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田辺 鴻典*; 米田 政夫; 藤 暢輔; 北村 康則*; 三澤 毅*; 土屋 兼一*; 相楽 洋*
Scientific Reports (Internet), 14, p.18828_1 - 18828_10, 2024/08
被引用回数:0The global challenge of on-site detection of highly enriched uranium (HEU), a substance with considerable potential for unauthorized use in nuclear security, is a critical concern. Traditional passive nondestructive assay (NDA) techniques, such as gamma-ray spectroscopy with high-purity germanium detectors, face significant challenges in detecting HEU when it is shielded by heavy metals. Addressing this critical security need, we introduce an on-site detection method for lead-shielded HEU employing a transportable NDA system that utilizes the Cf rotation method with a water Cherenkov neutron detector. This cost-effective NDA system is capable of detecting 4.17 g of U within a 12 min measurement period using a Cf source of 3.7 MBq. Integrating this system into border control measures can enhance the prevention of HEU proliferation significantly and offer robust deterrence against nuclear terrorism.
Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 藤 暢輔; 瀬川 麻里子; 前田 亮; 片渕 竜也*
European Physical Journal A, 60(5), p.120_1 - 120_14, 2024/05
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Nuclear)The neutron capture cross section of I and I were measured from the thermal to the keV energy region with the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument beamline in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The neutron capture yield was determined by means of the total energy detection principle with the pulse-height weighting technique. The present cross section results for I were normalized using the saturated resonance method with a thick-enough Au and provide good agreement with JENDL-5 from thermal to about 500 keV. A resonance analysis with the REFIT code was performed and the resonance parameters for I below 310 eV are presented in this work. In the case of I, the three largest resonances of I were employed for the cross section normalization. The present results for I are the first experimental data for the neutron region between thermal and 20 eV. The present data display a different energy dependence than that in the JENDL-5 and JEFF-3.3 and much similar to that in ENDF/B-VIII.0. Notwithstanding, good agreement was found at the thermal region between the present measurement of 31.6 1.3 b and both evaluated and most experimental data.
遠藤 駿典; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 藤 暢輔; 瀬川 麻里子; 前田 亮
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 198(4), p.786 - 803, 2024/04
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:41.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)The neutron transmission ratio and capture yield for Ta were measured in J-PARC MLF ANNRI to improve the accuracy of resonance parameters. The total cross section was determined from the transmission ratio in the energy range from 0.2 to 150 eV. The capture cross section was obtained from the capture yield using the pulse height weighting technique (PHWT) in the energy range from thermal to 150 eV. The obtained transmission ratio and capture cross-section were fitted by the resonance analysis code, REFIT, and the resonance parameters were determined below 150 eV. It was also discussed the correlations caused by fitting based on statistical uncertainty and correlations for systematic uncertainty based on sample thickness in the transmission measurements.
Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 藤 暢輔; 瀬川 麻里子; 前田 亮; 片渕 竜也*
JAEA-Conf 2023-001, p.74 - 79, 2024/02
Measurements to measure the neutron capture cross section of I and I were performed in the Accurate Neutron Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) at the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The time-of-flight (TOF) methodology was employed to determine the neutron capture cross section from thermal to about 100 keV. The results from I were used to normalize the I cross section. Preliminary results of a resonance analysis below 100 eV for I are also presented.
土屋 晴文; 藤 暢輔; 大図 章; 古高 和禎; 北谷 文人; 前田 亮; 米田 政夫
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(11), p.1301 - 1312, 2023/11
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:65.72(Nuclear Science & Technology)An integrated active neutron non-destructive analysis (NDA) system, Active-N, was developed to gain knowledge of active neutron NDA techniques that are applicable to measurements of nuclear materials in highly radioactive nuclear fuels. Active-N, equipped with a D-T neutron generator, combines three complementary active neutron NDA techniques: Differential Die-away Analysis (DDA), Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (PGA), and Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA). In this paper, we provide an overview of Active-N and then demonstrate that the compact NRTA system in Active-N can quantify nuclear materials. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to determine the design of the compact NRTA system including a moderator, flight tubes, and a detector shield. To investigate how accurately the compact NRTA system determines areal densities in a sample, measurements were performed with a Pu pellet-type sample as well as metallic plate samples of In and Ag. The experimental areal densities of Pu, In and Ag were consistent with those calculated for the individual nuclei. These results show that it is feasible to develop a compact NRTA system capable of determining the contents of nuclear materials in nuclear fuels. This research was implemented under the subsidy for nuclear security promotion of MEXT.
