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Journal Articles

The Role of collision ionization of K-shell ions in nonequilibrium plasmas produced by the action of super strong, ultrashort PW-class laser pulses on micron-scale argon clusters with intensity up to 5 $$times$$ 10$$^{21}$$ W/cm$$^{2}$$

Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Ryazantsev, S. N.*; Kulikov, R. K.*; Sedov, M. V.*; Filippov, E. D.*; Pikuz, S. A.*; Asai, Takafumi*; Kanasaki, Masato*; Yamauchi, Tomoya*; Jinno, Satoshi; et al.

Photonics (Internet), 10(11), p.1250_1 - 1250_11, 2023/11

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Optics)

It is challenging to clearly distinguish the impacts of the optical field and collisional ionization in the evolution of the charge state of a plasma produced when matter interacts with high-intensity laser pulses. In this work, time-dependent calculations of plasma kinetics are used to show that it is possible only when low-density gaseous targets with sufficiently small clusters are used. In the case of Ar plasma, the upper limit of the cluster radius was estimated to be $$R_0 = 0.1 mu$$m.

Journal Articles

Towards a novel laser-driven method of exotic nuclei extraction-acceleration for fundamental physics and technology

Nishiuchi, Mamiko*; Sakaki, Hironao*; Esirkepov, T. Zh.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T. A.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Orlandi, R.; Pirozhkov, A. S.*; Sagisaka, Akito*; et al.

Plasma Physics Reports, 42(4), p.327 - 337, 2016/04

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:56.46(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

A combination of a petawatt laser and nuclear physics techniques can crucially facilitate the measurement of exotic nuclei properties. With numerical simulations and laser-driven experiments we show prospects for the Laser-driven Exotic Nuclei extraction-acceleration method proposed in [M. Nishiuchi et al., Phys. Plasmas 22, 033107 (2015)]: a femtosecond petawatt laser, irradiating a target bombarded by an external ion beam, extracts from the target and accelerates to few GeV highly charged short-lived heavy exotic nuclei created in the target via nuclear reactions.

Journal Articles

Revealing the second harmonic generation in a femtosecond laser-driven cluster-based plasma by analyzing shapes of Ar XVII spectral lines

Oks, E.*; Dalimier, E.*; Faenov, A.*; Pikuz, T.*; Fukuda, Yuji; Andreev, A.*; Koga, J. K.; Sakaki, Hironao; Kotaki, Hideyuki; Pirozhkov, A. S.; et al.

Optics Express (Internet), 23(25), p.31991 - 32005, 2015/12

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:37.30(Optics)

We present experiments dealing with a femtosecond laser-driven cluster-based plasma, where by analyzing the nonlinear phenomenon of satellites of spectral lines of Ar XVII, we revealed the nonlinear phenomenon of the generation of the second harmonic of the laser frequency. For performing this analysis we developed new results in the theory of satellites of spectral lines. From such lineshape analysis we found, in particular, that the efficiency of converting the short (40 fs) intense (3$$times$$10$$^{18}$$ W/cm$$^2$$) incident laser light into the second harmonic was 2%. This result is in the excellent agreement with the 2-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell (2D PIC) simulation that we also performed. There is also an order of magnitude agreement between the thresholds for the SHG found from the line shape analysis and from the 2D PIC simulations.

Journal Articles

Low electron temperature in ablating materials formed by picosecond soft X-ray laser pulses

Ishino, Masahiko; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Pikuz, T.*; Skobelev, I. Y.*; Faenov, A.*; Inogamov, N.*; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Yamagiwa, Mitsuru

X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources; Development and Applications XI (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9589), p.958904_1 - 958904_6, 2015/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:54.14(Optics)

To study the ablation process induced by the soft X-ray laser pulse, we investigated the electron temperature of the ablating material. Focused soft X-ray laser pulses having a wavelength of 13.9 nm and duration of 7 ps were irradiated onto target surfaces, and we observed the optical emission from surfaces by use of an optical camera. On target surfaces, we could confirm damage structures, but no emission signal in the visible spectral range during ablation could be observed. Then, we estimated the electron temperature in the ablating matter, and we estimated the electron temperature to be lower than 1 eV and the process duration was shorter than 1000 ps. This result is in good accordance with the theoretical prediction. Our investigation implies that the spallative ablation occurs in the low electron temperature region of a non-equilibrium state of warm dense matter. We will present the current state of our eperimental results.

