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Journal Articles

Intercalative and non-intercalative photo-recharge using all-solid-state cells for solar energy conversion and storage

Yoshimoto, Masataka*; Tamura, Kazuhisa; Watanabe, Kenta*; Shimizu, Keisuke*; Horisawa, Yuhei*; Kobayashi, Takeshi*; Tsurita, Hanae*; Suzuki, Kota*; Kanno, Ryoji*; Hirayama, Masaaki*

Sustainable Energy & Fuels (Internet), 8(6), p.1236 - 1244, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Photo-rechargeable systems, which can efficiently convert and store solar energy into chemical energy within single devices, are essential to harness sunlight effectively. Photo-(de)intercalation plays a pivotal role in the functionality of photorechargeable systems. Nevertheless, the photo-(de)intercalation process has not been conclusively confirmed owing to potential interference from side reactions, such as the decomposition of liquid electrolytes and the elution of electrode materials. In this study, we successfully demonstrated photo-responsive Li$$^{+}$$-deintercalation using an all-solid-state thin-film battery comprised of epitaxially-grown anatase TiO$$_{2}$$ doped with Nb (a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb) as the cathode. Under light irradiation, Li$$^{+}$$-deintercalation occurred and was subsequently reversibly intercalated into a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb during discharge.

Journal Articles

Stable photoelectrochemical reactions at solid/solid interfaces toward solar energy conversion and storage

Watanabe, Kenta*; Horisawa, Yuhei*; Yoshimoto, Masataka*; Tamura, Kazuhisa; Suzuki, Kota*; Kanno, Ryoji*; Hirayama, Masaaki*

Nano Letters, 24(6), p.1916 - 1922, 2024/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:82.37(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Electrochemistry has extended from reactions at solid/liquid interfaces to those at solid/solid interfaces. In this study, we achieve the stable photoelectrochemical reaction at the semiconductor-electrode/solid-electrolyte interface in Nb-doped anatase-TiO$$_{2}$$ (a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb)/Li$$_{3}$$PO$$_{4}$$ (LPO)/Li all-solid-state cell. The oxidative currents of a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb/LPO/Li increase upon light irradiation when a-TiO$$_{2}$$:Nb is located at a potential that is more positive than its flat-band potential. The photoelectrochemical reaction at the semiconductor/solid-electrolyte interface is driven by the same principle as that at semiconductor/liquid-electrolyte interfaces. Thus, we extend photoelectrochemistry to all-solid-state systems composed of solid/solid interfaces.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of bond performance of reinforced concrete using hot-dip galvanized rebar by neutron diffraction

Kobayashi, Kensuke*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Nishio, Yuhei*; Kanematsu, Manabu*

Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai Kozokei Rombunshu, 86(785), p.1026 - 1035, 2021/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Polarization analysis for small-angle neutron scattering with a $$^{3}$$He spin filter at a pulsed neutron source

Okudaira, Takuya; Ueda, Yuki; Hiroi, Kosuke; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Takata, Shinichi; Oku, Takayuki; Suzuki, Junichi*; Takahashi, Shingo*; Endo, Hitoshi*; et al.

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 54(2), p.548 - 556, 2021/04

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:46.94(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Neutron polarization analysis (NPA) for small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments using a pulsed neutron source was successfully achieved by applying a $$^{3}$$He spin filter as a spin analyzer for the scattered neutrons. The $$^{3}$$He spin filter covers a sufficient solid angle for performing SANS experiments, and the relaxation time of the $$^{3}$$He polarization is sufficient for continuous use over a few days, thus reaching the typical duration required for a complete set of SANS experiments. Although accurate evaluation of the incoherent neutron scattering, which is predominantly attributable to hydrogen atoms in samples, is practically difficult using calculations based on the sample elemental composition, the developed NPA approach with consideration of the influence of multiple neutron scattering enabled reliable decomposition of the SANS intensity distribution into the coherent and incoherent scattering components. To date, NPA has not been well established as a standard technique for SANS experiments at pulsed neutron sources. This work is anticipated to greatly contribute to the accurate determination of the coherent neutron scattering component for scatterers in various types of organic sample systems in SANS experiments at J-PARC.

