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Journal Articles

Activity report of the Task Group on Parameters Used in Biospheric Dose Assessment Models for Radioactive Waste Disposal

Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Fukaya, Yukiko*; Iimoto, Takeshi*; Uni, Yasuo*; Kato, Tomoko; Sun, S.*; Takeda, Seiji; Nakai, Kunihiro*; Nakabayashi, Ryo*; Uchida, Shigeo*; et al.

Hoken Butsuri (Internet), 56(4), p.288 - 305, 2021/12

We report the results of activities related to the Task Group of Parameters Used in Biospheric Dose Assessment Models for Radioactive Waste Disposal at the Japan Health Physics Society.

Journal Articles

Isoscalar giant resonances in the Sn nuclei and implications for the asymmetry term in the nuclear-matter incompressibility

Li, T.*; Garg, U.*; Liu, Y.*; Marks, R.*; Nayak, B. K.*; Madhusudhana Rao, P. V.*; Fujiwara, Mamoru*; Hashimoto, Hisanobu*; Nakanishi, Kosuke*; Okumura, Shun*; et al.

Physical Review C, 81(3), p.034309_1 - 034309_11, 2010/03

 Times Cited Count:107 Percentile:97.51(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Crossover from coherent quasiparticles to incoherent hole carriers in underdoped cuprates

Hashimoto, Makoto*; Yoshida, Teppei*; Tanaka, Kiyohisa*; Fujimori, Atsushi*; Okusawa, Makoto*; Wakimoto, Shuichi; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*; Kakeshita, Teruhisa*; Eisaki, Hiroshi*; Uchida, Shinichi*

Physical Review B, 79(14), p.140502_1 - 140502_4, 2009/04

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:52.13(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Relationship between the superconducting gap and the pseudogap; Temperature-dependent photoemission study of La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$CuO$$_{4}$$ and La$$_{2}$$CuO$$_{4.10}$$

Hashimoto, Makoto*; Tanaka, Kiyohisa*; Yoshida, Teppei*; Fujimori, Atsushi*; Okusawa, Makoto*; Wakimoto, Shuichi; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*; Kakeshita, Teruhisa*; Eisaki, Hiroshi*; Uchida, Shinichi*

Physica C, 460-462(2), p.884 - 885, 2007/09

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:17.80(Physics, Applied)

In the high-${it T$_{rm c}$}$ research, relationship between the pseudogap and the superconducting gap has been an important issue. We have performed a detailed temperature-dependent angle-integrated photoemission study of lightly-doped to heavily-overdoped La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$CuO$$_{4}$$ and oxygen-doped La$$_{2}$$CuO$$_{4.10}$$. We found that, while the magnitude of the pseudogap increased with decreasing doping, that of the superconducting gap did not increase. This behavior can be explained if the superconducting gap opens only on the Fermi arc around the node (0,0)-($$pi$$,$$pi$$) whereas the pseudogap opens primarily around ($$pi$$,0).

Journal Articles

Distinct doping dependences of the pseudogap and superconducting gap of La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$CuO$$_{4}$$ cuprate superconductors

Hashimoto, Makoto*; Yoshida, Teppei*; Tanaka, Kiyohisa*; Fujimori, Atsushi*; Okusawa, Makoto*; Wakimoto, Shuichi; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*; Kakeshita, Teruhisa*; Eisaki, Hiroshi*; Uchida, Shinichi*

Physical Review B, 75(14), p.140503_1 - 140503_4, 2007/04

 Times Cited Count:66 Percentile:88.54(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We have performed a temperature-dependent angle-integrated photoemission study of La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_{x}$$CuO$$_{4}$$ covering from lightly doped to heavily overdoped regions and oxygen -doped La$$_{2}$$CuO$$_{4.10}$$. The superconducting gap energy $$Delta_{sc}$$ was found to remain small for decreasing hole concentration while the pseudogap energy $$Delta^{*}$$ and temperature $$T^{*}$$ increase. The different behaviors of the superconducting gap and the pseudogap can be explained if the superconducting gap opens only on the Fermi arc around the nodal (0,0)-$$(pi,pi)$$ direction while the pseudogap opens around $$sim (pi,0)$$. The results suggest that the pseudogap and the superconducting gap have different microscopic origins.

