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Mukaida, Kyoko; Kato, Atsushi; Shiotani, Hiroki; Hayafune, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 324, p.35 - 44, 2017/12
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.05(Nuclear Science & Technology)An economic calculation model based on detailed mass-flow (the JAEA model) was developed for the comprehensive evaluation of an advanced loop-type sodium-cooled fast reactor cycle system (SFR) designed in the FaCT project. The JAEA model enables calculation of the processing amount and its composition in each facility by simulating mass-flow, and has function to evaluate economics based on the processing amount. In this report, to identify the difference in evaluation methods between the JAEA model and an internationally-authorized code, and verify its calculation functions, the generation cost of SFR system was evaluated using the JAEA model and the G4-ECONS. Consequently, it was clarified that the JAEA model is influenced to higher degree by the discount rate. When the present value was not taken into account, the results of both methods were quite similar, but it was found that the sensitivity of the load factor is relatively larger the G4-ECONS than in the JAEA model.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
Energy Procedia, 39, p.43 - 51, 2013/09
In this study, the energy economic model was upgraded to improve the assessment method of the effect assessment for FR cycle deployment. Moreover, based on the assessment results for FR deployment in the world by the energy economic model, the effects of FR exports were assessed. This results show the FR exports have certain impact to domestic economy.
Ono, Kiyoshi; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ohtaki, Akira; Mukaida, Kyoko; Abe, Tomoyuki
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR-13) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2013/03
In parallel to the mid-term analyses by the AEC after the Fukushima-accident, JAEA implemented the long-term scenario analyses for the nuclear fuel cycle options including FR cycle deployment. As a result, it was revealed that FR cycle deployment brings great benefits to reduction of uranium demand, spent fuel storage, radioactive waste generation, and Pu stockpiles in addition to potential hazard of HLW in "20 GWe constant after 2030" case. Meanwhile, it was also revealed the benefits of reduction of radioactive waste generation and Pu stockpiles in "Gradual decrease from 20 GWe after 2030" case.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
Energy Procedia, 39, p.43 - 51, 2013/00
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Energy & Fuels)The economic effect of FR deployment with energy economic model, which is a combination of recursive computable general equilibrium model and energy system model is shown in this study. Electricity supply of both Japan and the world, economic effect and riple effect on various industries are calculated through the case with FR deployment in global scale. It is shown that FRs are deployed worldwide in the latter half of this century; the cumulated GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Japan will increase by several trillion JPY (Japanese Yen), and the amounts of production of various industries including steel and non-ferrous metal are increased from the assessment results.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Uto, Nariaki; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Shinoda, Yoshihiko*; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering and the ASME 2012 Power Conference (ICONE-20 & POWER 2012) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2012/07
This paper argues the characteristics evaluation of Fast Reactor and fuel cycle concepts in the FS "Feasibility Study on commercialized fast reactor cycle systems" and the achievement of the performance evaluation conducted in FaCT (Fast Reactor Cycle System Technology Development) project in Japan. The methodologies and way of achievement evaluation has been changed according to the evaluation needs and objectives, etc. Some decision-making methodologies are tried to be applied in the FS, FaCT phase I evaluation put emphasis on the confirmation of the direction of FR cycle development. Although some items of respective facilities showed insufficient achievements because of the challenging design requirements to achieve higher performance, a comprehensive evaluation determined that the performance criteria set by the Japan Atomic Energy Commission were achieved in FaCT phase I evaluation in general.
Ieda, Yoshiaki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Negishi, Hitoshi; Shiotani, Hiroki; Nagaoki, Yoshihiro; Namba, Takashi
Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2011/12
Since 1999, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has promoted R&D of the Fast Breeder Reactor Cycle in order to build the practical concepts and establish the technical systems, in cooperation with related entities. In the first 5-year of the Fast Reactor Cycle System Technology Development Project (FaCT), namely the FaCT phase1 (JFY2006-2010), the evaluation of the achievement degree to the performance target fixed by the Atomic Energy Commission and the adoption judgment of the innovative technology at present were carried out with "Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor with MOX fuel, advanced aqueous reprocessing process, and simplified MOX pellet fabrication process". FaCT phase1 moved forward almost smoothly and confirmed that the project will be able to enter the next phase to demonstrate the innovative technology by the engineering scale examination. The concrete results of the FaCT phase1 and future direction are introduced in the full paper.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Heta, Masanori*; Namba, Takashi
Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2011/12
In this paper, the terminologies and ideas of SCM was introduced into the scenario study to give a fresh perspective for considering LWR cycle to FR cycle transition strategies in Japan. Then, an analytical tool (SCM tool) which has been developed by the authors is used to survey Japanese nuclear energy system in transition with the SCM terminologies and viewpoints. As the result of the investigation on the boundary location of "Push type" and "Pull type", the consideration of "Pull-type" operation as well as "Push-type" by SCM tool can expand the scope of future transition strategy construction from LWR cycle to FR cycle.