古高 和禎; 大図 章; 藤 暢輔
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 55(11), p.4002 - 4018, 2023/11
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:41.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)An integrated neutron interrogation system has been developed for non-destructive assay of highly radioactive special nuclear materials, to accumulate knowledge of the method through developing and using it. The system combines a differential die-away (DDA) measurement system for the quantification of nuclear materials and a prompt gamma-ray analysis (PGA) system for the detection of neutron poisons which disturb the DDA measurements; a common D-T neutron generator is used. A special care has been taken for the selection of materials to reduce the background gamma rays produced by the interrogation neutrons. A series of measurements were performed to test the basic performance of the system. The results show that the DDA system can quantify plutonium of as small as 20~mg and it is not affected by intense neutron background up to 4.2~TBq and gamma ray of 2.2~TBq. As a result of the designing of the combined system as a whole, the gamma-ray background counting rate at the PGA detector was reduced down to s even with the use of the D-T neutron generator. The test measurements show that the PGA system is capable of detecting less than 1~g of boron compound and about 100~g of gadolinium compound in~30 min. This research was implemented under the subsidy for nuclear security promotion of MEXT.
岩元 大樹; 明午 伸一郎; 佐藤 大樹; 岩元 洋介; 石 禎浩*; 上杉 智教*; 八島 浩*; 西尾 勝久; 杉原 健太*; elik, Y.*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 544, p.165107_1 - 165107_15, 2023/11
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:41.04(Instruments & Instrumentation)入射陽子エネルギー200MeV以下の中性子生成に関する二重微分断面積(DDX)データの不足は、加速器駆動核破砕システム(ADS)の研究開発などの技術応用における核破砕モデルの検証を妨げている。本研究では、このエネルギー領域におけるADS核破砕ターゲット材料のDDX実験データを取得し、解析予測との比較を通じて核破砕モデルに関する課題を明らかにすることを目的とした。実験は、京都大学のFFAG加速器を用いて行った。100MeV領域のPbとBiの陽子入射核反応に対するDDXを飛行時間法を用いて30から150の角度範囲で測定した。得られたDDXをモンテカルロ法に基づく種々の核破砕モデル及び評価済み核データライブラリによる計算結果と比較した。DDXの測定値と核破砕モデル及び評価済み核データライブラリに基づく解析値を比較した結果、CEM03.03モデルが実験値に最も近い一致を示した。さらに、100MeV領域における陽子入射中性子生成DDXの再現性向上のために対処すべき複数の課題を明らかにした。
前田 亮; 瀬川 麻里子; 藤 暢輔; 遠藤 駿典; 中村 詔司; 木村 敦
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 332(8), p.2995 - 2999, 2023/08
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)The accuracy of the prompt -ray analysis is known to degrade for the samples containing neutron-scattering materials, such as hydrogen, depending on its content. Recently, we discovered that the density of the scattering materials also affects the accuracy. In this paper, we developed a correction method for the effect of the sample densities. The developed correction method is straightforward and applicable to samples with unknown densities. The simulation and experiments verified the performance of the correction method. The results confirmed that the correction method could reduce the uncertainty due to sample density from 47% to approximately 1%.
渡辺 幸信*; 定松 大樹*; 荒木 祥平; 中野 敬太; 川瀬 頌一郎*; 金 政浩*; 岩元 洋介; 佐藤 大樹; 萩原 雅之*; 八島 浩*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, p.01041_1 - 01041_4, 2023/05
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)医療用RIの製造や核融合材料の照射損傷、放射性廃棄物の核変換などの研究において重陽子加速器を用いた高強度中性子源が提案されている。そのような中性子源の設計には重陽子を様々な標的に照射した際の中性子生成データが必要である。しかし、重陽子入射中性子生成二重微分断面積などの実験データは十分でない。そこで本研究では、大阪大学核物理研究センター(RCNP)において幅広い原子番号の標的に対する200MeV重陽子入射中性子生成二重微分断面積の系統的な測定を実施した。200MeVの重陽子ビームをビームスウィンガーマグネット内の薄い標的に照射し、放出される中性子を大きさの異なるEJ301検出器(直径及び厚さが2inchと5inch)を7m、20mの位置にそれぞれ設置し、測定した。測定角度は0度から25度までの5角度とし、中性子エネルギーは飛行時間法で決定した。それぞれの測定データは入射エネルギーの半分あたりに特徴的な幅広なピークを示しており、ピークの収量は標的の質量数に従って単調に増加した。DEURACSとPHITSを用いた理論モデル計算との比較の結果、DEURACSの計算結果はPHITSのものよりも実験値に対してより良い一致を示した。加えて、得られたLi, Be, Cの結果を用いてJENDL/DEU-2020とTENDL-2017の核データライブラリのベンチマークを行った。
