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Journal Articles

Human interface of distributed plant monitoring and diagnosis system at "Monju"

Mizuno, Manabu*; Okusa, Kyoichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi

Proceedings of International Symposium on Symbiotic Nuclear Power Systems for 21st Century (ISSNP) (CD-ROM), p.148 - 153, 2007/07

In the nuclear plants, it is required to detect an anomaly as early as possible and to inhibit adverse consequences. This requirement is especially important for the prototype Fast Breeder Reactor "Monju". Therefore, the monitoring and diagnosis system is required to be developed for "Monju" plant equipments. In these days, such a monitoring and diagnosis system can be realized using web technology with rationalized system resources due to remarkable progress of computer network technology. Then, we developed a platform based on web technology for the monitoring and diagnosis system of "Monju". Distributed architecture, standardization and highly flexible system structure have been taken account of in development. This newly developed platform and the prototype monitoring and diagnosis system have been validated. The system on the platform acquires "Monju" plant data and displays the data on client computers using "Monju" intranet with acceptable delay times.

JAEA Reports

Study on Thermal Electric Conversion System for Sodium cooled FBR; Investigation for development of thermoelectric materials and systematic technology

Suzuki, Ryosuke*; Tanabe, Kentaro*; kondo, koki*; Ono, Katsutoshi*; Toda, Shinichi; Kasagawa, Yusuke; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Oketani, Kazuhiro*

JNC TY4400 2003-004, 214 Pages, 2003/08


Recently, it has been important to reuse discharged heat energy from present nuclear plants in the view of reduction of environmental burden and improvement of heat efficiency for plant. For practical use in future of sodium cooled FBRs, which are typical high temperature system, this issue must be given priority. The thermal electric conversion system has been applied to the limited uses such as space or military, however, that results show good merits for reliability, maintenance free, and so on. Recently, this technology has been reconsidered in the view of saving energy in general industry. In this study, we made an investigation for applicability of the thermal electric conversion system to sodium cooled FBR as a heat recovery techbnology. Exactly, We have carried out the fundamental research and development for thermoelectric materials and elements, development of modules, and sodium tests with those modules, and then, we acquired the fundamental knowledge to estimate the efficiencies of thermal electric conversion system or modules for a sodium cooled FBR.

JAEA Reports


Murai, Yuichi*; Yamamoto, Fujio*; Ishikawa, Masaaki*; Sakai, Kosuke*; Oiwa, Hiroshi*; Toda, Shinichi; Yoshikawa, Shinji; Tamayama, Kiyoshi

JNC TY4400 2003-006, 75 Pages, 2003/06



Journal Articles

Optical vibration monitoring system by means of CCD camera and retro-reflector

Ishikawa, Kazuhiko*; Asada, Katsuhiko*; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Ueda, Masahiro*

Reza Kenkyu, 30(2), p.91 - 93, 2002/00


Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 4; Verification of Fanpsy code based on the test operation data of the water steam circuit

Mitsumoto, Rika*; Kimura, Koichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Watanabe, Hisao*

no journal, , 

Monju plant dynamics code Fanpsy to analyze transient of a water steam circuit start-up bypass analysis model was build, based on an actual component valve characteristic, and Fanpsy was verified by analysis of water steam circuit start-up tests.

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 1; Development plan

Yamada, Fumiaki; Kimura, Koichi; Jo, Takahisa; Mori, Takero; Morizono, Koji; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Miyakawa, Akira

no journal, , 

In this report that development plan of Monju plant dynamics analysis code.

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 5; Verification of Fanpsy code based on the test operation data at 40% rated power start up

Kimura, Koichi; Mitsumoto, Rika*; Muranaka, Makoto; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Watanabe, Hisao*

no journal, , 

Monju plant dynamics code Fanpsy to analyze transient of a main feed-water pumpmodel was build, based on an actual component valve characteristic, and Fanpsywas verified by analysis of 40% power start-up tests.

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 6; Plant dynamics analyses for the Monju performance test

Kimura, Koichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Miyakawa, Akira

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 9; Response analysis of feed water control during FWPs changeover operation

Honda, Kei; Kimura, Koichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Mitsumoto, Rika*; Araki, Kosuke*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 8; Analysis of feed water system during power up operation by water-steam system dynamics code Fanpsy

Mitsumoto, Rika*; Kimura, Koichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Watanabe, Hisao*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Multi level flow modeling of Monju nuclear power plant

Yoshikawa, Hidekazu; Lind, M.*; J${o}$rgensen, S. B.*; Yang, M.*; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Okusa, Kyoichi

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 11; Evaluation of characteristics of feed-water flow control system

Mitsumoto, Rika; Kimura, Koichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Suzuki, Satoshi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Development of Monju plant dynamics analysis code, 14; A Pressure dynamics analyses estimate for high power operation

Kimura, Koichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Okusa, Kyoichi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Dead time measurement applied to Monju using wavelet analysis

Mitsumoto, Rika*; Okusa, Kyoichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Shin, Seiichi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Application of correlational method to calibration of "Monju" sodium flow meter

Mizuno, Manabu*; Okusa, Kyoichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Dead time measurement of nuclear plant using wavelet analysis

Mitsumoto, Rika*; Okusa, Kyoichi; Tamayama, Kiyoshi; Shin, Seiichi*

no journal, , 

19 (Records 1-19 displayed on this page)
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