Journal Articles

Acceleration of highly charged GeV Fe ions from a low-Z substrate by intense femtosecond laser

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Sakaki, Hironao; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T.*; Faenov, A.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Orlandi, R.; Sako, Hiroyuki; Pirozhkov, A. S.; et al.

Physics of Plasmas, 22(3), p.033107_1 - 033107_8, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:73 Percentile:96.36(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Almost fully stripped Fe ions accelerated up to 0.9 GeV are demonstrated with a 200 TW femtosecond high-intensity laser irradiating a micron-thick Al foil with Fe impurity on the surface. An energetic low-emittance high-density beam of heavy ions with a large charge-to-mass ratio can be obtained, which is useful for many applications, such as a compact radio isotope source in combination with conventional technology.

Journal Articles

Development of an apparatus for characterization of cluster-gas targets for laser-driven particle accelerations

Jinno, Satoshi; Fukuda, Yuji; Sakaki, Hironao; Yogo, Akifumi; Kanasaki, Masato; Kondo, Kiminori; Faenov, A. Y.; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Pikuz, T.; Boldarev, A. S.*; et al.

Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XI; Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol.109, p.215 - 233, 2015/00

Clusters formed in supersonic gas expansion through a three-staged conical nozzle have been verified by measuring the angular distribution of the light scattered from cluster target. The size distirbutions of the clusters are calculated based on the Mie theory. The reliability of the size measurement is verified to be an experimental error of 10% using standard particles. The mean sizes of CO$$_2$$ clusters for the cases of CO$$_2$$/H$$_2$$ and CO$$_2$$/He mixed-gas targets are estimated to be 0.26 $$mu$$m and 0.22 $$mu$$m, respectively. For the CO$$_2$$/H$$_2$$, the cluster density is estimated to be 5.5 $$times 10^8$$ clusters/cm$$^2$$ by measuring the attenuation of the laser beam intensity. Furthermore, total gas density profiles are obtained via the Abel inversion from the phase shift of the light passing through the target using an interferometer. The variation of the cluster mass fraction along the radial direction of the target is almost constant, which is consistent with a Boldarev's model.

Journal Articles

Very low electron temperature in warm dense matter formed by focused picosecond soft X-ray laser pulses

Ishino, Masahiko; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Pikuz, T. A.*; Skobelev, I. Y.*; Faenov, A.*; Inogamov, N. A.*; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Yamagiwa, Mitsuru

Journal of Applied Physics, 116(18), p.183302_1 - 183302_6, 2014/11

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:39.87(Physics, Applied)

We investigated the optical emission from the ablating surfaces induced by the irradiations of soft X-ray laser (SXRL) pulses with the aim of estimation of the maximum electron temperature. No emission signal in the spectral range of 400-800 nm could be observed despite the formation of damage structures on the target surfaces. Hence, we estimated an upper limit for the electron temperature of 0.4-0.7 eV for the process duration of 100-1000 ps. Our results imply that the ablation and/or surface modification by the SXRL is not accompanied by plasma formation but is induced by thermo-mechanical pressure, which is so called a spallative ablation. This spallative ablation process occurs in the low electron temperature region of a non-equilibrium state of warm dense matter.

Journal Articles

Nano-meter size modification of metal surfaces induced by soft X-ray laser single pulse

Ishino, Masahiko; Faenov, A.*; Tanaka, Momoko; Pikuz, T.; Tamotsu, Satoshi*; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Starikov, S. V.*; Stegailov, V. V.*; Norman, G.*; et al.

X-Ray Lasers 2012; Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol.147, p.121 - 124, 2014/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Journal Articles

Mie scattering from submicron-sized CO$$_2$$ clusters formed in a supersonic expansion of a gas mixture

Jinno, Satoshi; Fukuda, Yuji; Sakaki, Hironao; Yogo, Akifumi; Kanasaki, Masato; Kondo, Kiminori; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Pikuz, T.; Boldarev, A. S.*; et al.

