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Journal Articles

Conversion of clay minerals to photocatalysts for Cr$$^{VI}$$ reduction and salicylic acid decomposition

Sugita, Tsuyoshi; Mori, Masanobu*; Shimoyama, Iwao

Applied Clay Science, 243, p.107074_1 - 107074_8, 2023/10

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:23.81(Chemistry, Physical)

We have investigated the conversion of biotite, a subgroup of clay minerals, into photocatalysts by heat treatment with CaCl$$_{2}$$. The reaction products obtained after heat treatment were examined in terms of composition, structure, and photocatalytic activity against Cr$$^{VI}$$ and salicylic acid (SA). When mixtures of biotite and CaCl$$_{2}$$ were heated at temperatures up to 600$$^{circ}$$C, the biotite crystal structure was retained, whereas a phase transformation from biotite to octahedral wadalite crystals occurred upon heating to 700$$^{circ}$$C. The photocatalytic reduction rate of Cr$$^{VI}$$ per unit surface area and the photocatalytic degradation efficiency of SA increased significantly with increasing treatment temperature. Even the samples that retained the biotite structure after heat treatment displayed some photocatalytic activity, suggesting that this method may also be suitable for preparing photocatalysts from other common natural materials.

Journal Articles

Activity enhancement of platinum oxygen-reduction electrocatalysts using ion-beam induced defects

Kimata, Tetsuya*; Kakitani, Kenta*; Yamamoto, Shunya*; Shimoyama, Iwao; Matsumura, Daiju; Iwase, Akihiro*; Mao, W.*; Kobayashi, Tomohiro*; Yamaki, Tetsuya*; Terai, Takayuki*

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 6(3), p.035801_1 - 035801_7, 2022/03

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:51.82(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Effect of resonant core-level excitation in an atom on photoemission from the neighboring atoms

Baba, Yuji*; Shimoyama, Iwao

Chemical Physics, 550, p.111302_1 - 111302_5, 2021/10

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:11.32(Chemistry, Physical)

The effect of a core-to-valence resonant photoexcitation in an atom on photoemission from the neighboring atoms has been experimentally investigated. For SiO$$_{2}$$ fine powder mixed with boron nitride matrix, it was found that the intensity of the O $$1s$$ photoelectrons was reduced around the Si $$1srightarrow 3p*$$ resonant photoexcitation. On the other hand, the intensity of the B $$1s$$ or N $$1s$$ photoelectrons from the matrix material did not change regardless of the photon energy. Similar phenomenon was also observed for Si$$_{3}$$N$$_{4}$$ powder mixed with cellulose as a matrix material. The results demonstrated that photoemission from the nearest-neighbor atoms that are directly bound to silicon is perturbated by the core-to-valence resonant photoexcitation in silicon. Using the phenomenon, it is expected that species of the nearest neighbor atom can be identified by a resonant core-level excitation in a target atom.

Journal Articles

Sewage sludge ash contaminated with radiocesium; Solidification with alkaline-reacted metakaolinite (geopolymer) and Portland cement

Kozai, Naofumi; Sato, Junya; Osugi, Takeshi; Shimoyama, Iwao; Sekine, Yurina; Sakamoto, Fuminori; Onuki, Toshihiko

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416, p.125965_1 - 125965_9, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:32 Percentile:86.31(Engineering, Environmental)

Journal Articles

Carbonated nanohydroxyapatite from bone waste and its potential as a super adsorbent for removal of toxic ions

Sekine, Yurina; Nankawa, Takuya; Yamada, Teppei*; Matsumura, Daiju; Nemoto, Yoshihiro*; Takeguchi, Masaki*; Sugita, Tsuyoshi; Shimoyama, Iwao; Kozai, Naofumi; Morooka, Satoshi

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(2), p.105114_1 - 105114_12, 2021/04

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:45.25(Engineering, Environmental)

Remediating toxic ion contamination is crucial for protecting human health and the environment. This study aimed to provide a powerful strategy for effectively utilizing bone waste from the food production and preparation industries for removal of toxic ions. Here, we show that immersing pig bone in NaHCO$$_{3}$$ solution produced a carbonated nanohydroxyapatites (C-NHAP). The C-NHAP exhibited high adsorptivity for Sr$$^{2+}$$, Cd$$^{2+}$$, Pb$$^{2+}$$, and Cu$$^{2+}$$. The strontium adsorptivity was about 250 and 4,500 times higher than that of normal bone and synthetic HAP, respectively. The C-NHAP is an eco-friendly, high-performance material that is simple to prepare and should be useful for tackling problems of food waste disposal and environmental pollution.

