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Tanaka, Seiya*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Ishikawa, Yoshihisa*; Amako, Yasushi*; Iiyama, Taku*; Futamura, Ryusuke*; Maruyama, Kenichi*; Utsumi, Shigenori*
Physical Review Materials (Internet), 7(1), p.014403_1 - 014403_11, 2023/01
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Maruyama, Kenichi*; Tanaka, Seiya*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Nakao, Akiko*; Moriyama, Kentaro*; Ishikawa, Yoshihisa*; Amako, Yasushi*; Iiyama, Taku*; Futamura, Ryusuke*; Utsumi, Shigenori*; et al.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 892, p.162125_1 - 162125_8, 2022/02
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:11.94(Chemistry, Physical)Utsumi, Shigenori*; Tanaka, Seiya*; Maruyama, Kenichi*; Amako, Yasushi*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji; Nakao, Akiko*; Moriyama, Kentaro*; Ishikawa, Yoshihisa*; 9 of others*
ACS Omega (Internet), 5(38), p.24890 - 24897, 2020/09
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:21.95(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Fabricating large, high-crystalline-quality single-crystal samples of hexagonal ferrite Ba(FeSc
is the first important step to elucidating its helimagnetic structure and developing it for further applications. In this study, single crystals of Ba(Fe
of various Sc concentrations
were successfully grown by the spontaneous crystallization method using Na
flux. X-ray diffraction and elemental analysis revealed that the obtained crystals were composed of single-phase Ba(Fe
of high crystalline quality. The temperature dependence of magnetization and the magnetization curves at 77 K of the
= 0.128 crystal exhibited behavior characteristics of helimagnetism. Neutron diffraction measurements of the
= 0.128 crystal exhibited magnetic satellite reflection peaks below 211K, proving evidence that Ba(Fe
behaves as a helimagnetic material.
Utsumi, Yuki*; Sato, Hitoshi*; Kurihara, Hidenao*; Maso, Hiroyuki*; Hiraoka, Koichi*; Kojima, Kenichi*; Tobimatsu, Komei*; Okochi, Takuo*; Fujimori, Shinichi; Takeda, Yukiharu; et al.
Physical Review B, 84(11), p.115143_1 - 115143_7, 2011/09
Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:45.83(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We have studied conduction-band (CB) electronic states of a typical valence-transition compound YbInCu by means of temperature-dependent hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HX-PES), soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), and soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (SX-PES) of the valence band. We have described the valence transition in YbInCu
in terms of the charge transfer from the CB to Yb 4