岩元 大樹; 中野 敬太; 明午 伸一郎; 佐藤 大樹; 岩元 洋介; 杉原 健太*; 西尾 勝久; 石 禎浩*; 上杉 智教*; 栗山 靖敏*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, p.01023_1 - 01023_4, 2023/05
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)加速器駆動システム(ADS)の核特性予測精度の向上と京都大学臨界集合体実験装置(KUCA)におけるADS炉物理実験で用いる中性子源情報の取得を目的として、京都大学の固定磁場強集束(FFAG)加速器を用いた核データ測定実験プログラムを開始した。このプログラムの一環として、鉄,鉛及びビスマスに対する陽子入射二重微分中性子収量(TTNY)及び断面積(DDX)を測定した。測定では、真空チェンバ内に設置された標的試料に107MeVの陽子ビームを照射し、核反応によって標的から発生した粒子の信号を、小型の中性子検出器を用いて検出した。検出信号とFFAGキッカー電磁石の信号の時間差から飛行時間(TOF)を求め、ガンマ線の事象を波形弁別法によって除去して中性子事象をカウントすることで中性子のTOFスペクトルを求めた。得られた中性子のTOFスペクトルから、相対論的運動学によりTTNY及びDDXを求めた。実験で得られたTTNY及びDDXを、モンテカルロ輸送計算コードPHITSによる計算と比較し、PHITSに組み込まれた核反応モデル及び評価済み核データライブラリJENDL-4.0/HEの妥当性を検証するとともに、PHITSによる計算の予測精度を評価した。
岩元 大樹; 中野 敬太; 明午 伸一郎; 佐藤 大樹; 岩元 洋介; 杉原 健太; 西尾 勝久; 石 禎浩*; 上杉 智教*; 栗山 靖敏*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(4), p.435 - 449, 2023/04
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:52.93(Nuclear Science & Technology)加速器駆動核変換システム(ADS)の研究開発及び京都大学臨界実験装置(KUCA)におけるADS未臨界炉物理の基礎研究を目的として、固定磁場強収束(FFAG)加速器を用いて107MeV陽子による鉄、鉛及びビスマス標的に対する二重微分中性子収量(TTNY)を測定した。TTNYは8個の中性子検出器(各検出器は小型のNE213液体有機シンチレータと光電子増倍管より構成される)からなる中性子検出器システムを用いて飛行時間法により得られたものである。測定で得られたTTNYを、粒子・重イオン輸送コードシステム(PHITS)に組み込まれたモンテカルロ法に基づく核破砕反応モデル(INCL4.6/GEM, Bertini/GEM, JQMD/GEM, JQMD/SMM/GEM)及び評価済み高エネルギー核データライブラリ(JENDL-4.0/HE)による計算結果と比較した。JENDL-4.0/HEを含む比較対象のモデルは、検出器角度5度における高エネルギーピークを再現しないなどの特徴的な不一致が見られた。測定で得られたTTNYとPHITSによって評価した20MeV以下のエネルギー及び角度積分中性子収率を比較した結果、INCL4.6/GEMがKUCAにおけるADS炉物理実験のモンテカルロ輸送シミュレーションに適していることが示された。
木下 哲一*; 能任 琢真*; 中島 均*; 小迫 和明*; 加藤 雄大*; 黒岩 洋一*; 倉部 美彩子*; 佐々木 勇気*; 鳥居 和敬*; 前田 亮; et al.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 332(2), p.479 - 486, 2023/02
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)There are some different chemical and physical forms of water molecules in concretes. Especially, bound water is difficult to determine. In the present work, we determined free + adsorbed water and bound water contained in aggregates and cement pastes, which are component of concretes, by means of conventional gravimetric analysis and prompt -ray analysis (PGA), respectively, in order to evaluate a total water content in concretes. In the PGA, background reduction was attempted by using the time-of-flight (TOF) signal. In addition, the degree of contribution to analytical values by scattered neutrons by samples was evaluated because water would adsorb on the surface of instruments inside the irradiation chamber for the PGA. Contents of the free + adsorbed water and bound water in some geochemical references determined in the present work were compared with the nominal values to confirm the precision. Each water content in aggregates collected from different quarries and cement pastes with different water-to-cement ratios were analyzed. A total water content in young concrete was evaluated on the basis of the analytical values.
岩元 大樹; 中野 敬太; 明午 伸一郎; 佐藤 大樹; 岩元 洋介; 石 禎浩*; 上杉 智教*; 栗山 靖敏*; 八島 浩*; 西尾 勝久; et al.
JAEA-Conf 2022-001, p.129 - 133, 2022/11
米田 政夫; 藤 暢輔
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 188, p.110391_1 - 110391_6, 2022/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)Active neutron methods using pulsed neutrons can measure nuclear materials with higher performance than passive methods. However, previous active neutron methods have not used the observed data effectively. In this study, we developed a new data processing method with higher performance than the conventional method by using time series data. This method is expected to improve the measurement performance through a significant reduction in measurement time and a sensitivity increase compared to the conventional method.
