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Journal Articles

Magnetic and transport properties of the pseudobrookite Al$$_{1-x}$$Ti$$_{2+x}$$O$$_{5}$$ single crystals

Takahama, Ryusei*; Arizono, Mitsutoshi*; Indo, Daigo*; Yoshinaga, Taisei*; Terakura, Chieko*; Takeshita, Nao*; Shirasaki, Takumi*; Noda, Masaaki*; Kuwahara, Hideki*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 38, p.011114_1 - 011114_6, 2023/05

Journal Articles

Structural, magnetic, transport, and thermoelectric properties of the pseudobrookite AlTi$$_{2}$$O$$_{5}$$-Ti$$_{3}$$O$$_{5}$$ system

Takahama, Ryusei*; Ishii, Toi*; Indo, Daigo*; Arizono, Mitsutoshi*; Terakura, Chieko*; Tokura, Yoshinori*; Takeshita, Nao*; Noda, Masaaki*; Kuwahara, Hideki*; Saiki, Takuo*; et al.

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 4(7), p.074401_1 - 074401_11, 2020/07

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:47.44(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Effects of diluents on the separation of minor actinides from lanthanides with tetradodecyl-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-diamide from nitric acid medium

Tsutsui, Nao; Ban, Yasutoshi; Suzuki, Hideya*; Nakase, Masahiko*; Ito, Sayumi*; Inaba, Yusuke*; Matsumura, Tatsuro; Takeshita, Kenji*

Analytical Sciences, 36(2), p.241 - 246, 2020/02

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:81.92(Chemistry, Analytical)

To investigate the effective separation of actinides (Ans) from lanthanides (Lns), single-stage batch extraction experiments were performed with a novel extractant, tetradodecyl-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-diamide (TDdPTDA) with various diluents such as 3-nitrobenzotrifluoride (F-3), nitrobenzene, and ${it n}$-dodecane for Am, Cm, and Lns. The extraction kinetics with TDdPTDA was rapid enough to perform the actual extraction flow sheet. The slopes of the distribution ratio versus TDdPTDA concentration and the distribution ratio versus nitric acid concentration were similar for F-3 and nitrobenzene systems but different from ${it n}$-dodecane system. These differences were attributed to the characteristics of the diluents. This study reveals high distribution ratios of Am (${it D}$ $$_{Am}$$) and Cm (${it D}$ $$_{Cm}$$) for TDdPTDA, with the high separation factors (${it SF}$s) of Am from Lns enough for their separation.

Journal Articles

Deformation-driven $$p$$-wave halos at the drip-line; $$^{31}$$Ne

Nakamura, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Nobuyuki*; Kondo, Yosuke*; Sato, Yoshiteru*; Tostevin, J. A.*; Utsuno, Yutaka; Aoi, Nori*; Baba, Hidetada*; Fukuda, Naoki*; Gibelin, J.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 112(14), p.142501_1 - 142501_5, 2014/04

 Times Cited Count:71 Percentile:91.56(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

Halo structure of the island of inversion nucleus $$^{31}$$Ne

Nakamura, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Nobuyuki*; Kondo, Yosuke*; Sato, Yoshiteru*; Aoi, Nori*; Baba, Hidetada*; Deguchi, Shigeki*; Fukuda, Naoki*; Gibelin, J.*; Inabe, Naoto*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 103(26), p.262501_1 - 262501_4, 2009/12

 Times Cited Count:207 Percentile:97.52(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

Anomalous metallic state in the vicinity of metal to valence-bond solid insulator transition in LiVS$$_{2}$$

Katayama, Naoyuki*; Uchida, Masaya*; Hashizume, Daisuke*; Niitaka, Seiji*; Matsuno, Jobu*; Matsumura, Daiju; Nishihata, Yasuo; Mizuki, Junichiro; Takeshita, Nao*; Gauzzi, A.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 103(14), p.146405_1 - 146405_4, 2009/10

