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JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2022

Kokubun, Yuji; Nakada, Akira; Seya, Natsumi; Koike, Yuko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Yamada, Ryohei*; Uchiyama, Rei; Yamashita, Daichi; Nagai, Shinji; et al.

JAEA-Review 2023-046, 164 Pages, 2024/03


The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories conducts environmental radiation monitoring around the reprocessing plant in accordance with the "Safety Regulations for Reprocessing Plant of JAEA, Part IV: Environmental Monitoring". This report summarizes the results of environmental radiation monitoring conducted during the period from April 2022 to March 2023 and the results of dose calculations for the surrounding public due to the release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere and ocean. In the results of the above environmental radiation monitoring, many items were affected by radioactive materials emitted from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016), which occurred in March 2011. Also included as appendices are an overview of the environmental monitoring plan, an overview of measurement methods, measurement results and their changes over time, meteorological statistics results, radioactive waste release status, and an evaluation of the data which deviated of the normal range.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2021

Nakada, Akira; Kanai, Katsuta; Seya, Natsumi; Nishimura, Shusaku; Futagawa, Kazuo; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Yamada, Ryohei*; Uchiyama, Rei; Yamashita, Daichi; et al.

JAEA-Review 2022-078, 164 Pages, 2023/03


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2021 to March 2022. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (the trade name was changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016) in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

Journal Articles

Application of high-energy-resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the U L$$_{3}$$-edge to assess the U(V) electronic structure in FeUO$$_{4}$$

Yomogida, Takumi; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Ouchi, Kazuki; Kumagai, Yuta; Higashi, Kotaro*; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro; Kirishima, Akira*; Kawamura, Naomi*; Takahashi, Yoshio*

Inorganic Chemistry, 61(50), p.20206 - 20210, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:52.06(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

FeUO$$_{4}$$ was studied to clarify the electronic structure of U(V) in a metal monouranate compound. We obtained the peak splitting of HERFD-XANES spectra utilizing high-energy-resolution fluorescence detection-X-ray absorption near edge structure (HERFD-XANES) spectroscopy at the U L$$_{3}$$-edge, which is a novel technique in the U(V) compounds. Theoretical calculations revealed that the peak splitting was caused by splitting the 6d orbital of U(V). Such distinctive electronic states are of major interest to researchers and engineers working in various fields, from fundamental physics to the nuclear industry and environmental sciences for actinide elements.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2020

Nakada, Akira; Nakano, Masanao; Kanai, Katsuta; Seya, Natsumi; Nishimura, Shusaku; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Futagawa, Kazuo; Yamada, Ryohei; Uchiyama, Rei; et al.

JAEA-Review 2021-062, 163 Pages, 2022/02


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2020 to March 2021. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (the trade name was changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016) in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

Journal Articles

4-Methylumbelliferone administration enhances radiosensitivity of human fibrosarcoma by intercellular communication

Saga, Ryo*; Matsuya, Yusuke; Takahashi, Rei*; Hasegawa, Kazuki*; Date, Hiroyuki*; Hosokawa, Yoichiro*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 11(1), p.8258_1 - 8258_10, 2021/04

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:36.52(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Hyaluronan synthesis inhibitor 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) is a candidate of radiosensitizers in X-ray therapy. The curative effects under such 4-MU administration have been investigated in vitro; however, the radiosensitizing mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we investigated the radiosensitizing effects under 4-MU treatment from cell experiments and model estimations. We generated experimental surviving fractions of human fibrosarcoma cells (HT1080) after 4-MU treatment combined with X-ray irradiation. Meanwhilst, we also modelled the pharmacological effects of 4-MU treatment and theoretically analyzed the synergetic effects between 4-MU treatment and X-ray irradiation. The results show that the enhancement of cell killing by 4-MU treatment is the greatest in the intermediate dose range of around 4 Gy, which indicates the involvement of intercellular communication. In addition, the oxidative stress level, which leads to DNA damage induction, significantly increased under 4-MU treatment, and the radiosensitization by 4-MU can be suppressed by the inhibitors for intercellular communication. These findings suggest that the synergetic effects between 4-MU treatment and irradiation are predominantly attributed to intercellular communication and provide more efficient tumour control than conventional X-ray therapy.

