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三浦 靖史*; 鈴木 賢治*; 諸岡 聡; 菖蒲 敬久
Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 8(1), p.1_1 - 1_14, 2024/03
Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) is expected as a reasonable structural integrity assessment method for nuclear components such as piping, whose main degradation phenomenon is stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Some input parameters are necessary for PFM analysis, and welding residual stress is one of the most important parameters because welding residual stress affects SCC initiation and propagation. Recently, a double exposure method (DEM) with synchrotron X-ray has been proposed, and the method is an expected candidate for the measurement of welding residual stress with a high spatial resolution. In this paper, the DEM was applied to measure the residual stress of the plate specimen, which was cut from the welded pipe using electrical discharge machining, and detailed stress maps under a plane stress state were obtained. Furthermore, the residual stress distributions of the welded pipe under a triaxial stress state were also evaluated using neutron diffraction. From these results, the method for obtaining a detailed stress map of the welded pipe by the complementary use of high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays and neutrons was proposed.
樋口 雄紀*; 吉宗 航*; 加藤 悟*; 日比 章五*; 瀬戸山 大吾*; 伊勢川 和久*; 松本 吉弘*; 林田 洋寿*; 野崎 洋*; 原田 雅史*; et al.
Communications Engineering (Internet), 3, p.33_1 - 33_7, 2024/02
The automotive industry aims to ensure the cold-start capability of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) for developing fuel cell electric vehicles that can be driven in cold climates. Water and ice behavior is a key factor in maintaining this capability. Previously reported methods for visualizing water and/or ice are limited to small-sized PEFCs ( 50 cm
), while fuel cell electric vehicles are equipped with larger PEFCs. Here, we developed a system using a pulsed spallation neutron beam to visualize water distribution and identify water/ice phases in practical-sized PEFCs at a cold start. The results show direct evidence of a stepwise freezing behavior inside the PEFC. The produced water initially accumulated at the center of the PEFC and then froze, followed by PEFC shutdown as freezing progressed. This study can serve as a reference to guide the development of cold-start protocols, cell design, and materials for next-generation fuel cell electric vehicles.
山崎 泰広*; 篠宮 啓介*; 奥村 忠晴*; 鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 中村 唯我*
Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(2), p.14_1 - 14_12, 2023/05
The suspension plasma spray (SPS) technique has attracted attention because of its various microstructures, which can be achieved by mixing submicron spray particles with a solvent to form a suspension. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with a columnar structure, which might achieve high strain tolerance, can be obtained using the SPS technique. In this study, the internal stress distribution of the SPS-TBC with different columnar structures was evaluated by hybrid measurement using high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis and laboratory low-energy X-rays. The effect of microstructure on the internal stress distribution of the SPS-TBC was discussed on the basis of the experimental results. In addition, the in-plane internal stress was decreased by decreasing the column diameter. The thin columnar microstructure of the SPS-TBC has superior strain tolerance. The internal stresses in the column of the SPS-TBC are periodic decrements caused by stress relaxation in porous layers.
鈴木 賢治*; 三浦 靖史*; 城 鮎美*; 豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*; 菖蒲 敬久; 諸岡 聡
材料, 72(4), p.316 - 323, 2023/04
Residual stresses in small-bore butt-welded pipe of austenitic stainless steel have never been measured. It is difficult to obtain a detailed residual stress map of the root welded part, because the gauge volume in neutron diffraction is large. The stress evaluation of the welded part by synchrotron X-rays was also difficult due to the dendritic structure. In this study, a double exposure method (DEM) with high-energy synchrotron X-rays was applied to measuring the details of the residual stress of the welded part, and we succeeded in obtaining the detailed axial and radius stress maps of the root welded part of the plate cut from the welded pipe, though the stress map was under the plane stress condition. The hoop stress map of the butt-welded pipe was obtained using the strain scanning method with neutrons under the triaxial stress state. The axial and radius stress maps under triaxial stress state were made up using the complementary use of the synchrotron X-ray and neutron. As a result, the detailed stress maps of the root welded part of the butt-welded pipe were obtained. The obtained map sufficiently explained the initiation and propagation of SCC.
