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Hirayama, Hideo*; Kawasaki, Masatsugu; Matsumura, Hiroshi*; Okura, Takehisa; Namito, Yoshihito*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Taki, Mitsumasa; Oishi, Tetsuya; Yoshizawa, Michio
Insights Concerning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident, Vol.4; Endeavors by Scientists, p.295 - 307, 2021/10
Hirayama, Hideo*; Kawasaki, Masatsugu; Matsumura, Hiroshi*; Okura, Takehisa; Namito, Yoshihito*; Sanami, Toshiya*; Taki, Mitsumasa; Oishi, Tetsuya; Yoshizawa, Michio
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 13(3), p.119 - 126, 2014/09
A method of deducing the I-131 concentration in a radioactive plume from the time history of peak count rates determined from pulse height spectra obtained from an NaI(Tl)scintillation detector employed as a detector of a monitoring post was presented. The concentrations of I-131 in the plumes were estimated from the count rates using the calculated response of the NaI(Tl) detector with egs5 for a model of a plume uniformly containing I-131. This method was applied to the data from the monitoring posts at Nuclear Science Research Institutes of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The estimated time history variation of I-131 concentrations in plumes was in fair agreement with those measured directly by an air sampling method. The difference was less than a factor of 4 for plumes that arrived on March 15 and March 21, indicating relatively high I-131 concentrations among the plumes studied in this work.
Okura, Takehisa; Oishi, Tetsuya; Taki, Mitsumasa; Shibanuma, Yukio; Kikuchi, Masamitsu; Akino, Hitoshi; Kikuta, Yasuaki; Kawasaki, Masatsugu; Saegusa, Jun; Tsutsumi, Masahiro; et al.
JAEA-Data/Code 2012-010, 37 Pages, 2012/05
Due to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake occurred at 11th March 2011, the emergency environmental radiation monitoring was conducted at Nuclear Science Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). This report provides the monitoring results of ambient -ray dose rate and atmospheric radioactivity concentration until the beginning of June 2011. Some anthropogenic radionuclides such as Cs-134, Cs-137, I-131, I-132, Te-132, Xe-133 and others were detected from air samples. The atmospheric radioactivity concentrations varied with some peaks corresponded with that of ambient -ray dose rate after 15th March 2011. Composition of each peak showed various characteristic. Internal exposure caused by inhalation was estimated from the observed atmospheric radioactivity.
Kikuchi, Masamitsu; Taki, Mitsumasa; Kume, Etsuo; Kobayashi, Hideo*; Yamada, Toshio*; Yamaguchi, Takenori
JAERI-Data/Code 2004-006, 146 Pages, 2004/03
The nuclear facilities, which are required to control the released radioactive gases and liquid, exist in Tokai research establishment as much as 40. These radioactive controls are carried out complying with the statutes in each facility. The released radioactivity data of each facility must be reported to MEXT and Ibaraki Prefecture from Tokai Research Establishment. This system is developed to make the database gathering the radioactivity data of each facilities for unitary control as Tokai Research Establishment and contribute to make the reports to MEXT and Ibaraki Prefecture.
Kashima, Yoichi; Taki, Mitsumasa; Kikuchi, Masamitsu; Sasajima, Hideo; Nakamura, Takehiko
JAERI-Tech 2003-088, 100 Pages, 2003/12
A new experiment plan is in progress to perform pulse-irradiation experiments at the NSRR with irradiated fuel rods in the high temperature and high pressure capsules. This report describes the results of the public dose evaluation for the design basis accident and postulated accidents with the models that follow the ICRP Publication 60. It was confirmed that the results met the criteria for safety design and siting with ample margins.
Taki, Mitsumasa; Kikuchi, Masamitsu; Kobayashi, Hideo*; Yamaguchi, Takenori
JAERI-Data/Code 2003-006, 99 Pages, 2003/05
A computer code (EDAS) was developed to assess the public dose for the safety assessment to get the license of nuclear reactor operation. This code system is used for the safety analysis of public around the nuclear reactor in case of normal operation and severe accident. This code was revised and composed for personal computer user according to the Nuclear Safety Guidelines reflected the ICRP1990 recommendation. These guidelines are revised by Nuclear Safety Commission on March, 2001, which are “Weather analysis guideline for the safety assessment of nuclear power reactor", “ Public dose around the facility assessment guideline corresponding to the objective value for nuclear power light water reactor" and “Public dose assessment guideline for safety review of nuclear power light water reactor". This code has been already opened for public user by JAERI, and English version code and user manual are prepared moreover. This English version code is helpful for international cooperation concerning the nuclear safety assessment with JAERI.
; Yoshida, Makoto; Oi, Yoshihiro; Taki, Mitsumasa; Manabe, Iwao
Radioisotopes, 48(11), p.32 - 36, 1999/11
no abstracts in English
; Oi, Yoshihiro; Taki, Mitsumasa; Kawasaki, Katsuya; Yoshida, Makoto
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 50(6), p.1057 - 1061, 1999/00
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:53.13(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)no abstracts in English
S.B.Samat*; Oi, Yoshihiro; Taki, Mitsumasa; ; Yoshida, Makoto; Minami, Kentaro
JAERI-Tech 95-010, 51 Pages, 1995/03
no abstracts in English
Taki, Mitsumasa; Kobayashi, Hideo; Suzuki, Takashi; Shimizu, Isamu
JAERI-M 90-206, 345 Pages, 1990/11
no abstracts in English
Taki, Mitsumasa; Okura, Takehisa; Oishi, Tetsuya
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Kawasaki, Masatsugu; Omori, Shuhei; Taki, Mitsumasa; Oishi, Tetsuya
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English