Journal Articles

Origin of magnetovolume effect in a cobaltite

Miao, P.*; Tan, Z.*; Lee, S. H.*; Ishikawa, Yoshihisa*; Torii, Shuki*; Yonemura, Masao*; Koda, Akihiro*; Komatsu, Kazuki*; Machida, Shinichi*; Sano, Asami; et al.

Physical Review B, 103(9), p.094302_1 - 094302_18, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:19.75(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The layered perovskite PrBaCo$$_{2}$$O$$_{5.5}$$ demonstrates a strong negative thermal expansion (NTE) which holds potential for being fabricated into composites with zero thermal expansion. The NTE was found to be intimately associated with the spontaneous magnetic ordering, known as magneto-volume effect (MVE). Here we report with compelling evidences that the continuous-like MVE in PrBaCo$$_{2}$$O$$_{5.5}$$ is intrinsically of discontinuous character, originating from an magnetoelectric transition from an antiferromagnetic insulating large-volume (AFILV) phase to a ferromagnetic less-insulating small-volume (FLISV) phase. Furthermore, the magnetoelectric effect (ME) shows high sensitivity to multiple external stimuli such as temperature, carrier doping, hydrostatic pressure, magnetic field etc. In contrast to the well-known ME such as colossal magnetoresistance and multi-ferroic effect which involve symmetry breaking of crystal structure, the ME in the cobaltite is purely isostructural. Our discovery provides a new path way to realizing the ME as well as the NTE, which may find applications in new techniques.

Journal Articles

Morphological reproductive characteristics of testes and fertilization capacity of cryopreserved sperm after the Fukushima accident in raccoon (${it Procyon lotor}$)

Komatsu, Kazuki*; Iwasaki, Tsugumi*; Murata, Kosuke*; Yamashiro, Hideaki*; Goh, V. S. T.*; Nakayama, Ryo*; Fujishima, Yohei*; Ono, Takumi*; Kino, Yasushi*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; et al.

Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 56(3), p.484 - 497, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:83.82(Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science)

We have established an archive system of livestock and wild animals from the surrounding ex-evacuation zone. Wildlife within the alert zone have been exposed to low-dose-rate (LDR) radiation for a long and continuous time. In this study, we analysed the morphological characteristics of the testes and in vitro fertilization (IVF) capacity of cryopreserved sperm of raccoons from the ex-evacuation zone of the FDNPP accident. This study revealed that the chronic and LDR radiation exposure associated with the FDNPP accident had no adverse effect on the reproductive characteristics and functions of male raccoons.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on the environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant FY2019

Nakano, Masanao; Fujii, Tomoko; Nemoto, Masashi; Tobita, Keiji; Seya, Natsumi; Nishimura, Shusaku; Hosomi, Kenji; Nagaoka, Mika; Yokoyama, Hiroya; Matsubara, Natsumi; et al.

JAEA-Review 2020-069, 163 Pages, 2021/02


Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been performed by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on "Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Chapter IV - Environmental Monitoring". This annual report presents the results of the environmental monitoring and the dose estimation to the hypothetical inhabitant due to the radioactivity discharged from the plant to the atmosphere and the sea during April 2019 to March 2020. In this report, some data include the influence of the accidental release from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (the trade name was changed to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. on April 1, 2016) in March 2011. Appendices present comprehensive information, such as monitoring programs, monitoring methods, monitoring results and their trends, meteorological data and discharged radioactive wastes. In addition, the data which were influenced by the accidental release and exceeded the normal range of fluctuation in the monitoring, were evaluated.

Journal Articles

Reactor noise analysis for a graphite-moderated and -reflected core in KUCA

Sakon, Atsushi*; Nakajima, Kunihiro*; Takahashi, Kazuki*; Hohara, Shinya*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Fukaya, Yuji; Hashimoto, Kengo*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 247, p.09009_1 - 09009_8, 2021/02

