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Fluorous and organic extraction systems; A Comparison from the perspectives of coordination structures, interfaces, and bulk extraction phases

上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 阿久津 和宏*; 徳永 紘平; 山田 雅子*; 山田 悟史*; Bourgeois, D.*; 元川 竜平

Langmuir, 40(46), p.24257 - 24271, 2024/11

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Uncovering the characteristics of plastic-associated biofilm from the inland river system of Mongolia

Battulga, B.; Munkhbat, D.*; 松枝 誠; 安藤 麻里子; Oyuntsetseg, B.*; 小嵐 淳; 川東 正幸*

Environmental Pollution, 357, p.124427_1 - 124427_10, 2024/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Environmental Sciences)




上田 祐生; Micheau, C.; 元川 竜平

四季, 64, p.2 - 6, 2024/09



Globular pattern formation of hierarchical ceria nanoarchitectures

青柳 登; 元川 竜平; 奥村 雅彦; 上田 祐生; 斉藤 拓巳*; 西辻 祥太郎*; 田口 富嗣*; 蓬田 匠; 佐崎 元*; 池田 篤史

Communications Chemistry (Internet), 7, p.128_1 - 128_13, 2024/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Dissipative structures often appear as an unstable counterpart of ordered structures owing to fluctuations that do not form a homogeneous phase. Even a multiphase mixture may simultaneously undergo one chemical reaction near equilibrium and another one that is far from equilibrium. Here, we observed in real-time crystal seed formation and simultaneous nanocrystal aggregation proceeding from tetravalent cerium complexes to ceria nanoparticles in an acidic aqueous solution and investigated the resultant hierarchical nanoarchitecture. The formed particles exhibited two very different size ranges. The hierarchically assembled structures in solutions were ceria colloids, viz. primary core clusters of crystalline ceria and secondary clusters assembled through surface ions. Such self-assembly is widespread in multi-component complex fluids, paradoxically moderating hierarchical reactions. Stability and instability are not only critical but also complementary for co-optimization around the nearby free energy landscape prior to bifurcation.


Impact of branching position and degree on uranium extraction by amines; A Supramolecular and thermodynamic study

Guerinoni, E.*; Giusti, F.*; Dourdain, S.*; Dufr$^e$che, J.-F.*; 元川 竜平; 上田 祐生; 青柳 登; Zemb, T.*; Pellet-Rostaing, S.*

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 403, p.124820_1 - 124820_11, 2024/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

In uranium production, liquid-liquid extraction using the AMEX (AMine EXtraction) process employs tertiary amines solubilized in an aliphatic diluent. Practical constraints as phase stability problems and co-extraction of competitive elements highlight the need for in-depth investigation and optimization. Modifying gradually the alkyl chain structure of tertiary amines, we investigate here the large variation in extraction performance in terms of Gibbs free energy of transfer using the ienaic decomposition taking into account long range interactions. We show hereby that structuration of the solvent phase can change uranium distribution by 2 orders of magnitude, which is incompatible with standard complexation theory of liquid-liquid extraction. We observe that co-extracted water is required to obtain extraction while extraction is quenched and no pair core can be formed when less than four as effective aggregation number. We conclude that the film term in the ienaic decomposition of the Gibbs energy of transfer, is the one that governs extraction performance. It shows that metal transfer is beyond complexation, and that organization of the solvent phase must be considered to quantitatively interpret the distribution coefficients.


Current numbers of qubits and their uses

市川 翼*; 箱嶋 秀昭*; 乾 幸地*; 伊藤 康介*; 松田 亮*; 御手洗 光祐*; 宮本 幸一*; 水上 渉*; 水田 郁*; 森 俊夫*; et al.

Nature Reviews Physics (Internet), 6(6), p.345 - 347, 2024/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:53.54(Physics, Applied)

Access to quantum computers has been democratized by the availability of cloud services from commercial providers, but the numbers of qubits users can exploit have remained modest, limited by noise and errors. What are these qubits used for and what can we expect next?


Organization of malonamides from the interface to the organic bulk phase

Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平; 阿久津 和宏*; 山田 悟史*; 山田 雅子*; Moussaoui, S. A.*; Makombe, E.*; Meyer, D.*; Berthon, L.*; et al.

