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Longhurst, G. R.*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Dorn, C.*; Folkman, S. L.*; Fronk, T. H.*; Ishihara, Masahiro; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Tranter, T. N.*; Rohe, R.*; Uchida, Munenori*; et al.
Nuclear Technology, 176(3), p.430 - 441, 2011/12
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:72.56(Nuclear Science & Technology)Beryllium has important roles in nuclear facilities such as fission reactors and fusion reactors. Its neutron multiplication capability and low atomic weight make it very useful as a reflector in fission reactors. In both applications, the beryllium and the impurities in it become activated by neutrons transmutating to radionuclides, some of which are long-lived and difficult to dispose of. Also, gas production, notably helium and tritium, results in swelling, embrittlement, and cracking, which means that the beryllium must be replaced periodically, especially in fission reactors where dimensional tolerances must be maintained. It has long been known that neutron activation of inherent iron and cobalt in the beryllium results in significant Co activity. In 2001, it was discovered that activation of naturally occurring contaminants in the beryllium creates sufficient
C and
Nb to render the irradiated beryllium "Greater-Than-Class-C" for disposal in US radioactive waste facilities. In this paper we review the extent of the disposal issue, processes that have been investigated or considered for improving the disposability of irradiated beryllium, and approaches for recycling.
Hanawa, Yoshio; Tsuboi, Kazuaki; Uchida, Munenori*; Suzuki, Ken*; Takahashi, Kunihiro
JAEA-Technology 2009-078, 18 Pages, 2010/03
Beryllium has been used as the neutron reflector in the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). A beryllium frame is arranged in the JMTR core and the frame consists of 3 sections (North, East and West). Each section has 7 stories of the beryllium blocks. Each block is connected by the aluminum joints. The capsule or the beryllium plug is located in the inside of the beryllium frame. The first criticality achieved in 1968 and the frame has been replaced 6 times and now the 7th frame is being manufactured. The replacement is planned to be done in the spring of 2010. The design has been modified to decrease the swelling camber and the lifetime has been improved. The manufacturing procedure is severely controlled to assure the quality. The chemical composition must be specified to minimize the swelling and radiation. The machining procedure is highly controlled because beryllium is very brittle. And the environmental control is also important, because the beryllium is a toxic material.
Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Hoshino, Tsuyoshi; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Mishima, Yoshinao*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Terai, Takayuki*; Tanaka, Satoru*; Munakata, Kenzo*; Kato, Shigeru*; Uchida, Munenori*; et al.
Nuclear Fusion, 47(9), p.1300 - 1306, 2007/09
Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:60.99(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)no abstracts in English
Mishima, Yoshinao*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Ishida, Kiyohito*; Hatano, Yuji*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Munakata, Kenzo*; Sato, Yoshiyuki*; Uchida, Munenori*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 367-370(2), p.1382 - 1386, 2007/08
Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:85.01(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Hoshino, Tsuyoshi; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Mishima, Yoshinao*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Terai, Takayuki*; Tanaka, Satoru*; Munakata, Kenzo*; Kato, Shigeru*; Uchida, Munenori*; et al.
Proceedings of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2007/03
no abstracts in English
Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Mishima, Yoshinao*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Tanaka, Satoru*; Uchida, Munenori*; Ishida, Kiyohito*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Munakata, Kenzo*; Sato, Yoshiyuki*; et al.
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 83(3), p.207 - 214, 2007/03
no abstracts in English
Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Uchida, Munenori*; Kawamura, Hiroshi
Fusion Engineering and Design, 81(8-14), p.1057 - 1063, 2006/02
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:59.42(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Kawamura, Hiroshi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Mishima, Yoshinao*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Munakata, Kenzo*; Ishida, Kiyohito*; Hatano, Yuji*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Sato, Yoshiyuki*; Uchida, Munenori*; et al.
INL/EXT-06-01222, p.1 - 7, 2006/02
no abstracts in English
Mishima, Yoshinao*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Iwadachi, Takaharu*; Uchida, Munenori*
Kogyo Zairyo, 54(1), p.46 - 47, 2006/01
no abstracts in English
Hegeman, J. B. J.*; Van der Laan, J. G.*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Mslang, A.*; Kupriyanov, I.*; Uchida, Munenori*; Hayashi, Kimio
Fusion Engineering and Design, 75-79, p.769 - 773, 2005/11
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:83.54(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Munakata, Kenzo*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Uchida, Munenori*
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333(Part2), p.1357 - 1360, 2004/08
Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:69.08(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Kawamura, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Heishichiro*; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Mishima, Yoshinao*; Ishida, Kiyohito*; Iwadachi, Takaharu*; Cardella, A.*; Van der Laan, J. G.*; Uchida, Munenori*; Munakata, Kenzo*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333(1), p.112 - 118, 2004/08
Times Cited Count:37 Percentile:89.18(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Yamada, Hirokazu*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Uchida, Munenori*; Akutsu, Yoichi; Motoki, Ryozo; Watanabe, Wataru; Hirata, Shogo*
JAERI-Tech 2004-036, 138 Pages, 2004/03
This document shows the model case concerned with the utilization of constructed facility for the construction of post irradiation examination facility for fusion blanket. In this report, the radioisotope application and development laboratory is considered as constructed facility for post irradiation examination facility and we planned to improve the radioisotope application and development laboratory to the facility of post irradiation examination for fusion material to reduce the construction fee for this facility and promotion of efficiency by concentration of any equipment for fusion material research.
Mishima, Yoshinao*; Yamamoto, Keisuke*; Kimura, Yoshisato*; Uchida, Munenori*; Kawamura, Hiroshi
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.184 - 189, 2004/03
no abstracts in English
Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Nakamichi, Masaru*; Uchida, Munenori*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Kaminaga, Katsuo; Tsuboi, Kazuaki; Kusunoki, Hidehiko
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.262 - 264, 2004/03
no abstracts in English
Munakata, Kenzo*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Uchida, Munenori*
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.210 - 215, 2004/03
no abstracts in English
Uda, Minoru*; Iwadachi, Takaharu*; Uchida, Munenori*; Yamada, Hirokazu*; Nakamichi, Masaru*; Kawamura, Hiroshi
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.60 - 65, 2004/03
no abstracts in English
Onuma, Ikuo*; Kainuma, Ryosuke*; Uda, Minoru*; Iwadachi, Takaharu*; Uchida, Munenori*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Ishida, Kiyohito*
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.172 - 183, 2004/03
no abstracts in English
Uda, Minoru*; Iwadachi, Takaharu*; Uchida, Munenori*; Nakamichi, Masaru*; Kawamura, Hiroshi
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.190 - 195, 2004/03
no abstracts in English
Iwadachi, Takaharu*; Uchida, Munenori*; Mishima, Yoshinao*; Fujita, Akitsugu*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Shestakov, V.*; Miyakawa, Masaru*
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.196 - 202, 2004/03
no abstracts in English