Nishihara, Kenji; Oigawa, Hiroyuki; Nakayama, Shinichi; Ono, Kiyoshi; Shiotani, Hiroki
Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2011/12
Waste management of the fast breeder reactor (FBR) fuel cycle with and without partitioning and transmutation (P&T) was investigated by focusing thermal constraints in storage and disposal facilities. The result showed that transmutation of minor actinides (MAs) is essentially effective to reduce the waste emplacement area in repository, and a combination of P&T can provide a compact disposal with a smaller emplacement area than the conventional repository design by two orders of magnitude. Cost analysis revealed that the cost for storage and disposal is comparable among the conventional light water reactor, FBR without P&T, and FBR only with MA-transmutation. The cost of disposal for FBR fuel cycle with P&T is significantly reduced by an order of magnitude from the others, while that of storage does not increase.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
Nuclear Power; Deployment, Operation and Sustainability (Internet), p.91 - 112, 2011/09
Authors have developed an analytical model to evaluate both equilibrium state and transient state of the Japanese nuclear energy system. The results of the characteristic evaluation in FaCT project and scenario studies of Japanese nuclear energy were presented.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Heta, Masanori*; Yasumatsu, Naoto*
Proceedings of 2011 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '11) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/05
Comprehensive dynamic analyses of the typical Fast Reactor (FR) deployment scenarios with JSFR and related fuel cycle facilities developed in "FaCT: Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development" project were conducted. In this study, combinations of analysis codes, which consist of two energy economic models (computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and energy system model) and dynamic analysis model for nuclear energy supply chain, were used for the dynamic analyses. As a result of the analysis, FR cycle should be deployed from 2040 to 2050 to curb the cumulative uranium resources consumption within the conventional uranium resources reported in Uranium 2009 by the OECD/NEA and the IAEA.
Nishihara, Kenji; Oigawa, Hiroyuki; Nakayama, Shinichi; Ono, Kiyoshi; Shiotani, Hiroki
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 47(12), p.1101 - 1117, 2010/12
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:78.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)The impact of partitioning and/or transmutation (PT) technology on the high level waste management was investigated for the fast breeder reactor (FBR) fuel cycle. Three different fuel cycle scenarios involving PT technology were analyzed: (1) partitioning process only (separation of some fission products), (2) transmutation process only (separation and transmutation of minor actinides), and (3) both partitioning and transmutation. It was found that the introduction of FBR cycle without PT yields a smaller repository after 65 years of predisposal storage than the LWR after 50 years by a factor of up to 0.65. The impact of the partitioning-only process on the repository is not significant, but that of the transmutation-only process produces a reduction of area by a factor of 0.25 after 80 years of storage, and that of a coupled partitioning and transmutation by two orders of magnitude after 60 and 295 years of storage for the glass waste and the calcined waste with Sr-Cs, respectively.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Heta, Masanori*; Ono, Kiyoshi
Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Sustainable Options & Industrial Perspectives (Global 2009) (CD-ROM), p.2559 - 2566, 2009/09
This paper treated the conceptual sides of the methodology for evaluating total nuclear energy systems in FaCT (Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development) project of Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the efforts to develop the database system in the field. After the introduction of FaCT project and the performance targets as the basis of the total system evaluation, the way of designing the data formats and contents suitable for the nuclear energy system strategy evaluation and the evaluation methodologies were discussed. The framework of object-oriented analysis and enterprise architecture was tentatively used to streamline the nuclear materials, facilities, and socio-environmental data. Moreover, the methodologies were classified and work-flows of the evaluation were visualized. Based on those activities, the database concept was established to manage the data and methodologies for quality management and/or knowledge management.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 8(2), p.165 - 183, 2009/06
We have developed a dynamic cumputable general equivalent model which can treat the power generation technology including fast reactor cycle explicitly by decomposing the power generation sector based on a static computable general equivalent model to assess the long-term socio-economical effect of the deployment of fast reactor cycle system. We modeled the accumulation of capital by the international investments and adopted "inequivalent approach" to transit the equivalent state only in the long run. We also adopted "technology bundle" in decomposing the power generation sector. Those improvements enabled us to evaluate the electricity shares, electric power prices, supplies, production scales of various industries, and GDPs in countries and regions. In case of the deployment of FR cycle in 2050, the effect on Japanese GDP was calculated about 45 trillion JPY (Japanese Yen), and on world's GDP was about 460 trillion JPY.
