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Journal Articles

Development of nondestructive elemental analysis system for Hayabusa2 samples using muonic X-rays

Osawa, Takahito; Nagasawa, Shunsaku*; Ninomiya, Kazuhiko*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Wada, Taiga*; Taniguchi, Akihiro*; Umegaki, Izumi*; Kubo, Kenya*; Terada, Kentaro*; et al.

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Internet), 7(4), p.699 - 711, 2023/04

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:83.64(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The concentrations of carbon and other major elements in asteroid samples provide very important information on the birth of life on the Earth and the solar-system evolution. Elemental analysis using muonic X-rays is one of the best analytical methods to determine the elemental composition of solid materials, and notably, is the only method to determine the concentration of light elements in bulk samples in a non-destructive manner. We developed a new analysis system using muonic X-rays to measure the concentrations of carbon and other major elements in precious and expectedly tiny samples recovered from the asteroid Ryugu by spacecraft Hayabusa2. Here we report the development process of the system in 4 stages and their system configurations, The analysis system is composed of a stainless-steel analysis chamber, an acrylic glove box for manipulating asteroid samples in a clean environment, and Ge semiconductor detectors arranged to surround the analysis chamber. The performance of the analysis system, including the background level, which is crucial for the measurement, was greatly improved from the first stage to the later ones. Our feasibility study showed that the latest model of our muonic X-ray analysis system is capable of determining the carbon concentration in Hayabusa2's sample model with an uncertainty of less than 10 percent in a 6-day measurement.

Journal Articles

Dynamical response of transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters to a pulsed charged-particle beam

Okumura, Takuma*; Azuma, Toshiyuki*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I.-H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(5), p.2101704_1 - 2101704_4, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:7.99(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

A superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter is an ideal X-ray detector for experiments at accelerator facilities because of good energy resolution and high efficiency. To study the performance of the TES detector with a high-intensity pulsed charged-particle beam, we measured X-ray spectra with a pulsed muon beam at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) in Japan. We found substantial temporal shifts of the X-ray energy correlated with the arrival time of the pulsed muon beam, which was reasonably explained by pulse pileup due to the incidence of energetic particles from the initial pulsed beam.

Journal Articles

Deexcitation dynamics of muonic atoms revealed by high-precision spectroscopy of electronic $$K$$ X rays

Okumura, Takuma*; Azuma, Toshiyuki*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I. H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 127(5), p.053001_1 - 053001_7, 2021/07

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:78.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We observed electronic $$K$$X rays emitted from muonic iron atoms using a superconducting transition-edge-type sensor microcalorimeter. The energy resolution of 5.2 eV in FWHM allowed us to observe the asymmetric broad profile of the electronic characteristic $$K$$$$alpha$$ and $$K$$$$beta$$ X rays together with the hypersatellite $$K$$$$alpha$$ X rays around 6 keV. This signature reflects the time-dependent screening of the nuclear charge by the negative muon and the $$L$$-shell electrons, accompanied by electron side-feeding. Assisted by a simulation, this data clearly reveals the electronic $$K$$- and $$L$$-shell hole production and their temporal evolution during the muon cascade process.

Journal Articles

Evolution of Fe 3$$d$$ impurity band state as the origin of high Curie temperature in the $$p$$-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb

Takeda, Takahito*; Sakamoto, Shoya*; Araki, Kosei*; Fujisawa, Yuita*; Anh, L. D.*; Tu, N. T.*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Fujimori, Shinichi; Fujimori, Atsushi*; Tanaka, Masaaki*; et al.

Physical Review B, 102(24), p.245203_1 - 245203_8, 2020/12

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:37.82(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Impact hammer test of ITER blanket remote handling system

Noguchi, Yuto; Maruyama, Takahito; Ueno, Kenichi; Komai, Masafumi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

Fusion Engineering and Design, 109-111(Part B), p.1291 - 1295, 2016/11

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.37(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This paper reports the impact hammer test of the full-scale mock-up of ITER Blanket Remote Handling system (BRHS). Since the BRHS, which is composed of the articulated rail and the vehicle manipulator which travels on the rail deployed in the vacuum vessel, is subjected to the floor response spectrum with 14 G peak at 8 Hz, evaluation of dynamic response of the system is of essential importance. Recently impact hammer testing on the full-scale mock-up of the BRHS was carried out to verify the finite element method seismic analysis and to experimentally obtain the damping ratio of the system. The results showed that the mock-up has a vertical major natural mode with a natural frequency of 7.5 Hz and a damping ratio of 0.5%. While higher structural damping ratios is predicted in a high amplitude excitation such as major earthquake, it was confirmed that the experimental natural major frequencies are in agreement with the major frequencies obtained by elastic dynamic analysis.