Optics Express (Internet), 21(18), p.20656 - 20674, 2013/09

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:73.20(Optics)

A detailed mathematical model is presented for a submicron-sized cluster formation in a binary gas mixture flowing through a three-staged conical nozzle. In order to experimentally confirm this model, the cluster sizes have been evaluated using the Mie scattering method, which is to measure the angular distribution of light scattered from targets. The mean sizes of CO$$_2$$ clusters produced in the gas mixtures of CO$$_2$$(30%)/H$$_2$$(70%) and CO$$_2$$(10%)/He(90%) are estimated to be 0.28$$pm$$ 0.03 $$mu$$m and 0.26$$pm$$0.04 $$mu$$m, respectively. In addition, total gas density profiles measured with an interferometer were found to be agreed with the numerical modeling within a factor of two. The dryness ($$=monomer/(monomer+cluster)$$ ratio) in the targets was found to support the numerical modeling. Thus, our mathematical model of cluster formation was proved to be reliable enough for the binary gas mixture by the experimental results.

Journal Articles

Nano-meter scale modifications on material surfaces induced by soft X-ray laser pulse irradiations

Ishino, Masahiko; Faenov, A.*; Tanaka, Momoko; Tamotsu, Satoshi*; Pikuz, T.; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Inogamov, N.*; Skobelev, I.*; Fortov, V.*; et al.

Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.8849, p.88490F_1 - 88490F_8, 2013/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:72.25(Optics)

Journal Articles

Characterization of submicron-sized CO$$_2$$ clusters formed with a supersonic expansion of a mixed-gas using a three-staged nozzle

Jinno, Satoshi; Fukuda, Yuji; Sakaki, Hironao; Yogo, Akifumi; Kanasaki, Masato; Kondo, Kiminori; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Pikuz, T.; Boldarev, A. S.*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 102(16), p.164103_1 - 164103_4, 2013/04

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:70.11(Physics, Applied)

The size of CO$$_2$$ clusters, produced in a supersonic expansion of a mixed-gas of CO$$_2$$/He or CO$$_2$$/H$$_2$$ through a three-staged conical nozzle designed based on the Boldarev's model, has been evaluated by measuring the angular distribution of light scattered from the clusters. The data are analyzed utilizing the Mie scattering theory, and the sizes of CO$$_2$$ clusters are estimated as 0.22 $$mu$$m and 0.25 $$mu$$m for the cases of CO$$_2$$/He and CO$$_2$$/H$$_2$$ gas mixtures, respectively. The results confirm that the Boldarev's model is reliable enough for the production of micron-sized clusters.

Journal Articles

X-ray spectroscopy diagnoses of clusters surviving under prepulses of ultra-intense femtosecond laser pulse irradiation

Faenov, A. Ya.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Pikuz, T.; Pikuz, S. A.*; Fortov, V. E.*; Fukuda, Yuji; Hayashi, Yukio; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kotaki, Hideyuki; Shimomura, Takuya; et al.

Laser and Particle Beams, 30(3), p.481 - 488, 2012/09

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:42.46(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

The Spectra of the multicharged argon hollow ions; Observation, modeling and using for diagnostics of the early stage of the heating of clusters by a supper high contrast femtosecond laser pulses

Pikuz, T.; Faenov, A.*; Skobelev, I.*; Fortov, V. E.*; Boldarev, A.*; Gasilov, V.*; Chen, L. M.*; Zhang, L.*; Yan, W.*; Yuan, D.*; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.181 - 201, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Interaction of soft X-ray laser pulse radiation with aluminum surface; Nano-meter size surface modification

Ishino, Masahiko; Faenov, A.*; Tanaka, Momoko; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Tamotsu, Satoshi*; Pikuz, S.*; Inogamov, N. A.*; Zhakhovsky, V. V.*; Skobelev, I.*; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.236 - 240, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:62.70(Physics, Applied)

We irradiated the focusing soft X-ray laser pulses having a wavelength of 13.9 nm and the duration of 7 ps to aluminum surface. After the irradiation process, the irradiated surface was observed with a scanning electron microscope. The surface modifications caused by soft X-ray laser single pulse exposure were clearly seen. In addition, it was found that the conical structures having around 100 nm in diameters were formed in the shallow features. The nano-meter size modified surface structures on aluminum induced by the soft X-ray laser pulse is interesting as the newly surface structure. Hence, the soft X-ray laser beam would be a candidate for a tool of micromachining. We also provide a thermomechanical modeling of the soft X-ray laser interaction with aluminum briefly to explain the surface modification.