 Times Cited Count:66 Percentile:89.42(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We investigate LiVS$$_{2}$$ and LiVSe$$_{2}$$ with a triangular lattice as itinerant analogues of LiVO$$_{2}$$ known for the formation of a valence-bond solid (VBS) state out of an S = 1 frustrated magnet. LiVS$$_{2}$$, which is located at the border between a metal and a correlated insulator, shows a first order transition from a paramagnetic metal to a VBS insulator at T$$_{c}$$ $$sim$$ 305 K upon cooling. The presence of a VBS state in the close vicinity of insulator-metal transition may suggest the importance of itinerancy in the formation of a VBS state. We argue that the high temperature metallic phase of LiVS$$_{2}$$ has a pseudogap, likely originating from the VBS fluctuation. LiVSe$$_{2}$$ was found to be a paramagnetic metal down to 2 K.

Journal Articles

High-pressure synthesis and physical properties of new iron (nickel)-based superconductors

Shirage, P. M.*; Miyazawa, Kiichi*; Ishikado, Motoyuki; Kiho, Kunihiro*; Lee, C.-H.*; Takeshita, Nao*; Matsuhata, Hirofumi*; Kumai, Reiji*; Tomioka, Yasuhide*; Ito, Toshimitsu*; et al.

Physica C, 469(9-12), p.355 - 369, 2009/06

 Times Cited Count:40 Percentile:79.28(Physics, Applied)

We have utilized a high-pressure (HP) technique to synthesize a series of newly-discovered iron (nickel)-based superconductors. The effect of (O)-deficiency, variation of $$Ln$$ ions, and the external pressure on $$T$$$$_{rm c}$$ are examined. All the experimental data indicate strong correlation between the crystal structure and the superconductivity of the oxypnictide superconductors. Upper critical field measurement on single crystalline sample of PrFeAsO$$_{1-y}$$ shows the superconducting anisotropy of 5, which is smaller than cuprates. We also demonstrate that HP technique is applicable for the so-called "122" systems.

Journal Articles

Beamline for surface and interface structures at SPring-8

Sakata, Osami*; Furukawa, Yukito*; Goto, Shunji*; Mochizuki, Tetsuro*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Takeshita, Kunikazu*; Ohashi, Haruhiko*; Ohata, Toru*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*; Takahashi, Sunao*; et al.

Surface Review and Letters, 10(2&3), p.543 - 547, 2003/04

 Times Cited Count:143 Percentile:96.32(Chemistry, Physical)

The main components of a new beamline for surface and interface crystal structure determination at SPring-8 are briefly described. Stages for the beamline monochromator are modified for making an incident X-ray intensity more stable for surface X-ray experiments. Absolute photon flux densities were measured with an incident photon energy. A new ultrahigh vacuum system is introduced with preliminary X-ray measurements from an ordered oxygen on Pt(111) surface.

Journal Articles

Pressure effect on antiferromagnetic ordering in UIn$$_3$$

Haga, Yoshinori; Honda, Fuminori*; Eto, Tetsujiro*; Omi, Gendo*; Kagayama, Tomoko*; Takeshita, Nao*; Mori, Nobuo*; Nakanishi, Takeshi*; Tokiwa, Yoshifumi*; Aoki, Dai*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 71(8), p.2019 - 2021, 2002/08

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:52.29(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Pressure phase diagram of the antiferromagnet UIn3 was constructed from the electrical resistivity measurement under high pressures up to 9 GPa. Neel temperature increases monotonically with increasing pressure from 88 K at ambient pressure to 127 K at 9 GPa. We observed an additional resistive anomaly at 21 K under 1.4 GPa. This anomaly brings about an increase of the residual resistivity. The transition temperature decreases gradually with increasing pressure and disappears around 8 GPa.