Journal Articles

Multi-atom resonant X-ray emission in simple binary compounds

Baba, Yuji*; Shimoyama, Iwao

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 987, p.164845_1 - 164845_5, 2021/01

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:27.54(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Multi-atom resonance (MAR) effect following the core-level resonant photoexcitation has been investigated for simple binary compounds such as CaCl$$_{2}$$, KCl and SrCl$$_{2}$$. For solid CaCl$$_{2}$$, it was found that the intensity of Cl K$$alpha$$ X-rays was reduced when the energy of the incident X-rays was tuned at the resonance energy of the neighboring Ca K-edge, but such intensity reduction was not observed for aqueous solution of CaCl$$_{2}$$. Similar results were also obtained for the KCl and SrCl$$_{2}$$. From these results, it was clarified that for these binary compounds, the multi-atom resonance does occur only in an atom that is directly bound to the excited atom.

Journal Articles

Investigation of chemical state of simulated waste glasses by using XAFS measurement

Nagai, Takayuki; Shimoyama, Iwao; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Arima, Tatsumi*

Photon Factory Activity Report 2019 (Internet), 3 Pages, 2020/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effective adsorption and collection of cesium from aqueous solution using graphene oxide grown on porous alumina

Entani, Shiro*; Honda, Mitsunori; Shimoyama, Iwao; Li, S.*; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Sakai, Seiji*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57(4S), p.04FP04_1 - 04FP04_4, 2018/04

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:13.15(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Ion desorption from bulk cesium chloride at moderate temperature ($$<$$500$$^{circ}$$C) under electric field

Baba, Yuji; Shimoyama, Iwao

e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (Internet), 16, p.53 - 59, 2018/03

Surface ionization for cesium chloride and Cs-adsorbed soil has been investigated. For cesium chloride, neutral cesium was desorbed around 645$$^{circ}$$C which is close to the melting point of cesium. While Cs$$^{+}$$ ion was desorbed from 400$$^{circ}$$C. The ratio of desorbed ions and neutrals (Cs$$^{+}$$/Cs$$^{0}$$) has a maximum around 410 $$^{circ}$$C. Temperature dependence of Cs$$^{+}$$/Cs$$^{0}$$ was analyzed using Saha-Langmuir equation, As a result, it was found that the temperature maximum is due to the changes of the surface work function induced by the phase transition of CsCl.

Journal Articles

Micro-orientation control of silicon polymer thin films on graphite surfaces modified by heteroatom doping

Shimoyama, Iwao; Baba, Yuji; Hirao, Norie*

Advances in Engineering (Internet), 1 Pages, 2018/02

The performance of organic devices largely depends on molecular orientation in organic films. Whereas micro-orientation control of organic molecules is an indispensable technology for integration of organic devices, the method has not been established. We attempted to control micro-orientation of polydimethylsilane (PDMS) thin films by deposition of PDMS on graphite substrates modified by hetero atom doping using ion beam. Polarization dependence measurements of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and molecular orbital calculations clarified that PDMS films have lying, standing, and random orientations on the non irradiated, N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$-irradiated, and Ar$$^{+}$$-irradiated graphite surfaces, respectively. Furthermore, photoemission microscopy observation clarified that a PDMS film showed micro-patterns on a graphite surface with a microstructure on the order of $$mu$$m by separating N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$-irradiated and non irradiated areas. These results demonstrate our method is promising for micro-orientation of organic molecules.

