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X-ray detection capability of a BaCl$$_{2}$$ single crystal scintillator

越水 正典*; 小野寺 和也*; 錦戸 文彦*; 春木 理恵; 澁谷 憲悟*; 岸本 俊二*; 浅井 圭介*

Journal of Applied Physics, 111(2), p.024906_1 - 024906_5, 2012/01

 被引用回数:32 パーセンタイル:75.44(Physics, Applied)

The X-ray detection capability of a scintillation detector equipped with a BaCl$$_{2}$$ single crystal was evaluated. The scintillation decay kinetics can be expressed by a sum of two exponential decay components. The fast and slow components have lifetimes of 1.5 and 85 ns, respectively. The total light output is 5% that of YAP:Ce. A subnanosecond timing resolution was obtained. The detection efficiency of a 67.41 keV X-ray is 87% for a detector equipped with a BaCl$$_{2}$$ crystal 6-mm thick. Thus, excellent timing resolution and high detection efficiency can be simultaneously achieved. Additionally, luminescence decay characteristics under vacuum ultraviolet excitation have been investigated. Radiative decay of self-trapped excitons is thought to be responsible for the fast scintillation component.


Investigation on new scintillators for subnanosecond time-resolved X-ray measurements

春木 理恵; 澁谷 憲悟*; 錦戸 文彦*; 越水 正典*; 依田 芳卓*; 岸本 俊二*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 217, p.012007_1 - 012007_4, 2010/05

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:80.91(Physics, Applied)

We investigated new X-ray detectors for nuclear resonant scattering measurements with high energy X-rays. The organic-inorganic perovskite scintillator of phenethylamine lead halide ((C$$_{6}$$H$$_{5}$$C$$_{2}$$H$$_{4}$$NH$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$PbX$$_{4}$$) (X:Br, I) was used. These compounds have fast light emission due to an exciton. They include heavy atoms, which make the detector to have high efficiency to high energy X-rays. The merit of these scintillators is that we can make a thick crystal compared to a Si wafer which is used in an avalanche photo-diode detector. We successfully measured 67.41 keV X-ray signals, the energy of $$^{61}$$Ni nuclear resonant scattering, with high detection efficiency of 42.5% by the scintillator.


Application of accelerators for the research and development of scintillators

澁谷 憲悟*; 越水 正典*; 浅井 圭介*; 室屋 裕佐*; 勝村 庸介; 稲玉 直子*; 吉田 英治*; 錦戸 文彦*; 山谷 泰賀*; 村山 秀雄*

Review of Scientific Instruments, 78(8), p.083303_1 - 083303_7, 2007/08

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:31.38(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We introduce experimental systems which use accelerators to evaluate scintillation properties such as scintillation intensity, wavelength, and lifetime. A single crystal of good optical quality is often unavailable during early stages in the research and development (R&D) of new scintillator materials. Because of their beams' high excitation power and/or low penetration depth, accelerators facilitate estimation of the properties of early samples which may only be available as powders, thin films, and very small crystals. We constructed a scintillation spectrum measurement system that uses a Van de Graaff accelerator and an optical multichannel analyzer to estimate the relative scintillation intensity. In addition, we constructed a scintillation time profile measurement system that uses an electron linear accelerator and a femtosecond streak camera or a microchannel plate photomultiplier tube followed by a digital oscilloscope to determine the scintillation lifetimes. The time resolution is approximately 10 ps. The scintillation spectra or time profiles can be obtained in a significantly shorter acquisition time in comparison with that required by conventional measuring systems. The advantages of the systems described in this study can significantly promote the R&D of novelscintillator materials.


核融合炉セラミック増殖材料の照射下物性測定; イオン照射に伴う仕事関数変化の測定

山脇 道夫*; Luo, G.*; 澁谷 憲悟*; 山口 憲司*; 林 君夫

東京大学工学部総合試験所年報, 59, p.105 - 110, 2000/12




春木 理恵; 今井 康彦*; 越水 正典*; 錦戸 文彦*; 澁谷 憲悟*; 黒葛 真行*; 依田 芳卓*; 岸本 俊二*

no journal, , 



Diffusive motion of atoms in a solution studied by nuclear resonant scattering

春木 理恵; 今井 康彦*; 依田 芳卓*; 越水 正典*; 錦戸 文彦*; 澁谷 憲悟*; 黒葛 真行*; 岸本 俊二*

no journal, , 

Nuclear resonant inelastic scattering is applied to various nuclei and materials with the progress of the third generation synchrotron facilities. In this presentation, we retrieved the previous formula of integration. The integration with wave functions is treated as Fourier transformation; which makes free from parameter limit. This analysis is applied to hexa-cyano complex in an aquious solution, in which iron atom and legand is strongly bonded and total complex system diffuses as a particle. This method also can be applied to nuclear resonant quasi-elastic scattering analysis using other nuclei, such as $$^{40}$$K, $$^{119}$$Sn, $$^{127}$$I and $$^{201}$$Hg with higher excitation energy or larger mass. Some noticeable points in handling the dynamics of the diffusing system in the analysis is discussed.


Cu-63(n,p)Ni-63の生成断面積の測定,1; 金の放射化を利用した照射キャプセル内における熱中性子照射量の空間分布測定

仲宗根 峻也*; 吉居 大樹*; 澁谷 憲悟*; 柚木 彰*; 酒井 宏隆*; 島田 太郎; 真鍋 征也*; 松本 哲郎*

no journal, , 

クリアランス規則改正よりケーブルがクリアランス対象となった。ケーブル中の銅の放射化により難測定核種のNi-63が生成する。この生成量を計算により求める場合、熱中性子領域における放射化断面積は、核データライブラリ間で約6倍の違いがあるため、精度良い放射化計算ができていない。そこで、本研究は、銅の放射化計算の精度向上を目指し、熱中性子領域におけるCu-63(n,p)Ni-63の反応断面積を実測に基づき精度良く推定することを目的とした。本発表では、JAEAのJRR-3にて中性子照射を行い、銅の放射化に寄与する熱中性子フルエンスの不確かさをAu-198を用いて評価した。高純度の金試料及び銅試料を交互に配置し、試料全体をアルミ箔で梱包した後、照射用キャプセルに封入した。JRR-3 HR-2の最下部に、キャプセルの蓋が上向きになるように設置された。照射用キャプセルは3つ用意し、それぞれ10分、20分間及び30分間中性子を照射した。照射の約50日後に、Ge半導体検出器を用いて測定した。その結果、各照射における金試料の単位質量あたり放射能は、キャプセル上部に置いた試料が一番大きく、下部に向かい6$$sim$$8%減少した。JRR-3で熱中性子フルエンス率が最大となるのはキャプセルの上部付近であることから、上部に置いた試料の放射能が最大となる、この傾向は妥当であると考える。全試料の熱中性子フルエンス率の平均値は7$$times$$10$$^{13}$$ cm$$^{-2}$$ s$$^{-1}$$であった。これらの結果から、パーセントオーダーの精度で熱中性子フルエンスの決定が出来ることを確認した。

7 件中 1件目~7件目を表示
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