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 401, p.124372_1 - 124372_12, 2024/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:65.37(Chemistry, Physical)

Supramolecular organization of amphiphilic extractant molecules is involved in metal cation selectivity and separation kinetics during solvent extraction. The relationship between extractant associates/aggregates formed in the organic bulk phase and at the liquid-liquid interface is poorly understood even though it affects the extraction mechanism. The nanoscopic structures of the extraction systems N,N,N',N'-tetrahexylmalonamide (THMA) in toluene and N,N'-dibutyl-N,N'-dimethyl-2-tetradecylmalonamide (DBMA) in n-heptane, used for either Pd(II) or Nd(III) selective extraction from an acidic aqueous phase, were examined. These systems present markedly different affinity for Pd(II) and Nd(III), and extraction kinetics. Extractant organization in the organic bulk phase and at the interface were compared by small-angle X-ray scattering, interfacial tension, and neutron reflectivity. THMA in toluene forms small associates in the organic bulk phase and accumulates in a diffuse layer at the interface, decreasing Pd(II) coordination probability and resulting in slow extraction. DBMA in n-heptane forms large aggregates and a compact, dense interfacial layer, resulting in rapid Pd(II) and Nd(III) extraction. Thus, Pd(II) extraction is driven by interfacial coordination alone, whereas the incorporation of Nd(III) into the core of large aggregates governs Nd(III) extraction in the interfacial layer. These results suggest that the interface should be described as a nanoscale interphase containing a high extractant concentration compared with the organic bulk phase.


Synthesis of heat-resistant living polymer particles by one-step reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer precipitation polymerization of styrene and $$N$$-phenylmaleimide

山崎 駿*; 金子 直矢*; 加藤 敦也*; 渡邉 航平*; 青木 大輔*; 谷口 竜王*; 唐津 孝*; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平; 大倉 滉生*; et al.

Polymer, 298, p.126846_1 - 126846_11, 2024/04

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:79.92(Polymer Science)

Synthesis of heat-resistant, living polymer particles via one-step reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer precipitation polymerization (RAFTPP) of styrene and $$N$$-phenylmaleimide is reported. Gel permeation chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed that the polymerization proceeded in a living manner. The scanning electron microscopy results showed that the monodisperse P(St-PhMI) RAFTPP particles with a diameter of 1.88 micrometer were successfully synthesized. The P(St-PhMI) RAFTPP showed excellent thermal stability with a high glass transition temperature and a 5 percent weight loss temperature. The surface concentration of the RAFT groups was determined to be 0.181 groups/square-nanometer due to fragmentation of the RAFT groups exposed on the particles. The small-angle neutron scattering measurements showed the particle formation mechanism, in which the swollen, growing polymer chains were consumed for particle formation. The introduction of grafted chains by surface-initiated RAFT polymerization demonstrated the possibility of further functionalization of P(St-PhMI) RAFTPP particles by exploiting their living nature.


Benchmark analysis by Beremin model and GTN model in CAF Subcommittee

名越 康人*; 深堀 拓也*; 岡田 裕*; 高橋 昭如*; 下平 昌樹; 上田 貴志*; 小川 琢矢*; 八代醍 健志*; 高橋 由紀夫*; 大畑 充*

Transactions of the 27th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 27) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2024/03

日本溶接協会CAF小委員会では、塑性拘束効果を考慮した破壊評価手法ガイドラインの策定を目指している。この評価手法では、脆性破壊を評価するためのBereminモデルと延性亀裂成長を評価するためのGTNモデルを用いる。そこで、これらの評価モデルの適用性を検証するため、CAF小委員会の参加機関によるベンチマーク解析が行われた。ベンチマーク解析は、各機関が有する有限要素解析コードを用い、2種類の低合金鋼(A及びB)の破壊試験に対して実施されてきた。本発表では、低合金鋼Bに対する解析結果を報告する。Bereminモデルにおいて、一般的なワイブル形状母数(${it m}$ = 10, 20, 30)を用いた場合、各機関で計算されたワイブル応力が概ね一致することを確認した。また、Toughness Scaling Modelに基づいて、塑性拘束度が異なる2種類の試験片を用いてワイブル形状母数${it m}$を算出した。算出されたワイブル形状母数${it m}$は解析機関によりばらつきはあったものの、最終的に算出されるワイブル応力は一致することを確認した。GTNモデルに関して、評価に用いるパラメータを1T-C(T)試験片の室温での荷重-変位関係に基づいて最適化した。最適化されたパラメータを用いてGTNモデルに基づき評価されたJ-R曲線が各機関で一致することを確認した。


Upgrade of the small-angle neutron scattering diffractometer SANS-J at JRR-3

熊田 高之; 元川 竜平; 大場 洋次郎; 中川 洋; 関根 由莉奈; Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 杉田 剛; 美留町 厚; 佐々木 未来; et al.

