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Journal Articles

Development of advanced inductive scenarios for ITER

Luce, T. C.*; Challis, C. D.*; Ide, Shunsuke; Joffrin, E.*; Kamada, Yutaka; Politzer, P. A.*; Schweinzer, J.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Stober, J.*; Giruzzi, G.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 54(1), p.013015_1 - 013015_15, 2013/12

 Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:86.30(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Journal Articles

Current ramps in tokamaks; From present experiments to ITER scenarios

Imbeaux, F.*; Citrin, J.*; Hobirk, J.*; Hogeweij, G. M. D.*; K$"o$chl, F.*; Leonov, V. M.*; Miyamoto, Seiji; Nakamura, Yukiharu*; Parail, V.*; Pereverzev, G. V.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 51(8), p.083026_1 - 083026_11, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:80.02(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Journal Articles

Current ramps in tokamaks; From present experiments to ITER scenarios

Imbeaux, F.*; Basiuk, V.*; Budny, R.*; Casper, T.*; Citrin, J.*; Fereira, J.*; Fukuyama, Atsushi*; Garcia, J.*; Gribov, Y. V.*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/03

Journal Articles

Integrated modeling of steady-state scenarios and heating and current drive mixes for ITER

Murakami, Masanori*; Park, J. M.*; Giruzzi, G.*; Garcia, J.*; Bonoli, P.*; Budny, R. V.*; Doyle, E. J.*; Fukuyama, Atsushi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Honda, Mitsuru; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/03

Journal Articles

Current ramps in tokamaks; From present experiments to ITER scenarios

Imbeaux, F.*; Basiuk, V.*; Budny, R.*; Casper, T.*; Citrin, J.*; Fereira, J.*; Fukuyama, Atsushi*; Garcia, J.*; Gribov, Y. V.*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2010/10

In order to prepare adequate current ramp-up and ramp-down scenarios for ITER, present experiments from several tokamaks have been analyzed by means of integrated modeling in view of determining relevant heat transport models for these operation phases. The results of these studies are presented and projections to ITER current ramp-up and ramp-down scenarios are done, focusing on the baseline inductive scenario (main heating plateau current of 15 MA). Various transport models have been tested by means of integrated modeling against experimental data from ASDEX Upgrade, C-Mod, DIII-D, JET and Tore Supra, including both Ohmic plasmas and discharges with additional heating/current drive. With using the most successful models, projections to the ITER current ramp-up and ramp-down phases are carried out. Though significant differences between models appear on the electron temperature prediction, the final q-profiles reached in the simulation are rather close.

Journal Articles

ECRH assisted plasma start-up with toroidally inclined launch; Multi-machine comparison and perspectives for ITER

Stober, J.*; Jackson, G. L.*; Ascasibar, E.*; Bae, Y.-S.*; Bucalossi, J.*; Cappa, A.*; Casper, T.*; Cho, M. H.*; Gribov, Y.*; Granucci, G.*; et al.

Proceedings of 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2010/10

Journal Articles

Experimental studies of ITER demonstration discharges

Sips, A. C. C.*; Casper, T.*; Doyle, E. J.*; Giruzzi, G.*; Gribov, Y.*; Hobirk, J.*; Hogeweij, G. M. D.*; Horton, L. D.*; Hubbard, A. E.*; Hutchinson, I.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 49(8), p.085015_1 - 085015_11, 2009/08

 Times Cited Count:54 Percentile:86.97(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Key parts of the ITER scenarios are determined by the capability of the proposed poloidal field (PF) coil set. They include the plasma breakdown at low loop voltage, the current rise phase, the performance during the flat top (FT) phase and a ramp down of the plasma. The ITER discharge evolution has been verified in dedicated experiments. New data are obtained from C-Mod, ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, JT-60U and JET. Results show that breakdown for $$E$$$$_{axis}$$ $$<$$ 0.23-0.33 V m$$^{-1}$$ is possible unassisted (ohmic) for large devices like JET and attainable in devices with a capability of using ECRH assist. For the current ramp up, good control of the plasma inductance is obtained using a full bore plasma shape with early X-point formation. This allows optimization of the flux usage from the PF set. Additional heating keeps $$l$$$$_{i}$$(3) $$<$$ 0.85 during the ramp up to $$q$$$$_{95}$$ = 3. A rise phase with an H-mode transition is capable of achieving $$l$$$$_{i}$$(3) $$<$$ 0.7 at the start of the FT. Operation of the H-mode reference scenario at $$q$$$$_{95}$$ $$sim$$ 3 and the hybrid scenario at $$q$$$$_{95}$$ = 4-4.5 during the FT phase is documented, providing data for the $$l$$$$_{i}$$(3) evolution after the H-mode transition and the $$l$$$$_{i}$$(3) evolution after a back-transition to L-mode. During the ITER ramp down it is important to remain diverted and to reduce the elongation. The inductance could be kept $$leq$$ 1.2 during the first half of the current decay, using a slow $$I$$$$_{p}$$ ramp down, but still consuming flux from the transformer. Alternatively, the discharges can be kept in H-mode during most of the ramp down, requiring significant amounts of additional heating.

