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Journal Articles

Influence of distant scatterer on air kerma measurement in the evaluation of diagnostic X-rays using Monte Carlo simulation

Tominaga, Masahide*; Nagayasu, Yukari*; Sasaki, Motoharu*; Furuta, Takuya; Hayashi, Hiroaki*; Oita, Masataka*; Nishiyama, Yuichi*; Haga, Akihiro*

Radiological Physics and Technology, 14(4), p.381 - 389, 2021/12

Due to recent advance of diagnostic radiology, the increase of diagnostic radiation exposure to patient becomes problem. Diagnostic Reference Levels has been released to optimized the radiation exposure to patients in Japan recently. The evaluation of entrance surface dose (ESD) is recommended to assess the dose level for general X-ray examination. The ESD can be easily evaluated by multiplying the backscatter factor of the patient body on the free-in-air air kerma. The air kerma free-in-air value used to estimate ESD may contain X-rays scattered from obstacles located at the time of measurement, which may induce non-minor error in assessments. We therefore studied the influence of scattered X-rays on air kerma measurement under various environments (distances, field sizes, and materials). It was found that the dependence on the X-ray energy and field size was different for different materials. The X-ray contamination can be ignored for all the materials when the distance to the scatterer exceeds 35 cm.

Journal Articles

Spectroscopic studies of extremely metal-poor stars with the subaru high-dispersion spectrograph, 4; The $$alpha$$-element-enhanced metal-poor star BS 16934-002

Aoki, Wako*; Honda, Satoshi*; Beers, T. C.*; Hidai, Masahide*; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Tominaga, Nozomu*; Umeda, Hideyuki*; Nomoto, Kenichi*; Norris, J. E.*; Ryan, S. G.*

Astrophysical Journal, 660(1, Part1), p.747 - 761, 2007/05

 Times Cited Count:46 Percentile:72.05(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

A detailed elemental abundance analysis has been carried out for the very metal-poor ([Fe/H] = -2.7) star BS 16934-002, which was identified in our previous work as a star exhibiting large overabundances of Mg and Sc. A comparison of the abundance pattern of this star with that of the well-studied metal-poor star HD 122563 indicates excesses of O, Na, Mg, Al, and Sc in BS 16934-002. Of particular interest, no excess of C or N is found in this object, in contrast to CS 22949-037 and CS 29498-043, two previously known carbon-rich, extremely metal-poor stars with excesses of the $$alpha$$ elements. No established nucleosynthesis model exists that explains the observed abundancepattern. A supernova model, including mixing and fallback, assuming severe mass loss before explosion, is discussed as a candidate progenitor of BS 16934-002.

Journal Articles

Chemical abundances in the secondary star of the black hole binary V4641 Sagittarii (SAX J1819.3-2525)

Sadakane, Kozo*; Arai, Akira*; Aoki, Wako*; Arimoto, Nobuo*; Hidai, Masahide*; Onishi, Takashi*; Tajitsu, Akito*; Beers, T. C.*; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Tominaga, Nozomu*; et al.

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 58(3), p.595 - 604, 2006/06

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:33.24(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

We report detailed spectroscopic studies performed for the secondary star in the black hole binary (micro-quasar) V4641 Sgr in order to examine its surface chemical composition and to see if its surface shows any signature of pollution by ejecta from a supernova explosion. We obtain abundances of 10 elements and find definite over-abundances of N (by 0.8 dex or more) and Na (by 0.8 dex) in V4641 Sgr. From line-by-line comparisons of eight other elements (C, O, Mg, Al, Si, Ti, Cr, Fe) between V4641 Sgr and the two normal late B-type stars, which have been reported to have solar abundances. An evolutionary model of a massive close binary system has been constructed to explain the abundances observed in V4641 Sgr. The model suggests that the BH forming supernova in this system was a dark one.

3 (Records 1-3 displayed on this page)
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