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Lee, S.*; Nakata, Koki; Tchernyshyov, O.*; Kim, S. K.*
Physical Review B, 107(18), p.184432_1 - 184432_12, 2023/05
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:85.88(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We theoretically investigate the interaction between magnons and a Skyrmion-textured domain wall in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet and elucidate the resultant properties of magnon transport. Using supersymmetric quantum mechanics, we solve the scattering problem of magnons on top of the domain wall and obtain the exact solutions of propagating and bound magnon modes. Then, we find their properties of reflection and refraction in the Skyrmion-textured domain wall, where magnons experience an emergent magnetic field due to its non-trivial spin texture-induced effective gauge field. Finally, we show that the thermal transport decreases as the domain wall's chirality increases. Our results suggest that the thermal transport of an antiferromagnet is tunable by modulating the Skyrmion charge density of the domain wall.
Lee, S.*; Nakata, Koki; Tchernyshyov, O.*; Kim, S. K.*
Proceedings of IEEE International Magnetics Conference 2023 (INTERMAG 2023) (Internet), 2 Pages, 2023/05
Lee, S.*; Nakata, Koki; Tchernyshyov, O.*; Kim, S. K.*
no journal, ,
Using supersymmetric quantum mechanics, we solve the scattering problem of magnons on top of the domain wall and obtain the exact solutions of propagating and bound magnon modes. We then find their properties of reflection and refraction in the Skyrmion textured domain wall, where magnons experience an emergent magnetic field due to its non-trivial spin texture induced effective gauge field. Next, we show that thermal transport decreases as the domain wall's chirality increases. Finally, thermal transport of an antiferromagnet is shown to be tunable by modulating the Skyrmion charge density of the domain wall, which might be useful for realizing electrically tunable spin caloritronic devices.