Journal Articles

Nanomodification of gold surface by picosecond soft X-ray laser pulse

Norman, G.*; Starikov, S.*; Stegailov, V.*; Fortov, V.*; Skobelev, I.*; Pikuz, T.; Faenov, A.*; Tamotsu, Satoshi*; Kato, Yoshiaki*; Ishino, Masahiko; et al.

Journal of Applied Physics, 112(1), p.013104_1 - 013104_8, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:42 Percentile:81.45(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Ablation of insulators under the action of short pulses of X-ray plasma lasers and free-electron lasers

Inogamov, N. A.*; Anisimov, S. I.*; Petrov, Y. V.*; Khokhlov, V. A.*; Zhakhovskii, V. V.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T.; Fortov, V. E.*; Skobelev, I. Y.*; Kato, Yoshiaki*; et al.

Journal of Optical Technology, 78(8), p.473 - 480, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:32.24(Optics)

Journal Articles

Two-temperature warm dense matter produced by ultrashort Extreme Vacuum Ultraviolet-Free Electron Laser (EUV-FEL) pulse

Inogamov, N. A.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Zhakhovsky, V. V.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Petrov, Y. V.*; Khokhlov, V. A.*; Shepelev, V. V.*; Anisimov, S. I.*; Fortov, V. E.*; et al.

Contributions to Plasma Physics, 51(5), p.419 - 426, 2011/06

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:62.85(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Warm dense matter, arising under the action of ultrashort EUV-FEL pulse onto LiF dielectric crystal, is characterized by high temperature of conduction electrons, with their number density achieving values of the order of atom number density at maximum laser fluences in our experiments. Expansion of matter, heated and pressurized through the electron-ion energy exchange, gives rise to the spallative ablation at small fluences and gaseous outflow from a target in the case of large fluences. Ablation threshold is low in comparison with a longer nanosecond XRL.

Journal Articles

Observation and modeling of high resolution spectral features of the inner-shell X-ray emission produced by 10$$^{-10}$$ contrast femtosecond-pulse laser irradiation of argon clusters

Colgan, J.*; Abdallah, J. Jr.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Fukuda, Yuji; Hayashi, Yukio; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kawase, Keigo*; Shimomura, Takuya; et al.

High Energy Density Physics, 7(2), p.77 - 83, 2011/06

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:64.42(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

A study is made of the ultra-short laser pulse irradiation of Ar cluster targets. Experiments have been performed with large cluster sizes and using very high laser contrasts, which have allowed clear and unambiguous observation of exotic inner-shell transitions in near-neutral Ar ions. The interaction of the main laser pulse with the unperturbed target is a necessary requirement for observing these lines. Our measurements are supported by kinetics calculations in which a very detailed atomic model is used. The calculations predict all of the spectral features found experimentally, and support the notion that the X-ray emission arises from many ion stages of the Ar plasma, from near-neutral through He-like ions, and from a range of plasma temperatures and densities.

Journal Articles

Laser ablation of gold; Experiment and atomistic simulation

Starikov, S. V.*; Stegailov, V. V.*; Norman, G. E.*; Fortov, V. E.*; Ishino, Masahiko; Tanaka, Momoko; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Oba, Toshiyuki*; Kaihori, Takeshi; et al.

JETP Letters, 93(11), p.642 - 647, 2011/04

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:74.86(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Nanoscale surface modifications and formation of conical structures at aluminum surface induced by single shot exposure of soft X-ray laser pulse

Ishino, Masahiko; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Tanaka, Momoko; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Tamotsu, Satoshi*; Pikuz, T. A.*; Inogamov, N. A.*; Zhakhovskii, V. V.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; et al.

Journal of Applied Physics, 109(1), p.013504_1 - 013504_6, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:76.12(Physics, Applied)

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67 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)