Journal Articles

Integrated modeling of steady-state scenarios for ITER; Physics and computational challenges

Giruzzi, G.*; Park, J. M.*; Murakami, M.*; Kessel, C. E.*; Polevoi, A.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Artaud, J. F.*; Basiuk, V.*; Bonoli, P.*; Budny, R. V.*; et al.

Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2008) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2008/10

Journal Articles

Experimental studies of ITER demonstration discharges

Sips, A. C. C.*; Casper, T. A.*; Doyle, E. J.*; Giruzzi, G.*; Gribov, Y.*; Hobirk, J.*; Hogeweij, G. M. D.*; Horton, L. D.*; Hubbard, A. E.*; Hutchinson, I.*; et al.

Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2008) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2008/10

The ITER discharge evolution has been verified in dedicated experiments. Results show that breakdown at E$$<$$ 0.23-0.32 V/m is possible un-assisted (ohmic) for large devices like JET and attainable in all devices with ECRH assist. For the current ramp up, good control of the plasma inductance is obtained using a full bore plasma shape with early X-point formation. Operation of the H-mode reference scenario at q$$_{95}$$ = 3 and the hybrid scenario at q95=4-4.5 during the flat top phase was documented. Specific studies during the flat top phase provide data for the li evolution after the H-mode transition and the li evolution after a back-transition to L-mode. During the ITER ramp down it is important to remain diverted and to reduce the elongation.

Journal Articles

Characteristics of the H-mode pedestal in improved confinement scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, JET and JT-60U

Maggi, C. F.*; Groebner, R. J.*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Sartori, R.*; Horton, L. D.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Suttrop, W.*; ASDEX Upgrade Team; Leonard, A.*; Luce, T. C.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 47(7), p.535 - 551, 2007/07

 Times Cited Count:63 Percentile:87.82(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Pedestal and global plasma parameters are compared in ELMy H-modes and improved confinement discharges from ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), DIII-D, JET and JT-60U with varying net input power. The pedestal top pressure increases moderately with power, in broad agreement with the power dependence of the H98(y,2) scaling. For all machines and all scenarios a robust correlation between the total and the pedestal thermal stored energy is observed. In AUG the improved confinement is due to improved pedestal confinement in improved H-modes with early heating and to both improved pedestal and core confinement in improved H-modes with late heating. In DIII-D the increase in confinement is due to improved confinement in the plasma core. JT-60U reversed shear H-modes have strong internal transport barriers and thus improved core performance. In all four tokamaks improved edge stability is correlated with increasing total $$beta_{p}$$ and H98(y,2) increases with pedestal $$beta_{p}$$.

Journal Articles

Progress in the ITER physics basis, 6; Steady state operation

Gormezano, C.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Luce, T. C.*; Ide, Shunsuke; Becoulet, A.*; Litaudon, X.*; Isayama, Akihiko; Hobirk, J.*; Wade, M. R.*; Oikawa, Toshihiro; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 47(6), p.S285 - S336, 2007/06

 Times Cited Count:338 Percentile:73.68(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

This paper reviews recent world-wide progress in physics research towards International Thermonuclear Reactor (ITER). This chaper descrives on steady state operation with emphasis on: integrated scenarios, review of presently developed experimental scenarios, actuators for steady state operation, specific control issues to steady state operation, simulation of ITER steady-state and hybrid scenarios.

Journal Articles

Progress in the ITER physics basis, 1; Overview and summary

Shimada, Michiya; Campbell, D. J.*; Mukhovatov, V.*; Fujiwara, Masami*; Kirneva, N.*; Lackner, K.*; Nagami, Masayuki; Pustovitov, V. D.*; Uckan, N.*; Wesley, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 47(6), p.S1 - S17, 2007/06

 Times Cited Count:784 Percentile:99.92(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The Progress in the ITER Physics Basis document is an update of the ITER Physics Basis (IPB), which was published in 1999. The IPB provided methodologies for projecting the performance of burning plasmas, developed largely through coordinated experimental, modeling and theoretical activities carried out on today's tokamaks (ITER Physics R&D). In the IPB, projections for ITER (1998 Design) were also presented. The IPB also pointed out some outstanding issues. These issues have been addressed by the International Tokamak Physics Activities (ITPA), which were initiated by the European Union, Japan, Russia and the U.S.A.. The new methodologies of projection and control developed through the ITPA are applied to ITER, which was redesigned under revised technical objectives, but will nonetheless meet the programmatic objective of providing an integrated demonstration of the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy.

