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Journal Articles

New precise measurements of muonium hyperfine structure at J-PARC MUSE

Strasser, P.*; Abe, Mitsushi*; Aoki, Masaharu*; Choi, S.*; Fukao, Yoshinori*; Higashi, Yoshitaka*; Higuchi, Takashi*; Iinuma, Hiromi*; Ikedo, Yutaka*; Ishida, Katsuhiko*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 198, p.00003_1 - 00003_8, 2019/01

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:98.52(Quantum Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Corrosion properties of Zircaloy-4 and M5 under simulated PWR water conditions

Shibata, Akira; Kato, Yoshiaki; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Futakawa, Masatoshi; Maekawa, Katsuhiro*

Nuclear Technology, 196(1), p.89 - 99, 2016/10

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:46.73(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Cladding material Zircaloy-4 is gradually replaced by M5 (Zr-Nb alloy) and other new Nb added Zirconium alloys which are expected to have long operating life. Corrosion tests on Zircaloy-4 and M5 were performed in various hydrogen concentrations in water to research corrosion properties of those alloys. Specimens were exposed under PWR conditions. Increase of oxide layer was analysed by weight gain and observation. Electro chemical impedance spectroscopy was performed to compare corrosion properties. And effect of dissolved hydrogen concentration on increase of oxide layer of M5 is smaller than that of Zircaloy-4. M5 is less affected by local uniformity of dissolved hydrogen concentration and is more suitable as PWR fuel cladding. Results of Electro chemical spectroscopy shows that structural significant difference existed in oxidizing reaction of Zircaloy-4 and M5.

Journal Articles

Current post irradiation examination techniques at the JMTR Hot laboratory

Shibata, Akira; Kato, Yoshiaki; Oishi, Makoto; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Ito, Masayasu; Yonekawa, Minoru; Kawamata, Kazuo

KAERI/GP-418/2015, p.151 - 165, 2015/05

The JMTR stopped its operation in 2006 for refurbishment. The reactor facilities have been refurbished from 2007. After refurbishment, JMTR Hot laboratory is expected to perform various post irradiation examinations. In this report, installations of experimental apparatuses and recent experimental method are introduced. (1) A nano-indenter with radius spherical indenter. Inverse analysis using FEM could presume material constants from load-depth curve of indentation. Mechanical properties of oxide layer of zirconium alloy and irradiated stainless steel will be analyzed. (2) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). TEM is capable of imaging at a significantly higher resolution than light microscopes or normal SEM. JAEA installed a TEM apparatus (JEOL JEM-2800) in JMTR Hot laboratory. The maximum magnification is 150,000,000 times. It can be operated from a remote location using a computer network. This contributes to the convenience of remote researchers and reducing the amount of exposure.

Journal Articles

Tritium distribution on the tungsten surface exposed to deuterium plasma and then to tritium gas

Isobe, Kanetsugu; Alimov, V. Kh.*; Taguchi, Akira*; Saito, Makiko; Torikai, Yuji*; Hatano, Yuji*; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.10, p.81 - 84, 2013/02

The distribution of hydrogen trapping sites on W surface exposed with D plasma was examined by the techniques of imaging plate and autoradiography. Recrystallized W specimens were exposed with D plasma at around 495 and 550 K to the same fluence of 10$$^{26}$$ D/m$$^{2}$$. Then, tritium was introduced into specimen by the exposure to tritium gaseous at 473 K. After that, the tritium distribution on W surface was examined by the techniques of imaging plate and autoradiography. From the results of the imaging plate, tritium was found to be highly concentrated within the area exposed with D plasma and the concentration of tritium was slightly varied even in that area. In the autoradiograph of W surface, it was found that tritium concentrated on the grain boundary and blisters.