In graphite-reflected thermal reactors, even a detector placed far from fuel region may detect a certain degree of the correlation amplitude. This is because mean free path of neutrons in graphite is longer than that in water or polyethylene. The objective of this study is experimentally to confirm a high flexibility of neutron detector placement in graphite reflector for reactor noise analysis. The present reactor noise analysis was carried out in a graphite-moderated and -reflected thermal core in Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA). BF$$_{3}$$ proportional neutron counters (1" dia.) were placed in graphite reflector region, where the counters were separated by about 35cm and 30cm -thick graphite from the core, respectively. At a critical state and subcritical states, time-sequence signal data from these counters were acquired and analyzed by a fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyzer, to obtain power spectral density in frequency domain. The auto-power spectral density obtained from the counters far from the core contained a significant degree of correlated component. A least-squares fit of a familiar formula to the auto-power spectral density data was made to determine the prompt-neutron decay constant. The decay constant was 63.3$$pm$$14.5 [1/s] in critical state. The decay constant determined from the cross-power spectral density and coherence function data between the two counters also had a consistent value. It is confirmed that reactor noise analysis is possible using a detector placed at about 35cm far from the core, as we expected.

Journal Articles

Reactor physics experiment in a graphite-moderation system for HTGR

Fukaya, Yuji; Goto, Minoru; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Nakajima, Kunihiro*; Takahashi, Kazuki*; Sakon, Atsushi*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Hashimoto, Kengo*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 247, p.09017_1 - 09017_8, 2021/02

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) started the Research and Development (R&D) to improve nuclear prediction techniques for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs). The objectives are to introduce a generalized bias factor method to avoid full mock-up experiment for the first commercial HTGR and to introduce reactor noise analysis to High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) experiment to observe subcriticality. To achieve the objectives, the reactor core of graphite-moderation system named B7/4"G2/8"p8EUNU+3/8"p38EU(1) was newly composed in the B-rack of Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA). The core is composed of the fuel assembly, driver fuel assembly, graphite reflector, and polyethylene reflector. The fuel assembly is composed of enriched uranium plate, natural uranium plate and graphite plates to realize the average fuel enrichment of HTTR and it's spectrum. However, driver fuel assembly is necessary to achieve the criticality with the small-sized core. The core plays a role of the reference core of the bias factor method, and the reactor noise was measured to develop the noise analysis scheme. In this study, the overview of the criticality experiments is reported. The reactor configuration with graphite moderation system is rare case in the KUCA experiments, and this experiment is expected to contribute not only for an HTGR development but also for other types of a reactor in the graphite moderation system such as a molten salt reactor development.

Journal Articles

Reactor physics experiment in a graphite-moderation system for HTGR

Fukaya, Yuji; Goto, Minoru; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Nakajima, Kunihiro*; Takahashi, Kazuki*; Sakon, Atsushi*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Hashimoto, Kengo*

Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors; Transition To A Scalable Nuclear Future (PHYSOR 2020) (USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2020/03

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) started the Research and Development (R&D) to improve nuclear prediction techniques for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs). The objectives are to introduce a generalized bias factor method to avoid full mock-up experiment for the first commercial HTGR and to introduce reactor noise analysis to High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) experiment to observe subcriticality. To achieve the objectives, the reactor core of graphite-moderation system named B7/4"G2/8"p8EUNU+3/8"p38EU(1) was newly composed in the B-rack of Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA). The core is composed of the fuel assembly, driver fuel assembly, graphite reflector, and polyethylene reflector. The fuel assembly is composed of enriched uranium plate, natural uranium plate and graphite plates to realize the average fuel enrichment of HTTR and it's spectrum. However, driver fuel assembly is necessary to achieve the criticality with the small-sized core. The core plays a role of the reference core of the bias factor method, and the reactor noise was measured to develop the noise analysis scheme. In this study, the overview of the criticality experiments is reported. The reactor configuration with graphite moderation system is rare case in the KUCA experiments, and this experiment is expected to contribute not only for an HTGR development but also for other types of a reactor in the graphite moderation system such as a molten salt reactor development.

Journal Articles

Analysis of the high-dose-range radioresistance of prostate cancer cells, including cancer stem cells, based on a stochastic model

Saga, Ryo*; Matsuya, Yusuke; Takahashi, Rei*; Hasegawa, Kazuki*; Date, Hiroyuki*; Hosokawa, Yoichiro*

Journal of Radiation Research, 60(3), p.298 - 307, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:80.69(Biology)

In radiotherapy, it is recognized that cancer stem cells (CSCs) in tumor tissue shows radio-resistance. However, the relationship between content percentage of the CSCs and dose-response curve on cell survival remain unclear. In this study, we developed a stochastic model considering progeny cells and stem cells, and investigated the impact of stem cells on radio-sensitivity. From the flow-cytometric analysis (cell experiments), the content percentage of stem cells was 3.2% or less which agreed well with the model estimation from the cell survival curve. Based on the verification, it is suggested that cell survival in high-dose range is largely affected by the CSCs. In addition, regarding the sub-population of stem cells, the present model well reproduces the dose response on lethal lesions to DNA comparing with the conventional LQ model. This outcome indicates that the stem cells must be considered for describing the dose-response curve in wide dose range.

