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Journal Articles

Application of transition-edge sensors for micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy; a case study of uranium speciation in biotite obtained from a uranium mine

Yomogida, Takumi; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Okumura, Takuma*; Yamada, Shinya*; Tatsuno, Hideyuki*; Noda, Hirofumi*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Okada, Shinji*; Takatori, Sayuri*; Isobe, Tadaaki*; et al.

Analyst, 149(10), p.2932 - 2941, 2024/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Analytical)

In this study, we successfully applied a transition-edge sensor (TES) spectrometer as a detector for microbeam X-ray measurements from a synchrotron X-ray light source to determine uranium (U) distribution at the micro-scale and its chemical species in biotite obtained from the U mine. It is difficult to separate the fluorescent X-ray of the U L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$ line at 13.615 keV from that of the Rb K$$alpha$$ line at 13.395 keV in the X-ray fluorescence spectrum with an energy resolution of approximately 220 eV of the conventional silicon drift detector (SDD). Meanwhile, the fluorescent X-rays of U L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$ and Rb K$$alpha$$ were fully separated by TES with 50 eV energy resolution at the energy of around 13 keV. The successful peak separation by TES led to an accurate mapping analysis of trace U in micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and a decrease in the signal-to-background ratio in micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy.

Journal Articles

High-sensitive XANES analysis at Ce L$$_{2}$$-edge for Ce in bauxites using transition-edge sensors; Implications for Ti-rich geological samples

Li, W.*; Yamada, Shinya*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Okumura, Takuma*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Nitta, Kiyofumi*; Sekizawa, Oki*; Suga, Hiroki*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; et al.

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1240, p.340755_1 - 340755_9, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:60.11(Chemistry, Analytical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Electronic effects of nitrogen atoms of supports on Pt-Ni rhombic dodecahedral nanoframes for oxygen reduction

Kato, Masaru*; Nakahoshiba, Ryota*; Ogura, Kazuya*; Tokuda, Shoichi*; Yasuda, Satoshi; Higashi, Kotaro*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Uemura, Yohei*; Yagi, Ichizo*

ACS Applied Energy Materials (Internet), 3(7), p.6768 - 6774, 2020/07

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:59.89(Chemistry, Physical)

To understand electronic effects of nitrogen-doped and polymer-coated carbon supports on the catalytic activity of Pt-based nanostructured catalysts, we prepared Pt$$_{3}$$Ni nanoframes (NFs) supported on polybenzimidazole (PBI)-coated and uncoated carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), and then compared their catalytic activities and electronic properties with those of NFs immobilized on nitrogen-doped and undoped carbon supports. Although both PBI-coating and nitrogen-doping approaches improved the catalytic activity of NFs, ${it ex situ}$ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ${it in situ}$ X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed that nitrogen doping showed electronic effects on NFs, whereas PBI-coating showed almost no impact on the electronic state of NFs but stabilized Pt(OH)$$_{rm ad}$$ species under electrochemical conditions. Our studies demonstrate that difference in microscopic environments of nitrogen atoms at the catalyst/support interface is highly sensitive to the electronic effects of supports on Pt-based electrocatalysts.

Journal Articles

Phase-change materials; Vibrational softening upon crystallization and its impact on thermal properties

Matsunaga, Toshiyuki*; Yamada, Noboru*; Kojima, Rie*; Shamoto, Shinichi; Sato, Masugu*; Tanida, Hajime*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Kohara, Shinji*; Takata, Masaki*; Zalden, P.*; et al.

Advanced Functional Materials, 21(12), p.2232 - 2239, 2011/06

 Times Cited Count:121 Percentile:95.53(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Thermal properties of the amorphous and crystalline state of phase-change materials show remarkable differences such as higher thermal displacements and a more pronounced anharmonic behavior in the crystalline phase. These findings are related to the change of bonding upon crystallization.

Journal Articles

Depth-resolved XAFS analysis of SrTiO$$_3$$ thin film

Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Tanida, Hajime*; Takagaki, Masafumi*; Uruga, Tomoya*

Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 35(1), p.99 - 102, 2010/03

Depth dependency of local structure of SrTiO$$_3$$ thin film was investigated by X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). In epitaxial thin films, a large strain exists between substrates and grown films. The expitaxial strain is the largest in the interface and it is relaxed as parting from the substrate. The lattice parameter of the grown film changes depending on the lattice strain. We performed depth-resolved XAFS measurements on SrTiO$$_3$$ thin film grown on LaAlO$$_3$$ substrate. The depth-resolved XAFS can extract the local structures around the surface and inner regions separately. It was clarified that the bond distance between Sr and O changed greatly depending on the depth. On the other hand, the bond distance between Sr and Ti unchanged.