Journal Articles

$$gamma$$-ray irradiated organic thin film transistors based on perfluoropentacene with polyimide gate insulator

Takayanagi, Yutaro*; Ouchi, Hirokuni*; Duan, Z.*; Okukawa, Takanori*; Yanagi, Yuichiro*; Yoshida, Akira*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Hirao, Toshio; Nishioka, Yasushiro*

Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 25(4), p.493 - 496, 2012/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Polymer Science)

Organic thin film fields effect transistors are expected to be used in spacecrafts/satellites because they can realize large-size, mechanical flexibility, light weight and low-cost devices. N-channel field effect transistors with a Si/polyimide(PI)/perfluoropentacene/Au structure were fabricated, and irradiated with $$gamma$$-ray from Co source. The changes of the drain current vs. source/drain voltage characteristics were measured after every 200 Gy in silicon Gy(Si) irradiations up to the total dose of 1200 Gy(Si). The drain current gradually increased up to the total dose of 1200 Gy(Si). The threshold voltage decreased up to 400 Gy(Si), and gradually recovered above 600 Gy(Si). The mobility was almost unchanged up to 1200 Gy(Si). Those behaviors were explained by accumulation of positive trapped charge within the gate insulator PI near the interface. Evidence for the accumulation of interface traps was hardly observed.

Journal Articles

Transfer of tritium in concrete coated with hydrophobic paints

Fukada, Satoshi*; Edao, Yuki*; Sato, Koichi*; Takeishi, Toshiharu*; Katayama, Kazunari*; Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Hayashi, Takumi; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Hatano, Yuji*; Taguchi, Akira*; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 87(1), p.54 - 60, 2012/01

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:30.87(Nuclear Science & Technology)

An experimental study on tritium (T) transfer in porous concrete for the tertiary T safety containment is performed to investigate (1) how fast HTO penetrates through concrete walls, (2) how well concrete walls contaminated with water-soluble T are decontaminated by a solution-in-water technique, and (3) how well hydrophobic paint coating works as a protecting film against HTO migrating through concrete walls. The epoxy paint coating can work as a HTO diffusion barrier and the PRF value is around 1/10. The silicon paint coating cannot work as the anti-T permeation barrier, because water deteriorates contact between the paint and cement or mortar.

Journal Articles

Determination of trace amounts of plutonium in low-active liquid wastes from spent nuclear-fuel reprocessing plants by flow injection-based solid-phase extraction/electrochemical detection system

Taguchi, Shigeo; Yamamoto, Masahiko; Surugaya, Naoki; Kurosawa, Akira; Hiyama, Toshiaki; Tanaka, Tatsuhiko*

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 288(2), p.435 - 441, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:43.05(Chemistry, Analytical)

Journal Articles

Determination of trace amounts of uranium by stripping voltammetry using a boron-doped diamond electrode

Taguchi, Shigeo; Surugaya, Naoki; Kurosawa, Akira; Hiyama, Toshiaki; Tanaka, Tatsuhiko*

Bunseki Kagaku, 59(11), p.1035 - 1041, 2010/11

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:3.61(Chemistry, Analytical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Pulse radiolysis study of ion-species effects on the solvated electron in alkylammonium ionic liquids

Kondo, Takafumi*; Asano, Akira*; Yang, J.*; Norizawa, Kimihiro*; Takahashi, Kenji*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Nagaishi, Ryuji; Kato, Ryuji*; Yoshida, Yoichi*

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 78(12), p.1157 - 1160, 2009/12

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:85.11(Chemistry, Physical)

Spectrum and kinetic behavior of solvated electrons (e$$_{sol}$$$$^{-}$$) in alkyl ammonium ionic liquids (ILs), ${it i.e.}$ DEMMA-TFSI, DEMMA-BF4, TMPA-TFSI, PP13-TFSI, P13-TFSI and P14-TFSI were investigated by pulse radiolysis method. The e$$_{sol}$$$$^{-}$$ in the ILs have same absorption peak at 1100 nm with a molar absorption coefficient of 1.5-2.3$$times$$10$$^{4}$$ dm$$^{3}$$mol$$^{-1}$$cm$$^{-1}$$. The reaction rate constant of e$$_{sol}$$$$^{-}$$ with Pyrene (Py) was 1.5-3.5$$times$$10$$^{8}$$ dm$$^{3}$$mol$$^{-1}$$s$$^{-1}$$. These values were about one order of magnitude higher than that of diffusion controlled limit, which was calculated from measured viscosity. The dry electron (e$$_{dry}$$$$^{-}$$) reacts with Py, and its rate constant in DEMMA-TFSI was 7.9$$times$$10$$^{11}$$ dm$$^{3}$$mol$$^{-1}$$s$$^{-1}$$, three orders of magnitude higher than that of the e$$_{sol}$$$$^{-}$$ reactions.

