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検索結果: 48 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Preliminary measurement of prompt gamma-ray from nuclear material for the classification of fuel debris and waste

芝 知宙; 冠城 雅晃; 能見 貴佳; 鈴木 梨沙; 小菅 義広*; 名内 泰志*; 高田 映*; 長谷 竹晃; 奥村 啓介

Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR2022) (Internet), 3 Pages, 2022/10

A technique that can easily determine the presence of nuclear material in removed object from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant site is important from the viewpoint of sorting fuel debris from radioactive waste. In the case of fresh uranium, the amount of nuclear material in the waste generated from nuclear facilities can be determined by measuring 1001 keV gamma-rays emitted by $$^{rm 234m}$$Pa, which is a daughter nuclide of $$^{238}$$U. However, it has been pointed out that such gamma-ray measurement cannot be used for fuel debris that contains a large portion of fission products (FPs) emitting various energies of gamma-rays. In this study, we focus on prompt fission gamma-rays that are directly emitted from nuclear materials and those energy exists in a higher energy region than those of FPs, and aim to measure them in simple manners.


Study on identification of materials in fuel debris and waste by neutron induced gamma ray spectroscopy

名内 泰志*; 能見 貴佳; 鈴木 梨沙; 小菅 義広*; 芝 知宙; 高田 映*; 冠城 雅晃; 奥村 啓介

Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR2022) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2022/10

As one of the identification techniques for materials in fuel debris, the neutron induced gamma ray spectroscopy (NIGS) is focused on since the gamma ray spectrum is intrinsic to isotopes. The energy of the target gamma ray in NIGS is often higher than that of most of fission products. To demonstrate feasibility of NIGS for the identification, we have measured and analyzed the HPGe response of isotopes for Cf-252 neutron irradiation for plutonium samples and several structural materials. As a result, we confirmed the possibility to identify light water, boron, concrete, sea water, structural material, signal lines and coils, fuel cladding, gadolinium, uranium, and plutonium contained in the retrieved materials from Fukushima Daiichi NPPs.



芝 知宙; 富川 裕文; 山口 知輝

第41回日本核物質管理学会年次大会会議論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2020/11

Nuclear security and safeguards of the direct disposal facility need to be considered at the early stage in the design. In this paper, the applicability of seismic wave monitoring information to nuclear security and safeguards is examined in order to detect secretly excavating tunnels and access to disposed fuel.



芝 知宙; 富川 裕文

日本核物質管理学会第40回年次大会プロシーディングス集, 3 Pages, 2019/11



Proliferation resistance and safeguardability of very high temperature reactor

芝 知宙; 富川 裕文; 堀 雅人

Proceedings of IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards; Building Future Safeguards Capabilities (Internet), 6 Pages, 2018/11

In this study, we evaluate the proliferation resistance (PR) of VHTR in order to analyse diversion/acquisition paths and we reflect the outcome in the design of a safeguards approach, using an estimation method recently developed in JAEA for the $$gamma$$-rays emitted from spent fuel. For this purpose, we firstly evaluated the intrinsic PR of plutonium (Pu) material against various burnups using some PR evaluation methods. In addition, we assessed the safeguardability of the pebble bed type VHTR (PBR). The PBR loads new fuel online, in the form of spheres, at the top of the reactor and discharges spent fuel spheres with high burnup from the base of the reactor. Given such an online refueling, it is not possible to implement item-based safeguards. As the safeguardability was assessed, we revealed the necessity for a new type of burnup monitoring technology, to measure the burnup level of fuel spheres just after discharge, taking into consideration the threat of diversion/weaponization scenarios particularly with spent fuel at lower burnup. Therefore, we developed an advanced burnup monitoring method.


Characterization study of four candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

長谷 竹晃; 米田 政夫; 芝 知宙; 名内 泰志*; 前田 亮; 相楽 洋*; 小菅 義広*; 呉田 昌俊; 富川 裕文; 奥村 啓介; et al.

Energy Procedia, 131, p.258 - 263, 2017/12

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:97.64(Energy & Fuels)

This paper provides an interim report for characterization study of four candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). The severe loss-of-coolant accidents of 1F produced fuel debris in the reactor cores of Units 1-3. Because the fuel debris would contain unknown amounts of minor actinides, fission products and neutron absorbers and the mixing rate of them would vary significantly, accurate quantification of nuclear material in fuel debris would be difficult by applying a single measurement technology. Therefore, we consider that an integrated measurement system that combines several measurement technologies would be required to complement the weakness of each technology. For consideration of an integrated measurement system, we conducted a characterization study for each technology. In order to compare the results of applicability evaluation of each technology, common set of simulation models for fuel debris and canister were developed. These models were used for the applicability evaluation of each technology. Then, the comparative evaluation of the result of applicability evaluation among four technologies was conducted.


