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Journal Articles

Highly practical and simple ligand for separation of Am(III) and Eu(III) from highly acidic media

Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Kurosawa, Tatsuya; Shibata, Mitsunobu; Kawasaki, Tomohiro; Urabe, Shunichi*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

Analytical Sciences, 32(4), p.477 - 479, 2016/04

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:71.56(Chemistry, Analytical)

An impeccable, high-performance new reagent called alkyl diamide amine (ADAAM) was examined from the viewpoint of mutual separation of Am(III) and Eu(III). ADAAM has three donor atoms, one soft N-donor atom and two hard O-donor atoms, in the central frame. The combination of soft and hard atoms affords a tridentate donor set of atoms that ensures remarkable extractability and selectivity of Am(III) and Eu(III) in highly acidic media.

JAEA Reports

Study on engineering technologies in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (FY 2012) (Contract research)

Fukaya, Masaaki*; Noda, Masaru*; Hata, Koji*; Takeda, Nobufumi*; Akiyoshi, Kenji*; Ishizeki, Yoshikazu*; Kaneda, Tsutomu*; Sato, Shin*; Shibata, Chihoko*; Ueda, Tadashi*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2014-019, 495 Pages, 2014/08


The researches on engineering technology in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) plan consists of (1) research on engineering technology deep underground, and (2) research on engineering technology as a basis of geological disposal. The former research is mainly aimed in this study, which is categorized in (a) development of design and construction planning technologies, (b) development of construction technologies, (c) development of countermeasure technologies, and (d) development of technologies for security. In this study, the researches on engineering technology are being conducted in these four categories by using data measured during construction as a part of the second phase of the MIU plan.

JAEA Reports

Installation of the water environment irradiation facility for the IASCC research under the BWR/PWR irradiation environment, 2

Magome, Hirokatsu; Okada, Yuji; Hanawa, Hiroshi; Sakuta, Yoshiyuki; Kanno, Masaru; Iida, Kazuhiro; Ando, Hitoshi; Yonekawa, Akihisa; Ueda, Haruyasu; Shibata, Mitsunobu

JAEA-Technology 2014-023, 267 Pages, 2014/07


In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, in order to solve the problem in the long-term operation of a light water reactor, preparation which does the irradiation experiment of light-water reactor fuel and material was advanced. JMTR stopped after the 165th operation cycle in August 2006, and is advancing renewal of the irradiation facility towards re-operation. The material irradiation test facility was installed from 2008 fiscal year to 2012 fiscal year in JMTR. This report summarizes manufacture and installation of the material irradiation test facility for IASCC research carried out from 2012 to 2014 in the follow-up report reported before (JAEA-Technology 2013-019).

JAEA Reports

Installation of the water environment irradiation facility for the IASCC research under the BWR irradiation environment, 1

Okada, Yuji; Magome, Hirokatsu; Hanawa, Hiroshi; Omi, Masao; Kanno, Masaru; Iida, Kazuhiro; Ando, Hitoshi; Shibata, Mitsunobu; Yonekawa, Akihisa; Ueda, Haruyasu

JAEA-Technology 2013-019, 236 Pages, 2013/10


In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, in order to solve the problem in the long-term operation of a light water reactor, preparation which does the irradiation experiment of light-water reactor fuel and material is advanced. JMTR stopped after the 165th operation cycle in August 2006, and is advancing renewal of the irradiation facility towards re-operation. This material irradiation test facility and power ramping test facility for doing the neutron irradiation test of the fuel and material for light water reactors is scheduled to be manufactured and installed between the 2008 fiscal year and the 2012 fiscal year. This report summarizes manufacture and installation of the material irradiation test facility for IASCC research carried out from the 2008 fiscal year to the 2010 fiscal year.

Journal Articles

Experimental study for predicting long-term performance of radioactive waste disposal, 2; Experimental data acquisition on radionuclide migration

Yamaguchi, Tetsuji; Negishi, Kumi; Ebashi, Katsuhiro; Inagaki, Shingo*; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Tanaka, Tadao; Nakayama, Shinichi

JAERI-Conf 2004-011, p.139 - 140, 2004/07

Uncertainties should be quantitatively assessed in a long-term assessment of radioactive waste disposal. We focus our experimental efforts on parameters that induce major uncertainties in the radionuclide migration analysis and that have not been quantitatively understood. Solubility of radionuclides, diffusion in bentonite buffer material and sorption on rocks were investigated to quantify the uncertainties associated with the parameters and to minimize the uncertainties.