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(6), p.1776 - 1783, 2023/12

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:97.09(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Occurrence of radioactive cesium-rich micro-particles (CsMPs) in a school building located 2.8 km south-west of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

笛田 和希*; 小宮 樹*; 蓑毛 健太*; 堀江 憲路*; 竹原 真美*; 山崎 信哉*; 塩津 弘之; 大貫 敏彦*; Grambow, B.*; Law, G. T. W.*; et al.

Chemosphere, 328, p.138566_1 - 138566_12, 2023/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:16.39(Environmental Sciences)

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) derived radioactive Cs-rich microparticles (CsMPs) present a potential health risk through inhalation. Despite their occurrence in indoor environments impacted by the FDNPP accident, little is known about their prevalence. In this study, we quantitatively analyse the distribution and number of CsMPs in indoor dust samples collected from an elementary school located 2.8 km to the southwest of FDNPP. The school had remained untouched until 2016. Then, using a modified version of the autoradiography based "quantifying CsMPs (mQCP) method," we collected samples and determined the number of CsMPs and Cs radioactive fraction (RF) values of the microparticles (defined as total Cs activity from CsMPs / bulk Cs activity of entire sample). The numbers of CsMPs were determined to be 653 - 2570 particles/g and 296 - 1273 particles/g on the first and second floors of the school, respectively. The corresponding RFs ranged between 6.85 - 38.9 % and 4.48 - 6.61 %, respectively. The number of CsMPs and RF values in additional outdoor samples near the school building were and 23 - 63 particles/g and 1.14 - 1.61 %, respectively. The CsMPs were most abundant on the School's first floor near to the entrance, and the relative abundance was high near to the stairs on the second floor, indicating a likely CsMP dispersion path through the building. Additional wetting of the indoor samples combined with autoradiography revealed that indoor dusts had a distinct absence of intrinsic, soluble Cs species like CsOH. Combined, the results indicate that a significant amount of poorly soluble CsMPs were likely contained in initial radioactive airmass plumes from the FDNPP and that the microparticles could penetrate buildings. Clean-up plans for buildings / residential areas impacted by CsMP containing plumes, and monitoring of areas re-opened to the public, should take account of CsMPs in dusts.


Foam flotation of clay particles using a bifunctional amine surfactant

Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平; Bauduin, P.*; Girard, L.*; Diat, O.*

Langmuir, 39(31), p.10965 - 10977, 2023/07

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:74.82(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Understanding clay flotation mechanisms has become a major concern because of the increasing level of environmental contamination of soil and ground water by heavy metals and radionuclides. Clays are often used as sorbents for extracting metals in indirect flotation processes but can function simultaneously as defoamers. However, how foam generation and stability depend on the molecular interactions between the clays and surfactant is still controversial. In the present study, an amine polyethoxylated surfactant was used as a bifunctional surfactant that collected clay particles and acted as a foaming agent in the flotation process. The pH conditions strongly affected the surfactant physicochemical properties, allowing the clay extraction efficiency to be tuned. The interfacial recovery factor of the clays almost reached 100 percent under acidic (pH lower than 6) and neutral (pH 6-10) conditions, whereas it was negative under alkaline conditions (pH higher than 10), contrary to expectations. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in the particle flotation process for each of the pH conditions, the bulk and foam phases were analyzed. The effects of electrostatic interactions between the solutes and multiscale structure on the clay extraction behavior were investigated by electrophoretic measurements, dynamic light scattering, small-angle neutron scattering, and image analysis. Based on these results, three flotation processes were found depending on pH range: surfactant foam fractionation at pH higher than 10; clay particle foam flotation at pH 6-10; and particle froth flotation at pH lower than 6.