Journal Articles

Study on use of superconducting magnet and first inelastic neutron scattering experiment under magnetic field at 4SEASONS spectrometer

Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Ishikado, Motoyuki*; Kira, Hiroshi*; Kaneko, Koji; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Kamazawa, Kazuya*; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Iida, Kazuki*; Murai, Naoki; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 556, p.26 - 30, 2019/03


 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:9.04(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Journal Articles

Status report of the chopper spectrometer 4SEASONS

Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Kamazawa, Kazuya*; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Iida, Kazuki*; Ishikado, Motoyuki*; Murai, Naoki; Kira, Hiroshi*; Nakatani, Takeshi; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1021(1), p.012030_1 - 012030_6, 2018/06


 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:86.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Study on heat transfer mechanism elucidation during pool nucleate boiling by measuring instantaneous surface temperature distribution with infrared radiation camera

Koizumi, Yasuo; Takahashi, Kazuki*; Uesawa, Shinichiro; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Takase, Kazuyuki

Dai-52-Kai Nihon Dennetsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), P. 2, 2015/06

Pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments were performed for water at 0.101 MPa to examine the elementary process of the nucleate boiling. The copper printed circuit board of a 1.57 mm thick bakelite plate coated with a 0.035 mm thick copper membrane was used for a heat transfer surface. The size of the heat transfer surface was 10 mm $$times$$ 10 mm. direct current was supplied to it to heat it up. The bakelite plate of the backside of the copper layer was taken by 7 mm $$times$$ 10 mm. The instantaneous variation of the backside temperature of the heat transfer surface was measured with an infrared radiation camera. The time and the space resolution of the infrared cameras used in experiments were 120 Hz and 0.315 mm $$times$$ 0.315 mm, respectively. Surface temperatures just before the burn-out measured with 120 Hz suggest that the surface temperature was steadily low at a large part of the heat transfer surface. A small hot-dry area came out at the critical heat flux condition. Then, this small hot-dry area iterated to expand and shrink and gradually grew. Other area was still wetted and kept at low temperature. Eventually the small hot-dry area started to grow continuously and a whole part of the heat transfer surface became hot-dry to reach the physical burn-out. The heat transfer surface was divided into two large areas; the hot-dry area and the low-temperature wetted area until the physical burn-out. The local surface heat flux variation derived from measured surface temperature variation clearly illustrated that the boundary between the dried area and the wetted area moved back and forth and the dried arear gradually grew to reach physical bourn-out at the critical heat flux condition.

Journal Articles

Study on heat transfer surface temperature variation during pool nucleate boiling by measuring instantaneous surface temperature distribution with infrared radiation camera

Koizumi, Yasuo; Takahashi, Kazuki*; Uesawa, Shinichiro; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Takase, Kazuyuki

Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer (Boiling & Condensation 2015) (DVD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2015/04

Pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments were performed for water at 0.101 MPa to examine the elementary process of the nucleate boiling. The copper printed circuit board of a 1.57 mm thick Bakelite plate coated with a 0.035 mm thick copper membrane was used for a heat transfer surface. The size of the heat transfer surface was 10 mm $$times$$ 10 mm. Direct current was supplied to it to heat it up. The Bakelite plate of the backside of the copper layer was taken by 7 mm $$times$$ 10 mm. The instantaneous variation of the backside temperature of the heat transfer surface was measured with an infrared radiation camera. The time and the space resolution of the infrared cameras used in experiments were 120 Hz and 0.315 mm $$times$$ 0.315 mm, respectively. Surface temperatures just before the burn-out measured with 120 Hz suggest that the surface temperature was steadily low at a large part of the heat transfer surface. A small hot-dry area came out at the critical heat flux condition. Then, this small hot-dry area iterated to expand and shrink and gradually grew. Other area was still wetted and kept at low temperature. Eventually the small hot-dry area started to grow continuously and a whole part of the heat transfer surface became hot-dry to reach the physical burn-out. The heat transfer surface was divided into two large areas; the hot-dry area and the low-temperature-wetted area until the physical burn-out. The local surface heat flux variation derived from measured surface temperature variation clearly illustrated that the boundary between the dried area and the wetted area moved back and forth and the dried arear gradually grew to reach physical bourn-out at the critical heat flux condition.

