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Journal Articles

Laser-driven neutron generation realizing single-shot resonance spectroscopy

Yogo, Akifumi*; Lan, Z.*; Arikawa, Yasunobu*; Abe, Yuki*; Mirfayzi, S. R.*; Wei, T.*; Mori, Takato*; Golovin, D.*; Hayakawa, Takehito*; Iwata, Natsumi*; et al.

Physical Review X, 13(1), p.011011_1 - 011011_12, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:96.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Interfacial distribution of Nafion ionomer thin films on nitrogen-modified carbon surfaces

Yoshimune, Wataru*; Kikkawa, Nobuaki*; Yoneyama, Hiroaki*; Takahashi, Naoko*; Minami, Saori*; Akimoto, Yusuke*; Mitsuoka, Takuya*; Kawaura, Hiroyuki*; Harada, Masashi*; Yamada, Norifumi*; et al.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(48), p.53744 - 53754, 2022/11

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:61.08(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

JAEA Reports

Improvement of the Simplified Decommissioning Cost Estimation Code for Nuclear Facilities (DECOST)

Takahashi, Nobuo; Kubota, Shintaro; Takiya, Hiroaki; Sakaba, Ryosuke*; Sato, Koichi; Shichi, Ryo

JAEA-Testing 2021-002, 106 Pages, 2022/01


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency has various nuclear facilities such as reactor facilities and reprocessing facilities. Some aged facilities will be decommissioned after their original functions ended, and it is necessary to evaluate their decommissioning cost to formulate the initial decommissioning plans and the final decommissioning plans. We have developed an evaluation method called DECOST that can efficiently calculate the decommissioning cost in a short time based on factors such as features and similarity of the facilities and dismantling methods. The decommissioning of nuclear facilities has been implemented and new achievements and findings have been reported since the development of DECOST. These findings were reflected in DECOST. In consideration of the needs of DECOST users, DECOST has been improved so that the cost of dismantling the facility can be divided into the cost of releasing the controlled area and the cost of dismantling the facility building after the release of the controlled area. This report shows the improvement of DECOST, the concept of resetting the evaluation coefficient used in the cost evaluation formula, and the validity of the evaluation coefficient after resetting. In addition, the evaluation procedure of the improved DECOST is described, since the evaluation items and evaluation contents were partially changed due to the improvement.

Journal Articles

Observation of nuclear-spin Seebeck effect

Kikkawa, Takashi*; Reitz, D.*; Ito, Hiroaki*; Makiuchi, Takahiko*; Sugimoto, Takaaki*; Tsunekawa, Kakeru*; Daimon, Shunsuke*; Oyanagi, Koichi*; Ramos, R.*; Takahashi, Saburo*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 12, p.4356_1 - 4356_7, 2021/07

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:82.53(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Author correction; Radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in terrestrial systems

Onda, Yuichi*; Taniguchi, Keisuke*; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Kato, Hiroaki*; Takahashi, Junko*; Wakiyama, Yoshifumi*; Coppin, F.*; Smith, H.*

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment (Internet), 1(12), P. 694_1, 2020/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Environmental Sciences)

Journal Articles

Radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in terrestrial systems

Onda, Yuichi*; Taniguchi, Keisuke*; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Kato, Hiroaki*; Takahashi, Junko*; Wakiyama, Yoshifumi*; Coppin, F.*; Smith, H.*

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment (Internet), 1(12), p.644 - 660, 2020/12

 Times Cited Count:117 Percentile:89.46(Environmental Sciences)

Journal Articles

Temporal change in radiological environments on land after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

Saito, Kimiaki; Mikami, Satoshi; Ando, Masaki; Matsuda, Norihiro; Kinase, Sakae; Tsuda, Shuichi; Sato, Tetsuro*; Seki, Akiyuki; Sanada, Yukihisa; Wainwright-Murakami, Haruko*; et al.