Oral presentation

Research and development of the "SELECT process" for actinide separation, 2; Investigation of new extractants for MA/RE separation

Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Kawasaki, Tomohiro*; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency is engaged in research and development of the "SELECT process" which is a separation technology for recovering actinides from spent fuel. A highly practical reagent, called HONTA, was developed. In the present study, HONTA was tested for the mutual separation of MA and RE.

Oral presentation

Research and development of the "SELECT process" for actinide separation, 1; Concept

Matsumura, Tatsuro; Ban, Yasutoshi; Hotoku, Shinobu; Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Tsutsui, Nao; Morita, Keisuke; Toigawa, Tomohiro; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Research and development of the "SELECT process" for Actinide separation

Matsumura, Tatsuro; Ban, Yasutoshi; Hotoku, Shinobu; Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Tsutsui, Nao; Morita, Keisuke; Toigawa, Tomohiro; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Research and development of the "SELECT process" for actinide separation

Matsumura, Tatsuro; Ban, Yasutoshi; Hotoku, Shinobu; Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Tsutsui, Nao; Morita, Keisuke; Toigawa, Tomohiro; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of a new extraction method for minor actinide separation

Suzuki, Hideya*; Ban, Yasutoshi; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Hotoku, Shinobu; Tsutsui, Nao; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kawasaki, Tomohiro*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

A highly practical hybrid-type (soft ${it N}$-donor and hard ${it O}$-donor) extractant, which is an alkyldiamideamine (ADAAM), was investigated for the minor actinides (MA) separation. The new process aims at recovering americium (Am) alone from high-level waste liquid (HLLW) using an ADAAM. The principle of the process is based on the extraction of Am together with light lanthanides (La, Ce, Pr and Nd) and Mo having close values of distribution ratio, while curium, other lanthanides, and other fission products remain in the aqueous phase. The Am was subsequently selectively stripped from the light lanthanides and Mo using mixed solution (DTPA, malonic acid and ammonium nitrate). As a result, Am was directly separated from the simulated HLLW with high yield (95%).

Oral presentation

Development of a new extraction method for MA separation

Suzuki, Hideya*; Ban, Yasutoshi; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Hotoku, Shinobu; Toigawa, Tomohiro; Tsutsui, Nao; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Kawasaki, Tomohiro*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been studying partitioning and transmutation (P&T) systems. In the P&T, the separation of minor actinides (MAs) from the chemically similar lanthanides is the key step. After MAs are separated from high-level waste, the mutual separation of Am and Cm (Am/Cm separation) can be conducted. Therefore, the removal of the pyrogenic Cm nuclide would reduce the difficulties associated with MA-fuel fabrication. However, Am/Cm separation is very challenging because the two elements have similar chemical and physical properties. Highly practical a new reagent, called ADAAM have been developed. The Am is subsequently selectively stripped from the light lanthanides. As a result, Am was separated with high efficiency.

Oral presentation

Research and development of minor actinide separation process with novel extractants

Matsumura, Tatsuro; Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Shibata, Mitsunobu; Kurosawa, Tatsuya; Kawasaki, Tomohiro; Sagawa, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

R&D of MA separation processes for P&T system using ADS, 7; Examination of novel extractants for MA separation

Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Shibata, Mitsunobu; Kurosawa, Tatsuya; Kawasaki, Tomohiro; Sagawa, Hiroshi; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

JAEA continues to carry out the development of the ADS(Double-strata). Mutual separation of Am(III) and Cm(III) is important for the development of the partitioning process. The separation is particularly difficult, because they have the analogous chemical behavior. Alkyl diamide amine (ADAAM), a new high-performance reagent with a simple structure, was examined for the mutual separation of Am(III) and Cu(III). The combination of ADAAM and N,N,N',N'-tetraethyldiglycolamide (TEDGA) as a masking agent shows selectivity for Am(III) over Cm(III) in highly acidic media with separation factors up to 41.