Journal Articles

Introduction to radioactive waste; Management of radioactive waste from operation and decommissioning of nuclear and other facilities, 2; Perspective radioactive waste management

Akiyama, Kazuki; Takahashi, Masanori; Tsukamoto, Masaki*; Miyauchi, Yoshihiro*; Wada, Hiroshi*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 56(10), p.656 - 660, 2014/10

This report shows the yield of low-level radioactive wastes and high-level radioactive wastes at the nuclear power plant and reprocessing plant, and those detailed managements are reported.

Journal Articles

Study on nucleate boiling heat transfer by measuring instantaneous surface temperature distribution by infrared radiation camera

Koizumi, Yasuo; Takahashi, Kazuki*

Proceedings of 15th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC 2014) (USB Flash Drive), 13 Pages, 2014/08

Pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments were performed for water at 0.101 MPa to examine the elementary process of the nucleate boiling. Heat transfer surface was made from a copper printed circuit board. Direct current was supplied to heat it up. The Bakelite plate of the backside of a copper layer was taken off at the center portion of the heat transfer surface to expose the back side of the copper layer. The instantaneous variation of the backside temperature of the heat transfer surface was measured with an infrared radiation camera. Bubble behavior was recorded with a high speed video camera. In the isolated bubble region, surface temperature was uniform during waiting time. When boiling bubble generation started, a large dip in the surface temperature distribution was formed under the bubble. After the bubble left from the heat transfer surface, the surface temperature distribution returned to former uniform distribution. Surface temperature was not affected by the bubble generation beyond 1.8 mm from the center of the bubble. In the intermediate and high heat flux region, the variation of surface temperature and heat flux did not become large even though the heat flux increased. The heat flux variation was close to that at the isolated boiling region.

Journal Articles

The Present situation and future prospects of groundwater colloids studies on the performance assessment of geological disposal of radioactive wastes in Japan

Nagao, Seiya*; Niibori, Yuichi*; Tanaka, Tadao; Sasaki, Takayuki*; Saito, Takumi*; Kirishima, Akira*; Yoshikawa, Hideki; Iijima, Kazuki; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki; et al.

Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu (CD-ROM), 20(1), p.3 - 14, 2013/06

This paper shows a current status of groundwater colloids studies on the performance assessment of geological disposal of radioactive wastes in Japan, and summaries realistic approach of the colloids studies at a substantial research network for Japanese universities and institutes.

Journal Articles

Alternative splicing in human transcriptome; Functional and structural influence on proteins

Yura, Kei; Shionyu, Masafumi*; Hagino, Kei*; Hijikata, Atsushi*; Hirashima, Yoshinori*; Nakahara, Taku*; Eguchi, Tatsuya*; Shinoda, Kazuki*; Yamaguchi, Akihiro*; Takahashi, Kenichi*; et al.

Gene, 380(2), p.63 - 71, 2006/10

 Times Cited Count:56 Percentile:72.15(Genetics & Heredity)

Alternative splicing is a molecular mechanism that produces multiple proteins from a single gene, and is thought to produce variety in proteins translated from a limited number of genes. Here we analyzed how alternative splicing produced variety in protein structure and function, by using human full-length cDNAs, on the assumption that all of the alternatively spliced mRNAs were translated to proteins. We found that the length of alternatively spliced amino acid sequences, in most cases, fell into a size shorter than that of average protein domain. We evaluated comprehensively the presumptive three-dimensional structures of the alternatively spliced products to assess the impact of alternative splicing on gene function. We found that more than half of the products encoded proteins which were involved in signal transduction, transcription and translation, and more than half of alternatively spliced regions comprised interaction sites between proteins and their binding partners, including substrates, DNA/RNA, and other proteins. Intriguingly, 67% of the alternatively spliced isoforms showed significant alterations to regions of the protein structural core, which likely resulted in large conformational change. Based on those findings, we speculate that there are a large number of cases that alternative splicing modulates protein networks through significant alteration in protein conformation.

35 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)