Journal Articles

Excitation and decay of the isovector spin-flip giant monopole resonance via the $$^{208}$$Pb($$^{3}$$He,${it tp}$) reaction at 410 MeV

Zegers, R. G. T.*; Abend, H.*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Van den Berg, A. M.*; Fujimura, Hisako*; Fujita, Hirohiko*; Fujita, Yoshitaka*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Gal$`e$s, S.*; Hara, Keigo*; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 731, p.121 - 128, 2004/02

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:56.77(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Microscopic structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance in $$^{58}$$Cu

Hara, Keigo*; Adachi, Takeshi*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Daito, Izuru*; Fujimura, Hisako*; Fujita, Yoshitaka*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Fushimi, Kenichi*; Hara, Kaoru*; Harakeh, M. N.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 68(6), p.064612_1 - 064612_9, 2003/12

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:57.99(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Example of answers to the problems of 31st to 35th examinations for the chief engineer of nuclear fuel, 1999 to 2003

Yachi, Shigeyasu; Sato, Tadashi; Suga, Shinichi*; Komuro, Yuichi; Uchida, Masaaki; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Nakamura, Jinichi; Amezawa, Hiroo; Omura, Hideaki*; Minato, Kazuo; et al.

JAERI-Review 2003-025, 162 Pages, 2003/09


The report contains example of answers to the Problems of 31st(1999) to 35th(2003) Examinations for the Chief Engineer of Nuclear Fuel which were conducted as a national qualification examination. Brief explanations or references are given to some answers.

Journal Articles

Preliminary neutronic estimation for demo blanket with beryllide

Yamada, Hirokazu*; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Nakao, Makoto*; Uchida, Munenori*; Ito, Haruhiko

Fusion Engineering and Design, 69(1-4), p.269 - 273, 2003/09

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:66.77(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Excitation and decay of the Isovector giant monopole resonances via the $$^{208}$$Pb($$^{3}$$He,${it tp}$) reaction at 410 MeV

Zegers, R. G. T.; Abend, H.*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Van den Berg, A. M.*; Fujimura, Hisako*; Fujita, Hirohiko*; Fujita, Yoshitaka*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Gal$`e$s, S.*; Hara, Keigo*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 90(20), p.202501_1 - 202501_4, 2003/05

 Times Cited Count:49 Percentile:84.91(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Polarization transfer in the $$^{16}$$O($$p,p'$$) reaction at forward angles and structure of the spin-dipole resonances

Kawabata, Takahiro*; Ishikawa, Takatsugu*; Ito, M.*; Nakamura, M.*; Sakaguchi, Harutaka*; Takeda, H.*; Taki, T.*; Uchida, Makoto*; Yasuda, Yusuke*; Yosoi, Masaru*; et al.

Physical Review C, 65(6), p.064316_1 - 064316_12, 2002/06

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:69.99(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

SIMS analyses of SiO$$_{2}$$/4H-SiC(0001) interface

Yamashita, Kenya*; Kitabatake, Makoto*; Kusumoto, Osamu*; Takahashi, Kunimasa*; Uchida, Masao*; Miyanaga, Ryoko*; Ito, Hisayoshi; Yoshikawa, Masahito

Materials Science Forum, 389-393, p.1037 - 1040, 2002/00

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:16.08(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Giant monopole resonances in deformed nuclei

Ito, M.*; Sakaguchi, Harutaka*; Ishikawa, Takatsugu*; Kawabata, Takahiro*; Murakami, Tetsuya*; Takeda, H.*; Taki, T.*; Tsukahara, N.*; Uchida, Makoto*; Yasuda, Yusuke*; et al.