Journal of Radiation Protection and Research, 44(4), p.128 - 148, 2019/12

Journal Articles

3D-microstructure analysis of compacted Na- and Cs-montmorillonites with nanofocus X-ray computed tomography and correlation with macroscopic transport properties

Takahashi, Hiroaki*; Tachi, Yukio

Applied Clay Science, 168, p.211 - 222, 2019/02

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:51.98(Chemistry, Physical)

Microstructural and mass transport properties of compacted Na- and Cs-montmorillonites with different swelling properties were investigated by combining 3D microstructure analysis using nanofocus X-ray CT and diffusion measurement of HDO. The X-ray CT observations indicated that macropores in the dry state of compacted Na-montmorillonite are filled with gel phases, and the grain sizes of clay particles shifted toward smaller values through the saturation and swelling processes. By contrast, no gel phase and no decrease in the grain and pore volumes were observed for saturated Cs-montmorillonite. The geometrical factors of the macropores including tortuosity and geometric constrictivity of saturated Cs-montmorillonite determined by the X-ray CT was consistent with the corresponding values derived in the HDO diffusion test. In the case of Na-montmorillonite, the larger differences between the geometric factors evaluated by the X-ray CT and the diffusion tests can be explained by the electrostatic constrictivity factor and the additional geometrical factors in gel phase and interlayer that are smaller than the detection limit of the X-ray CT.

Journal Articles

Clay-based modeling approach to diffusion and sorption in the argillaceous rock from the Horonobe URL; Application to Ni(II), Am(III), and Se(IV)

Tachi, Yukio; Suyama, Tadahiro; Yotsuji, Kenji; Ishii, Yasuo; Takahashi, Hiroaki*

CMS Workshop Lectures, Vol.21, p.241 - 250, 2016/00

Sorption and diffusion of radionuclides in argillaceous rocks are key processes in the safe geological disposal. The diffusion and sorption behavior of Ni(II), Am(III) and Se(IV) in mudstone from the Horonobe URL were investigated by experimental and modeling approaches. Effective diffusivities obtained by the through-diffusion experiments were in the sequence of Cs$$^{+}$$, Ni$$^{2+}$$, HTO, I$$^{-}$$, Se(SeO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$), Am(Am(CO$$_{3}$$)$$^{2-}$$) by comparison with the previous study. The distribution coefficient values were consistent with those obtained by batch sorption tests. These results were interpreted by the clay-based modeling approach coupling the thermodynamic sorption model assuming key contributions of clays (smectite and illite) and the diffusion model assuming the electrical double layer theory and the simplified pore model with size distribution. This clay-based model could provide reasonable account of observed trends and could be basically applicable for various radionuclides.

Journal Articles

Cumulative history recorded in the depth distribution of radiocesium in sediments deposited on a sandbar

Tanaka, Kazuya; Kondo, Hiroaki*; Sakaguchi, Aya*; Takahashi, Yoshio*

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 150, p.213 - 219, 2015/12

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:11.67(Environmental Sciences)

We collected sediments deposited on a sandbar from the surface to 20 cm in depth in the Abukuma River to clarify the history of radiocesium derived from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident. We analyzed the $$^{137}$$Cs concentration in the sediments from size-fractioned samples as well as bulk samples. The results of this study demonstrated that sediment layers deposited on a sandbar retained the cumulative history of the fluvial transport of radiocesium after the FDNPP accident.

Journal Articles

Matrix diffusion and sorption of Cs$$^{+}$$, Na$$^{+}$$, I$$^{-}$$ and HTO in granodiorite; Laboratory-scale results and their extrapolation to the in situ condition

Tachi, Yukio; Ebina, Takanori*; Takeda, Chizuko*; Saito, Toshihiko*; Takahashi, Hiroaki*; Ouchi, Yuji*; Martin, A. J.*

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 179, p.10 - 24, 2015/08

 Times Cited Count:31 Percentile:74.06(Environmental Sciences)

Matrix diffusion and sorption are important processes in the assessment of radionuclide transport in crystalline rocks. Diffusion and sorption parameters for Cs$$^{+}$$, Na$$^{+}$$, I$$^{-}$$ and HTO were determined by through-diffusion and batch sorption experiments using granodiorite samples from the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. The De values were in the order Cs$$^{+}$$, Na$$^{+}$$, HTO, I$$^{-}$$. The capacity factor and Kd values show the same trends. The dual depth profiles for Cs$$^{+}$$ and Na$$^{+}$$ can be interpreted by a near-surface Kd increment. The microscopic analysis indicated that this is caused by high porosity and sorption capacities in disturbed biotite minerals on the sample surface. The Kd values derived from the dual profiles are likely to correspond to Kd dependence on the grain sizes of crushed samples in the batch experiments. The results of the in situ LTD experiments were interpreted reasonably well by using transport parameters derived from laboratory data and extrapolating them to in situ conditions.

