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Journal Articles

Development of zwitterionic monolithic column for hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and its application to the separation of catecholamines and related compounds

Kamiya, Yoshiki*; Shin, S.*; Sabarudin, A.*; Umemura, Tomonari*; Ueki, Yuji; Tamada, Masao

JAEA-Review 2010-065, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2009, P. 42, 2011/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of high-throughput analysis system using highly-functional organic polymer monoliths

Umemura, Tomonari*; Kojima, Norihisa*; Ueki, Yuji

Bunseki Kagaku, 57(7), p.517 - 529, 2008/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:4.13(Chemistry, Analytical)

The growing demand for high-throughput analysis in the current competitive life sciences and industries has promoted the development of high-speed HPLC techniques and tools. As one of such tools, monolithic columns have attracted increasing attention and interest in the last decade due to the low flow-resistance and excellent mass transfer, allowing for rapid separations and reactions at high flow rates with minimal loss of column efficiency. In the present paper, recent progress in the development of organic polymer monoliths is discussed. Especially, the procedure for the preparation of methacrylate-based monoliths with various functional groups is described. Furthermore, the performance of the produced monoliths is demonstrated through the results for (1) rapid separations of alkylbenzenes at high flow rates, (2) flow-through enzymatic digestion of cytochrome c on a trypsin-immobilized monolithic column, and (3) separation of the tryptic digest on a reversed-phase monolithic column.

Journal Articles

Hexyl methacrylate-based monolithic columns prepared by radiation-induced polymerization

Ueki, Yuji; Umemura, Tomonari*; Iwashita, Yoshikazu*; Hotta, Hiroki*; Odake, Tamao*; Tsunoda, Kinichi*; Katakai, Akio; Tamada, Masao

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 58, 2007/02

In late years, the studies on monolithic columns, which consist of porous material with through-pore of a few micrometer dimensions, have been vigorously performed for rapid and high-resolution separations. Monolithic capillary columns for reversed-phase liquid chromatography were directly prepared by $$gamma$$ ray-induced polymerization of hexyl methacrylate (HMA) and ethylene dimethacrylate in the fused silica capillaries, 0.25 mm in inner diameter. High separation efficiency of the monolithic columns were realized when the columns were prepared in the condition of 10 kGy irradaiation, total monomer concentration of 20% inclusive 25% crosslinker. The produced HMA-based monolithic columns were composed of adhered polymer particles, 1 $$mu$$m and less than in diameter. The pressure drop of column, this 200 mm long, was below 2.0 MPa at linear velocity of 1 mm s$$^{-1}$$. The height equivalent to a theoretical plate was approximately 30 $$mu$$m for the five kinds of alkylbenzenes.

Journal Articles

Decomposition of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by potassium permanganate and $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

Abe, Yasuhiro*; Takigami, Machiko; Sugino, Koji*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Kojima, Takuji; Umemura, Tomonari*; Tsunoda, Kinichi*

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 76(8), p.1681 - 1685, 2003/08

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:26.42(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

The decomposition of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (P-EDCs), such as phenol, 4-butylphenol (BuP), and bisphenol A (BPA), in aqueous solutions by potassium permanganate (KMnO$$_{4}$$) was studied and its efficiency was compared with that of hydroxyl radicals (OH$$^{.}$$) generated by $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-ray irradiation. Various organic acids and inorganic carbon were formed in the decomposition of P-EDCs due to either KMnO$$_{4}$$ or OH$$^{.}$$. They were formed via direct aromatic ring cleavage in the case of KMnO$$_{4}$$ and OH$$^{.}$$ addition-substitution reactions followed by aromatic ring cleavage in the case of OH$$^{.}$$. Comparing the decrease in the P-EDCs based on the number of electrons, the amount of KMnO$$_{4}$$ spent to completely eliminate BuP and BPA was comparable to the amount of OH$$^{.}$$. Although three times more KMnO$$_{4}$$ was needed for phenol than OH$$^{.}$$, the complete conversion of phenol into organic acids and inorganic carbon was achieved with 720$$mu$$M of electrons in both cases.

Oral presentation

Development of active polymer monoliths for proteomics

Umemura, Tomonari*; Wakita, Yoshinori*; Kojima, Norihisa*; Ueki, Yuji; Katakai, Akio; Tamada, Masao; Tsunoda, Kinichi*; Haraguchi, Hiroki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Structure control of monolith by radiation polymerization technique and applications to omics research

Umemura, Tomonari*; Syu, S.*; Okubo, Katsuki*; Sakagawa, Shinnosuke*; Ueki, Yuji; Seko, Noriaki; Tamada, Masao

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Preparation and characterization of methacrylate-based semi-micro monolithic columns for reversed-phase liquid chromatography

Ueki, Yuji; Sato, Harutomo*; Iwashita, Yoshikazu*; Hotta, Hiroki*; Odake, Tamao*; Tsunoda, Kinichi*; Umemura, Tomonari*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Organic polymer-based monolithic columns prepared by radiation-induced polymerization

Ueki, Yuji*; Iwashita, Yoshikazu*; Hotta, Hiroki*; Odake, Tamao*; Tsunoda, Kinichi*; Umemura, Tomonari*; Katakai, Akio; Tamada, Masao

no journal, , 

The studies on monolith columns, which consist of polymer medium with through-pore ($$sim$$ $$mu$$m), have been vigorously performed to aim at rapid and high-resolution separation of organic materials. The monoliths are directly synthesized in fused silica capillaries by thermal polymerization. It is difficult to prepare the homogeneous monoliths by thermal polymerization, because of the heterogeneity of heat transfer and initiator dispersion. In the present paper, polymer monoliths were prepared by $$gamma$$-rays irradiation. As a result, homogeneous monoliths, which composed of adhered particulate of polymer $$sim$$ 1 $$mu$$m in diameter. The highest separation of the monolith column was obtained at 10 kGy irradiation when the total concentration of monomers and cross-linker were charged at 20 and 25%, respectively.

Oral presentation

Preparation and characterization of organic polymer-based monolithic columns prepared by radiation-induced polymerization

Ueki, Yuji; Katakai, Akio; Tamada, Masao; Iwashita, Yoshikazu*; Hotta, Hiroki*; Odake, Tamao*; Tsunoda, Kinichi*; Umemura, Tomonari*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

9 (Records 1-9 displayed on this page)
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