Journal Articles

Neutron diffraction and X-ray absorption study of Ag$$_{5}$$Pb$$_{2}$$O$$_{6}$$

Yoshii, Kenji; Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Kato, Kazuo*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Abe, Hideki*; Nakamura, Akio; Shimojo, Yutaka; Ishii, Yoshinobu; Morii, Yukio

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 180(1), p.377 - 381, 2007/01

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:23.37(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Pressure-induced site-selective disordering of Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$; A New insight into phase-change optical recording

Kolobov, A.*; Haines, J.*; Pradel, A.*; Ribes, M.*; Fons, P.*; Tominaga, Junji*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Hammounda, T.*; Uruga, Tomoya*

Physical Review Letters, 97(3), p.035701_1 - 035701_4, 2006/07

 Times Cited Count:95 Percentile:92.14(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We demonstrate that Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$ (GST), the material of choice in phase-change optical recording (such as DVD-RAM) can be rendered amorphous by the application of hydrostatic pressure. It is argued that this structural change is due to a very strong second-nearest neighbor Te-Te interaction that determines the long-range order in the metastable cubic phase of GST and also to the presence of vacancies. This newly discovered phenomenon suggests that pressure is an important factor for the formation of the amorphous phase which opens new insight into the mechanism of phase-change optical recording.

Journal Articles

Investigation of structural and electronic properties in Ru perovskite oxides by XAFS measurements

Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Yoshii, Kenji; Hinatsu, Yukio*; Doi, Yoshihiro*; Uruga, Tomoya*

Physica Scripta, T115, p.513 - 515, 2005/00

The electronic and structural properties of Ru oxides were investigated by utilizing X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). We estimate the valence of Ru in perovskite ruthenium oxides by XAS measurements. XAS measurements were carried out at room temperature around Ru K-edge. The valence of Ru in $$A$$$$_{2}$$ ($$A$$ = Ba, Sr)LnRuO$$_{6}$$ and $$A$$ ($$A$$ = Ca, Ba, Sr)RuO$$_{3}$$ was 4+. The valence of Ru in Ln$$_{3}$$RuO$$_{7}$$ was 5+. The valence of Ru in PbRuO$$_{3}$$ showed an intermediate value between 4+ and 5+. Theoretical calculation reproduced the experimental spectra. We analyzed XAS spectra and obtained information of local structure. The bond length between Ru and O was consistent with the results of neutron diffraction.

Journal Articles

Beamline for surface and interface structures at SPring-8

Sakata, Osami*; Furukawa, Yukito*; Goto, Shunji*; Mochizuki, Tetsuro*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Takeshita, Kunikazu*; Ohashi, Haruhiko*; Ohata, Toru*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*; Takahashi, Sunao*; et al.

Surface Review and Letters, 10(2&3), p.543 - 547, 2003/04

 Times Cited Count:143 Percentile:96.32(Chemistry, Physical)

The main components of a new beamline for surface and interface crystal structure determination at SPring-8 are briefly described. Stages for the beamline monochromator are modified for making an incident X-ray intensity more stable for surface X-ray experiments. Absolute photon flux densities were measured with an incident photon energy. A new ultrahigh vacuum system is introduced with preliminary X-ray measurements from an ordered oxygen on Pt(111) surface.

Journal Articles

Standard X-ray mirror systems for SPring-8 beamlines

Uruga, Tomoya*; Tanida, Hajime*; Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Takeshita, K.*; Goto, Shunji*; Ishikawa, Tetsuya*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 467-468(Part1), p.782 - 784, 2001/07

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:55.50(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

EXAFS spectra above Pb and Pt $${it K}$$ edges observed at low temperature

Nishihata, Yasuo; Mizuki, Junichiro; Emura, Shuichi*; Uruga, Tomoya*

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 8, p.294 - 296, 2001/03

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:43.21(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

EXAFS study on local structural changes in amorphous Fe-Zr-B alloys

Nakata, Yoshiyuki*; Hara, Naoyuki*; Hirotsu, Yoshihiko*; Emura, Shuichi*; Makino, Akihiro*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Harada, Makoto*; Nishihata, Yasuo; Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Kubozono, Yoshihiro*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38(Suppl.38-1), p.404 - 407, 1999/06

The EXAFS spectra on Zr K-edge are investigated for as-formed Fe-7at%Zr-3at%B amorphous alloys and annealed ones at 693 K and 773 K for an hour in order to reveal local structural changes due to annealing. The analysis shows that the atomic distances of Fe-Zr and Zr-Zr pairs increase during annealing and approach those in a Fe3Zr or/and Fe2Zr metallic comound. The change in the atomic distances suggests that medium range ordered clusters should be formed during annealing.

