasuyuki*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Hori, Fuminobu*; Saito, Yuichi; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Iwase, Akihiro*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 372, p.72 - 77, 2016/04

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:61.24(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Ni$$_3$$Nb and Ni$$_3$$Ta intermetallic compounds, which show the complicated lattice structures were irradiated with 16 MeV Au$$^{5+}$$ ions at room temperature. The X-ray diffraction measurement revealed that the lattice structure of these intermetallic compounds changed from the ordered structures to the amorphous state by the ion irradiation. The irradiation-induced amorphization caused the increase in Vickers hardness. The result was compared with our previous results for Ni$$_3$$Al and Ni$$_3$$V, and was discussed in terms of the intrinsic lattice structures of the samples.

Journal Articles

Hardness modification of Al-Mg-Si alloy by using energetic ion beam irradiation

Ueyama, Daichi*; Saito, Yuichi; Ishikawa, Norito; Omura, Takahito*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Hori, Fuminobu*; Iwase, Akihiro*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 351, p.1 - 5, 2015/05

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:53.32(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Hardening induced by energetic electron beam for Cu-Ti alloys

Ueyama, Daichi*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Saito, Yuichi; Ishikawa, Norito; Nishida, Kenji*; Soneda, Naoki*; Hori, Fuminobu*; Iwase, Akihiro*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53(5S1), p.05FC04_1 - 05FC04_5, 2014/05

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:36.57(Physics, Applied)

In our previous research, it was found that the hardness of Cu-Ti alloy increased by energetic heavy ion irradiation at room temperature. In the conference, we will show the result of electron beam irradiation on the hardness of Cu-Ti alloys. We used CuTi sheets with the dimension of 10 $$times$$ 10 $$times$$ 0.250 mm$$^{3}$$. The specimens were irradiated at 473 K and 523 K with 2 MeV electrons. For comparison, we thermally aged some specimens at the same temperatures as that for the irradiation. The electron fluence of 8.0 $$times$$ 10$$^{17}$$/cm$$^{2}$$ corresponds to the processing time of about 10 h. As a result, the thermal aging for 10 h increases the hardness by 5 or less, which is much smaller than that by the irradiation (about 20). The hardness of the reverse side of irradiated surface is almost the same as that of the irradiated surface. The present result implies that energetic electron irradiation can be a useful tool for controlling the hardness of the "bulk" Cu-Ti alloy.

Journal Articles

Hardness modification of aluminum-alloys by means of energetic ion irradiation and subsequent thermal aging

Mitsuda, Tomoaki*; Kobayashi, Ippei*; Kosugi, Shinya*; Fujita, Naoki*; Saito, Yuichi; Hori, Fuminobu*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Kaneno, Yasuyuki*; Nishida, Kenji*; Soneda, Naoki*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 272, p.49 - 52, 2012/02

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:58.60(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Experimental studies of complex hydride YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ on formation kinetics and X-ray absorption fine structure analyses

Matsuo, Motoaki*; Matsumura, Daiju; Nishihata, Yasuo; Li, G.*; Hiyama, Nao*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Orimo, Shinichi*

Applied Physics Letters, 100(4), p.044101_1 - 044101_3, 2012/01

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:17.62(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Hardening of Al-Cu-Mg alloy by energetic ion irradiation

Mitsuda, Tomoaki*; Kobayashi, Ippei*; Kosugi, Shinya*; Fujita, Naoki*; Saito, Yuichi; Hori, Fuminobu*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Kaneno, Yasuyuki*; Nishida, Kenji*; Soneda, Naoki*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 408(2), p.201 - 204, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:70.49(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Oral presentation

Direct observation of metal-hydrogen covalent bond in complex hydride YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ by using X-ray absorption fine structure

Matsumura, Daiju; Nishihata, Yasuo; Matsuo, Motoaki*; Li, G.*; Hiyama, Nao*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Orimo, Shinichi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Direct observation of metal-hydrogen bonding in complex hydride YMn$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$

Matsumura, Daiju; Matsuo, Motoaki*; Li, G.*; Hiyama, Nao*; Semboshi, Satoshi*; Nishihata, Yasuo; Orimo, Shinichi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

12 (Records 1-12 displayed on this page)
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