Oral presentation

R&D of MA separation processes for P&T system using ADS, 6; Development of MA recovery process with TDdDGA

Matsumura, Tatsuro; Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Shibata, Mitsunobu; Kurosawa, Tatsuya; Kawasaki, Tomohiro; Sagawa, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

R&D of MA separation processes for P&T system using ADS, 8; Examination of novel extractants for MA/RE separation

Suzuki, Hideya; Sasaki, Yuji; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Shibata, Mitsunobu; Kurosawa, Tatsuya; Kawasaki, Tomohiro; Sagawa, Hiroshi; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

Hexaalkyl-nitrilotriacetamide (NTAamide) was evaluated for the separation of MA(III) and RE(III). NTAamide is a multidentate ligand comprising one soft N-donor atom and three hard O-donor atoms as part of its central frame. This tetradentate set of donor atoms provide selective binding for Am(III) and Nd(III) and yield separation factors of up to 3.7. A continuous liquid liquid extraction and stripping process were performed using Hexaoctyl-NTAamide (HONTA) in n-dodecane as the extractant in a multistage countercurrent mixer-settler extractor. Separation of MA(III) and RE(III) in high yield was demonstrated.

Oral presentation

Current status of R&D on minor actinide separation process with CHON Extractants in JAEA

Matsumura, Tatsuro; Ban, Yasutoshi; Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Hotoku, Shinobu; Tsutsui, Nao; Suzuki, Asuka; Toigawa, Tomohiro; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; et al.

no journal, , 

To continue the utilization of the nuclear fission energy, the management of the high-level radioactive waste is one of the most important issues to be solved. Partitioning and Transmutation technology is expected to be effective to mitigate the burden of the HLW disposal by reducing the radiological toxicity and heat generation. JAEA has been conducting R&D on the MA separation process to remove of MA from HLW and supply the recovered MA to the transmutation system such as ADS. The MA separation process contains three steps. For An(III)+RE recovery process, we developed TDdDGA which has very high performance to recover of MA from high level waste. HONTA and ADAAM were developed for An(III)/RE separation process and Am/Cm separation process respectively. All extractants satisfy CHON principle to minimization of the secondary waste from the process. The separation performances of the flowsheets were evaluated by continuous extraction tests using simulated and genuine high level liquid waste.

Oral presentation

Examination of novel extractants for MA separation

Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Ban, Yasutoshi; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Kawasaki, Tomohiro*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

The authors have developed a new extractant for the separation of minor actinide (MA) from high-level liquid waste (HLLW). Tetra-2-ethylhexyldiglycolamide (TEHDGA) has four branched alkyl chains and has high solubility in diluents. Furthermore, TEHDGA has high selectivity of MA from fission products, high extraction capacity, fast extraction kinetics, fast phase separation, and low cost. TEHDGA is a highly practical extractant for partitioning MA from HLLW.

Oral presentation

Investigation of new extractants for MA separation

Suzuki, Hideya; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Kawasaki, Tomohiro*; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

The authors have developed new extractants for the separation of minor actinide (MA) from high-level liquid waste. Tetra-2-ethyldecyldiglycolamide (TEDDGA) has four branched alkyl chains and high selectivity of MA from fission products. Furthermore, TEDDGA has high solubility in diluents, high extraction capacity, and fast phase separation.

Oral presentation

Development of new extraction methods for minor actinide separation

Suzuki, Hideya*; Ban, Yasutoshi; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Tsutsui, Nao; Toigawa, Tomohiro; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kawasaki, Tomohiro*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been studying partitioning technology. Recently, JAEA proposed a new liquid-liquid extraction technology called SELECT process to separate minor actinide (MA) from high-level liquid waste for transmutation. In this process, new extractants (HONTA, ADAAM) with highly practical and high extraction ability for MA was developed. A mixed solvent of HONTA and ADAAM was tested for mutual separation of MA and rare earth elements (RE). In this test, separation of MA and RE was achieved with very high yield. Furthermore, Americium (Am) and Curium (Cm) were separated efficiently with high separation factor values.

Oral presentation

Development of a new extraction method for americium separation from high-level liquid waste, 2

Suzuki, Hideya*; Ban, Yasutoshi; Hotoku, Shinobu; Morita, Keisuke; Tsutsui, Nao; Kurosawa, Tatsuya*; Shibata, Mitsunobu*; Kawasaki, Tomohiro*; Matsumura, Tatsuro

no journal, , 

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been studying partitioning technology. Recently, JAEA proposed a new liquid-liquid extraction technology called SELECT (Solvent Extraction from Liquid-waste using Extractants of CHON-type for Transmutation) process to separate minor actinide (MA) from high-level liquid waste (HLLW) for transmutation. In this process, new extractants (HONTA, ADAAM) with highly practical and high extraction ability for MA was developed. In the present study, a new solvent extraction method using a mixture of HONTA and ADAAM was investigated. In the tests, it was found that the separation of Am from the simulated HLLW was achieved with very high yield.

33 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)