A Simple method to create gamma-ray-source spectrum for passive gamma technique

芝 知宙; 前田 茂貴; 相楽 洋*; 石見 明洋; 富川 裕文

Energy Procedia, 131, p.250 - 257, 2017/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Energy & Fuels)



Characterization study of four candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 3; Numerical simulation of passive gamma technique

芝 知宙; 相樂 洋*; 富川 裕文

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference (GLOBAL 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 3 Pages, 2017/09



Applicability evaluation of candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; Passive gamma technique

芝 知宙; 富川 裕文; 相楽 洋*; 石見 明洋

57th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM 2016), Vol.1, p.365 - 374, 2017/02



Characterization study of four candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Interim report)

長谷 竹晃; 米田 政夫; 芝 知宙; 前田 亮; 名内 泰志*; 相楽 洋*; 小菅 義広*; 呉田 昌俊; 富川 裕文; 奥村 啓介; et al.

Proceedings of INMM 57th Annual Meeting (Internet), 10 Pages, 2016/07

This paper provides an interim report for characterization study of four candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). The severe loss-of-coolant accidents of 1F produced fuel debris in the reactor cores of Units 1-3. Because the fuel debris would contain unknown amounts of minor actinides, fission products and neutron absorbers and the mixing rate of them would vary significantly, accurate quantification of nuclear material in fuel debris would be difficult by applying a single measurement technology. Therefore, we consider that an integrated measurement system that combines several measurement technologies would be required to complement the weakness of each technology. For consideration of an integrated measurement system, we conducted a characterization study for each technology. In order to compare the results of applicability evaluation of each technology, common set of simulation models for fuel debris and canister were developed. These models were used for the applicability evaluation of each technology. Then, the comparative evaluation of the result of applicability evaluation among four technologies was conducted.


Passive gamma spectrometry of low-volatile FPs for accountancy of special nuclear material in molten core material of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant; Evaluation of detector response from various hypothetical fuel canister

芝 知宙; 相楽 洋*; 富川 裕文

56th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM 2015), Vol.3, p.1735 - 1741, 2016/00

福島第一原子力発電所の事故を受けて、溶融炉心燃料中の核物質量推定手法の一つとして、パッシブ$$gamma$$スペクトロメトリーが研究・開発されている。溶融炉心燃料に随伴する核分裂生成物(FP)のいくつかは、非常に低揮発性であり、かつ高エネルギーの$$gamma$$線を放出する。それらを検出することにより、FPの重量を導出し、FPと核物質の重量比を用いることで、最終的に核物質の重量を推定することが可能となると考えられている。この手法は比較的簡単であり、スリーマイル島原子力発電所事故のクリーンアップ処理において、溶融炉心燃料中の核物質量の推定にも適用された。本研究では、収納缶より漏洩してくる$$gamma$$線の特性をMCNPにより評価した。また、NaI, LaBr$$_{3}$$, HPGeそれぞれの検出器応答性も併せて評価した。


Effect of radial zoning of $$^{241}$$Am content on homogenization of denatured Pu with broad range of neutron energy based on U irradiation test in the experimental fast reactor Joyo

芝 知宙*; 相楽 洋*; 大西 貴士; 小山 真一; 前田 茂貴; Han, C. Y.*; 齊藤 正樹*

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 51, p.74 - 80, 2013/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Protected plutonium production at fast breeder reactor blanket; Chemical analysis of uranium-238 samples irradiated in experimental fast reactor Joyo

大西 貴士; 小山 真一; 芝 知宙*; 相楽 洋*; 齊藤 正樹*

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 57, p.125 - 129, 2012/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:9.68(Nuclear Science & Technology)



福島第一原子力発電所における燃料デブリ中の核燃料物質定量に関する候補技術の特性研究,2-3; パッシブ$$gamma$$

芝 知宙; 相樂 洋*; 富川 裕文

no journal, , 



福島第一原子力発電所における燃料デブリ中の核燃料物質定量に関する候補技術の特性研究,6; 検出器応答を用いた核燃料物質のインベントリ評価手法の検討

奥村 啓介; 佐藤 若英*; 長谷 竹晃; 米田 政夫; 芝 知宙; 名内 泰志*; 高田 映*

no journal, , 



Passive $$gamma$$ spectrometry of low-volatile FPs for accountancy of special nuclear material in molten core material of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant; Detectability of leakage $$gamma$$-ray and fundamental characteristics of U-Ce/Eu compound

