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嶋岡 毅紘*; 金子 純一*; 佐藤 優樹; 坪田 雅功*; 新名 宏明*; 茶谷原 昭義*; 渡辺 幸志*; 梅沢 仁*; 杢野 由明*
Physica Status Solidi (A), 213(10), p.2629 - 2633, 2016/10
被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:50.23(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)This report is the first describing experimental evaluation of Fano factor for diamond detectors. High-quality self-standing chemical vapor deposited diamond samples were produced using lift-off method. Alpha-particle induced charge measurements were taken for three samples. A 13.1 eV 0.07 eV of the average electron-hole pair creation energy and excellent energy resolution of approximately 0.3
were found for 5.486 MeV alpha particles from an
Am radioactive source. The best Fano factor for 5.486 MeV alpha particles calculated from experimentally obtained epsilon values and the detector intrinsic energy resolution was 0.382
嶋岡 毅紘*; 金子 純一*; 佐藤 優樹; 坪田 雅功*; 新名 宏明*; 茶谷原 昭義*; 渡辺 幸志*; 梅澤 仁*; 杢野 由明*
no journal, ,
ダイヤモンド放射線検出器は高温動作、低漏れ電流、耐放射線性等の優れた特長を持つ。われわれはこれらの特長を生かし過酷環境で動作可能な検出器実現に向け、生産性に優れたLift-off法による単結晶CVDダイヤモンド放射線検出器開発を行ってきた。これまでに電荷キャリア輸送特性改善の取り組みにより電荷収集効率: 正孔100.1%、電子99.8(
= 3.62 eV,
= 13.1eVとして計算)、エネルギー分解能0.3%台を持つ検出器開発に成功している。本研究では
Am 5.486MeV
嶋岡 毅紘*; 金子 純一*; 佐藤 優樹; 坪田 雅功*; 新名 宏明*; 茶谷原 昭義*; 渡辺 幸志*; 梅沢 仁*; 杢野 由明*
no journal, ,
Diamond radiation detectors have promising properties i.e. high-temperature operation, low leakage current and radiation hardness. The authors have developed CVD diamond detector using lift-off method. We have successfully obtained high performance detectors which have 100.1% of charge collection efficiency for holes and 99.8% for electrons, provided that = 13.1 eV. The detector also achieved approximate 0.3
of one of the best energy resolution. This study reports a Fano factor evaluation of diamond detectors for alpha particles.