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Journal Articles

Proposal of healthiness confirmation procedure in electro manometer system in terms of nuclear material accountancy

Mukai, Yasunobu; Shoji, Kaoru; Hayashi, Hiroyuki*; Nakamura, Hironobu; Kurita, Tsutomu

Proceedings of INMM 53rd Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2012/07

In general, electro manometer system for volume measurement in high concentrated Pu, U solution is used. The measurement uncertainty of volume measurement should be kept within 0.36% in the nuclear material accountancy. Not only manometer censors are calibrated periodically, but also operator should maintain the integrity of entire volume measurement system. If clogging at a tip of dip-tube is occurred, it causes measurement bias. Therefore, we studied confirmation procedure of healthiness in the system during solution storage. As result, it is confirmed that following points are effective: (1) Confirmation of consistency in the Kumar's density formula by using actual Pu, U concentration, density and acidity determined by periodical sampling and high accuracy DA. In addition, Pu, U mass is maintained within the uncertainty from the previous sampling/DA result. (2) In order to confirm the integrity of differential pressure for density that may be impacted regarding the measurement bias by clogging, comparison between measured differential pressure for density and analyzed density with high accuracy is important. In the confirmation for density, correction method between different temperatures was established by the result of evaluation of temperature effect derived by Kumar's density formula.

Journal Articles

Reversibility and modeling of adsorption behavior of cesium ions on colloidal montmorillonite particles

Iijima, Kazuki; Tomura, Tsutomu*; Shoji, Yoshiyuki*

Applied Clay Science, 49(3), p.262 - 268, 2010/06

 Times Cited Count:43 Percentile:73.23(Chemistry, Physical)

Sorption and desorption behavior of Cs onto montmorillonite colloids was investigated. The ion exchange and surface complexation model can successfully reproduce the sorption and desorption behavior of Cs. Conditioning montmorillonite in higher Cs concentration than 0.005M causes decrease of interlayer distance which may lead to fixation of Cs in the interlayer. Sorption reversibility of Cs on montmorillonite colloids can be expected in this study due to lower Cs concentration than 0.0001M.

Journal Articles

Sorption behavior of americium onto bentonite colloid

Iijima, Kazuki; Shoji, Yoshiyuki*; Tomura, Tsutomu*

Radiochimica Acta, 96(9-11), p.721 - 730, 2008/00

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:63.45(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Distribution coefficients of Am onto bentonite colloid were evaluated under weak basic and low ionic strength conditions, in taking the influence of Am colloid into account. The obtained values are larger than those obtained for larger montmorillonite particles in literatures. It is attributed to one order of magnitude higher reactive site density of the bentonite colloid. Applicability of a relatively simple and generalized mechanistic sorption model to the bentonite colloid is also discussed.

JAEA Reports

Development of fuel microspheres fabrication by the external gelation process

Tomita, Yutaka; Morihira, Masayuki; Tamaki, Yoshihisa*; Nishimura, Kazuhisa*; Shoji, Shuichi*; Kihara, Yoshiyuki; Kase, Takeshi; Koizumi, Tsutomu

JAEA-Research 2006-088, 95 Pages, 2007/01


JAEA has developed sphere-pac fuels in the feasibility study on commercialized FBR cycle systems as one of the candidates for low decontamination TRU fuels. Optimization of the fabrication condition for coarse spheres, development of an improved external gelation process, and examination of peculiar problems for the low decontamination fuel were carried out in Phase II. The results are shown as follows. (1) Fabrication condition of coarse spheres was optimized. (2) Feasibility of the improved external gelation process was confirmed. (3) Rare earth elements did not bring any problem for the characteristic of spheres and fabrication condition. (4) Radiation resistant data of the feed solution was acquired. Results of tests show the feasibility of the external gelation process for the low decontamination TRU fuel microsphere fabrication.

Journal Articles

ITER engineering design

Shimomura, Yasuo; Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Yamamoto, Shin; Maruyama, So; Mizoguchi, Tadanori*; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Kitamura, Kazunori*; Ioki, Kimihiro*; Inoue, Takashi; et al.

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 78(Suppl.), 224 Pages, 2002/01

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

2nd power-up test for JRR-2

Kambara, Toyozo; Uno, Hidero; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Kohayakawa, Toru; Takayanagi, Hiroshi; Fujimura, Tsutomu; Morita, Morito; Ichihara, Masahiro; et al.

JAERI 1045, 11 Pages, 1963/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

The First loading fuel elements and power-up for JRR-2

JRR-2 Control Office; Kambara, Toyozo; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Kohayakawa, Toru; Morozumi, Minoru; Kambayashi, Yuichiro; Shitomi, Hajimu; Kokanezawa, Takashi; et al.

JAERI 1027, 57 Pages, 1962/09


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JAEA Reports

Efficiency testing of the control and cooling systems of JRR-2

Kambara, Toyozo; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Haginoya, Kinichi; Kohayakawa, Toru; Yamaki, Jikei; Yokota, Mitsuo; Horiki, Oichiro; Yuhara, Shunichi; et al.

JAERI 1023, 120 Pages, 1962/09


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JAEA Reports

Treatment and analysis of the water and gas in JRR-2

JRR-2 Operations Office; Kambara, Toyozo; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Haginoya, Kinichi; Kohayakawa, Toru; Yamaki, Jikei; Yokota, Mitsuo; Horiki, Oichiro; et al.

JAERI 1024, 79 Pages, 1962/08


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Critical experiments and characteristic measurement for JRR-2

JRR-2 Critical Experiments Group; Kambara, Toyozo; Shoda, Katsuhiko; Hirata, Yutaka; Shoji, Tsutomu; Kohayakawa, Toru; Morozumi, Minoru; Kambayashi, Yuichiro; Shitomi, Hajimu; Kokanezawa, Takashi; et al.

JAERI 1025, 62 Pages, 1962/03


no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Sorption behavior of Am onto bentonite colloid

Iijima, Kazuki; Shoji, Yoshiyuki; Tomura, Tsutomu*

no journal, , 

Sorption behavior of Am onto bentonite colloid was investigated. The obtained distribution coefficients were larger than those evaluated by the calculation in which ion exchange and surface complexation reactions were assumed. It seems to be due to the higher site density of bentonite colloid for surface complexation compared with bulk bentonite.

Oral presentation

Sorption behavior of Am onto bentonite colloid, 2; Evaluation of sorption site density of bentonite

Iijima, Kazuki; Shoji, Yoshiyuki; Tomura, Tsutomu*

no journal, , 

Sorption site density of bentonite was investigated by acid titration. As a result, bentonite colloid is considered to have higher sorption site density than that of larger bentonite particle. Thus the high sorption site density, which has been supposed to lead to the large distribution coefficient of Am onto the bentonite colloid in the previous presentation, is experimentally proved.

Oral presentation

Sorption behavior of Am onto bentonite colloid

Iijima, Kazuki; Shoji, Yoshiyuki; Tomura, Tsutomu*

no journal, , 

Sorption behavior of Am onto bentonite colloid was investigated. Distribution coefficient of Am was evaluated taking account for the existence of Am colloid. Obtained values were larger than those obtained with larger bentonite particles included in the JNC-SDB. In the acid-base titration, bentonite colloid shows larger edge site density than larger bentonite particles. In the calculation by sorption model assuming ion exchange and surface complexation, similar distribution coefficient was obtained at pH 8 with this edge site density. Based on these results, it is considered that larger distribution coefficient of bentonite colloid is due to the higher edge site density, which is dominant for the Am sorption.

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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