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Ishikawa, Hirohisa; Sakamaki, Masanori*; Takeda, Seietsu; Yui, Mikazu; Mckinley, I. G.*
JNC TN1400 2004-015, 119 Pages, 2005/03
no abstracts in English
Hanamuro, Takahiro; Saito, Hiroshi; Asamori, Koichi; Iyatomi, Yosuke; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Yabuuchi, Satoshi; Mizuno, Takashi; Sato, Toshinori; Nakatsuka, Noboru; Shigeta, Naotaka; et al.
JNC TN7400 2004-010, 173 Pages, 2004/12
Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute. (JNC) is developing two underground research laboratory projects; the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory(MIU) Project for crystalline rock,.at Tono Geoscience Center (TGC) and the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory ・Project for・ sedimentary rock at the Horonobe Underground Research Center. Both projects are intended for research and development of geological disposal technology for high-level radioactive wastes. At this time, these two underground research laboratory projects are advancing to the Construction Phase (Phase II) from the Surface-based Investigation Phase (Phase I). Therefore it was considered appropriate for JNC to hold an international conference to introduce the two underground research laboratory projects and R&D results from Phase I, to have presentations on overseas URLs, to exchange opinions by researchers in each field of research and to reflect the conference outcome in a future R&D plan. The Conference was held in two parts. Part 1, the "International Conference on Geoscientific Study in Mizunami '04 (ICGM '04)" featured the MIU Project and the Regional Hydrogeological Study Project performed by TGC. It was held in Mizunami City at the Sogo Bunka Center from October 21st to 22nd. In Part 2, the "International Workshop on Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project", featured the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project performed by the Horonobe Underground Research Center. It was held at Horonobe Town Hall from, October 25th to 26th 2004. This Technical Report documents the ICGM'04 program, abstracts of presentations and slides and transcription of "Panel Discussions II and "Summary of the Conference"
Fukushima, Isao; Takeda, Seietsu; Yamazaki, Shinichi; Ishikawa, Hirohisa
JNC TN1400 2003-014, 65 Pages, 2004/02
Sato, Toshinori; Mikake, Shinichiro; Sakamaki, Masanori; Aoki, Kazuhiro; Yamazaki, Shinichi; Shigeta, Naotaka; Takeda, Seietsu
9th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM '03), p.1333 - 1339, 2003/00
This paper shows current status of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, especially design and construction plan of underground facility.
Kawata, Tomio; Takeda, Seietsu; ; Kamei, Gento; Makino, Hitoshi
JNC TN1400 2001-017, 50 Pages, 2002/01
no abstracts in English
Takeda, Seietsu; ; ; Nakatsuka, Noboru; Nakano, Katsushi; ; Ishimaru, Tsunenori
JNC TN7410 2000-003, 65 Pages, 2000/11
; Takeda, Seietsu*; Sasaki, Noriaki; Ishikawa, Hirohisa
PNC TN1410 95-093, 54 Pages, 1995/12
Yui, Mikazu; Takeda, Seietsu; Komuro, Kosei*; Makino, Hitoshi; ; ; Ishiguro, Katsuhiko
PNC TN8410 92-166, 174 Pages, 1992/09
Takeda, Seietsu; Ogata, Nobuhisa; Osawa, Hideaki
PNC TN7410 90-006, 19 Pages, 1990/01
In order to establish a hydrogeological model for a rock mass, data are required on its hydrogeological properties. A development for geophysical logging technique which is considered to be available for obtaining data on physical properties of rock mass is being carried out, aiming at examination of its applicability to a hydrogeological evaluation of the rock mass with an assumption of correspondances between the hydrogeological and the physical properties of the rock mass. In the development of the technique, a borehole was drilled in a granitic rock, followed by measurements of physical parameters by geophysical loggings and laboratory tests on the drill cores. A consideration was made on the relationship between the physical properties and the features of fractures and alterations in the rock mass deeper than 500m.The results are as follows : (1)A close correlation is recognized between the features of fracture and alterations and the peophysical properties such as apparent resistivity, P velocity, density and porosity. (2)The rock mass (from 500m to 1010m deep) can be divided into five zones by geophysical logging data.
Kunimaru, Takanori; Fukushima, Tatsuo; Takeda, Seietsu
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Takeda, Seietsu
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English