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Honda, Ryotaro; Callier, S.*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Ieiri, Masaharu*; Matsumoto, Yuki*; Miwa, Koji*; Nakamura, Isamu*; Raux, L.*; De La Taille, C.*; Tanaka, Manobu*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 695, p.206 - 209, 2012/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:24.10(Instruments & Instrumentation)For the J-PARC E40 experiment which aims to measure differential cross-sections of Sp scatterings, a system to detect scattered proton from Sp scatterings is under development. The detection system consists of scintillation fibers with a MPPC readout. A prototype and a readout electronics for MPPC have already been developed. The prototype consisting of a scintillation fiber tracker and a BGO calorimeter was tested with a proton beam of 80 MeV. Energy resolutions of the tracker of 22.0% (s) and the calorimeter of 1.0% (s) were obtained for 1 MeV and 70 MeV energy deposit, respectively. The prototype readout electronics has an ASIC for multichannel operation, EASIROC, and a Silicon TCP (SiTCP) interface to communicate with a DAQ system. Its data transfer rate measured was 14 kHz. Required performances for the prototype system have been achieved except for the energy resolution of the prototype fiber tracker.
Nagao, Seiya*; Irino, Tomohisa*; Aramaki, Takafumi*; Ikehara, Ken*; Katayama, Hajime*; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi; Uchida, Masao*; Shibata, Yasuyuki*
Radiocarbon, 52(3), p.1068 - 1077, 2010/08
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Geochemistry & Geophysics)This study discusses the effects of flooding on the spatial distribution of organic matter on the shelf region of off the Saru River, southern part of Hokkaido, Japan, on the basis of the C and
C values. Surface sediments on the shelf were collected in August 2007, one year after the severe flood in 2006. Suspended particles and sediment of the Saru River were also collected in August 2007 and 2008. The
C values of organic matter in the shelf sediments ranged from -665 to -77 per mil. The silt and clay sediments had
C values of -240 to -77 per mil, but the sandy sediments ranged from -665 to -388 per mil. The
values of particulate organic carbon in the Saru River are -292 to -247 per mil at normal flow conditions. These results indicate that surface soil with relatively older organic matter is deposited on the shelf region by the flooding event, and freshly-produced organic matter in sea surface is deposited after the flooding.
Nagao, Seiya*; Aramaki, Takafumi*; Irino, Tomohisa*; Uchida, Masao*; Shibata, Yasuyuki*; Togawa, Orihiko
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Katagiri, Hideaki*; Sato, Wataru*; Enomoto, Ryoji*; Wakamotsu, Ryo*; Tanaka, Soichi*; Kagaya, Mika*; Takeda, Toru*; Muraishi, Hiroshi*; Yoshida, Tatsuo*; Watanabe, Takara*; et al.
no journal, ,
We developed All-Sky Gamma-Ray Compton Camera based on Scintillators. We measured the residual dose rate in F1 by using this detector. Additionally, we measured the residual dose rate at beam line in J-PARC 3 GeV RCS, where has a high dose-rate from 0.01 to 1 mSv/h caused by beam loss during beam operation. We performed the experiment that we can use the detector in the RCS. As the result, we evaluated to obtain -ray imaging of dose rate, which is consistency the measured one by using other detectors. In our presentation, we will report these results.