Journal Articles

Seismic analysis of the ITER blanket remote handling system

Noguchi, Yuto; Maruyama, Takahito; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2015/05

This paper reports the seismic analysis of the ITER Blanket RH system (BRHS) during blanket module handling operation. Since the BRHS, which is composed of the articulated rail and the vehicle manipulator, which travels on the rail deployed in the vacuum vessel in the toroidal direction, has various configurations and the rail system has flexibility, evaluation of dynamic response of the system is of essential importance. Via parameter sensitivity study on position and posture of the vehicle manipulator, the most unfavorable configuration for each component of the BRHS has been specified by the modal and spectrum analyses with the global BRHS FE model. Then using the quasi-static equivalent loads on the individual components obtained by the global BRHS seismic analysis, the structural verifications of the structural members of the BRHS have been carried out with detailed partial FE models. The system seismic resistance of the BRHS to a safe shutdown earthquake was confirmed.

Journal Articles

Availability analysis of the ITER blanket remote handling system

Maruyama, Takahito; Noguchi, Yuto; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 10(Sp.2), p.3405010_1 - 3405010_4, 2015/02

Journal Articles

Robot vision system R&D for ITER blanket remote-handling system

Maruyama, Takahito; Aburadani, Atsushi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi; Nakahira, Masataka; Tesini, A.*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 89(9-10), p.2404 - 2408, 2014/10

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:46.22(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Preliminary assessment for dust contamination of ITER in-vessel transporter

Saito, Makiko; Ueno, Kenichi; Maruyama, Takahito; Murakami, Shin; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi; Nakahira, Masataka*; Tesini, A.*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 89(9-10), p.2352 - 2356, 2014/10

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:51.45(Nuclear Science & Technology)

After plasma operation of the ITER reactor, irradiated radioactive dust will accumulate in the vacuum vessel (VV). The In Vessel Transporter (IVT) will be installed in the VV and remove the blanket modules for maintenance. The IVT will be carried back to the Hot Cell Facilities (HCF) after exchanging the blanket, and the IVT itself also needs maintenance. It is considered that the maintenance workers will be exposed to the irradiated radioactive dust attached to the IVT surface. In this study, dust contamination of the IVT is evaluated to assess exposure during maintenance work in the HCF. The IVT contamination scenario is assumed in the ITER project. From plasma shut down until maintenance is performed on the IVT will take 345 days under the ITER project assumption. Under this scenario, the effective dose rate from irradiated radioactive dust was calculated as an infinite plate for each nuclide. As a result, W-181 and Ta-182 were the dominant nuclides for the effective dose rate. If all dust is W-181 or Ta-182, the effective dose rate is about 400 $$mu$$Sv/h and 100 $$mu$$Sv/h respectively. Nevertheless, using the dose limit determined by the ITER project and the estimated maximum maintenance time, the effective dose rate limit was calculated to be 4.18 $$mu$$Sv/h under these limited conditions. To satisfy the dose rate limit, decontamination processes were assumed and the dose rate after decontamination was evaluated.

Journal Articles

Dust removal experiments for ITER blanket remote handling system

Ueno, Kenichi; Aburadani, Atsushi; Saito, Makiko; Maruyama, Takahito; Takeda, Nobukazu; Murakami, Shin; Kakudate, Satoshi

Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 9, p.1405012_1 - 1405012_4, 2014/02

Journal Articles

Argon retentivity of carbonaceous materials; Feasibility of kerogen as a carrier phase of Q-noble gases in primitive meteorites

Osawa, Takahito; Hirao, Norie; Takeda, Nobuyori*; Baba, Yuji

Earth Planets and Space, 61(8), p.1003 - 1011, 2009/10

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:12.56(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

To verify that kerogen is a carrier phase of Q-noble gases, XAS and XPS using synchrotron radiation were carried on for kerogens (coals) and carbon allotropes that had been bombarded by 3-keV Ar ions, and the Ar retentivities of the two materials were compared. This comparison of the estimated Ar concentrations in the target materials revealed that carbon allotropes (graphite, fullerene, carbon nanotube, and diamond) have a much higher Ar retentivity than kerogens. This unexpected result clearly shows that the terrestrial kerogens tested in our study are not suitable as a carrier phase of Ar and, consequently, that phase Q may not be similar to the terrestrial kerogen tested. If heavy noble gases are really concentrated in carbonaceous components of primitive meteorites, phase Q may have a more ordered structure than terrestrial kerogen based on the fact that the greatest difference between terrestrial kerogen and carbon allotropes is the degree of order of the molecular structure.

Journal Articles

Radiation-induced swelling and softening in magnesium aluminate spinel irradiated with high-flux Cu$$^{-}$$ ions

Lee, C. G.; Omura, Takahito*; Takeda, Yoshihiko*; Matsuoka, Saburo*; Kishimoto, Naoki*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 326(2-3), p.211 - 216, 2004/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:28.88(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Magnesium aluminate spinel of single crystal was irradiated with 60 keV Cu$$^{-}$$ at a dose rate up to 100 $$mu$$A/cm$$^{2}$$, to a total dose of 3$$times$$10$$^{16}$$ ions/cm$$^{2}$$, in order to study changes in hardness and step-height swelling by high-flux implantation. Hardness determined by nano-indentation measurements steeply decreased with implantation. There is a strong negative correlation between dose-rate dependences of the hardness and the step-height swelling: the former decreases as the latter increases. The Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS)/channeling measurements showed that the spinel is not completely amorphized over the dose-rate range in this study, and the radiation-induced softening observed is not due to amorphization. Results of optical absorbance suggested that radiation-induced point defects and their clusters on the anion sublattices of the spinel played an important role in the radiation-induced swelling under high-flux ion implantation.