A Novel method for processing noisy magnetotelluric data based on independence of signal sources and continuity of response functions

小川 大輝; 浅森 浩一; 根木 健之*; 上田 匠*

Journal of Applied Geophysics, 213, p.105012_1 - 105012_17, 2023/06

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:50.21(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)



Investigation of niobium surface roughness and hydrogen content with different polishing conditions for performance recovery of superconducting QWRs in JAEA Tokai-Tandem Accelerator

神谷 潤一郎; 仁井 啓介*; 株本 裕史; 近藤 恭弘; 田村 潤; 原田 寛之; 松井 泰; 松田 誠; 守屋 克洋; 井田 義明*; et al.

e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (Internet), 21(4), p.344 - 349, 2023/05

原子力機構東海タンデム加速器には、40台の超伝導Quarter Wave Resonator(QWR)によって重イオンを10MeV/uまで加速するブースターリニアックがあるが、2011年の震災以降、運転を停止している。近年ウラン等のより重い核種を加速するため、タンデム加速器のアップグレードが精力的に検討され、QWR再稼働の必要性が高まっている。現在、運転時に必要な加速電圧とQ値を得るため、QWR内面荒さを低減するための電解研磨条件を検証している。一方で電解研磨はNb中水素を増加させ、水素病と呼ばれるQ値の減少を引き起こす可能性がある。真空中高温焼鈍で水素を放出させることで水素病を抑えることができるが、QWRのクラッド材を構成するNbとCuの熱膨張差による空洞破損の危険性がある。そのため表面粗さの低減とNbバルク中の水素の増加を最小限に抑えるため、研磨条件を最適化する必要がある。我々はこれまで水素吸蔵量および脱離機構を昇温脱離分析(TDS)により検証できることに着目し、研究を行ってきた。発表では異なる条件で研磨したNb材料のTDS結果、表面観察結果、表面粗さの相関について得られた成果を発表する。


Hierarchical aggregation in a complex fluid; The Role of isomeric interconversion

Massey, D.*; Williams, C. D.*; Mu, J.*; Masters, A. J.*; 元川 竜平; 青柳 登; 上田 祐生; Antonio, M. R.*

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(9), p.2052 - 2065, 2023/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:24.79(Chemistry, Physical)

There is an ever-increasing body of evidence that metallic complexes, involving amphiphilic ligands, do not form normal solutions in organic solvents. Instead, they form complex fluids with intricate structures. For example, the metallic complexes may aggregate into clusters and these clusters themselves may aggregate into super-clusters. In order to gain a deeper insight into the mechanisms at play, we have used an improved force field to conduct extensive molecular dynamics simulations of a system composed of zirconium nitrate, water, nitric acid, tri-$$n$$-butyl phosphate and $$n$$-octane. The important new finding is that a dynamic equilibrium between the cis and trans isomers of the metal complex is likely to play a key role in the aggregation behavior. The isolated cis and trans isomers have similar energies but simulation indicates that the clusters consist predominantly of cis isomers. With increasing metal concentration, we hypothesize that more clustering occurs and the chemical equilibrium shifts towards the cis isomer. It is possible that such isomeric effects play a role in the liquid-liquid extraction of other species and the inclusion of such effects in flowsheet modelling may lead to a better description of the process.


Deuterated malonamide synthesis for fundamental research on solvent extraction systems

Micheau, C.; 上田 祐生; 阿久津 和宏*; Bourgeois, D.*; 元川 竜平

Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, 41(2), p.221 - 240, 2023/02

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:56.38(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Malonamide derivatives, which are among the most extensively investigated extractants in solvent extraction of lanthanoids, actinides, and platinum group metal ions, were deuterated by using Pd/C and Rh/C catalysts with a D$$_{2}$$O/2-propanol mixture. This method enables to replace the hydrogen atoms by deuterium atoms in the malonamide chemical structure with a controllable deuteration rate. The maximum rate reaches 75 percent approximately, determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. In addition, it has been demonstrated that extraction behavior of the malonamide molecules remains unchanged after the deuteration procedure. Deuterated malonamides should be a powerful tool for fundamental researches on solvent extraction systems, in particular, for structural analysis of the organic phases. The large difference in the neutron scattering cross-section between hydrogen and deuterium leads to a large difference in neutron scattering length density of the malonamide derivatives before and after the deuteration reaction. Therefore, using deuterated malonamides in small-angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectivity studies could give access to the nanoscopic structure of the specific solute species in the bulk organic phase and at the liquid-liquid interface, respectively. This deuteration method could become a general one and be extended to a wide variety of extractant molecules. In this way this work contributes to the development of the fundamental researches in solvent extraction systems.