Chaltikyan, V.*; Papoyan, A.*; Oshita, Hironori; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Ishikawa, Makoto; Ozawa, Masaki
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 280(2), p.347 - 356, 2009/05
According to the review on the ecological impact by Cs-135, its nuclear transmutability and preceded isotope separation experiments on alkali metal Rb-85/87, isotope separation of Cs-133/135 by laser-chemical isotope separation method was discussed. Although high separation efficiency of 23.9 was obtained by a two cycle experiments on Rb-85/87, rather wide isotope shift between Cs-133 and Cs-135 will necessitate the application of doppler-free two-photon absorption method with further investigation of the Rydberg state and ionization.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Ogawa, Takashi; Koma, Yoshikazu; Kawaguchi, Koichi
Proceedings of 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09) (CD-ROM), p.9419_1 - 9419_10, 2009/05
Dynamic analyses of the typical FR deployment scenarios with JSFR and related fuel cycle facilities developed in FaCT project was conducted. The total cash out-flows and the average electricity generation costs to 22nd century were calculated to seize the long-term economics as well as the material compositions in the nuclear facilities, the quantities of radioactive wastes generations. Several cash out-flow peaks and radioactive waste generation peaks were found because of the decommissioning and construction of the nuclear power plants and reprocessing plants for LWR spent fuel. Then, different breeding ratio, single/dual-purpose reprocessing plant, and with/without Am-Cm recycling were compared. For example, the exploration of the optimal breeding ratio between B.R. =1.1 and 1.2 for the start up stage FR was considered to be reasonable from the analysis.
Shiotani, Hiroki
Opereshonzu, Risachi, 53(4), p.210 - 216, 2008/04
Recently, A project, which is called "FaCT project", has been initiated which aims to the deployment of fast breede reactor(FR) cycle system. Adding to the element technologies development and the demonstration of the innovative technologies through equipment tests, synthetic evaluation methodologies of FR cycle system including scenario study, DCF method, Analytic Hierarchical Process, real options approach, supply chain management, etc. are under development. It is necessary for many people to make a large scale long-term efforts to deploy FR cycles; and more utilization of OR is expected for deriving the benefits from the modeling of the nuclear energy systems and the knowledge management of them.
Shiotani, Hiroki
Kigyo, Gyosei No Tameno AHP Jireishu; Ishi Kettei Shien Tsuru No Jozu Na Katsuyoho, p.2 - 30, 2007/12
In the Feasibility Study Phase 2 final evaluation, 20 candidate Fast Reactor (FR) cycle concepts were evaluated from six viewpoints including safety, economics, environmental burden reduction, efficient utilization of natural uranium resources, and nuclear non-proliferation in the multidimensional evaluation. Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) was used in the weighting of the viewpoints and the framework of Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUA) was also used in the evaluation. The FR cycle with soudium-cooled fast reactor was considered as the most promising concepts from the synthetic evaluation result for various reactor systems.
Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Kubota, Sadae*; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi
JAEA-Research 2006-001, 60 Pages, 2006/02
no abstracts in English
Funasaka, Hideyuki; Koma, Yoshikazu; Sato, Koji; Nakajima, Yasuo; Shiotani, Hiroki; Kato, Atsushi; Higuchi, Tatsuya; Namba, Takashi
Proceedings of International Waste Management Symposium 2006 (WM '06) (CD-ROM), 13 Pages, 2006/02
Feasibility Study on commercialized FR cycle systems has been carried out by a Japanese joint team with the participation of all parties concerned in Japan since 1999. The result of the PhaseII (JFY 2001-2005) will work out until March 2006, and then the prospective of the promising concepts and the key issues for the commercialization will be summarized. In this paper, the candidate reprocessing systems studied in the Phase II are reviewed from the view point of compatibility with the reduction of environmental burden.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Ohtaki, Akira; Ono, Kiyoshi; Hirao, Kazunori; Kato, Atsushi; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Kubota, Sadae*
JNC TN9400 2004-052, 514 Pages, 2004/09
This report presents the outline of the development and the results of characteristic evaluation on the candidate Fast Reactor (FR) cycle system concepts, scenario study on FR cycle deployment and cost-benefit analysis on the candidate FR cycle system concepts in the interim evaluation (FY2001 through FY2003) of the second phase of the Japanese "Feasibility Study on Commercialization of Fast Breeder Reactor Cycle System (FS)".