Journal Articles

First flight demonstration of glass-type space solar sheet

Shimazaki, Kazunori*; Kobayashi, Yuki*; Takahashi, Masato*; Imaizumi, Mitsuru*; Murashima, Mio*; Takahashi, Yu*; Toyota, Hiroyuki*; Kukita, Akio*; Oshima, Takeshi; Sato, Shinichiro; et al.

Proceedings of 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-40) (CD-ROM), p.2149 - 2154, 2014/06

The electrical performance of a glass-type space solar sheet (G-SSS) was demonstrated in space. G-SSS comprises InGaP/GaAs dual-junction and InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs triplejunction solar cells. It is lightweight solar generation sheet, less than 0.5 mm thick. It is mounted on the "HISAKI" (SPRINT-A) small scientific satellite, which was launched on September 14, 2013. The initial flight data were successfully acquired and this flight demonstration was a world-first experiment for G-SSS using III-V multi-junction thin-film solar cells. The cells demonstrated superior performance and the electrical outputs matched the flight prediction.

Journal Articles

XAFS analysis of Ni diffused in compacted bentonite

Takahashi, Hiroaki; Nemoto, Kazuaki; Tachi, Yukio; Katayama, Misaki*; Inada, Yasuhiro*

2012-Nendo Ritsumeikan Daigaku Sogo Kagaku Gijutsu Kenkyu Kiko Sentan Kenkyu Shisetsu Kyoyo Sokushin Jigyo Seika Hokokusho (Internet), 2 Pages, 2013/00

The diffusion profiles of strongly sorbing nuclides such as Cm, Am, Ni, in a compacted bentonite show two parts with different slopes which cannot be fitted by simple one-dimensional diffusion model considering single species. The reason for this anomalous diffusion behavior is not understood. Some XANES spectral shape of Ni diffused in compacted montmorillonite, which is main content of bentonite, at relatively higher concentrated region exhibit slight broadening of a feature on the high-energy side of the white line. The broadening of a feature doesn't appear in the case of Ni aqueous solution and Ni-montmorillonite. These results indicate that the inner coordination geometry of the Ni(II) ion diffused in compacted montmorillonite at relatively higher concentrated region.

Journal Articles

The First electron bunch measurement by means of dast organic EO crystals

Okayasu, Yuichi*; Tomizawa, Hiromitsu*; Matsubara, Shinichi*; Sato, Takahiro*; Ogawa, Kanade*; Togashi, Tadashi*; Takahashi, Eiji*; Minamide, Hiroaki*; Matsukawa, Ken*; Aoyama, Makoto; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2012) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2012/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Feasible evaluation of neutron capture therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma using selective enhancement of boron accumulation in tumour with intra-arterial administration of boron-entrapped water-in-oil-in-water emulsion

Yanagie, Hironobu*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Nakamura, Takemi; Higashi, Shushi*; Ikushima, Ichiro*; Morishita, Yasuyuki*; Shinohara, Atsuko*; Fujiwara, Mitsuteru*; Suzuki, Minoru*; Sakurai, Yoshinori*; et al.

Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT-14) (CD-ROM), p.157 - 160, 2010/10

Journal Articles

Growth of large protein crystals by a large-scale hanging-drop method

Kakinouchi, Keisuke*; Nakamura, Tsutomu*; Tamada, Taro; Adachi, Hiroaki*; Sugiyama, Shigeru*; Maruyama, Mihoko*; Takahashi, Yoshinori*; Takano, Kazufumi*; Murakami, Satoshi*; Inoue, Tsuyoshi*; et al.

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 43(4), p.937 - 939, 2010/08

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:47.79(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

A method for growing large protein crystals is described. In this method, a cut pipette tip is used to hang large-scale droplets (maximum volume 200 $$mu$$l) consisting of protein and precipitating agents. A crystal grows at the vapor-liquid interface; thereafter the grown crystal can be retrieved by droplet-droplet contact both for repeated macroseeding and for mounting crystals in a capillary. Crystallization experiments with peroxiredoxin of ${it Aeropyrum pernix}$ K1(thioredoxin peroxidase, ApTPx) and hen egg white lysozyme demonstrated that this large-scale hanging-drop method could produce a large-volume crystal very effectively. A neutron diffraction experiment confirmed that an ApTPx crystal (6.2 mm$$^{3}$$) obtained by this method diffracted to beyond 3.5 ${AA}$ resolution.