Journal Articles

Progress in the ITER physics basis, 8; Plasma operation and control

Gribov, Y.*; Humphreys, D. A.*; Kajiwara, Ken*; Lazarus, E. A.*; Lister, J. B.*; Ozeki, Takahisa; Portone, A.*; Shimada, Michiya*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Wesley, J. C.*

Nuclear Fusion, 47(6), p.S385 - S403, 2007/06

 Times Cited Count:141 Percentile:97.54(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

This chapter describes the progress achieved in these areas in the tokamak experiments since the ITER Physics Basis (1999 Nucl. Fusion 39 2577) was written and the results of assessment of ITER to provide the plasma initiation and basic control. This chapter considers only plasma initiation and plasma basic control. The experiments on plasma initiation performed in DIII-D and JT-60U, as well as the theoretical studies performed for ITER, have demonstrated that, ITER can produce plasma initiation in a low toroidal electric field of 0.3V/m, if it is assisted by about 2MW of ECRF heating. The plasma basic control is described, which includes control of the plasma current, position and shape - the plasma magnetic control, as well as control of other plasma global parameters or their profiles - the plasma performance control.

Journal Articles

Progress in the ITER physics basis, 2; Plasma confinement and transport

Doyle, E. J.*; Houlberg, W. A.*; Kamada, Yutaka; Mukhovatov, V.*; Osborne, T. H.*; Polevoi, A.*; Bateman, G.*; Connor, J. W.*; Cordey, J. G.*; Fujita, Takaaki; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 47(6), p.S18 - S127, 2007/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Simulation of the hybrid and steady state advanced operating modes in ITER

Kessel, C. E.*; Giruzzi, G.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Budny, R. V.*; Artaud, J. F.*; Basiuk, V.*; Imbeaux, F.*; Joffrin, E.*; Schneider, M.*; Luce, T.*; et al.

Proceedings of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2007/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Benchmarking of lower hybrid current drive codes with application to ITER-relevant regimes

Bonoli, P. T.*; Harvey, R. W.*; Kessel, C. E.*; Imbeaux, F.*; Oikawa, Toshihiro; Schneider, M.*; Barbato, E.*; Decker, J.*; Giruzzi, G.*; Forest, C. B.*; et al.

Proceedings of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2007/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Characteristics of the H-mode pedestal in improved confinement scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, JET and JT-60U

Maggi, C. F.*; Groebner, R. J.*; Oyama, Naoyuki; Sartori, R.*; Horton, L. D.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Suttrop, W.*; ASDEX Upgrade Team; Leonard, T.*; Luce, T. C.*; et al.

Proceedings of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2007/03

Pedestal and global plasma parameters are compared in ELMy H-mode discharges from ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), DIII-D, JET and JT-60U. The increase in pedestal pressure (p$$^{PED}$$) with power is continuous, reflecting the continuous transition from "standard H-mode" to "improved confinement scenario". In AUG improved H-modes p$$^{PED}$$ increases with power due to an increase of both pedestal top density and temperature. In DIII-D p$$^{PED}$$ increases primarily due to an increase of the pedestal temperature. In JT-60U high $$beta_{pol}$$ H-modes at $$q_{95}$$ = 6.5 and high $$delta$$ the improved confinement is due to an increase of $$W_{PED}$$, while in reversed shear H-modes to an increase of $$W_{core}$$. In JET hybrid discharges at 1.4 MA $$W_{th}$$ increases with power and $$delta$$ due to an increase of $$W_{PED}$$. In all four tokamaks improved edge stability is correlated to increasing total $$beta_{pol} $$ and H98(y,2) increases with pedestal $$beta_{pol}$$.

Journal Articles

Small ELM regimes with good confinement on JET and comparison to those on ASDEX Upgrade, Alcator C-mod and JT-60U

Stober, J.*; Lomas, P. J.*; Saibene, G.*; Andrew, Y.*; Belo, P.*; Conway, G. D.*; Herrmann, A.*; Horton, L. D.*; Kempenaars, M.*; Koslowski, H.-R.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 45(11), p.1213 - 1223, 2005/11

 Times Cited Count:43 Percentile:77.43(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The "Hybrid" scenario in JET; Towards its validation for ITER

Joffrin, E.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Artaud, J. F.*; Becoulet, A.*; Bertalot, L.*; Budny, R.*; Buratti, P.*; Belo, P.*; Challis, C. D.*; Crisanti, F.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 45(7), p.626 - 634, 2005/07

 Times Cited Count:98 Percentile:93.14(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The "hybrid" scenario in JET; Towards its validation for ITER

Joffrin, E.*; Sips, A. C. C.*; Artaud, J. F.*; Becoulet, A.*; Budny, R.*; Buratti, P.*; Belo, P.*; Challis, C. D.*; Crisanti, F.*; de Baar, M.*; et al.

Proceedings of 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2004) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2004/11

no abstracts in English

24 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)