Journal Articles

XAFS study on RbC$$_{60}$$

Kubozono, Yoshihiro*; Mimura, Kazue*; Takabayashi, Yasuhiro*; Maeda, Hironobu*; Kashino, Setsuo*; Emura, Shuichi*; Nishihata, Yasuo; Uruga, Tomoya*; Tanaka, Tsunehiro*; Takahashi, Masao*

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 6(Part3), p.564 - 566, 1999/05

The Rb K-edge XAFS spectra for the stable phase of RbC60 which is a quasi one-dimensional polymer were measured in the temperature range from 14.6 to 210 K in order to clarify the origin of the metal-insulator transition around 50 K. The distances and mean-square relative displacements between the Rb atom and the neighboring C atoms determined by XAFS exhibited no change around 50 K, implying that the metal-insulator transition originates from the SDW instablity.

Journal Articles

The XAFS beamline BL01B1 at SPring-8

Uruga, Tomoya*; Tanida, Hajime*; Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Takeshita, Kunikazu*; Emura, Shuichi*; Takahashi, Masao*; Harada, Makoto*; Nishihata, Yasuo; Kubozono, Yoshihiro*; Tanaka, Tsunehiro*; et al.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 6(Part3), p.143 - 145, 1999/05

An x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) spectroscopy beamline, BL01B1, was installed at a bending magnet source at SPring-8 and has been open to users since October 1997. It was designed for XAFS experiments covering a wide energy range. Position tables and automatical control programs were established to adjust the x-ray optics and achieve the designed performance of the beamline under each experimental condition. This has enabled conventional XAFS measurements to be made with a good data quality from 4.5 to 110 keV.

Journal Articles

Eu ${it K}$-XAFS of europium dioxymonocyanamide with the convension He$$^+$$ ion yield method

Takahashi, Masao*; Harada, Makoto*; Watanabe, Iwao*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Tanida, Hajime*; Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Emura, Shuichi*; Tanaka, Tsunehiro*; Kimura, Hidekazu*; Kubozono, Yoshihiro*; et al.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 6(3), p.222 - 224, 1999/05

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:60.84(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Elucidation of the reduction of uranium in biotite by advanced X-ray spectroscopy

Yomogida, Takumi; Yamada, Shinya*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; Sato, Toshiki*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Okada, Shinji*; Toyama, Yuichi*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Noda, Hirofumi*; Isobe, Tadaaki*; et al.

no journal, , 

The reduction of uranium on biotite was studied to obtain insight into the immobilization of uranium in the environment. The chemical species of uranium in biotite were studied using a superconducting transition edge sensor and an X-ray emission spectrometer to remove interference from rubidium in biotite. As a result, the speciation of uranium in biotite collected from former uranium deposits was possible. The XANES spectra of the biotite indicated that the uranium in the biotite was partially reduced.

Oral presentation

Analysis of uranium in environmental samples by micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy using transition edge sensors

Yomogida, Takumi; Yamada, Shinya*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; Sato, Toshiki*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Okada, Shinji*; Toyama, Yuichi*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Noda, Hirofumi*; Isobe, Tadaaki*; et al.

no journal, , 

Biotite is known as a host phase that retains uranium (U) in uranium deposits at Ningyo-Toge and Tono, and it is expected that the distribution of U in biotite will provide insight into the concentration and long-term immobilization of U. However, biotite contains rubidium (Rb), which interferes with X-ray fluorescence analysis, making it difficult to accurately determine the distribution of U-Rb in biotite by measurement using a conventional solid state detector (SSD). In this study, we developed a method to use a transition edge sensor (TES) as a detector in microbeam X-ray fluorescence analysis, which enables us to detect X-ray fluorescence with an energy resolution of about 20 eV and to obtain a Rb K$$alpha$$ line at 13.373 keV and a U L$$alpha$$ line at 13.612 keV can be completely separated. Therefore,the developed method enables us to accurately determine the distribution of U-Rb in biotite.

Oral presentation

Depth resolved XAFS study on SrTiO$$_3$$ thin film

Yoneda, Yasuhiro; Uruga, Tomoya*; Tanida, Hajime*; Takagaki, Masafumi*

no journal, , 

Depth dependency of local structure of SrTiO$$_3$$ thin film was investigated by X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). In epitaxial thin films, a large strain exists between substrates and grown films. The epitaxial strain is the largest in the interface and it is relaxed as parting from the substrate. The lattice parameter of the grown film changes depending on the lattice strain. We performed depth-resolved XAFS measurements on SrTiO$$_3$$ thin film grown on LaAlO$$_3$$ substrate. The depth-resolved XAFS can extract the local structures around the surface and inner regions separately. It was clarified that the bond distance between Sr and O changed greatly depending on the depth. On the other hand, the bond distance between Sr and Ti unchanged.

18 (Records 1-18 displayed on this page)
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