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Journal Articles

Circular polarization measurement for individual gamma rays in capture reactions with intense pulsed neutrons

Endo, Shunsuke; Abe, Ryota*; Fujioka, Hiroyuki*; Ino, Takashi*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kawamura, Shiori*; Kimura, Atsushi; Kitaguchi, Masaaki*; Kobayashi, Ryuju*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 60(8), p.166_1 - 166_10, 2024/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Application of transition-edge sensors for micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy; a case study of uranium speciation in biotite obtained from a uranium mine

Yomogida, Takumi; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Okumura, Takuma*; Yamada, Shinya*; Tatsuno, Hideyuki*; Noda, Hirofumi*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Okada, Shinji*; Takatori, Sayuri*; Isobe, Tadaaki*; et al.

Analyst, 149(10), p.2932 - 2941, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)

In this study, we successfully applied a transition-edge sensor (TES) spectrometer as a detector for microbeam X-ray measurements from a synchrotron X-ray light source to determine uranium (U) distribution at the micro-scale and its chemical species in biotite obtained from the U mine. It is difficult to separate the fluorescent X-ray of the U L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$ line at 13.615 keV from that of the Rb K$$alpha$$ line at 13.395 keV in the X-ray fluorescence spectrum with an energy resolution of approximately 220 eV of the conventional silicon drift detector (SDD). Meanwhile, the fluorescent X-rays of U L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$ and Rb K$$alpha$$ were fully separated by TES with 50 eV energy resolution at the energy of around 13 keV. The successful peak separation by TES led to an accurate mapping analysis of trace U in micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and a decrease in the signal-to-background ratio in micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy.

Journal Articles

Application of control software framework to sample environment equipment in J-PARC MLF

Hasemi, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Ryuta*; Yamauchi, Yasuhiro*; Ishikado, Motoyuki*; Kawamura, Seiko; Komine, Ryota

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 41, p.011003_1 - 011003_5, 2024/03

Journal Articles

High-sensitive XANES analysis at Ce L$$_{2}$$-edge for Ce in bauxites using transition-edge sensors; Implications for Ti-rich geological samples

Li, W.*; Yamada, Shinya*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Okumura, Takuma*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Nitta, Kiyofumi*; Sekizawa, Oki*; Suga, Hiroki*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; et al.

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1240, p.340755_1 - 340755_9, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:60.11(Chemistry, Analytical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Measurement of the transverse asymmetry of $$gamma$$ rays in the $$^{117}$$Sn($$n,gamma$$)$$^{118}$$Sn reaction

Endo, Shunsuke; Okudaira, Takuya*; Abe, Ryota*; Fujioka, Hiroyuki*; Hirota, Katsuya*; Kimura, Atsushi; Kitaguchi, Masaaki*; Oku, Takayuki; Sakai, Kenji; Shima, Tatsushi*; et al.

Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064601_1 - 064601_7, 2022/12

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:68.39(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Dynamical response of transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters to a pulsed charged-particle beam

Okumura, Takuma*; Azuma, Toshiyuki*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I.-H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(5), p.2101704_1 - 2101704_4, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:7.99(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

A superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter is an ideal X-ray detector for experiments at accelerator facilities because of good energy resolution and high efficiency. To study the performance of the TES detector with a high-intensity pulsed charged-particle beam, we measured X-ray spectra with a pulsed muon beam at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) in Japan. We found substantial temporal shifts of the X-ray energy correlated with the arrival time of the pulsed muon beam, which was reasonably explained by pulse pileup due to the incidence of energetic particles from the initial pulsed beam.

Journal Articles

Deexcitation dynamics of muonic atoms revealed by high-precision spectroscopy of electronic $$K$$ X rays

Okumura, Takuma*; Azuma, Toshiyuki*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I. H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 127(5), p.053001_1 - 053001_7, 2021/07

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:78.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We observed electronic $$K$$X rays emitted from muonic iron atoms using a superconducting transition-edge-type sensor microcalorimeter. The energy resolution of 5.2 eV in FWHM allowed us to observe the asymmetric broad profile of the electronic characteristic $$K$$$$alpha$$ and $$K$$$$beta$$ X rays together with the hypersatellite $$K$$$$alpha$$ X rays around 6 keV. This signature reflects the time-dependent screening of the nuclear charge by the negative muon and the $$L$$-shell electrons, accompanied by electron side-feeding. Assisted by a simulation, this data clearly reveals the electronic $$K$$- and $$L$$-shell hole production and their temporal evolution during the muon cascade process.