Journal Articles

Development of spin-contrast-variation neutron powder diffractometry for extracting the structure factor of hydrogen atoms

Miura, Daisuke*; Kumada, Takayuki; Sekine, Yurina; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Oba, Yojiro; Ohara, Takashi; Takata, Shinichi; Hiroi, Kosuke; Morikawa, Toshiaki*; et al.

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 54(2), p.454 - 460, 2021/04


 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:14.07(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We developed a spin-contrast-variation neutron powder diffractometry technique that extracts the structure factor of hydrogen atoms, namely, the contribution of hydrogen atoms to a crystal structure factor. Crystals of L-glutamic acid were dispersed in a dpolystyrene matrix containing 4-methacryloyloxy-2,2,6,6,-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO methacrylate) to polarize their proton spins dynamically. The intensities of the diffraction peaks of the sample changed according to the proton polarization, and the structure factor of the hydrogen atoms was extracted from the proton-polarization dependent intensities. This technique is expected to enable analyses of the structures of hydrogen-containing materials that are difficult to determine with conventional powder diffractometry.

Journal Articles

Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Takagi, Yasuhiko*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Hiroi, Takahiro*; Matsuoka, Moe*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:51 Percentile:96.49(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Here we report observations of Ryugu's subsurface material by the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) on the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Reflectance spectra of excavated material exhibit a hydroxyl (OH) absorption feature that is slightly stronger and peak-shifted compared with that observed for the surface, indicating that space weathering and/or radiative heating have caused subtle spectral changes in the uppermost surface. However, the strength and shape of the OH feature still suggests that the subsurface material experienced heating above 300 $$^{circ}$$C, similar to the surface. In contrast, thermophysical modeling indicates that radiative heating does not increase the temperature above 200 $$^{circ}$$C at the estimated excavation depth of 1 m, even if the semimajor axis is reduced to 0.344 au. This supports the hypothesis that primary thermal alteration occurred due to radiogenic and/or impact heating on Ryugu's parent body.

Journal Articles

Precious metal separations

Narita, Hirokazu*; Kasuya, Ryo*; Suzuki, Tomoya*; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Tanaka, Mikiya*

Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry (Internet), 28 Pages, 2020/12

Journal Articles

Evaluation of deformation and fracture behavior of reinforced concrete using neutron beam technique

Ueno, Kazuki*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Takamura, Masato*; Nishio, Yuhei*; Kanematsu, Manabu*

Konkurito Kozobutsu No Hoshu, Hokyo, Appuguredo Rombun Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 20, p.273 - 278, 2020/10

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Activities of Working Group on Verification of PASCAL; Fiscal years 2016 and 2017

Li, Y.; Hirota, Takatoshi*; Itabashi, Yu*; Yamamoto, Masato*; Kanto, Yasuhiro*; Suzuki, Masahide*; Miyamoto, Yuhei*

JAEA-Review 2020-011, 130 Pages, 2020/09


For the improvement of the structural integrity assessment methodology on reactor pressure vessels (RPVs), the probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analysis code PASCAL has been developed and improved in Japan Atomic Energy Agency based on the latest knowledge. The PASCAL code evaluates the failure probabilities and frequencies of Japanese RPVs under transient events such as pressure thermal shock considering neutron irradiation embrittlement. In order to confirm the reliability of the PASCAL as a domestic standard code and to promote the application of PFM on the domestic structural integrity assessments of RPVs, it is important to perform verification activities, and summarize the verification processes and results as a document. On the basis of these backgrounds, we established a working group, composed of experts on this field besides the developers, on the verification of the PASCAL module and the source program of PASCAL was released to the members of working group. This report summarizes the activities of the working group on the verification of PASCAL in FY2016 and FY2017.