Journal Articles

Nanoscale spatial analysis of clay minerals containing cesium by synchrotron radiation photoemission electron microscopy

Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Kobayashi, Toru; Shimoyama, Iwao; Matsumura, Daiju; Tsuji, Takuya; Nishihata, Yasuo; Kogure, Toshihiro*; Okochi, Takuo*; Yasui, Akira*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 112(2), p.021603_1 - 021603_5, 2018/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:27.17(Physics, Applied)

A synchrotron radiation photoemission electron microscope (SR-PEEM) was applied to demonstrate pinpoint analysis of micrometer-sized weathered biotite clay particles with artificially adsorbed cesium (Cs) atoms. Despite the insulating properties of the clay, we observed the spatial distributions of constituent elements (Si, Al, Cs, Mg, Fe) without charging issues. We found that Cs atoms were likely to be adsorbed evenly over the entire particle. Spatially-resolved X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) of the Cs M$$_{4,5}$$-edge region showed Cs to be present in a monocation state (Cs$$^{+}$$). Further pinpoint XAS measurements were also performed at the Fe L$$_{2,3}$$-edge to determine the chemical valence of the Fe atoms. Our results demonstrate the utility of SR-PEEM as a tool for spatially-resolved chemical analyses of various environmental substances, which is not limited by the poor conductivity of samples.

Journal Articles

Microstructure analysis using X-ray absorption on heat-affected zone of reactor pressure vessel steel

Iwata, Keiko; Takamizawa, Hisashi; Ha, Yoosung; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Shimoyama, Iwao; Honda, Mitsunori; Hanawa, Satoshi; Nishiyama, Yutaka

Photon Factory Activity Report 2017, 2 Pages, 2018/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Ion desorption from cesium chloride and cesium-adsorbed soil by surface ionization

Baba, Yuji; Shimoyama, Iwao

Photon Factory Activity Report 2017, 3 Pages, 2018/00

When a solid is heated in vacuum, a part of the surface layer desorbs as ions, which is known as "surface ionization". In this report, we present the results for surface ionization of bulk cesium chloride (CsCl). When the positive potential was applied to the sample, we found that the Cs$$^{+}$$ ions were desorbed at around 410 $$^{circ}$$C, which is lower than the melting point of CsCl (645 $$^{circ}$$C). The low desorption temperature was explained by the changes in the work function of the CsCl surface. As an application, we also investigated the desorption of Cs$$^{+}$$ ions from Cs-adsorbed soil. When Cs-adsorbed soil was heated at 460 $$^{circ}$$C for 2 hours, about 13% of Cs was desorbed as Cs$$^{+}$$ ions. The results suggest that the surface ionization would possibly be applied to the desorption of Cs from contaminated soil.

Journal Articles

Proposed cesium-free mineralization method for soil decontamination; Demonstration of cesium removal from weathered biotite

Honda, Mitsunori; Shimoyama, Iwao; Kogure, Toshihiro*; Baba, Yuji; Suzuki, Shinichi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

ACS Omega (Internet), 2(12), p.8678 - 8681, 2017/12

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:27.45(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Challenges for enhancing Fukushima environmental resilience, 4; Development of physical and heat treatment methods on aiming at decontamination, volume reduction and reuse of contaminated soil

Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Honda, Mitsunori; Shimoyama, Iwao; Ito, Kenichi*; Mampuku, Yuzo*; Tsuji, Takuya; Matsumura, Daiju

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 59(8), p.483 - 487, 2017/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Micro-orientation control of silicon polymer thin films on graphite surfaces modified by heteroatom doping

Shimoyama, Iwao; Baba, Yuji; Hirao, Norie*

Applied Surface Science, 405, p.255 - 266, 2017/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:5.49(Chemistry, Physical)

NEXAFS spectroscopy is applied to study orientation structures of polydimethylsilane (PDMS) films deposited on heteroatom-doped graphite substrates prepared by ion beam doping. The Si ${it K}$-edge NEXAFS spectra of PDMS show opposite trends of polarization dependence for non irradiated and N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$-irradiated substrates, and show no polarization dependence for an Ar$$^{+}$$-irradiated substrate. Based on a theoretical interpretation of the NEXAFS spectra via first-principles calculations, we clarify that PDMS films have lying, standing, and random orientations on the non irradiated, N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$-irradiated, and Ar$$^{+}$$-irradiated substrates, respectively. Furthermore, photoemission electron microscopy indicates that the orientation of a PDMS film can be controlled with microstructures on the order of $$mu$$m by separating irradiated and non irradiated areas on the graphite surface. These results suggest that surface modification of graphite using ion beam doping is useful for micro-orientation control of organic thin films.