Journal Articles

Competing spin modulations in the magnetically frustrated semimetal EuCuSb

Takahashi, Hidefumi*; Aono, Kai*; Nambu, Yusuke*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Nomoto, Takuya*; Sakano, Masato*; Ishizaka, Kyoko*; Arita, Ryotaro*; Ishiwata, Shintaro*

Physical Review B, 102(17), p.174425_1 - 174425_6, 2020/11

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:59.64(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The competing magnetic ground states of the itinerant magnet EuCuSb, which has a hexagonal layered structure, were studied via magnetization, resistivity, and neutron-diffraction measurements on single-crystal samples. EuCuSb has a three-dimensional semimetallic band structure as confirmed by band calculation and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, consistent with the nearly isotropic metallic conductivity in the paramagnetic state. However, below the antiferromagnetic transition temperature of $$T$$$$_{rm N1}$$ (8.5 K), the resistivity, especially along the hexagonal axis, increases significantly. This implies the emergence of anisotropic magnetic ordering coupled to the conducting electrons. Neutron-diffraction measurements show that the Eu spins, which order ferromagnetically within each layer, are collinearly modulated (up-up-down-down) along the hexagonal axis below $$T$$$$_{rm N1}$$, followed by the partial emergence of helical spin modulation below $$T$$$$_{rm N2}$$ (6 K). Based on the observation of anomalous magnetoresistance with hysteretic behavior, we discuss the competing nature of the ground state inherent in a frustrated Heisenberg-like spin system with a centrosymmetric structure.

Journal Articles

Out-of-plane strain induced in a Moir$'e$ superstructure of monolayer MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ on Au(111)

Yasuda, Satoshi; Takahashi, Ryosuke*; Osaka, Ryo*; Kumagai, Ryota*; Miyata, Yasumitsu*; Okada, Susumu*; Hayamizu, Yuhei*; Murakoshi, Kei*

Small, 13(31), p.1700748_1 - 1700748_8, 2017/08

 Times Cited Count:31 Percentile:76.42(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ monolayers are grown on Au surface by chemical vapor deposition and it is demonstrated that the contact with a crystalline Au(111) surface gives rise to only out-of-plane strain in both MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ layers, whereas no strain generation is observed on polycrystalline Au or SiO$$_{2}$$/Si surfaces. Scanning tunneling microscopy analysis provides information regarding consequent specific adsorption sites between lower S (Se) atoms in the S-Mo-S (Se-Mo-Se) structure and Au atoms via unique moir$'e$ superstructure formation for MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ layers on Au(111). This observation indicates that the specific adsorption sites give rise to out-of-plane strain in the TMDC layers. Furthermore, it also leads to effective modulation of the electronic structure of the MoS$$_{2}$$ or MoSe$$_{2}$$ layer.

Journal Articles

Fabrication of Pt nanoparticle incorporated polymer nanowires by high energy ion and electron beam irradiation

Tsukuda, Satoshi*; Takahashi, Ryota*; Seki, Shuhei*; Sugimoto, Masaki; Idesaki, Akira; Yoshikawa, Masahito; Tanaka, Shunichiro*

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 118, p.16 - 20, 2016/01

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.88(Chemistry, Physical)

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-Pt nanoparticles (NPs) hybrid nanowires were fabricated by high energy ion beam irradiation to PVP thin films including H$$_{2}$$PtCl$$_{6}$$. Single ion hitting caused crosslinking reactions of PVP and reduction of Pt ions within local cylindrical area along an ion trajectory (ion track); therefore, the PVP nanowires including Pt NPs were formed and isolated on Si substrate after wet-development procedure. The number of Pt NPs was easily controlled by the mixed ratio of PVP and H$$_{2}$$PtCl$$_{6}$$. However, increasing the amount of H$$_{2}$$PtCl$$_{6}$$ led to decreasing the radial size and separation of the hybrid nanowires during the wet-development. Additional electron beam irradiation after ion beam improved separation of the nanowires and controlled radial sizes due to an increase in the density of crosslinking points inner the nanowires.

