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Journal Articles

Analysis of sludge in the dissolver and survey of the behavior of zirconium molybdate

Kondo, Yoshikazu; Uchida, Naoki; Terunuma, Hirotaka; Tanaka, Kosuke; Oyama, Koichi; Katsurai, Kiyomichi; Washiya, Tadahiro

Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Sustainable Options & Industrial Perspectives (Global 2009) (CD-ROM), p.277 - 280, 2009/09

The composition of sludge in the dissolver after dissolution of PWR and ATR fuels at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) was analyzed. As a result the presence of zirconium molybdate was confirmed by the analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD). To clarify the formation behavior of the precipitates of zirconium molybdate, investigated the dependence of HNO$$_{3}$$ concentration on the precipitation with Mo and Zr solution. To evaluate the adhesion on the metal surface (stainless steel and Ti metal), the deposition amounts of the precipitates of zirconium molybdate on the metal were also examined. In addition, it reports on the comparative result of executing a chemical dissolution of the precipitates by using the solutions of NaOH, C$$_{2}$$H$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$-HNO$$_{3}$$ and H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$-HNO$$_{3}$$.

Oral presentation

Dissolution test on the sludge of the dissolver

Sugai, Eiji; Terunuma, Hirotaka; Otani, Takehisa; Hikita, Keiichi; Hatanaka, Akira; Samoto, Hirotaka; Okano, Masanori; Hayashi, Shinichiro

no journal, , 

A dissolution test of the sludge gathered from the dissolver of Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) was performed for the purpose of eliminating of the sludge, which deposited in the dissolver and clogged pipes equipped in the dissolver. In the result, the sludge consisted primarily of ZrMo$$_{2}$$O$$_{7}$$(OH)$$_{2}$$(H$$_{2}$$O)$$_{2}$$ and was possible to eliminate at the rate of about 80% by using NaOH and HNO$$_{3}$$ reagent which was commonly-used in the PUREX process. From this experimental result, it is thought that the method of using NaOH and HNO$$_{3}$$ reagent is effective method for the elimination of the sludge which deposited in the dissolver.

Oral presentation

Development of the washing device for dissolver, 2; Application of the high-pressure water washing device

Terunuma, Hirotaka; Shimoyamada, Tetsuya; Kogawa, Takayuki; Kikuchi, Hideki; Miyoshi, Ryuta; Yokota, Satoru; Nakamura, Yoshinobu; Hayashi, Shinichiro

no journal, , 

We have developed dissolver cleaning device which can clean up sludge inside dissolver with high pressure water spray. The device has been applied to TRP dissolvers and the sludge has been cleaned up successfully. This allowed smooth solution transfer and stable operation of the dissolvers.

Oral presentation

Clogging removal technique of translation device in dissolving process

Nakamura, Daishi; Kikuchi, Hideki; Terunuma, Hirotaka; Uchida, Naoki; Tanaka, Yukiyoshi

no journal, , 

Sludge generated in the dissolution vessel deposit on storage vessel and caused translation pipe to be choked. It is difficult to remove sludge from vessel and translation piping for few of accessible point in this line and high radioactive environment. In this report, we report on the blockage removal device and method in translation piping adapted on existing machine in order to establish sludge removal technique.

Oral presentation

Clean-up activity of spent fuel powder (UO$$_{2}$$ powder) in mechanical treatment cell at Tokai Reprocessing Plant

Furuuchi, Yuta; Sato, Shinji; Yatabe, Hitoshi; Yokota, Satoru; Yamada, Takashi; Yahagi, Fumio; Terunuma, Hirotaka; Tokoro, Takeshi; Takahashi, Akihiro; Iijima, Shizuka; et al.

no journal, , 

Clean-up activity of spent fuel powder (UO$$_{2}$$ powder) in mechanical treatment cell was performed for the purpose of the preparation of decommissioning at TRP. For the clean-up activity, we selected an inexpensive vacuum cleaner and made tools, that was improved taking into account of use by means of a crane or a manipulator in the high dose cell, and applied it after a mock-up test. We report our experience and knowledge provided through this clean-up activity.

Oral presentation

The Supports for local governments used the walking survey

Terunuma, Hirotaka; Tanaka, Kiwamu; Kabumoto, Hiroshi; Haginoya, Masashi; Sano, Naruto; Takahashi, Masatomi; Hoshino, Masato; Aoki, Isao; Asazuma, Shinichiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Removal technologies for the sludge arising in dissolver due to reprocessing at Tokai Reprocessing Plant

Sugai, Eiji; Hata, Katsuro; Kikuchi, Hideki; Terunuma, Hirotaka; Uchida, Naoki; Taguchi, Katsuya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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