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Journal Articles

Quantitative micro-X-ray fluorescence scanning spectroscopy of wet sediment based on the X-ray absorption and emission theories; Its application to freshwater lake sedimentary sequences

Katsuta, Nagayoshi*; Takano, Masao*; Sano, Naomi; Tani, Yukinori*; Ochiai, Shinya*; Naito, Sayuri*; Murakami, Takuma*; Niwa, Masakazu; Kawakami, Shinichi*

Sedimentology, 66(6), p.2490 - 2510, 2019/10

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:53.37(Geology)

Micro-X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning spectroscopy of marine and lake sedimentary sequences can provide detailed paleoenvironmental records available through element intensities proxy data. However, problems for effects of interstitial pore water on the micro-XRF intensities have been pointed out so far because of direct measurement on the split wet sediment surfaces. In this study, new methods for the XRF corrections were developed by being considered with the micro-X-ray scanning spectroscopy.

Journal Articles

Hydrological and climate changes in southeast Siberia over the last 33 kyr

Katsuta, Nagayoshi*; Ikeda, Hisashi*; Shibata, Kenji*; Kokubu, Yoko; Murakami, Takuma*; Tani, Yukinori*; Takano, Masao*; Nakamura, Toshio*; Tanaka, Atsushi*; Naito, Sayuri*; et al.

Global and Planetary Change, 164, p.11 - 26, 2018/05

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:42.84(Geography, Physical)

Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate changes in Siberia were reconstructed by continuous, high-resolution records of chemical compositions from a sediment core retrieved from the Buguldeika Saddle, Lake Baikal, dating back to the last 33 cal. ka BP. The Holocene climate followed by a shift at ca. 6.5 cal. ka BP toward warm and dry, suggesting that the climate system transition from the glacial to interglacial state occurred. In the last glacial period, the deposition of carbonate mud from the Primorsky Range was associated with Heinrich events (H3 and H1) and the Selenga River inflow was caused by meltwater of mountain glaciers in the Khamar-Daban Range. The anoxic bottom-water during Allerod-Younger Dryas was probably a result of weakened ventilation associated with reduced Selenga River inflow and microbial decomposition of organic matters from the Primorsky Range. The rapid decline in precipitation during the early Holocene may have been a response to the 8.2 ka cooling event.

Oral presentation

Ibaraki materials design diffractometer for J-PARC

Ishigaki, Toru; Hoshikawa, Akinori; Yonemura, Masao*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Harjo, S.; Aizawa, Kazuya; Sakuma, Takashi*; Tomota, Yo*; Morii, Yukio; Arai, Masatoshi; et al.

no journal, , 

Ibaraki prefecture, the local goverment of the area for J-PARC site, was decided to build a versatile neutron diffractometer (IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer) to promote a industrial application for neutron beam in J-PARC. This diffractometer is planned to be a high throughput diffractometer so that materials engineers and scientists can use it like the chemical analytical instruments in their materials development process. It covers in d range 0.18 $$<$$ d (${AA}$) $$<$$ 5 with $$Delta $$ $$d/d$$ = 0.16% at high resolution bank, and covers 5 $$<$$ d (${AA}$) $$<$$ 800 with gradually changing resolution at three detector bank (90 degree, low angle and small angle). Typical measuring time to obtain a "Rietveld-quality" data is several minutes with the sample size of laboratory X-ray diffractometer. To promote industrial application, a utilization system for this diffractometer is required. We will establish a support system for both academic and industrial users who are willing to use neutron but have not been familiar with neutron diffraction. The construction of this instrument was already begun and will be compleated in the beggining of 2008, as one of day-one instruments for J-PARC.

Oral presentation

The Ibaraki prefecture materials design diffractometer for J-PARC

Ishigaki, Toru; Harjo, S.; Yonemura, Masao*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Mori, Kazuhiro*; Mochiku, Takashi*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Arai, Masatoshi; Ebata, Kazuhiro*; Takano, Yoshiki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Present status for Ibaraki materials design diffractometer

Ishigaki, Toru; Hoshikawa, Akinori; Yonemura, Masao*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Mori, Kazuhiro*; Mochiku, Takashi*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Arai, Masatoshi; Ebata, Kazuhiro*; Takano, Yoshiki*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

IBARAKI materials design diffractometer; Versatile neutron diffractometer at J-PARC

Ishigaki, Toru; Hoshikawa, Akinori; Yonemura, Masao*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Sakuma, Takashi*; Tomota, Yo*; Morii, Yukio; Arai, Masatoshi; Hayashi, Makoto*; et al.

no journal, , 

Ibaraki prefecture, the local government of the area for J-PARC site, was decided to build a versatile neutron diffractometer (IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer) to promote an industrial application for neutron beam in J-PARC. This diffractometer is planned to be a high throughput diffractometer so that materials engineers and scientists can use it like the chemical analytical instruments in their materials development process. It covers in d range 0.18 $$<$$ d (${AA}$) $$<$$ 5 with $$Delta$$ d/d = 0.16 % at high resolution bank, and covers $$<$$ d (${AA}$) $$<$$ 800 with gradually changing resolution at three detector bank (90 degree, low angle and small angle). Typical measuring time to obtain a "Rietveld-quality" data is several minutes with the sample size of laboratory X-ray diffractometer. To promote industrial application, a utilization system for this diffractometer is required. We will establish a support system for both academic and industrial users who are willing to use neutron but have not been familiar with neutron diffraction. The construction of this instrument was already beginning and will be completed in the beginning of 2008, as one of day-one instruments for J-PARC. The current status for this instrument also will be reported.

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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