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Kugo, Teruhiko; Ishikawa, Makoto; Nagaya, Yasunobu; Yokoyama, Kenji; Fukaya, Yuji; Maruyama, Hiromi*; Ishii, Yoshihiko*; Fujimura, Koji*; Kondo, Takao*; Minato, Hirokazu*; et al.
JAEA-Research 2013-046, 53 Pages, 2014/03
The present report summarizes the results of a 2-year cooperative study between JAEA and Hitachi-GE in order to contribute to the settlement of the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants which suffered from the severe accident on March 2011. In the present study, the possible scenarios to reach the recriticality events in Fukushima-Daiichi were investigated first. Then, the analytical methodology to evaluate the time-dependent recriticality events has been developed by modelling the reactivity insertion rate and the possible feedback according to the recriticality scenarios identified in the first step. The methodology developed here has been equipped as a transient simulation tool, PORCAS, which is operated on a multi-purpose platform for reactor analysis, MARBLE. Finally, the radiation exposure rates by the postulated recriticality events in Fukushima-Daiichi were approximately evaluated to estimate the impact to the public environment.
Ishibashi, Ryo*; Hirosaka, Kazuma*; Shibata, Masatoshi*; Sasaki, Masana*; Tsuchiya, Akiyuki*; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki
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no abstracts in English
Yamashita, Shinichiro; Abe, Hiroaki*; Sato, Daiki*; Owaki, Masao*; Sakamoto, Kan*; Kusagaya, Kazuyuki*; Tsuchiya, Akiyuki*
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The ATF Working Group (ATF-WG), which started its activities in July 2017, has been considering safety requirements for the introduction of ATF while incorporating overseas knowledge of the United States, which is ahead of ATF development. In the ATF-WG activities, based on the safety design of the core and fuel of LWRs for power generation, we organized the concept of extracting the evaluation items necessary for ATF safety design and the importance of ATF safety. The way of thinking organized here can also be used for the research and development of ATF that are currently underway, and we are going to summarize it in a report in the future.
Ishibashi, Ryo*; Hirosaka, Kazuma*; Ikegawa, Tomohiko*; Shibata, Masatoshi*; Sasaki, Masana*; Tsuchiya, Akiyuki*; Pham, V. H.; Kurata, Masaki; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki
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no abstracts in English