鈴木 賢治*; 倉 己萌*; 三浦 靖史*; 城 鮎美*; 豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久
材料, 71(12), p.1005 - 1012, 2022/12
鈴木 賢治*; 山田 みなみ*; 城 鮎美*; 菖蒲 敬久; 豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*
材料, 71(4), p.347 - 353, 2022/04
鈴木 賢治*; 城 鮎美*; 豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*; 菖蒲 敬久
Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(3), p.25_1 - 25_14, 2020/09
Bae, S.*; Jee, H.*; Suh, H.*; 兼松 学*; 城 鮎美*; 町田 晃彦*; 綿貫 徹*; 菖蒲 敬久; 諸岡 聡; Geng, G.*; et al.
Construction and Building Materials, 237, p.117714_1 - 117714_10, 2020/03
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:67.17(Construction & Building Technology)Although the atomistic structure and the deformation characteristics of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) are of primary interest in cement chemistry, they have not been fully investigated. In this study, pair distribution function (PDF) analysis was conducted on a 53-year-old fully hydrated tricalcium silicate (CS) paste using in situ synchrotron high-energy X-ray scattering to probe the atomic structural deformation of C-S-H under external loading. The results were compared with those from our previous PDF study of a 131-day-old C
S paste in order to elucidate the effect of aging on the mechanical characteristics of C-S-H. Three different strains measured by the strain gauge, by the lattice shifts (d-spacing) in the reciprocal space, and by the shift of the interatomic distance (r) in the real space were compared. In the range of r
, where most of the information was derived from C-S-H, the 53-year-old C
S paste had a higher overall elastic modulus (18.3 GPa) and better resistance to compressive stress than the 131-day-old C
S paste (elastic modulus: 8.3 GPa). Moreover, it was found that the macroscopic strains of the 53-year-old C
S paste were presumably induced by mechanical deformation such as microcracks at the macroscale. The results provide experimental evidence for the atomistic and mesoscale mechanical behavior of C-S-H in the early and late ages.
鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*
材料, 68(4), p.312 - 317, 2019/04
鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久
E-Journal of Advanced Maintenance (Internet), 10(4), p.9 - 17, 2019/02
Bae, S.*; Jee, H.*; 兼松 学*; 城 鮎美*; 町田 晃彦*; 綿貫 徹*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 裕士
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101(1), p.408 - 418, 2018/01
被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:59.84(Materials Science, Ceramics)ケイ酸カルシウム水和物(CSH)に関する原子レベルの構造や変形機構には不明な点が多い。本研究では、X線散乱法に基づく原子対相関関数(PDF)により、ケイ酸三カルシウム(CS)ペースト中に存在するCSH相のナノ構造変形挙動を評価した。単軸圧縮負荷を受けるC
Sペーストの変形を、ひずみゲージ,ブラッグピークシフト, PDFから求められるマクロからミクロな変形より評価した。PDF解析により、0-20
小島 真由美*; 城 鮎美*; 鈴木 裕士; 井上 純哉*; 菖蒲 敬久; 徐 平光; 秋田 貢一; 南部 将一*; 小関 敏彦*
材料, 66(6), p.420 - 426, 2017/06
The strain distribution in a multilayered steel composite, which consists of martensite and austenite layers, was evaluated by energy dispersive X-ray diffraction to investigate the homogeneity of deformation in the martensite layer under uniaxial loading. A dog-bone shape specimen with a martensite layer with 0.2 mm in a thickness, sandwiching by austenite layers with 0.4 mm in thickness, was utilized in this study. A change in strains as a function of tensile loading was measured at the center of the martensite layer as well as near the interface between the martensite and austenite layers. Furthermore, the residual strain distributions were measured in the martensite layer of the unloaded specimens after different applied strains. As a result, slight inhomogeneous deformation was found at the beginning of the plastic deformation in the martensite layer although no local deformation was recognized even near the interface between austenite and martensite layers. After further deformation, mismatch of plastic deformation between austenite and martensite layers was reduced, and the martensite layer deformed homogeneously. Therefore, an unstable interface phenomenon might not be caused by the intrinsic factors with a mesoscopic scale discussed in this experiment.