中村 詔司; 藤 暢輔; 木村 敦; 初川 雄一*; 原田 秀郎
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(7), p.851 - 865, 2022/07
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:12.48(Nuclear Science & Technology)本研究は、東京大学の高速中性子源炉「弥生」を用いて、評価済み核データライブラリーを検証するために放射化法によりIの積分実験を行った。Iと中性子束モニタを、弥生炉のグローリー孔にて照射した。反応率は、Iから放出されるガンマ線の収量から求めた。中性子束モニタの反応率の実験値と計算値との比較から、高速中性子スペクトルの確かさを確認した。Iの反応率の実験値を、評価済み核データライブラリーを用いて求めた計算値と比較した。本研究で、評価済みライブラリーJENDL-4.0に採用されている中性子エネルギー10keVから3MeV領域の中性子捕獲断面積データは、18%程、過大評価されていることが分かった。また、本研究の結果は、100keV以下では、Noguere等による報告データを支持した。
前田 亮; 瀬川 麻里子; 藤 暢輔; 遠藤 駿典; 中村 詔司; 木村 敦
Scientific Reports (Internet), 12(1), p.6287_1 - 6287_8, 2022/06
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.70(Multidisciplinary Sciences)A high-accuracy analytical method is broadly required to obtain reliable research results. Thus, prompt -ray analysis (PGA), one of the most accurate non-destructive analytical methods, has been employed in various fields. However, the measurement accuracy of PGA is also known to degrade in hydrogenous samples. The degradation is caused by variation in the measurement sensitivity (counts per milligram) following the change in neutron energy due to scattering with hydrogen nucleus. Number of scatterings is well known to depend on the hydrogen content in a sample. However, considering multiple scatterings, hydrogen density, which has not been taken into account as yet, may also lead to the accuracy degradation. In this research, the effect of the hydrogen density in PGA is investigated by evaluating the measurement sensitivity of samples with the same hydrogen content and different densities. The results showed that the measurement sensitivity varies by more than 30% depending on the hydrogen density even at the same hydrogen content. The variation is a particularly serious problem for PGA requiring a few percent accuracy in most cases. Additionally, although the variation is apparently observed in hydrogenous samples, the similar phenomenon can occur in other nuclides with a large scattering cross section; it may affect nuclear cross-section measurements using neutrons in such fields as astrophysics and nuclear energy.
瀬川 麻里子; 藤 暢輔; 甲斐 哲也; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 167, p.108828_1 - 108828_5, 2022/03
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:19.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)To obtain accurate analytical results via neutron-capture reactions, the effects of sample shapes must be considered. However, the estimations of the effects were difficult to verify in some cases such as sealed samples and valuable objects. In this study, the shape effects for sealed radioactive samples were estimated experimentally. The significant localization of the I sample was confirmed only by an energy-resolved neutron imaging. It is revealed that the shape effect was necessary to be corrected at the neutron resonance peaks. Consequently, we conclude that the energy-resolved neutron imaging will be quite effective to improve the analytical accuracy.
遠藤 駿典; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 寺田 和司*; 明午 伸一郎; 藤 暢輔; 瀬川 麻里子; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(3), p.318 - 333, 2022/03
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:69.06(Nuclear Science & Technology)In order to improve the accuracy of the cross-section and the resonance parameters of Nb, neutron capture and total cross-sections were measured using the J-PARC MLF ANNRI. The thermal-neutron capture cross-section was deduced as 0.970.12 b. The resonance parameters of 11 resonances below 400 eV were determined from obtained capture cross-sections and transmission ratios by using the resonance analysis code, REFIT.
中村 詔司; 初川 雄一*; 木村 敦; 藤 暢輔; 原田 秀郎
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 58(12), p.1318 - 1329, 2021/12
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)本研究は、東大の高速中性子源炉「弥生」を用いて、放射化法によりTcの積分実験を行った。Tc試料を、気送管システムを用いて照射した。Tcの反応率は、Tcから放出されるガンマ線を測定して求めた。中性子束は、Au箔を用いてモニタした。本研究におけるTcの反応率の結果は、JENDL-4.0を支持した。
米田 政夫; 藤 暢輔; 田辺 鴻典*; 北村 康則*; 三澤 毅*
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 159, p.108300_1 - 108300_8, 2021/09
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:37.09(Nuclear Science & Technology)The rotation method is a novel method for detecting nuclear materials using a neutron source such as californium. In this method, while a neutron source is rotated rapidly nearby a measurement object, neutron measurement is carried out by synchronizing the rotation motion. If the object contains a nuclear material, as the rotation speed increases, the larger deformation of time distribution of neutron counts is observed, which in turn resulted to the detection of the nuclear material. In addition to its features of low cost and portability, this method is capable of detecting uranium that emits very few spontaneous fission neutrons. This study presents the fundamental principle of this method and its effectiveness for detecting nuclear materials through the experimental verifications.