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Naito, Susumu*; Sano, Akira*; Izumi, Mikio*; Noda, Etsuo*; Hayashi, Kazuo*; Sato, Mitsuyoshi*; Suto, Osamu; Miyamoto, Yasuaki; Kondo, Shinichi*; Iinuma, Koichi*; et al.
Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 IEEE, Vol.1, p.495 - 499, 2005/10
An alpha radioactivity monitor (alpha-clearance monitor) is being developed to measure alpha radioactivity of uranium contaminated waste with large and complex surfaces. It uses an alpha radioactivity measurement method by collecting the air ionized by alpha particles using an air stream and by measuring its ion current. One of the major problems of the alpha-clearance monitor is the background ion current mainly by radon in atmosphere (700 fA), which is much larger than ion current of an alpha particle (several fA). It strongly influences on the detection limit of alpha radioactivity. In order to improve the detection limit, we developed a method to monitor the radon concentration inside the monitor without the additional radon detector. In addition, the influencing factors on the detection limit: ion mobility and ion recombination coefficient were measured and evaluated on various environmental conditions (temperature, humidity and aerosol density).
Sudo, Makoto; Miyamoto, Yasuaki; Fukumoto, Masahiro; Suto, Osamu
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 66(2-4), p.608 - 611, 2005/00
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:29.32(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)None
Takai, Masakazu; Sudo, Makoto; Nakazawa, Osamu; Fukumoto, Masahiro; Suto, Osamu
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 66, p.694 - 696, 2004/00
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:39.15(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)None
Miyamoto, Yasuaki; Yamanaka, Tomohiro*; Aoyama, Makoto; Takahashi, Kuniaki; Suto, Osamu
JNC TN8400 2003-044, 127 Pages, 2003/03
It examined for the uranium system metal wastes which can be expected a high decontamination performance by applying melt refining decontamination technology, and the decontamination performance by using a refractories melting furnace and a cold crucible induction melting furnace was confirmed. Moreover, evaluation about technical applicability, such as engineering characteristics by the examination using an engineering scale melting furnace, was carried out.
Aoyama, Makoto; Miyamoto, Yasuaki; Suto, Osamu
Abstract, PB54, (pb54), 0 Pages, 2003/00
Takai, Masakazu; Aoyama, Makoto; Nakazawa, Osamu; Suto, Osamu
Proceedings of 11th International IUPAC Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-11), P. 215, 2003/00
Takai, Masakazu; Sudo, Makoto; Nakazawa, Osamu; Suto, Osamu
Proceedings of 11th International IUPAC Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-11), (pb77), 215 Pages, 2003/00
Suzuki, Eiji; Suto, Osamu; Mikami, Hisashi*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 35(6), p.425 - 436, 1998/00
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:14.85(Nuclear Science & Technology)None
Suzuki, Eiji; Suto, Osamu
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 35(11), p.788 - 795, 1998/00
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)None
Suto, Osamu; Hasegawa, Makoto; Yato, Yumio; ; Sasao, Nobuyuki
'92 Third Int.Workshop onSeparation Phenomena in, ,
Suto, Osamu; Hasegawa, Makoto; ; ; Sasao, Nobuyuki; Yato, Yumio
3rd International Workshop on Separation Phenomena, ,
Suto, Osamu; Funasaka, Hideyuki;
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-4), 4th(4), 257 Pages,
Yato, Yumio; Suto, Osamu;
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-4), 4th(4), 257 Pages,