Journal Articles

Development of cesium-free mineralization for decontamination and reuse of radioactive contaminated soil in Fukushima

Shimoyama, Iwao; Honda, Mitsunori; Kogure, Toshihiro*; Baba, Yuji; Hirao, Norie*; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Suzuki, Shinichi

Photon Factory News, 35(1), p.17 - 22, 2017/05

We introduce Cs-free mineralization (CFM) for Cs removal and reuse of radioactive-contaminated soil in Fukushima and report recent work conducted in the BL27A beamline in Photon Factory. In this work, we investigated compositional and structural changes of Cs-sorbed weathered biotite (WB) before and after heating treatment with addition of NaCl-CaCl$$_{2}$$ salts under low-pressure condition, to study Cs desorption mechanism from clay minerals. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy clarified that almost all Cs and K were removed with the salts at 700 $$^{circ}$$C. On the other hand, Ca increased with heating temperature. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analysis clarified that phase transitions from WB to some Ca-rich silicate minerals, e.g., augite, were caused by the heating treatment with the salt. Based on these results, CFM is proposed for Cs removal utilizing the mechanism in which large monovalent cations are discharged with accompanying the phase transition. We also discuss the role of Cl in this reaction showing chemical bonding change of Cl observed using X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the early stage of the chemical reaction.

Journal Articles

Mechanism of Cs removal from Fukushima weathered biotite by heat treatment with a NaCl-CaCl$$_{2}$$ mixed salt

Honda, Mitsunori; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Shimoyama, Iwao; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Suzuki, Shinichi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

ACS Omega (Internet), 2(2), p.721 - 727, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:52.27(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Chemical states of trace-level strontium adsorbed on layered oxide by XPS and XANES under total reflection condition

Baba, Yuji; Shimoyama, Iwao

Photon Factory Activity Report 2016, 2 Pages, 2017/00

In order to elucidate the adsorption states of radioactive Sr-90 in soil, chemical bonding states of non-radioactive strontium adsorbed on layered oxide (mica) have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Since the number of atoms in radioactive Sr-90 is extremely small, the XPS and XANES were measured under total reflection condition of the incident X-rays. The detection limit in total reflection XPS was about 150 pg/cm$$^{2}$$, which corresponds to 300 Bq of Sr-90. The Sr 2p$$_{3/2}$$ core-level energy in XPS shifted to lower energy with the decrease in the thickness of Sr layer. Also, the Sr 2p$$_{3/2}$$ $$rightarrow$$ Sr 4d$$^{*}$$ resonance energy in XANES shifts to lower energy with the decrease in the thickness. On the basis of a simple point charge model, it was elucidated that the chemical bond between Sr and mica surface becomes ionic with the decrease in the adsorbed amount of strontium.

Journal Articles

Formation of carbon alloys by low-energy ion doping and its application for adsorptive desulfurization

Shimoyama, Iwao

Hoshasen To Sangyo, (141), p.7 - 11, 2016/12

Desulfurization is an indispensable process on hydrogen formation from fossil fuel. Adsorptive desulfurization, alternative to conventional hydrogenation desulfurization, requires development of stable activated carbon adsorbents with high performance. I study dopant dependence on thiophene adsorption for carbon alloys prepared by heteroatom doping using low-energy ion beam. I doped nitrogen and phosphorus as dopants of group 15 elements in graphite surfaces, and clarified that phosphorus is superior in thiophene adsorption to nitrogen, and that the effect of phosphorus is higher with room temperature doping than with high temperature doping by about 10 times. X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicated that local structures around phosphorus sites were different between them. I attribute the high adsorption property to formation of curved phosphorus sites prepared by room temperature doping. Above results suggest that the property of carbon alloy can be controlled by low-energy ion beam.

332 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)