Journal Articles

Rapid determination of trace uranium in liquid wastes from spent nuclear-fuel reprocessing plants using on-line solid-phase extraction / electrochemical detection

Taguchi, Shigeo; Surugaya, Naoki; Kurosawa, Akira; Hiyama, Toshiaki; Tanaka, Tatsuhiko*

Bunseki Kagaku, 58(10), p.901 - 907, 2009/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)

An on-line analysis system using a solid-phase extraction column coupled to electrochemical detection has been developed for rapid determination of small amounts of uranium in liquid wastes of spent nuclear-fuel reprocessing plants. A sample solution with a concentration of 3 M HNO$$_{3}$$ was loaded onto the column: packed with U/TEVA$$^{textregistered}$$ resin. The interference elements were rinsed by passing 3 M HNO$$_{3}$$ through the column. The adsorbed uranium was eluted with 0.1 M HNO$$_{3}$$. The eluate was directly introduced into a flow-electrolysis cell. The result of five repeated analyses for a standard solution containing 2.5 $$mu$$g (0.1 mL at 25 $$mu$$g mL$$^{-1}$$) of uranium was found to be 2.5 $$pm$$ 0.025 $$mu$$g (mean $$pm$$ 1 $$sigma$$). The detection limit calculated from 3 times the standard deviation of background current was 56 ng. The analysis time required for one sample was within 5 min. The recoveries of uranium in actual nuclear waste reprocessing solutions were 92% $$sim$$ 112%.

JAEA Reports

Development of welding techniques for assembling of IASCC Test Capsule

Shibata, Akira; Kawamata, Kazuo; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Shimizu, Michio*; Kanazawa, Yoshiharu; Matsui, Yoshinori; Iwamatsu, Shigemi; Sozawa, Shizuo; Tayama, Yoshinobu; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2008-029, 40 Pages, 2008/03


Irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) is considered to be one of the key issues from a viewpoint of the life management of core components in the aged Light Water Reactors. The in-situ crack extension examination and the in-situ constant load tensile test in the reactor are required for the study of IASCC. There are, however, some technical hurdles to be overcome for the experiments. For this in-situ IASCC test, techniques for assembling pre-irradiated specimens into an capsule in a hot cell by remote handling are necessary. In this report, I describe the establishment of those remote assembling techniques and development of new welding apparatus and the TIG upset welding for stainless tube of 3 mm in thickness. Already IASCC capsules having pre-irradiated CT specimens were remotely assembled using these techniques in the hot cell for performing crack growth tests under irradiation in JMTR. And eight in-situ IASCC capsules have been finished successfully in JMTR.

Journal Articles

Improvement of analytical activities in the Tokai reprocessing plant, Japan, by measuring destructive and non-destructive assays

Surugaya, Naoki; Taguchi, Shigeo; Kurosawa, Akira; Watahiki, Masaru

STI/PUB/1298 (CD-ROM), p.673 - 679, 2007/08

We have been analyzing nuclear materials at the Tokai pilot reprocessing plant, Japan, since 1977. To obtain reliable measurements for nuclear material such as uranium and plutonium, we have developed various kinds of measurement techniques and implemented effective ones for accountability and verification analyses in a nuclear material accountancy system. One of our role as a pilot plant has been successfully accomplished with the effort put into various analytical activities. Now, it is time to transfer the experience gained with our technology to the next large-scale commercial plant in Rokkasho. This paper presents our analytical methods and their results obtained using analytical techniques we have applied over recent years.