佐藤 成男*; 小貫 祐介*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 田代 均*; 轟 秀和*; 鈴木 茂*
金属, 86(8), p.654 - 660, 2016/08
Liss, K.-D.*; 舟越 賢一*; Dippenaar, R. J.*; 肥後 祐司*; 城 鮎美*; Reid, M.*; 鈴木 裕士; 菖蒲 敬久; 秋田 貢一
Metals, 6(7), p.165_1 - 165_22, 2016/07
被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:65.06(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Ti-Al合金は、航空機エンジン材料として、軽量・耐熱タービンへの応用が期待されているが、塑性加工性の悪さを克服する必要がある。高圧鍛造プレスにおいては、10GPaの範囲で材料加工を可能にするが、それゆえに、極限環境における候補材料の状態図を評価する必要がある。本研究では、(+
佐藤 成男*; 菖蒲 敬久; 佐藤 こずえ*; 小川 博美*; 我妻 一昭*; 熊谷 正芳*; 今福 宗行*; 田代 仁*; 鈴木 茂*
ISIJ International, 55(7), p.1432 - 1438, 2015/07
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:51.53(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)冷間延伸されたパーライト鋼ワイヤにおける転位の分布および異方性を特徴付けるために、X線回折線プロファイル解析をシンクロトロン放射マイクロビームを用いて行った。一般に、塑性せん断ひずみはワイヤの中心よりも表面近くでより激しかったが、中心から表面まで転位密度分布はほぼ一定であった。一方、転位の再配列は、転位の細胞構造を進化させ、表面に近づくほど進んだ。異方性転位密度によって、軸方向および横断方向の硬さの差異が説明できることも明らかになった。高温での回折データに基づく線プロファイル解析を行った。セメンタイトの回収率は一定の速度で進行したが、フェライト相の回収率は温度依存性を示し、フェライト相の回収率はセメンタイト相の回収率とはあまり関係していなかった。
岩田 圭司*; 今福 宗行*; 鈴木 環輝*; 菖蒲 敬久; 折原 秀人*; 酒井 祐介*; 秋田 貢一; 大谷 眞一*; 石山 和志*
Journal of Applied Physics, 117(17), p.17A910_1 - 17A910_4, 2015/03
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:25.78(Physics, Applied)レーザーを照射した鉄3%シリコン鋼に還流磁区を生じさせる内部応力分布を、高エネルギー放射光X線解析および変分原理に基づく磁区理論によって検討した。測定された試験片内の三軸応力は圧縮で、圧延方向の応力がほかの方向の応力よりも支配的であった。還流磁区に関する磁気エネルギーの変分原理に基づく計算により、測定された三軸応力が、還流磁区が無い場合の主磁区よりも、磁区をより安定させていることが分かった。実験および計算結果から、レーザー誘起内部応力が還流磁区を発生させていることを示した。
鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美; Zhang, S.*
Advanced Materials Research, 996, p.76 - 81, 2014/08
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Engineering, Mechanical)A diffraction spot trace method (DSTM) is very useful to measure internal stresses of materials with coarse grains. In this study, validity of the DSTM was examined using high energy synchrotron X-ray of 70 keV. The specimen was a welded plate of austenitic stainless steel (SUS316L). The thickness of the specimen was 9 mm. The improved spiral slit system was used, and PILATUS was used as an area detector. It was difficult to detect the high energy X-rays due to the reduction of counting efficiency of the PILATUS. However, the residual stress map of the welding specimen was obtained by long exposure time. The residual stresses of the welding specimen were simulated by a finite element method (FEM). The outline of the residual stress measured by the DSTM coincided with that by the FEM.
鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美; Zhang, S.*
材料, 63(7), p.527 - 532, 2014/07
鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美; Zhang, S.*
Materials Science Forum, 777, p.155 - 160, 2014/02
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:80.97(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The spiral slit-system was improved in order to make a gauge length regularity. The bending stress was measured by the improved spiral slit-system, and the measured stresses corresponded to the applied stress regardless of the diffraction angle. As a result, the validity of the improved spiral slit system was proved. On the other hand, the diffraction spot trace method (DSTM), which combined the spiral slit-system and a PILATUS detector, was proposed to measure stress in a coarse grain. In this study, the distribution of the residual stress in a melt-run welding specimen was measured using the DSTM. The welding residual stresses measured accorded with that by the FEM simulation.
土田 紀之*; 川畑 拓司*; 石丸 栄一郎*; 高橋 明彦*; 鈴木 裕士; 菖蒲 敬久
ISIJ International, 53(7), p.1260 - 1267, 2013/07
被引用回数:24 パーセンタイル:72.02(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)二相ステンレス鋼の引張変形挙動を明らかにするため、中性子と放射光白色X線を利用したその場測定を行った。放射光白色X線の結果から、引張変形中でS32101の硬い相がフェライトからオーステナイトに変化した。これはより大きな力により後半の相へ変化したためであるといえる。中性子実験からは、S32101中のより高い応力下での相の応力分配が見つかった。ゆえに、S32101中の加工硬化率は