Journal Articles

Controls over structural and electronic properties of epitaxial graphene on silicon using surface termination of 3C-SiC(111)/Si

Fukidome, Hirokazu*; Abe, Shunsuke*; Takahashi, Ryota*; Imaizumi, Kei*; Inomata, Shuya*; Handa, Hiroyuki*; Saito, Eiji*; Enta, Yoshiharu*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Teraoka, Yuden; et al.

Applied Physics Express, 4(11), p.115104_1 - 115104_3, 2011/11

 Times Cited Count:35 Percentile:77.60(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Control of epitaxy of graphene by crystallographic orientation of a Si substrate toward device applications

Fukidome, Hirokazu*; Takahashi, Ryota*; Abe, Shunsuke*; Imaizumi, Kei*; Handa, Hiroyuki*; Kang, H. C.*; Karasawa, Hiromi*; Suemitsu, Tetsuya*; Otsuji, Taiichi*; Enta, Yoshiharu*; et al.

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(43), p.17242 - 17248, 2011/11

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:62.15(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Low-energy-electron-diffraction and X-ray-phototelectron-spectroscopy studies of graphitization of 3C-SiC(111) thin film on Si(111) substrate

Takahashi, Ryota*; Handa, Hiroyuki*; Abe, Shunsuke*; Imaizumi, Kei*; Fukidome, Hirokazu*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Teraoka, Yuden; Suemitsu, Maki*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50(7), p.070103_1 - 070103_6, 2011/07

 Times Cited Count:32 Percentile:75.28(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Oxygen-induced reduction of the graphitization temperature of SiC surface

Imaizumi, Kei*; Handa, Hiroyuki*; Takahashi, Ryota*; Saito, Eiji*; Fukidome, Hirokazu*; Enta, Yoshiharu*; Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Suemitsu, Maki*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50(7), p.070105_1 - 070105_6, 2011/07

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:18.54(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

X-ray and neutron protein crystallographic analysis of the trypsin-BPTI complex

Kawamura, Kenji*; Yamada, Taro*; Kurihara, Kazuo; Tamada, Taro; Kuroki, Ryota; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Takahashi, Haruyuki*; Niimura, Nobuo*

Acta Crystallographica Section D, 67(2), p.140 - 148, 2011/02

 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:88.52(Biochemical Research Methods)

Journal Articles

Growth of large protein crystals by a large-scale hanging-drop method

Kakinouchi, Keisuke*; Nakamura, Tsutomu*; Tamada, Taro; Adachi, Hiroaki*; Sugiyama, Shigeru*; Maruyama, Mihoko*; Takahashi, Yoshinori*; Takano, Kazufumi*; Murakami, Satoshi*; Inoue, Tsuyoshi*; et al.

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 43(4), p.937 - 939, 2010/08

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:47.85(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

A method for growing large protein crystals is described. In this method, a cut pipette tip is used to hang large-scale droplets (maximum volume 200 $$mu$$l) consisting of protein and precipitating agents. A crystal grows at the vapor-liquid interface; thereafter the grown crystal can be retrieved by droplet-droplet contact both for repeated macroseeding and for mounting crystals in a capillary. Crystallization experiments with peroxiredoxin of ${it Aeropyrum pernix}$ K1(thioredoxin peroxidase, ApTPx) and hen egg white lysozyme demonstrated that this large-scale hanging-drop method could produce a large-volume crystal very effectively. A neutron diffraction experiment confirmed that an ApTPx crystal (6.2 mm$$^{3}$$) obtained by this method diffracted to beyond 3.5 ${AA}$ resolution.

Journal Articles

Crystal growth procedure of HIV-1 protease-inhibitor KNI-272 complex for neutron structural analysis at 1.9 ${AA}$ resolution

Shimizu, Noriko*; Sugiyama, Shigeru*; Maruyama, Mihoko*; Takahashi, Yoshinori*; Adachi, Motoyasu; Tamada, Taro; Hidaka, Koshi*; Hayashi, Yoshio*; Kimura, Toru*; Kiso, Yoshiaki*; et al.