Journal Articles

Effect of Al and Be ions pre-implantation on formation and growth of helium bubbles in SiC/SiC composites

Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Igawa, Naoki; Wakai, Eiichi; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Snead, L. L.*; Hasegawa, Akira*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 256(2), p.669 - 674, 2007/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:13.99(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The effect of Al and Be ions pre-implantation on microstructural change and, the formation and growth of He bubbles in SiC/SiC composite was investigated. Four kinds of ion implanted specimens were prepared with 100 appm Al, 1000 appm Al, 100 appm Be and 1000 appm Be implanted. No microstructural change was observed in the matrices and fibers of SiC/SiC composites implanted with Al or Be ions up to 1000 appm. The un-implanted and Al or Be pre-implanted SiC/SiC composites were simultaneously irradiated to 10 dpa using triple ion-beams (6.0-MeV Si$$^{2+}$$, 1.0-MeV He$$^{+}$$ and 340-keV H$$^{+}$$) at 1000 $$^{circ}$$C. Helium bubbles were formed in every matrix and fiber irradiated by triple ion-beams. The size of He bubbles in the matrix was increased by implanting Al or Be ions and increased with increasing amount of implanted Al or Be ions. The size of He bubbles in the fiber was slightly increased by implanting Al or Be ions. These results suggest that Al or Be as transmutation products and impurities may accelerate the growth of He bubbles in SiC/SiC composites under fusion reactor conditions.

JAEA Reports

Determination of plutonium in highly radioactive liquid waste by spectrophotometry using neodymium as an internal standard for safeguards analysis

Taguchi, Shigeo; Surugaya, Naoki; Sato, Soichi; Kurosawa, Akira; Watahiki, Masaru; Hiyama, Toshiaki

JAEA-Technology 2006-040, 76 Pages, 2006/07


A spectrophotometric determination using neodymium as an internal standard has been developed for safeguards verification analysis of plutonium in highly radioactive liquid waste which is produced by the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. The method offers reduced sample preparation and analysis time compared to isotope dilution mass spectrometry. It uses neodymium as an internal standard, which allows for determining an index for the authentication of the analytical operation and the instrument conditions. The sample was mixed with a known amount of neodymium as an internal standard. Subsequently, plutonium was quantitatively oxidized to Pu(IV) by the addition of Ce(IV). Plutonium concentration was calculated from a relation between Nd(III)/Pu(VI) molar extinction coefficient ratio and their absorbance ratio. The expanded uncertainty of the repeated analysis of plutonium (n=5) was found to be $$pm$$15mgL$$^{-1}$$ (confidence interval 95%) for a highly radioactive liquid waste sample (173mgL$$^{-1}$$). The determination limit was calculated to be 6mgL$$^{-1}$$ (ten fold's the standard deviation). This method was validated through comparison experiments with isotope dilution mass spectrometry. The analytical results of plutonium in highly radioactive liquid waste using this method were agree well with values obtained using isotope dilution mass spectrometry. The proposed method was successfully applied for the independent on-site safeguards analysis at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant.nt on-site safeguards analysis at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant.

JAEA Reports

Determination of plutonium in highly radioactive liquid waste by spectrophotometry using neodymium as an internal standard for safeguards analysis; Japan Support Program for Agency Safeguards (JASPAS), JC-19

Taguchi, Shigeo; Surugaya, Naoki; Sato, Soichi; Kurosawa, Akira; Watahiki, Masaru; Hiyama, Toshiaki

JAEA-Technology 2006-041, 58 Pages, 2006/06


We have developed a method of spectrophotometric determination of plutonium ($$>$$10$$^{-4}$$ M) in highly radioactive liquid waste for safeguards verification analysis. The method offers reduced sample preparation and analysis time compared to isotope dilution mass spectrometry. It uses neodymium as an internal standard, which allows for determining an index for the authentication of the analytical scheme and the inspection procedure. The relative expanded uncertainty of the repeated analysis (n = 5) was 8.9 % (coverage factor k = 2) for a highly radioactive liquid waste sample(173 mgL$$^{-1}$$). The determination limit was calculated to be 6 mgL$$^{-1}$$ (ten fold's the standard deviation). This method was validated through comparison experiments with isotope dilution mass spectrometry. The analytical results of plutonium in highly radioactive liquid waste using this method were in good agreement with those obtained using isotope dilution mass spectrometry. It is to be noted that the neodymium standard is intended to be provided by the inspector so that an inspector can check the instrument conditions as well as the analytical scheme. The proposed method was successfully applied for the independent on-site safeguards analysis at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant.

