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Journal Articles

ToF inelastic neutron scattering studies on quantum spin systems (CuCl)La$$B_2$$O$$_7$$ ($$B$$ = Nb, Ta)

Kawamura, Seiko; Nakajima, Kenji; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Tsujimoto, Yoshihiro*; Kitada, Atsushi*; Takeiri, Fumitaka*; Kageyama, Hiroshi*; Ajiro, Yoshitami*; Nishi, Masakazu*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 320, p.012037_1 - 012037_5, 2011/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The magnetic ground state of (CuCl)LaNb$$_2$$O$$_7$$ has been suggested to be a spin-singlet state with an excitation gap of $$Delta E sim 2.3$$ meV, while (CuCl)LaTa$$_2$$O$$_7$$ has an antiferromagnetic (AFM) ground state. The systems are suspected to be a frustrated quantum spin system due to the competition between the nearest and next-nearest exchange interactions. We have studied magnetic excitation in these systems by ToF inelastic neutron scattering technique. The measurements were performed on powder samples of (CuCl)LaNb$$_2$$O$$_7$$ and (CuCl)LaTa$$_2$$O$$_7$$ at a disk-chopper-type spectrometer AMATERAS in J-PARC. In both systems, a band-like excitation was observed at $$Delta E sim 2$$ meV. The $$Q$$ dependence of the intensity of magnetic excitation around 2 meV for (CuCl)LaNb$$_2$$O$$_7$$ well reproduces that observed at a triple-axis spectrometer, exhibiting characteristics of spin-singlet dimers. On the other hand, (CuCl)LaTa$$_2$$O$$_7$$ in the AFM state exhibits a different $$Q$$ dependence.

Journal Articles

Topotactic synthesis and crystal structure of a highly fluorinated Ruddlesden-Popper-type iron oxide, Sr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{5+x}$$F$$_{2-x}$$ (x $${approx}$$ 0.44)

Tsujimoto, Yoshihiro*; Yamaura, Kazunari*; Hayashi, Naoaki*; Kodama, Katsuaki; Igawa, Naoki; Matsushita, Yoshitaka*; Katsuya, Yoshio*; Shirako, Yuichi*; Akaogi, Masaki*; Muromachi, Eiji*

Chemistry of Materials, 23(16), p.3652 - 3658, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:62.06(Chemistry, Physical)

Topotactic reaction of the Ruddlesden-Popper phase Sr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ ($$delta$$ $${approx}$$ 0.18) with polytetrafluoroethylene yields a highly fluorinated phase Sr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{5+x}$$F$$_{2-x}$$ (x $${approx}$$ 0.44), compared with Sr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{6}$$F$$_{0.87}$$ prepared by the reaction of Sr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{6}$$ and F$$_{2}$$ gas. Structure analyses based on powder neutron diffraction, synchrotron powder diffraction, and $$^{57}$$Fe M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy measurements demonstrate that the new oxyfluoride perovskite has no anion deficiencies and adopts the tetragonal structure (space group ${it I}$4/${it mmm}$) with lattice constants ${it a}$ = 3.87264(6) ${AA}$ and ${it c}$ = 21.3465(6) ${AA}$ at room temperature. The fluoride ions preferentially occupy the terminal apical anion sites with oxide ions in a disordered manner, which results in square pyramidal coordination around iron.

Journal Articles

Magnetic excitations in infinite-layer antiferromagnetic insulator

Tomiyasu, Keisuke*; Kageyama, Hiroshi*; Lee, C.*; Whangbo, M. H.*; Tsujimoto, Yoshihiro*; Yoshimura, Kazuyoshi*; Taylor, J. W.*; Llobet, A.*; Trouw, F.*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 79(3), p.034707_1 - 034707_4, 2010/03

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:65.58(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Concentrations and their ratios od $$^{222}$$Rn decay products in rainwater measured by $$gamma$$-ray spectrometry using a low-background Ge detector

Takeyasu, Masanori; Iida, Takao*; Tsujimoto, Tadashi*; Yamasaki, Keizo*; Ogawa, Yoshihiro*

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 88(1), p.74 - 89, 2006/00

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:48.29(Environmental Sciences)

The concentrations of $$^{214}$$Pb and $$^{214}$$Bi in rainwater was measured by a low background Ge detector. The concentrations of $$^{214}$$Pb and $$^{214}$$Bi were inverse relations with rainfall rate in some rainfall events, and the concentration ratio of $$^{214}$$Bi to $$^{214}$$Pb would be a weak inverse relation with rainfall rate. The model was considered about the scavenging effects of rainfall to Radon decay products, and those results were discussed with the model.

Oral presentation

Topotactic synthesis and crystal structure of a fluorinated layered iron oxyfluoride

Tsujimoto, Yoshihiro*; Yamaura, Kazunari*; Matsushita, Yoshitaka*; Muromachi, Eiji*; Hayashi, Naoaki*; Kodama, Katsuaki; Igawa, Naoki; Shirako, Yuichi*; Akaogi, Masaki*

no journal, , 

Topotactic reaction of the n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper phase Sr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{7-delta}$$ with the Teflon polymer yields a highly fluorinated phase Sr$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{5+x}$$O$$_{2-x}$$ (x $$sim$$ 0.44). The crystal/magnetic structures and anion composition are determined by a combination of neutron diffraction and $$^{57}$$Fe M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy experiments. Fluoride anions selectively occupy the terminal apical anion sites, leading to the square pyramidal coordination around the Fe metal center. The oxyfluoride material adopts a simple antiferromagnetic ordered structure with k = (1/2 1/2 0) below 390 K.

Oral presentation

Inelastic neutron scattering measurements on powder sample of 2D quantum spin system (CuCl)La$$A_2$$O$$_7$$ ($$A =$$ Nb,Ta)

Kawamura, Seiko; Nakajima, Kenji; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Tsujimoto, Yoshihiro*; Kitada, Atsushi*; Takeiri, Fumitaka*; Kageyama, Hiroshi*; Ajiro, Yoshitami*; Nishi, Masakazu*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Powder inelastic neutron scattering study of infinite-layer ferrite SrFeO$$_{2}$$

Tomiyasu, Keisuke*; Kageyama, Hiroshi*; Tsujimoto, Yoshihiro*; Yoshimura, Kazuyoshi*; Taylor, J. W.*; Llobet, A.*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

The Study of Fe 3d state of A(A=Sr,Ca)FeO$$_{2}$$ by X-ray spectroscopy

Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Taguchi, Munetaka*; Agui, Akane; Kawamura, Naomi*; Tassel, C.*; Tsujimoto, Yoshihiro*; Kageyama, Hiroshi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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