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Journal Articles

The Oceanic forecasting system near the Shimokita Peninsula, Japan

In, Teiji*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Matsuura, Yasutaka*; Shima, Shigeki*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*; Kobayashi, Takuya; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Togawa, Orihiko; Toyoda, Takahiro*

Proceedings of International Symposium on Environmental Modeling and Radioecology, p.58 - 64, 2007/03

The northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean off the Shimokita Peninsula assumes a complex water mass structure. It is necessary to accurately reproduce the striking circulation patterns and the complicated water mass structures in this area with an ocean general circulation model. We have planned to make use of a one-way nesting method. To initialize the forecast system, we use a 4-dimensional variational method of data assimilation. The assimilated data consist of hydrographic observations collected through the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program, sea surface temperature and sea surface height data observed by satellites. A forecast experiment on the basis of oceanographic observations made in 2003 illustrates the good performance of our system. We shall focus, in particular, on the shift from the coastal mode to the gyre mode and vice versa.

Journal Articles

Determination of sodium aerosol depletion rate in circular conduits

Yamamoto, Hajime*; Sato, Yoshihiko*; Suzuoki, Akira*; Toyoda, Takahiro*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 22(11), p.889 - 889, 1985/00

Oral presentation

Development of hindcast and forecast ocean system off Rokkasho, 3; Data assimilation system in northwestern Pacific ocean

Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*; In, Teiji*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Matsuura, Yasutaka*; Shima, Shigeki*; Toyoda, Takahiro*; Kobayashi, Takuya; Togawa, Orihiko; Kawamura, Hideyuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of hindcast and forecast ocean system off Rokkasho, 4; Hindcast experiment on 2003

In, Teiji*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Matsuura, Yasutaka*; Shima, Shigeki*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*; Kobayashi, Takuya; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Togawa, Orihiko; Toyoda, Takahiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

The Oceanic forecasting system near the Shimokita Peninsula, Japan

In, Teiji*; Nakayama, Tomoharu*; Matsuura, Yasutaka*; Shima, Shigeki*; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Awaji, Toshiyuki*; Kobayashi, Takuya; Kawamura, Hideyuki; Togawa, Orihiko; Toyoda, Takahiro*

no journal, , 

The Shimokita Peninsula (hereafter SP)is located at the northeast tip of Honshu (the main island of Japan) and borders on the northwestern part of the North Pacific Ocean (hereafter NWNP) in the east and the Tsugaru Strait (hereafter TS) in the north. It is known that the NWNP off the SP assumes a complex water mass structure. Seawater of Japan Sea origin, called the Tsugaru Warm Water (TWW) component, takes on a characteristic seasonal variation. Conlon (1982) pointed out that during winter and spring, the TWW in the NWNP propagates southward along the coast of the peninsula (the coastal mode), and swirls off the peninsula from summer to autumn (the gyre mode). It is necessary to accurately reproduce the striking circulation patterns and the complicated water mass structures in this area with an ocean general circulation model (OGCM). We need to use a fine-scale grid, probably such as 1-2 km in size to reproduce the water mass structure around the TS and the off the SP in detail. To initialize the forecast system, we use a 4-dimensional variational method of data assimilation. A forecast experiment on the basis of oceanographic observations made in 2003 (a hindcast experiment) illustrates the good performance of our system. We shall focus, in particular, on the shift from the coastal mode to the gyre mode and vice versa.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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