Journal Articles

Recent verification activities on probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis code PASCAL4 for reactor pressure vessel

Lu, K.; Katsuyama, Jinya; Li, Y.; Miyamoto, Yuhei*; Hirota, Takatoshi*; Itabashi, Yu*; Nagai, Masaki*; Suzuki, Masahide*; Kanto, Yasuhiro*

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00573_1 - 19-00573_14, 2020/06

Journal Articles

The Effect of rehydration on bond strength of reinforced concrete subjected to high temperature

Miyabe, Azusa*; Koyama, Taku*; Nishio, Yuhei*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kanematsu, Manabu*

Konkurito Kozobutsu No Hoshu, Hokyo, Appuguredo Rombun Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 19, p.59 - 64, 2019/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Verification of a probabilistic fracture mechanics code PASCAL4 for reactor pressure vessels

Lu, K.; Katsuyama, Jinya; Li, Y.; Miyamoto, Yuhei*; Hirota, Takatoshi*; Itabashi, Yu*; Nagai, Masaki*; Suzuki, Masahide*; Kanto, Yasuhiro*

Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-27) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2019/05

Journal Articles

Evaluation of deformation and fracture behavior of reinforced concrete using neutron beam technique

Ueno, Kazuki*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Koyama, Taku*; Nishio, Yuhei*; Kanematsu, Manabu*

Konkurito Kozobutsu No Hoshu, Hokyo, Appuguredo Rombun Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 18, p.647 - 650, 2018/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Comparison of the extractabilities of tetrachloro- and tetrabromopalladate(II) ions with a thiodiglycolamide compound

Narita, Hirokazu*; Maeda, Motoki*; Tokoro, Chiharu*; Suzuki, Tomoya*; Tanaka, Mikiya*; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Analytical Sciences, 33(11), p.1305 - 1309, 2017/11

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:38.02(Chemistry, Analytical)

Journal Articles

A Chemiluminescence sensor with signal amplification based on a self-immolative reaction for the detection of fluoride ion at low concentrations

Hisamatsu, Shugo; Suzuki, Shinichi; Komoto, Shigeo*; Kishikawa, Keiki*; Yamamoto, Yusuke*; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Tetrahedron, 73(27-28), p.3993 - 3998, 2017/07

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:59.37(Chemistry, Organic)

Journal Articles

Recent research in solvent extraction of platinum group metals

Narita, Hirokazu*; Suzuki, Tomoya*; Motokawa, Ryuhei

Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi, 81(4), p.157 - 167, 2017/04

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:57.20(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Journal Articles

Small-angle neutron scattering study of specific interaction and coordination structure formed by mono-acetyl-substituted dibenzo-20-crown-6-ether and cesium ions

Motokawa, Ryuhei; Kobayashi, Toru; Endo, Hitoshi*; Ikeda, Takashi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Suzuki, Shinichi; Narita, Hirokazu*; Akutsu, Kazuhiro*; Heller, W. T.*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(8), p.1205 - 1211, 2016/08

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.88(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Temporal behavior of unresolved transition array emission in water window soft X-ray spectral region from multiply charged ions

Dinh, T.-H.*; Suzuki, Yuhei*; Arai, Goki*; Li, B.*; Dunne, P.*; O'Sullivan, G.*; Fujioka, Shinsuke*; Hasegawa, Noboru; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Nishikino, Masaharu; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 107(12), p.121101_1 - 121101_5, 2015/09

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:21.84(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Density and X-ray emission profile relationships in highly ionized high-Z laser-produced plasmas

Yoshida, Kensuke*; Fujioka, Shinsuke*; Higashiguchi, Takeshi*; Ugomori, Teruyuki*; Tanaka, Nozomi*; Kawasaki, Masato*; Suzuki, Yuhei*; Suzuki, Chihiro*; Tomita, Kentaro*; Hirose, Ryoichi*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 106(12), p.121109_1 - 121109_5, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:50.49(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Mesoscopic structures of vermiculite and weathered biotite clays in suspension with and without cesium ions

Motokawa, Ryuhei; Endo, Hitoshi*; Yokoyama, Shingo*; Ogawa, Hiroki*; Kobayashi, Toru; Suzuki, Shinichi; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Langmuir, 30(50), p.15127 - 15134, 2014/12

 Times Cited Count:27 Percentile:61.69(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

64 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)