Journal Articles

Crystal growth procedure of HIV-1 protease-inhibitor KNI-272 complex for neutron structural analysis at 1.9 ${AA}$ resolution

Shimizu, Noriko*; Sugiyama, Shigeru*; Maruyama, Mihoko*; Takahashi, Yoshinori*; Adachi, Motoyasu; Tamada, Taro; Hidaka, Koshi*; Hayashi, Yoshio*; Kimura, Toru*; Kiso, Yoshiaki*; et al.

Crystal Growth & Design, 10(7), p.2990 - 2994, 2010/06

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:71.51(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We report crystal growth of human immunodeficiency virus 1 protease (HIV PR) in a complex with its inhibitor KNI-272 by six different methods. Comparative analysis indicates that top-seeded solution growth (TSSG) and TSSG combined with the floating and stirring technique (TSSG-FAST) are efficient strategies for rapidly obtaining large single crystals and effectively preventing polycrystallization of the seed crystal. Neutron diffraction analysis confirmed that the crystalobtained by TSSG is a high-quality single crystal. Furthermore, crystal shape was observed to be influenced by solution flow, suggesting that the degree of supersaturation significantly affects the crystal growth direction of HIV PR complex. This finding implies that the shape of the HIV PR complex crystal might be controlled by the solution flow rate.

Journal Articles

Recent progress in the energy recovery linac project in Japan

Sakanaka, Shogo*; Akemoto, Mitsuo*; Aoto, Tomohiro*; Arakawa, Dai*; Asaoka, Seiji*; Enomoto, Atsushi*; Fukuda, Shigeki*; Furukawa, Kazuro*; Furuya, Takaaki*; Haga, Kaiichi*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.2338 - 2340, 2010/05

Future synchrotron light source using a 5-GeV energy recovery linac (ERL) is under proposal by our Japanese collaboration team, and we are conducting R&D efforts for that. We are developing high-brightness DC photocathode guns, two types of cryomodules for both injector and main superconducting (SC) linacs, and 1.3 GHz high CW-power RF sources. We are also constructing the Compact ERL (cERL) for demonstrating the recirculation of low-emittance, high-current beams using above-mentioned critical technologies.

Journal Articles

3D X-ray CT and diffusion measurements to assess tortuosity and constrictivity in a sedimentary rock

Takahashi, Hiroaki; Seida, Yoshimi; Yui, Mikazu

Diffusion Fundamentals (Internet), 11(89), p.1 - 11, 2009/00

A high-resolution, 3D image of the interior of the sedimentary rock was obtained by means of nano-focus X-ray CT. Using computational methods to analyze the 3D microstructure of the rock, we presented the tortuosity and geometrical constrictivity. We also presented results on the tritiated water (HTO) diffusion tests and a mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) test performed on the rock. We have compared these results to understand the dominating parameters that control diffusion of HTO in the present system. These results suggest that the dominating parameters in the present system are not the constrictivity but the tortuosity and the diffusion-accessible porosity. The material considered in this study is the siliceous mudstones sampled from 500 m in depth at the Wakkanai formation around Horonobe underground research center under investigation in Japan to confirm of technical reliability for a deep geological disposal system for radioactive waste.

Journal Articles

The H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB); A Comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts

Yamasaki, Chisato*; Murakami, Katsuhiko*; Fujii, Yasuyuki*; Sato, Yoshiharu*; Harada, Erimi*; Takeda, Junichi*; Taniya, Takayuki*; Sakate, Ryuichi*; Kikugawa, Shingo*; Shimada, Makoto*; et al.

Nucleic Acids Research, 36(Database), p.D793 - D799, 2008/01

 Times Cited Count:52 Percentile:70.94(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Here we report the new features and improvements in our latest release of the H-Invitational Database, a comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts. H-InvDB, originally developed as an integrated database of the human transcriptome based on extensive annotation of large sets of fulllength cDNA (FLcDNA) clones, now provides annotation for 120 558 human mRNAs extracted from the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (INSD), in addition to 54 978 human FLcDNAs, in the latest release H-InvDB. We mapped those human transcripts onto the human genome sequences (NCBI build 36.1) and determined 34 699 human gene clusters, which could define 34 057 protein-coding and 642 non-protein-coding loci; 858 transcribed loci overlapped with predicted pseudogenes.

68 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)