Journal Articles

Fabrication of SiC fiber reinforced SiC composite by chemical vapor infiltration for excellent mechanical properties

Igawa, Naoki; Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Nozawa, Takashi*; Snead, L. L.*; Hinoki, Tatsuya*; McLaughlin, J. C.*; Kato, Yutai*; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Koyama, Akira*

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 66(2-4), p.551 - 554, 2005/02

 Times Cited Count:50 Percentile:83.18(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Silicon carbide is an important engineering ceramic because of its high strength and stability at high temperature and low induced radioactivity after neutron irradiation. Though monolithic SiC is brittle and low toughness, SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix composites significantly improve these properties and therefore are attractive candidate materials for fusion reactor structural applications. Recently, stoichiometric SiC fibers with superior mechanical properties have been produced. We carried out the optimization of interface and composite fabrication using the chemical vapor infiltration, which is the one of the best techniques to fabricate the SiC composite. The composite with higher density and homogeneous matrix was obtained by the optimization of materials and carrier gas flow rate. The porosity was decreased with increasing the fiber volume fraction. We adopted the carbon or carbon/SiC interface between fiber and matrix and we found that the dependence of interface thickness on the tensile properties was small in the interface thickness from 50 to 300 nm.

Journal Articles

Synergistic effects of implanted helium and hydrogen and the effect of irradiation temperature on the microstructure of SiC/SiC composites

Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Igawa, Naoki; Miwa, Shuhei*; Wakai, Eiichi; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Snead, L. L.*; Hasegawa, Akira*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 335(3), p.508 - 514, 2004/12

 Times Cited Count:38 Percentile:89.65(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The microstructure of near-stoichiometric fiber SiC/SiC composites implanted with He and H ions was studied at implantation temperatures of 1000 and 1300 $$^{circ}$$C. The average size of He bubbles in the CVI SiC matrix decreases with increasing concentration of implanted H ions. Moreover, the number density of He bubbles increases with increasing irradiation temperature and amount of implanted H. At the irradiation temperature of 1000 $$^{circ}$$C, He bubbles were mainly formed at grain boundary within the matrix. On the other hand, He bubbles were formed both at grain boundaries and within grains at the irradiation temperature of 1300 $$^{circ}$$C. The average size of He bubbles at grain boundaries was much larger than within the grain. The average size of He bubbles in the fiber was smaller than that in the matrix in all cases.

Journal Articles

Fabrication of advanced SiC fiber/F-CVI SiC matrix composites with SiC/C multi-layer interphase

Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Nozawa, Takashi*; Igawa, Naoki; Kato, Yutai*; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Koyama, Akira*; Hinoki, Tatsuya*; Snead, L. L.*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333(Part1), p.572 - 576, 2004/08

 Times Cited Count:49 Percentile:93.24(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The SiC/SiC composite with SiC/C multi-layer interphase coated on advanced SiC fibers was fabricated by the forced thermal-gradient chemical vapor infiltration (F-CVI) process for improvement in mechanical properties. The SEM and TEM observation verified that SiC/C multi-layer interphase was formed on SiC fibers. The both flexural and tensile strengths of SiC/SiC composite with SiC/C multi-layer interphase were approximately 10 % higher than that with single carbon interphase. The SEM observation on the fracture surface of the composite with SiC/C multi-layer reveals that cylindrical steps around the fiber were formed. The several crack deflections occurred within SiC/C multi-layer interphase. The SiC/C multi-layer applied in this study operated efficiently to improve the mechanical properties.

Journal Articles

Effect of simultaneous ion irradiation on microstructural change of SiC/SiC composites at high temperature

Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Wakai, Eiichi; Igawa, Naoki; Nogami, Shuhei*; Snead, L. L.*; Hasegawa, Akira*; Jitsukawa, Shiro

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311(Part2), p.1135 - 1140, 2002/12

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:74.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Optimizing the fabrication process for superior mechanical properties in the FCVI SiC matrix/stoichiometric SiC fiber composite system

Igawa, Naoki; Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Snead, L. L.*; Kato, Yudai*; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Koyama, Akira*; McLaughlin, J. C.*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311(Part2), p.1205 - 1209, 2002/12

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:70.84(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

42 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)