仁井 啓介*; 井田 義明*; 上田 英貴*; 山口 隆宣*; 株本 裕史; 神谷 潤一郎; 近藤 恭弘; 田村 潤; 原田 寛之; 松井 泰; et al.

Proceedings of 19th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.601 - 604, 2023/01



Tough yet flexible superelastic alloys meet biomedical needs

Xu, X.*; 大平 拓実*; Xu, S.*; 平田 研二*; 大森 俊洋*; 植木 洸輔*; 上田 恭介*; 成島 尚之*; 長迫 実*; 貝沼 亮介*; et al.

Advanced Materials & Processes, 180(7), p.35 - 37, 2022/10

Metallic biomaterials are widely used to replace or support failing hard tissues due to excellent mechanical properties and high wear resistance, with demand increasing as the global population continues to age. It is widely accepted that successful metallic biomaterials should have good biocompatibility, high corrosion resistance, and strong wear resistance. In addition, a low Young's modulus similar to human bone is now recognized as another important factor, in order to avoid bone atrophy due to the stress shielding effect. While the Young's modulus of stainless steels and conventional fcc CoCr alloys is as high as 190-240 GPa, for $$beta$$-type Ti-base alloys it is generally in the range of 50-80 GPa. Young's modulus values are as low as 35 GPa for Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr, close to that of human bone at approximately 10-30 GPa. However, Ti-base alloys come with the compromise of low wear resistance. In fact, alloys that feature a low Young's modulus along with high wear resistance have been difficult to realize. This article explores the recently developed bcc CoCr-base alloy Co-Cr-Al-Si as a potential solution to these issues, i.e., the difficulty in combining a low Young's modulus with high wear resistance, and the challenge of realizing large superelastic strains.


Flexible and tough superelastic Co-Cr alloys for biomedical applications

大平 拓実*; Xu, S.*; 平田 研二*; Xu, X.*; 大森 俊洋*; 植木 洸輔*; 上田 恭介*; 成島 尚之*; 長迫 実*; Harjo, S.; et al.

Advanced Materials, 34(27), p.2202305_1 - 2202305_11, 2022/07

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:89.76(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The demand for biomaterials has been increasing along with the increase in the population of elderly people worldwide. The mechanical properties and high wear resistance of metallic biomaterials makes them well-suited for use as substitutes or as support for damaged hard tissues. However, unless these biomaterials also have a low Young's modulus similar to that of human bones, bone atrophy inevitably occurs. Because a low Young's modulus is typically associated with poor wear resistance, it is difficult to realize a low Young's modulus and high wear resistance simultaneously. Also, the superelastic property of shape memory alloys makes them suitable for biomedical applications, like vascular stents and guide wires. However, due to the low recoverable strain of conventional biocompatible shape memory alloys, the demand for a new alloy system is high. The novel body-center-cubic cobalt-chromium-based alloys in this paper provide a solution to both of these problems. We believe our novel alloys are promising candidates for biomedical applications.


Polymer photonic crystals prepared by triblock copolymerization-induced ${it in situ}$ microphase separation

磯崎 祐嘉*; 東原口 誠也*; 金子 直矢*; 山崎 駿*; 谷口 竜王*; 唐津 孝*; 上田 祐生; 元川 竜平

Chemistry Letters, 51(6), p.625 - 628, 2022/06

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:26.39(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Polymer photonic crystals (PPCs) that selectively reflect visible light were prepared by triblock polymerization-induced ${it in situ}$ microphase separation via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization. The addition of homopolymer to the polymerization system swelled a specific phase of the microdomains, enabling the preparation of PPCs with long-wavelength structural colors. Small-angle neutron scattering confirmed the increase in the domain spacing of the lamellar microdomains with the addition of homopolymer, while maintaining their morphology.

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