Journal Articles

Construction and commissioning of a 215-m-long beamline at SPring-8

Goto, Shunji*; Takeshita, Kunikazu*; Suzuki, Yoshio*; Ohashi, Haruhiko*; Asano, Yoshihiro; Kimura, Hiroaki*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*; Yagi, Naoto*; Isshiki, Maiko*; Yamazaki, H.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 467-468(Part1), p.682 - 685, 2001/07

 Times Cited Count:143 Percentile:99.12(Instruments & Instrumentation)

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Journal Articles

Construction and commissioning of a 215-m-long beamline at SPring-8

Goto, Shunji*; Takeshita, Kunikazu*; Suzuki, Yoshio*; Ohashi, Haruhiko*; Asano, Yoshihiro; Kimura, Hiroaki*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*; Yagi, Naoto*; Isshiki, M.*; Yamazaki, H.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 467-468(Part1), p.682 - 685, 2001/07

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Journal Articles

Current status of criticality safety experiment in NUCEF and its enhancement of facility function toward Pu experiment

Takeshita, Isao; Ono, Akio; Izawa, Naoki*; Miyoshi, Yoshinori; Maeda, Atsushi; Sugikawa, Susumu; Miyauchi, Masakatsu

Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC '99), p.1512 - 1576, 1999/09

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JAEA Reports

Construction of STACY(Static Experiment Critical Facility)

Murakami, Kiyonobu; ; Hirose, Hideyuki; ; ; ; Sakuraba, Koichi; ; ; ; et al.

JAERI-Tech 98-033, 70 Pages, 1998/08


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Journal Articles

Review of the STACY & TRACY experiment programs since their first criticality

Tonoike, Kotaro; Nakajima, Ken; Miyoshi, Yoshinori; Izawa, Naoki; Ono, Akio; Okazaki, Shuji; Takeshita, Isao

Proc. of 5th Int. Nucl. Conf. on Recycling, Conditioning and Disposal (RECOD '98), 1, p.54 - 61, 1998/00

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Journal Articles

Present status and prospects of NUCEF project; Fuel cycle safety engineering research

Takeshita, Isao; Maeda, Mitsuru; Miyoshi, Yoshinori; Ono, Akio; Okazaki, Shuji; Nakajima, Ken; Fujine, Sachio; Kubota, Masumitsu; Muraoka, Susumu; Ara, Katsuyuki; et al.

Genshiryoku Kogyo, 43(9), p.1 - 37, 1997/09

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JAEA Reports

Seismic design of reactors in NUCEF

; ; ; ; ; Sakuraba, Koichi; Izawa, Naoki; Takeshita, Isao

JAERI-Tech 97-010, 276 Pages, 1997/03


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Journal Articles

Construction of new critical experiment facilities in JAERI

Takeshita, Isao; ; ; Tonoike, Kotaro; ; Miyoshi, Yoshinori; Nakajima, Ken; Izawa, Naoki

3rd JSME/ASME Joint Int. Conf. on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE), 4, p.1881 - 1886, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

New critical facilities toward their first criticality, STACY and TRACY in NUCEF

Tonoike, Kotaro; Izawa, Naoki; Okazaki, Shuji; Sugikawa, Susumu; Takeshita, Isao;

ICNC 95: 5th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Criticality Safety,Vol. II, 0, p.10.25 - 10.32, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

Nearing completion of NUCEF construction; Present status and prospects of NUCEF project

Tsujino, Takeshi; Naito, Yoshitaka; Maeda, Mitsuru; ; Hoshi, Michio; Izawa, Naoki; Takeshita, Isao; ; Okazaki, Shuji; Dojiri, Shigeru

Genshiryoku Kogyo, 40(5), p.9 - 59, 1994/00

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Journal Articles

Safety research programs in NUCEF for fuel cycle back-end facilities

Tsujino, Takeshi; Takeshita, Isao; Izawa, Naoki;

Topical meeting,Safety of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, 0, p.124 - 137, 1994/00

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26 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)