Nuclear Physics A, 687(1-2), p.52c - 57c, 2001/04

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Thin ice target for $$^{16}$$O (p,p') experiment

Kawabata, Takahiro*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Fujimura, Hisako*; Fujita, Hirohiko*; Fujita, Yoshitaka*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Hara, Keigo*; Hatanaka, Kichiji*; Hosono, K.*; Ishikawa, Takatsugu*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 459(1-2), p.171 - 176, 2001/02

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:74.75(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

A Three-dimensional electrical conductivity model of the crust beneath the southern Tohoku district, NE Japan

Motoyama, Aoi*; Ichiki, Masahiro*; Ogawa, Yasuo*; Uyeshima, Makoto*; Asamori, Koichi; Uchida, Toshihiro*; Koyama, Takao*; Sakanaka, Shinya*; Hase, Hideaki*; Aizawa, Koki*; et al.

no journal, , 

We compiled the magnetotelluric (MT) and geomagnetic transfer function (GDS) data which were acquired by Uchida (2004), Umeda et al. (2008), Asamori et al. (2011), Uyeshima (private comm.) and Ogawa (private comm). The 118 observation sites locate in the study area. Both MT and GDS frequency response was used to model three-dimensional resistivity distribution of the southern Tohoku district, NE Japan. The resultant resistivity model reveals no conductor beneath the onshore forearc in Fukushima prefecture. The model rather shows resistor there with over several-thousand ohm-m, which corresponds to the Abukuma batholiths. Thus, our model indicates that the area only around Iwaki-city is peculiar forearc, where fluid migrates upward from deep crust.

Oral presentation

AMOC measurement for fused quartz during ion irradiation

Konishi, Suzuka*; Minagawa, Hideaki*; Majima, Takuya*; Imai, Makoto*; Saito, Manabu*; Hirade, Tetsuya; Tsuchida, Hidetsugu*

no journal, , 

To clarify the damage behavior under ion irradiation in quartz glass, Age-Momentum Correlation measurement that is a coincidence measurement of positron annihilation lifetime and annihilation gamma ray Doppler broadening was performed under 2 MeV proton irradiation. From the change in momentum distribution of electrons involved in positron annihilation in voids of the quartz glass, flux dependence of damage behavior could be detected.

Oral presentation

Follow-up survey of environmental transfer parameter values for biosphere assessment

Fukaya, Yukiko*; Sun, S.*; Hirayama, Makoto*; Sugiyama, Takeshi*; Tagami, Keiko*; Kato, Tomoko; Uchida, Shigeo*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

A Three-dimensional crustal electrical resistivity model beneath southern Tohoku district, NE Japan

Motoyama, Aoi*; Ogawa, Yasuo*; Uyeshima, Makoto*; Asamori, Koichi; Uchida, Toshihiro*; Hase, Hideaki*; Koyama, Takao*; Sakanaka, Shinya*; Yamaya, Yusuke*; Aizawa, Koki*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Electric quadrupole moment measurement using a new RF-application system

Nagae, Daisuke; Takemuara, Makoto*; Ueno, Hideki*; Kameda, Daisuke*; Asahi, Koichiro*; Yoshimi, Akihiro*; Sugimoto, Takashi*; Nagatomo, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Yoshio*; Uchida, Makoto*; et al.

no journal, , 

An electric quadrupole moment ($$Q$$ moment) is sensitive to collective aspects of nuclear structure. In the $$Q$$-moment measurement for unstable nuclei, we employ the $$beta$$-detected nuclear-quadrupole resonance method. In this method, we need to supply $$2I$$ resonance frequencies, where $$I$$ denotes the nuclear spin. We have developed a new RF-application system to induced all of the $$2I$$ transitions. The application of the $$2I$$ frequencies may be pursued in two different ways; the sequential RF pulse method and the mixed-wave RF pulse method. We confirmed the reversal of polarization for the both methods, from measurements of $$beta$$-ray asymmetry change for polarized $$^{12}$$B. Using this system, the $$Q$$ moments of $$^{31,32}$$Al have been measured to be $$|Q(^{31}{rm Al})| = 104(9)$$ $$e$$$$cdot$$mb and $$|Q(^{32}{rm Al})| = 24(2)$$ $$e$$$$cdot$$mb by the sequential RF pulse method.

25 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)