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Journal Articles

Preventing nuclear fuel material adhesion on glove box components using nanoparticle coating

Segawa, Tomoomi; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Ishii, Katsunori; Suzuki, Masahiro; Tachihara, Joji; Takato, Kiyoto; Okita, Takatoshi; Satone, Hiroshi*; Suzuki, Michitaka*

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 8(3), p.21-00022_1 - 21-00022_9, 2021/06

To reduce the hold-up of the nuclear fuel materials in the glove box and the external exposure dose, the technology of the MOX powder adhesion prevention by the nanoparticle coating to the acrylic panels of the glove box has been developed. The surface analysis by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that the acrylic test piece surface coated with nanoparticles had a higher root mean square roughness value than that non-coated with nanoparticles. Due to the formation of nano-sized tiny rugged surface, the nanoparticle coating reduced the minimum adhesion force between the UO$$_{2}$$ particles and the acrylic test piece surface with the smallest particle size of about 5 $$mu$$m where desorption was observed, by about one-tenth. Moreover, the nanoparticle coating reduced the amount of the MOX powder adhering to the acrylic test piece to about one-tenth. In this study, it was found that applying the nanoparticle coating to the acrylic panels of glove box can prevent the adhesion of nuclear fuel materials. This method is effective for reducing the hold-up of the nuclear fuel materials in the glove box, the external exposure dose and improving the visibility of the acrylic panels.

Journal Articles

Preventing nuclear fuel material adhesion on glove box components using nanoparticle coating

Segawa, Tomoomi; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Ishii, Katsunori; Suzuki, Masahiro; Tachihara, Joji; Takato, Kiyoto; Okita, Takatoshi; Satone, Hiroshi*; Suzuki, Michitaka*

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08

To reduce the hold-up of the nuclear fuel materials in the glove box and the external exposure dose, the technology of the MOX powder adhesion prevention by the nanoparticle coating to the acrylic panels of the glove box has been developed. Due to the formation of nano-sized tiny rugged surface, the nanoparticle coating reduced the minimum adhesion force between the UO$$_{2}$$ particles and the acrylic test piece surface with the smallest particle size of about 5 $$mu$$m where desorption was observed, by about one-tenth. Moreover, the nanoparticle coating reduced the amount of the MOX powder adhering to the acrylic test piece to about one-tenth. In this study, it was found that applying the nanoparticle coating to the acrylic panels of glove box can prevent the adhesion of nuclear fuel materials. This method is effective for reducing the hold-up of the nuclear fuel materials in the glove box, the external exposure dose and improving the visibility of the acrylic panels.



小野 洋輔; 周治 愛之; 平野 宏志; 立原 丈二; 庄司 博行; 田村 健

南 明則*

JP, 2022-000568  Patent licensing information

【課題】全面マスク内で対象物を保持する保持装置において、全面マスクの気密性の維持と、使用者の視界の確保とを両立する技術を提供する。 【解決手段】保持装置(10)は、磁力によって互いに引き合う第1磁性体(11)及び第2磁性体(12)と、対象物を着脱可能に保持する保持部(15)と、第2磁性体(12)から保持部(15)を吊り下げる吊下部(16)とを備える。

Oral presentation

Invention of the magnet-fixing glasses for full-face type respirators

Tamura, Ken; Shuji, Yoshiyuki; Hirano, Hiroshi*; Tachihara, Joji; Ono, Yosuke; Shoji, Hiroyuki*; Kawasaki, Takashi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

An Application of Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) full-face mask to plutonium handling facilities

Shioya, Satoshi; Nakagawa, Takahiro; Yamazaki, Takumi; Tachihara, Joji; Shuji, Yoshiyuki; Kikuno, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

In order to reduce the workload and improve the safety (i.e., prevention of internal exposure) of workers at Plutonium handling facilities, etc., JAEA has introduced a new Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) full-face mask as respiratory protective equipment. In introducing this mask, we conducted a leakage test in correspondence with Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). In the leakage test, an examinee person wearing the mask entered an airlock and performed a prescribed action (e.g., stepping up and down on a stepladder, etc.) while the number concentration of NaCl test particles in/out of the mask was measured. Leakage rates were calculated for the results of 10 examinees. The test results showed that the leakage rate of this mask was $$<$$0.01% (corresponding to the protection factor of $$>$$10000) even when the electric fan was stopped, confirming that the mask remained high protection capability.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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