富川 裕文; 相楽 洋*; 芝 知宙*; 石見 明洋; 逢坂 正彦; 綿引 優; 久野 祐輔

no journal, , 

福島第一原子力発電所1, 2及び3号機(1F1, 1F2及び1F3)の溶融炉心燃料の計量管理については、現地測定への適用性の観点で様々な技術の評価が行われている。その中の一つの技術として、低揮発性FPのパッシブ$$gamma$$スペクトロメトリーのフィージビリティスタディが、TMI-2の経験を参考に実施されてきている。これまで、1F1, 1F2及び1F3の炉心燃料中のアクチニドとFPの相関関係に関する研究、軸方向の中性子スペクトル, ボイド率, 燃焼度, BWR燃料特有の濃縮度分布の感度、球状モデルの溶融炉心燃料から漏えい$$gamma$$線を考慮した検討を実施してきている。今回、炉心燃焼計算から導出される核燃料物質(SNM)とFPとの比とともにSNMの定量に利用する低揮発性FPから放出する高エネルギー$$gamma$$線の放射能量について、仮想収納缶からの漏えい$$gamma$$線を数値シミュレーションにより評価した。また、過酷事故を模擬したある雰囲気及び温度における核物質に随伴するランタノイドの高温下での化学的安定性について調査した結果について紹介する。


高い核拡散抵抗性を有するPuを生成する高速炉ブランケット燃料の研究,9; 「常陽」照射Uサンプルの分析,3

大西 貴士; 須藤 光雄; 小山 真一; 関岡 健*; 芝 知宙*; 相楽 洋*; 齊藤 正樹*

no journal, , 



Characterization study of four candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 1; General outline

長谷 竹晃; 米田 政夫; 芝 知宙; 名内 泰志*; 相樂 洋*; 小菅 義広*; 奥村 啓介; 前田 亮; 藤 暢輔; 堀 啓一郎

no journal, , 

This paper provides an interim report for characterization study of four candidate technologies for nuclear material quantification in fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). The severe loss-of-coolant accidents of 1F produced fuel debris in the reactor cores of Units 1-3. Because the fuel debris would contain unknown amounts of minor actinides, fission products and neutron absorbers and the mixing rate of them would vary significantly, accurate quantification of nuclear material in fuel debris would be difficult by applying a single measurement technology. Therefore, we consider that an integrated measurement system that combines several measurement technologies would be required to complement the weakness of each technology. For consideration of an integrated measurement system, we conducted a characterization study for each technology. In order to compare the results of applicability evaluation of each technology, common set of simulation models for fuel debris and canister were developed. These models were used for the applicability evaluation of each technology. Then, the comparative evaluation of the result of applicability evaluation among four technologies was conducted.


随伴FPパッシブ$$gamma$$測定による燃料デブリ内核物質量推定可能性の検討,2; 仮想収納缶からの漏えい$$gamma$$線特性

芝 知宙*; 相楽 洋*; 富川 裕文

no journal, , 



福島第一原子力発電所における燃料デブリ中の核燃料物質定量に関する候補技術の特性研究,1; 全体概要

長谷 竹晃; 米田 政夫; 芝 知宙; 名内 泰志*; 相樂 洋*; 小菅 義広*; 奥村 啓介; 前田 亮; 藤 暢輔; 堀 啓一郎

no journal, , 

福島第一原子力発電所における燃料デブリ中の核燃料物質定量のため、パッシブ中性子法, パッシブ$$gamma$$法, アクティブ中性子法, アクティブ$$gamma$$法の適用を検討している。燃料デブリは、燃焼度の異なる燃料, 構造材, 制御棒, コンクリートなどから構成されており、それらの構成比は収納容器毎に変動し、中性子・$$gamma$$線の計測条件が変動すると想定されるため、1つの技術の適用のみでは、正確性・信頼性の確保は困難である。よって、我々は、いくつかの候補技術を組み合わせた統合型測定システムの開発の検討のため、候補技術の特性研究を開始した。本発表では、本研究の手法と現状を紹介する。

48 件中 1件目~20件目を表示