Crystal Growth & Design, 10(7), p.2990 - 2994, 2010/06

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:71.58(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We report crystal growth of human immunodeficiency virus 1 protease (HIV PR) in a complex with its inhibitor KNI-272 by six different methods. Comparative analysis indicates that top-seeded solution growth (TSSG) and TSSG combined with the floating and stirring technique (TSSG-FAST) are efficient strategies for rapidly obtaining large single crystals and effectively preventing polycrystallization of the seed crystal. Neutron diffraction analysis confirmed that the crystalobtained by TSSG is a high-quality single crystal. Furthermore, crystal shape was observed to be influenced by solution flow, suggesting that the degree of supersaturation significantly affects the crystal growth direction of HIV PR complex. This finding implies that the shape of the HIV PR complex crystal might be controlled by the solution flow rate.

Journal Articles

Recent progress in the energy recovery linac project in Japan

Sakanaka, Shogo*; Akemoto, Mitsuo*; Aoto, Tomohiro*; Arakawa, Dai*; Asaoka, Seiji*; Enomoto, Atsushi*; Fukuda, Shigeki*; Furukawa, Kazuro*; Furuya, Takaaki*; Haga, Kaiichi*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.2338 - 2340, 2010/05

Future synchrotron light source using a 5-GeV energy recovery linac (ERL) is under proposal by our Japanese collaboration team, and we are conducting R&D efforts for that. We are developing high-brightness DC photocathode guns, two types of cryomodules for both injector and main superconducting (SC) linacs, and 1.3 GHz high CW-power RF sources. We are also constructing the Compact ERL (cERL) for demonstrating the recirculation of low-emittance, high-current beams using above-mentioned critical technologies.

Oral presentation

Real-time SR photoelectron-spectroscopy measurement of low-temperature graphitization of a SiC thin film on Si substrates under ULP oxygen ambient

Imaizumi, Kei*; Takahashi, Ryota*; Handa, Hiroyuki*; Saito, Eiji*; Fukidome, Hirokazu*; Suemitsu, Maki*; Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka

no journal, , 

We found that an SiC surface changed to a graphene film even at 1273 K in the oxygen gas ambient. As subsequent experiments, real-time photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation was applied to observe the graphene formation process in the ultra low pressure oxygen ambient. The 3C-SiC(111) surface, formed on the Si(111) surface using monomethylsilane, was used as a substrate. The real-time photoelectron spectroscopy was performed at BL23SU in the SPring-8. With increasing reaction time, a C1s photoelectron peak originated from sp$$^{2}$$ carbon increased. It reveals that a graphene film is formed on the SiC surface.

Oral presentation

Viability of graphene-on-silicon technology toward fusion of graphene with advanced Si-CMOS technologies

Fukidome, Hirokazu*; Takahashi, Ryota*; Miyamoto, Yu*; Handa, Hiroyuki*; Kang, H. C.*; Karasawa, Hiromi*; Suemitsu, Tetsuya*; Otsuji, Taiichi*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Teraoka, Yuden; et al.

no journal, , 

By forming an SiC thin film on Si substrates and by thermally converting the film top surface into graphene, a graphene layer can be epitaxially formed on the Si substrates (graphene on silicon;GOS). In this method, epitaxial SiC thin films are first grown on the silicon substrate by using gas source molecular beam epitaxy. Normally, 3C-SiC(111), (110) and (100)-oriented films are grown on Si(111), (110) and (100) substrates, respectively. The surface of SiC thin films is then thermally graphitized by annealing at 1523 K in UHV to sublimate Si atoms. Not only 3C-SiC(111) but also (100) and (110) surfaces, produced epitaxial graphene as well. The Raman spectra show distinct D, G and G' bands for all these orientations. Synchrotron-radiation X-ray photoelectron spectrum of C1s presents sp$$^{2}$$ carbons atoms. The observation of the equally successful growth of graphene on these low-index SiC surfaces makes the GOS technology aviable in the post-Si device developments.

51 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)