Oral presentation

Development of radiation hard components for ITER remote maintenance robot

Noguchi, Yuto; Maruyama, Takahito; Anzai, Katsunori; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Efficient camera calibration and edge detection of robot vision system for ITER blanket remote handling system

Maruyama, Takahito; Noguchi, Yuto; Ueno, Kenichi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

no journal, , 

In the vacuum vessel of ITER, the blanket modules will be handled by a huge robotic manipulator that travels on a rail which has been deployed into the vessel. This system is called the ITER blanket remote handling system. A robot vision system using two cameras was developed for rough positioning of that system. Previous testing confirmed that the manipulator satisfies the required positioning accuracy with that robot vision system. However, these tests also showed that camera calibration and edge detection take quite some time since precise camera positioning is needed to calibrate the cameras, and parameters need to be adjusted during operations for edge detection. To improve camera calibration, software image transformation to correct the misalignment of cameras was adopted. Using this method, positioning of cameras does not affect accuracy of the robot vision system, and thus precise positioning of cameras is not necessary. To improve edge detection, we adopted smaller apertures for a wider depth of field, edge dilation for connecting edges, and the Sobel operator for detecting the edges of the modules. These methods make edge detection robust and the adjustment of parameters unnecessary. Through testing we confirmed that these methods make the robot vision system more efficient.

Oral presentation

Remote control methods for a robot arm working in a radiation environment

Maruyama, Takahito; Noguchi, Yuto; Ueno, Kenichi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Progress of procurement activity of the ITER blanket remote handling system

Noguchi, Yuto; Maruyama, Takahito; Komai, Masafumi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Decontamination assessment for ITER blanket remote handling system

Saito, Makiko; Maruyama, Takahito; Ueno, Kenichi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

no journal, , 

In ITER, after plasma operation, The Blanket Remote Handling System (BRHS) will be installed in the vacuum vessel and it will remove and install the shield blanket module. BRHS will undergo hands-on maintenance in the maintenance area after the exchange of the shield blanket module. Since BRHS will be contaminated the radioactive dust in the vacuum vessel, the workers will be exposed by radioactive dust. In this study, potential contaminated areas and their respective dose rates from the BRHS using MCNP5 code to assess the exposure of maintenance workers. The assessment was performed using 3 types of equipment, vehicle manipulator, combination of cable handling and rail support, and sliding beam, which are installed in vacuum vessel or port. The dose calculations used the nuclides Ta-182 and W-181 and the dose was calculated from each of the 20 points spaced evenly around the equipment. As a result, there are some local points with high dose rates, which are exceed the target of acceptable dose limit for hands-on work in ITER (5 $$mu$$Sv/h) in vehicle manipulator and combination of cable handling and rail support. To decrease the dose rate, lead blocks were used for shielding and as a result, the dose rate decreased to around 2.5 $$mu$$Sv/h using 5 mm and 10 mm lead shielding.

Oral presentation

Development of the blanket remote handling system for ITER

Noguchi, Yuto; Maruyama, Takahito; Anzai, Katsunori; Kozaka, Hiroshi; Kazawa, Minoru; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of a 3D elemental imaging system with muonic X-ray measurement using the CdTe detectors

Chiu, I.-H.; Osawa, Takahito; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Katsuragawa, Miho*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kubo, Kenya*; Mizumoto, Kazumi*; Saito, Tsutomu*; Umegaki, Izumi*; et al.

no journal, , 

Non-destructive elemental analysis method has been developed for the materials by high-energy muon-characteristic X-rays measurement. To further improve the method, we have also utilized two-dimensional cadmium telluride hard X-ray detectors (CdTe-DSDs) for the muonic X-rays measurement to obtain the 3D elemental distribution of the sample. In this work, a 3D imaging system has been created using four CdTe-DSDs. The experiment of 3D elemental imaging for archaeological materials was performed using a negative muon beam at J-PARC/MUSE, and the three-dimensional distribution of silicon and oxygen was confirmed. This presentation introduces the research progress so far.

Oral presentation

R&D of remote maintenance robot for International Thermonuclear Experimental Fusion Reactor (ITER)

Maruyama, Takahito; Aburadani, Atsushi; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi

no journal, , 

The experimental fusion reactor "ITER", which is being built in France, is going to be maintained by robots because the working environment is radioactive. We have developed a robot manipulator to investigate the feasibility of robotic maintenance of the ITER. As the positioning method of the manipulator, we adopted virtual reality, robot vision and force control. This manuscript intends to discuss the inaccuracy of robot vision with regard to calibration error.

35 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)